########r/entitledparents######## {5319 points} r/entitledparents has reached 300,000 subscribers. We couldn't have done it without our friends at YouTube. --------------------------------- This sub has gone from less than 20k subscribers at the beginning of the year to 300k in less than 2 months. Good job. Now go post your god-forsaken memes at r/entitledparentsmemes. Check out some of our affiliates in the sidebar. Get off reddit and go build a boat. ================================= {1812 points} Entitled parent wont let me sit at the front of my mothers funeral. --------------------------------- (Story happened a few months ago, the dialogue will not be the exact same) This wouldve been my second funeral, the first being my fathers two years ago when I was twelve. Lets just say I do not know anything about funerals, and Im not a Christian/Catholic so I know nothing of the traditional type. According to Burialplanning.com, Funeral Seating Guidelines. At many funerals, relatives of the deceased sit on the right side. Friends, acquaintances, co-workers, and others typically sit on the left. The front rows are reserved for close relatives. Anyway, heres the story. I had just arrived at my mothers funeral. Well, it wasnt that time yet. It was an hour or two before it shouldve started. My aunt, my legal guardian, helped me set up flowers and pictures of my mom while she made sure chairs were in order. We had decided on a small, outdoor funeral that had no workers. Just guests. We had the wake earlier, so that was in order. My uncle, blind since birth, was there more for emotional support for me and my aunt rather than helping with adjusting things. There were maybe around 20-30 seats, keeping it small on purpose. There are an exact number of seats, with no guests canceling yet. Fast forward to the actual funeral. / It was very quiet, with only small murmurs and sobs. It was held in a park, near a lake that my mother and her parents used to go to fish. The park was a place for reservations, so there were no other people in the general area, besides the barbecue area a far amount away. So you can get the idea of how quiet it was. Out of nowhere, we hear a loud engine of a car. The car parks in the parking not too far from us. It was a white Subaru with Fortnite bumper stickers all over the back (this doesnt have to do with the story, just wanted to add a comedic break.) A lady, the EM, walks out of the car with her three kids. One of which, was a crying infant in her stroller. (This story isnt about the kids, who were angels. The baby was adorable and I didnt mind her crying.) I looked over at the woman and stared confused at my aunt and older cousin. I think thats your moms friend, EM, My aunt whispers. My cousin and her boyfriend stared at the ladys small soccer jersey, which showed her bare stomach. She walks over to the very front of the seats. She looks surprised, for some strange reason, that four empty seats arent at the front. There were four-five empty seats at the mid-back, left side. I wipe my face of tears and try to smile at her. Hi, are you my moms friend? Yes, I am. Who are you and why are you sitting at the front of my best friends wake? 1. How does she not know who I am? Im my parents only child. 2. This lady was not my moms best friend. If she was, I wouldve definitely met her. 3. This is not a wake. Can I talk to you for a second? Asked my cousins boyfriend. He pulls EM aside and has her two older kids stand at my side. While the other guests chat confused for a few minutes, I talk to EMs kids. There was supposed to be some talking at the front, of course, and it was held back. We have seats over there for you and your kids. There is no room at the front, which is relatives only. I heard my cousin say to EM. EM nodded and walked back over to her kids. Who are you anyway? She asked me. I began to talk, but she then readjusts her baby and holds her differently, then begins to talk to her other two kids. You can sit over there, she says to her kids, pointing to empty seats. Ill sit in her spot. She then points to me. Uncle, can you start the speech? I plead, hoping for something to happen before I completely engross my time into this woman. He agrees and goes to the very front by the coffin. (Talked to my non-blind uncle, just for context.) Can you get up? Asked EM. Why cant you go sit back there? Asked my aunt, before I could even answer. If you keep acting like this, EM, youll have to leave. Why do you have to sit at the front? I bet you arent even a relative. Maybe a niece at most. I was (my moms) best friend and I should sit up here. Why should I sit at the back? Thats, like, for her co-workers. EM said, crossing her arms. Her kids visibly tensed and sent apologetic glares over at me and my family. Shes her daughter! My aunt whisper-yelled, EMs eyes widened and her mouth hung slightly open. She grabbed her kids arms and yanked them to the back seats. Although this was so much of a scene, we didnt want to make it a bigger one by following EM and making her leave. Your mother wouldnt have wanted any confrontation, is what my aunt said. My uncle went on with his speech and then called me up, since I was the closest family. During my entire talk, which was long I have to say, EM sent me the stink eye. Edit: Thank you all for your condolences. I really appreciate it. Im also thankful that a platform and community like this exists so I can share my story. :) Edit 2: Thank you so much to the kind stranger who gave silver. ================================= {5774 points} ED is upset when I won't let his son play with my daughter's heart monitor --------------------------------- As requested, another EP story featuring my kids' health issues. This is a bit of a long one. ​ When my oldest daughter was born, she had some significant heart problems. NICU for a while and then at 10 weeks old, she developed supraventricular tachycardia which basically means that her heart would beat excessively for no reason at all. She was in pediatric ICU for two weeks after nearly dying from organ failure (she's fine now). ​ This particular incident happened about a week after she was released from ICU. She'd been sent home with a portable heart monitor. We went to the cardiologist once a week for the batteries on the monitor to be changed and the readings to be checked. ​ On this day, we were sitting in the waiting room at the pediatric cardiology office. Wait times were insane here, as there are only two doctors for the entire region and it wasn't unusual to wait 30 minutes or longer for an appointment. Entitled Dad and Bratty Kid were the only other ones there. ​ But, here we are in the waiting room. My daughter is asleep in her carseat carrier and I'm lightly half dozing. Something touched my knee. I look down and Bratty Kid is there. ​ Me: Hi! ​ BK: Is that a real baby? ​ Me: (laughing) Yes, it is. ​ BK: Is it a boy? ​ My daughter was dressed in a yellow sleeper with pink strawberries on it. Lacy pink socks. Pink hat. ​ Me: No, it's a girl. ​ BK: What's that? ​ He's pointing to the heart monitor. ​ Me: That's to make sure her heart is beating right. ​ BK: Can I play with it? ​ Me: No. Sorry, it's not a toy. ​ BK: I'm bored. ​ I looked across the room and the dad is flat out asleep. He's actually snoring. ​ Me: Why don't you go talk to your dad, then? ​ At this moment, I'm called up to the insurance desk to fill out another form. BK had gone back to his dad, so I left my baby there as I was only about four feet away. I turn to go sit down and ED is awake and walking toward me. ​ ED: Do you have a toy my son can play with? ​ Me: Nope, sorry. ​ ED: He says you do. Give it to him. ​ Me: I don't. ​ ED: I need a nap. Just give him the toy so I can go back to sleep. ​ Me: There is no toy. You should have brought one for him if you wanted to sleep so bad. If looks could kill....He went back to his side of the room and I sit down. About another ten minutes pass. Daughter is awake now and hungry. I'm digging through the diaper bag. As a first time mom with a child in and out of the hospital, I hadn't had the time or energy to develop a system for the bag yet, so it took me a minute. By the time I'd found what I needed, my daughter was screaming and so was her heart monitor...the cords of which are in BK's hand. The loud beeps from the disconnected monitor wake up ED. ​ ED shoots out of his chair. ​ ED: The fuck is that? ​ I don't even get time to answer before a nurse rushes out to us. She drops to the floor to check my daughter. Meanwhile I snatch the heart monitor from BK's hand. ​ BK: That's mine. Give it back. ​ ED: Why are you taking his toys from him? ​ Me: Go back to sleep. It's all you seem to be good for. ​ He grabs my arm and yanks the monitor from me to give it back to the kid who promptly drops it. ​ Nurse: (picking up the monitor) You need to leave now. This is sensitive medical equipment. If it's damaged, we're billing you for it. ​ ED: You have no right to talk to me like that. Do you know who I am? ​ Nurse: You're the guy who's about to get arrested if you don't leave now. ​ On his way out, he screamed profanities at/about me, the nurse, and the clinic. His wife (who'd been in the back with the doctor) was told he was banned from the clinic and was handed a bill for the cost of the monitor. A few weeks later during another appointment, the nurse told me he'd sued the clinic for emotional trauma. It was dropped when the clinic counter sued for the cost of the monitor. ​ ================================= {2331 points} Sorry lady, but your kid can't play with my gun. --------------------------------- I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes since English is not my main language. A bit of background: After working my ass off for years I was finally promoted from a regular police officer to a detective, which had always been my dream since I was a kid. I was never the best at interacting with people, but I had a passion for solving mysteries and for problems that required logic, so this profession was pretty much made for me. I earned this position at a relatively young age (28), so I was proud of myself. Being new to the job and somewhat inexperienced, I was looked down upon by some older coworkers, but held a friendly relationship with most people in my department. It took some time, but my hard work eventually paid off and I was assigned to bigger cases, no longer stuck in my table doing paperwork. A few years ago, we were investigating an armed robbery in which we believed a recently released drug addict was involved, given his record of participating in similar crimes in the past. My partner and I were assigned to question local stores and a few other points of interest to see if anyone recognized our suspect. We were hoping that someone would have noticed such a shady looking individual lurking around, but unfortunately we weren't having much luck. We see all kinds of things on the job, but this woman in particular got me very close to losing my cool. I was interviewing the owner of the store that got robbed when I was approached by the EM and her kid, who was around 8-10 years old. Kid: Are you a policeman? I admit that I wasn't really fond of children at the time, but I still smiled and patted the kid's head. I asked him his name and if he wanted to hold my badge, and his eyes were sparkling with excitement. Just then, the EM saw the picture I was holding of the suspect and started making questions about him, like what he had done, if he was dangerous, etc. I asked if she recognized him, but not only she said no, she also kept bombarding me with sensitive questions about the case, which I was obviously not allowed to reveal. Eventually, it became obvious that she was asking out of curiosity and wouldn't contribute to my investigation, so I only gave her the typical vague, textbook answers as I looked for an opportunity to leave. It was then that I felt something on the inside of my suit, most specifically reaching for my gun, so I immediately reacted by stepping back and grabbing whatever it was. It was the kid's arm, and he was taken off guard by my sudden movement and it seemed I scared him. I held his arm a bit too tight, mostly because it was an automatic response, but I actually got worried that I might have hurt him. Trying not to sound aggressive or intimidating (which is something people are quick to accuse police officers of doing) I calmly patted the boy's head again and forced a smile. Me: Sorry (kid's name). I can't let you hold that one. EM: Let my son hold it for a few seconds. He's never seen a real gun before. Me: I understand that he's curious, but I can't let your son hold it. Sorry. EM: But he deserves it! He's a great kid, and he wants to become a police officer when he grows up, too. He just wants to know how it feels to hold a gun until he gets his own. Me: That's great, but I really can't let him hold it. It's dangerous for him and for others. EM: Oh my god, it's not like he'll start shooting people with it!! You let him hold your badge, so why is the gun any different? I'll be watching him so he won't do anything stupid, jesus christ. Me (starting to get impatient): With all due respect lady, you don't know that. A gun is not a toy; it can KILL people, do you understand that? I'm honestly concerned that you'd want your kid to hold one. EM (gradually increasing the volume of her screams): Who cares what you think?! WHAT KIND OF OFFICER ARE YOU, NOT DOING WHAT A CHILD ASKS YOU TO?! IF YOU CAN'T DO YOUR JOB THEN FIND SOMEONE WHO CAN!! Somehow I was still calm enough to explain to her that I would not let him hold the gun and that she could face criminal charges for putting one in his hand. As expected, she didn't listen to a word I said, too busy unnecessarily making a scene the entire time. My partner was at the other side of the store and threw me a glance, but I told her through gestures that there was no need for her to get involved. Eventually I got tired of her and decided to take my leave, so I knelt to stay on the kid's level and politely asked him my badge back. He seemed sad, but reluctantly extended his arm to give it to me. Before I could reach it though, EM roughly took the badge from his hand and scowled at me. EM: Why are you being so selfish? So he can't hold the gun and now he can't hold the badge too?! At least let him keep it! It's the least you can do after crushing his dream. WHAT. Me (one step away from shooting myself): I can't let him keep it either, lady. That's the proof of my employment and I could get punished for not having it, now can I please have it back. EM: It's just a stupid piece of metal. Just tell them that you lost it and get another one, what's the big deal? (She looks at her phone.) You know what, I'm late for (something I can't remember but that she probably made up), let's go (kid's name). Out of all the thing she could do, she then proceeds to shove my badge inside her purse, turn her back on me and drag the kid towards the exit. Everyone watching was speechless. That was the last straw. My partner saw the whole thing and we both blocked her path. I demanded my badge one last time and she was literally about to throw it on the ground as hard as she could when I stopped her. I felt bad about the kid, who started crying, but I handcuffed EM and took her to the station while my partner contacted social services. After yelling all the profanities in her vocabulary at me and trying to resist her arrest, she had the audacity to tell my superiors that I was a dirty cop and that she would sue me for harrasment and abusing my authority. Thankfully, my partner and several witnessess supported my story and the EM had several charges against her, from slander to endangering the welfare of a child. I heard she made a deal and managed to avoid spending more than a year in jail, in exchange for several months on probation and losing the custody of her kid to her ex-husband. I changed departments and never heard a word about her again. Some friends from my old squad still bring EM up to tease me sometimes, asking me if there were any badge-robbing attempts lately. As a proud enforcer of the law I can say without a doubt that I don't regret sending her to jail, and that hopefully her kid will grow into a decent person, unlike her. PS: In case you're wondering, we did manage to catch the guy who robbed the store later on. It wasn't our suspect. ================================= {1908 points} EM Tries To Steal My A-Honor Roll Because I Have A Mental Condition --------------------------------- Context: I have a mental condition called "Tourette's Syndrome". It makes my head jerk around uncontrollably. Btw I am on mobile so sorry for bad formatting. Key: EM - you know, M - you know, EK - you most likely know, MD - My Dad So this was a celebration for honor roll at my school. Parents came in and would celebrate along with us. My dad, who worked at the school, came to the celebration. This happened last year, and this piece of literal human feces (EM) came for her anti-christ son (EK). EK was known around the school as your everyday shithead. He didn't get an honor roll because he got 2 C's, and EM was furious. I, however, got an A honor roll, and since I got extremely excited, I started ticking. EM comes to my desk, causing magnitude 10 earthquakes in every step and this conversation comes: EM - Excuse me? M - Yes? (Still ticking) EM - So, could my son have your honor roll? He deserves it as he's been doing better behaviorally and you seem like you don't need it. M - I beg your pardon? (Translation: The fuck you just say to me you little shit?) EM - Are you also retarded? I said that he deserves it as you're just a mentally disabled person. A freak. M - I earned this, I'm sorry that your kid is a dumbass. (MD chuckles in the background) EM - You really think you're so smart? I'll take your honor roll and shove it up your arse. (Proceeds to try to rip my honor roll out of my hand) (Que MD coming in) MD - What do you think you're doing to my son? EM - He was being very rude so I'm taking his honor roll MD - Heh, no. I'll escort you out of the school. EM - *Stares at MD for about 30 seconds until* RAPE!!! RAPE!! (EK is laughing his fucking head off at this point) The teacher came over and asked what was wrong. EM said MD was sexually assaulting her. Teacher proceeds to kick EK and EM out of the school. EK has gotten nicer since then and we are actually good friends now. EM still calls me a freak. EK called her a loud-mouthed brat. Feels good man. Edit: Holy shit this blew up more than I thought it would. Thanks for all the support, guys and gals! ================================= {3162 points} Let my child destroy a $15,000 guitar! --------------------------------- This was a few months ago, when I was working at a friend's guitar store. We had just got a vintage Stratocaster, from an estate sale, which was really expensive, around $15,000, because it was made in 1959. The day we got it, we put it on display, and are trying to sell it in an auction style, where it would go to the highest bidder. This is where EM (mom) and ES (son) come into the picture. I worked a 4 hour shift that day, and it was getting late. So I decide it was almost time to close up, because my superiors said that I can close up if it's after 7:30pm. So, just as I was about to lock the store up and go home, EM and ES walk in. EM asks me if her son can try out some guitars. I say sure, and asked if they were planning on buying a guitar. She just kind of looks at me, and scoffs and says "No." At this point, I'm kinda pissed with her being rude to me. And her son looks about 10 or 11, which was about the age that I started playing guitar, so I let the kid try out some guitars and thought that they'd be in and out. Boy, was I wrong. Just as they were about to leave, the kid sees the Stratocaster in the display near the front of the shop. He asks if he could play it. I try to tell the kid that it's really expensive and no one is allowed to touch it, and that I couldn't let him play it if he wanted to. Apparently this triggered something in EM. She looks at me and asks, "Why can't (ES) play that guitar?", and I try to explain to her that it's for an auction and that my superiors have extensive rules on who gets to open the case, and that I don't even have access to the key. Either way, when the kid tried out the normal guitars, he messed with the tuning pegs and was really reckless towards them, which made me afraid what would happen if he touched the Stratocaster. Then the conversation goes something like this: (em is Entitled mom, M is me) EM: Well, you work here, so why don't you have the key? M: I just don't have a key. Only my boss and my manager do. EM: Well, why can't you call them and get it? M: Ma'am, I'm about to close up and I have specific instructions not to let anyone touch the guitar. EM starts getting pissed. This is when the worst thing happens. I look back at the display and I see ES touching the display case, and trying to open the case where the lock is. I ask him politely not to touch it, and then he legit bangs on the glass of the display, causing it to crack the glass on it. He bangs on it more, which actually shatters the glass by the lock. At this point I grab the kid by his shoulders and turn him around, and tell him that his mother will have to pay for the cracked case. The kid starts wailing, which sets of EM even more. She starts threatening me, and saying she'll press charges for assault. The kid is screaming his head off and kicking and screaming, and EM is threatening to make me lose my job. I finally get them to leave, but apparently EM called the owner, (who's number they probably found on our website) and told them a twisted story of how I assaulted her child. Fortunately my friend who owns the store checked all of the cameras, and called them back, as well as the police, to make them pay for the display case that got damaged. ​ Luckily this is my only experience with an EM and ES. Phew. ================================= {8163 points} EM calls my brother a retard and gets clapped on hard. --------------------------------- Hey guys, first post in this sub, and figured I'd dig out an oldie but goldie about me and brother. This was I'd say about 6 or 7 years ago, so some details may not be *exact*, but I'll tell the story as best I can without embellishing too hard. Now for some context, my brother has a disability that does make him fall into the classification of being "Mentally Retarded" but he is far from such. He's a great person with a wonderful personality and his disability simply causes him to have some minor issues, and a speech impediment. BUT the way the testing for mental handicaps is done in the state we lived in is pretty shit sooooo he got that nifty label thrust upon him at a young age and it just kinda stayed. Anyways, on with the story. So as I said before this was about 6-7 years ago, Me and my brother (who from here will be called A) had some extra money and a few games to dump off so we decided to go to our local neighborhood rip off artists who have a nice big red and white sign (you know who I mean xD). Well we get there and we're browsing around, seeing what's what and perusing the wall o' games. That's when, enter stage left, Entitled Mom (we'll call her Karen, cause why not. EM gets a lil stale y'know) and her precious walking ball of afterbirth (we'll call him FA henceforth) waltz into the store. Now I'm usually a pretty chill guy, don't get into confrontation and mind my own business, my brother is the exact same way. But when this lady and her kid (I mean I guess you could call it a kid, it kinda looked like the kool-aide man and the Pillsbury dough boy had some sorta weird incest....y'know what we'll just chalk it up to his mom birthed him under some power lines or something.) walked in I knew, I just knew there was gonna be an issue. The whole thing started when they came over to the game wall and started looking near us. Of course me and my brother being polite, we step back out of the way to give them room. This was the first interaction: Me: *Moves back* Karen: "Uh excuse me, could you not." Me: "I'm sorry, what was that?" Karen: "I said could. you. not." Me: "Could I not what? I'm not doing anything, I just moved out of the way to give ya'll room to walk." A: *Grunts in agreement* Karen: "Well you should have just walked away, you seemed to be done looking anyways." Me: "No ma'am we're not. We were just being polite." Karen: "Well I would appreciate it if you two would go away, you're disturbing my sons browsing" FA: "Yeah, get lost losers. You don't even look like you could afford a decent game anyways. *snorts as he laughs*" I'm very peaceful so I throw my hands up, say fuck it grab a couple of games (I believe I grabbed Hitman: Absolution, and Fallout: New Vegas) and headed to look at some other stuff in the store. Anything to get as far away from Karen and her microwaved hamster as I could. So we caroused the store a bit longer, and then headed to checkout. Now my brother rarely, and I mean RARELY, wants to actually interact with people when we go shopping. But today he was feeling fresh, so he asked me if he could pay and such. Me being the cool older bro I am was like Hell yeah, anything to help him branch out and be a bit more sociable, y'know. Then wouldn't you know it, Karen and the walking shit stain get in line behind us. Now this wouldn't have been so bad, had she not audibly groaned at the sight of us, then proceeded to huff every moment that passed. My brother was doing his best to articulate and pay (and doing a superb job tbh). When all of a sudden from the peanut gallery I hear: Karen: "Oh. My. God! Could someone hurry this damn retard up?! I would like to get home sometime today!" FA: "Yeah! Hurry up you 'tard! I wanna get home so I can play some GTA!!" ( I assume lil shit stain was buying GTA, I didn't really pay attention.) We tried out best to ignore them, and they continued to carry on as the transaction went on (it was taking a bit cause the guy at the counter was new, brother had issues, and it was just a whole comedy of errors. It happens, it's life lol). Well after about the 5th time of her calling him retarded, I was about ready to turn around and say something, then that's when my brother comes up. He stands tall, looks this lady dead in the eye, and I shit you not says the following: A: "Lady, I may be retarded, but at least my momma didn't birth a perfectly normal kid that walks around looking like he's got the downs!" Fuckin' mic drop, and walks away. The duo just stands there, slack jawed as all get out, and unable to articulate a response as we walk out. I'm just laughing hysterically and high fiving the hell out of my bro, cause that was a class A clapback. Hell even the store employee had to take a minute for himself cause he wasn't ready for that. And that's that. Nothing really flashy or gussied up about it, just a simple entitled prick of a parent and a kid to match, that pushed my bro to the point he felt he needed to shut them up. Hope ya'll enjoy, I got plenty more stories about entitled moms, their kids, and just entitled people in general from my years of working retail and hanging with my brother lol so feel free to ask for more :D. (Also side note: I apologize if anyone is offended by what my brother said. Neither one of us have anything against anyone with a disability, it was a heat of the moment insult.) Edit: Holy mystical dragon tits! I didn't expect this to get as much love as it has. I appreciate it so much :D Also thanks for the Gold and Silver! ================================= {2133 points} At a yard sale - "It was in the box so you HAVE TO sell it!" --------------------------------- This is probably going to be the dumbest EP story youll read today so enjoy. ​ TLDR - >!Entitled whale at a yard sale demands to buy a video game thats not for sale and then tries to break stuff and claims shes assaulted when asked to leave.!< ​ This happened about 2 summers ago. My family was having a yard sale and we had the usual stuff out like old clothes, furniture, kitchen stuff, etc. I was selling some older video games. ​ Background info - I had gathered some old PS3 and PS4 games and was putting stickers with prices on them. Like $1-2 for the PS3 games (my PS3 had crashed so I just wanted the games gone) and like $10-15 for some older PS4 games. I had them all spread out on the desk in my room (about 20 total). I had managed to price/sticker most of the games and put them in a cardboard box labelled PS3 & PS4 GAMES but a few were still unpriced/stickered. Before I finished the last few, my older brother asked me to help him setup outside. I went with him and figured Id come back to do the rest later. ​ Setting up took longer than we thought and people started showing up early. We finished setting up the last table and I was going to go back inside to get the box of games but I saw my mom already dropping off the box labelled PS3 & PS4 GAMES on a table. Great, I thought, she already grabbed the box from my room and saved me a trip. I figured Id go finish pricing the last few games at the table. ​ Enter a whale of an entitled mom aka Moby Dick **(MD)** and her pre-teen son aka Invisible Boy **(IB)**. They were one of the first people to show up and IB is already at the box of games that my mom dropped off. I see IB going through the box and Im thinking Cool, he might buy some games. As I get closer I see him pull out a *RED* game case. ​ Some key info here. PS3 game cases are black, PS4 game cases are blue, and Nintendo Switch game cases are red. I had recently bought a Nintendo Switch the week before and I only had one game, Zelda Breath of the Wild. So I knew right away what had happened. My mom must have grabbed all of games on my desk including Zelda and put them in the box. ​ Heres where the fun begins. IB was the type of shy kid who spoke very quietly, almost a whisper, and only to his mom who then spoke annoyingly loudly for him. *IB points to the game and whispers to MD.* **MD** How much for this game? Theres no sticker **ME** Sorry maam, its not for sale, my mom must have put that game in the box by acciden **MD** *cuts me off* Ill give you $10. (It was still a pretty new game at this time, I bought for $80 I live in Canada) **ME** As I was saying, its not for sale, my mom put that game in the box by accident. *I reach for the game but MD grabs the game from IBs hand and holds it away from me.* At this point my Older Brother **(OB)** joins the fun. (Note: my brother has ZERO tolerance with rude people). **OB** Whats going on \[ME\]? **ME** Mom put Zelda in the box by accident and this lady wants to buy it *OB laughs and reaches for the game but MD again pulls it away and holds it behind her whale body.* **OB** *still relatively calm.* Lady, my brother just got that game. Its not for sale. **MD** It was in the box so you HAVE TO sell it! *saying it as if it's the law.* **OB** I dont HAVE TO do shit lady, just hand it over. There's other games in the box you can buy. **\***At this point, I remembered that I just played Zelda the night before so the actual game cartridge was in my Switch and wasnt in the case she was holding. Looking back, I realize that I missed a huge opportunity to fuck with MD, damn. **ME** *kind of laughing* The game isnt even in the case, look **MD** *opens the case and sees that its empty.* Where is it? Are you trying to scam me? **OB** *getting annoyed* Its not in there because its not for fucking sale. What aren't you understanding??? **MD** Im not leaving without the game. **ME** *with a smug grin* You can have the case for $10 if you want **MD** No, I want the game. You HAVE TO sell it because it was in box! **OB** *now fully annoyed* Again with the fucking HAVE TO Ok fine, you want the game? Its $500 **MD** *shocked* IM NOT PAYING THAT MUCH! The other games in the box are only $10 so IM ONLY PAYING $10!. *MD reaches in her purse to get the money like that was end of the sale, but OB quickly grabs the case from her hand while she was distracted.* **MD** Give that back or Im calling the police **OB** *with no hesitation* Here, use my phone *and pulls out his phone.* Want me to dial? For the first time MD is speechless. ​ OB isnt very tall (510) but he is pretty muscular and can come off as intimidating when he wants to. **OB**, *annoyed and sees that this is going nowhere, approaches MD and says* Lady, Ive had enough. Get the fuck off my property. ​ *MD with fuss grabs IBs arm and starts walking away and OB follows. In typical bitchy style, as she passes some tables she pushes a couple boxes of clothes off onto the ground. Then, as she passes the last table, she reaches for a box of kitchen glassware to tip it over but OB grabs her wrist first to stop her.* ​ **MD** *yanks her arm away like she was just shot and screams* ASSAULT! ASSAULT! YOU ALL SAW IT! Everyone is watching at this point. **OB** *sighs* We have security cameras there and there *points to the camera above the garage and the one on the corner of the house.* **MD** I DONT CARE! IM GOING TO SUE YOU! **OB** Good for you, now fuck off! *MD gets into her Karenmobile with her kid and honks and flips up off as she speeds away.* ​ Its been over 2 years now and no lawsuit yet LOL. ================================= {1392 points} Em wants me to give my handgun to his 8yo EK --------------------------------- Two weeks ago i was at the range practising with my new handgun (Beretta APX,919mm if you're wondering) when a family of three came to shoot too.The Father was shooting,while the Entitled kid (EK or ES) and the Entitled Mom (EM) where looking what the other people were doing.Nothing wrong with it,until when i finished the mag EM tapped my shoulder EM:"Today is my sons 8th birhday,and my son really likes your *rifle* (she didnt knew even the difference between a rifle and a gun) and i was thinking if you could give it to him,so he could use it" Me:"Im sorry,but the range allows kids under 18 only to watch or assist the shooter,like passing him/her the mags.Guns arent toys,and if they are used badly they can accidentaly kill.So,sorry,but i cant." EK" *starts crying and saying "i want to shoot it!"* " EM:"look what you have done to my little child!you selfish f*cker!" Luckily after that they've gone to another location without complaining. ================================= {1327 points} Lady and her kid tries to kill me but sweet karma strikes --------------------------------- Sorry for the formatting I am on mobile and this is my first post EM-Entitled mother DK-Dumb kid C1-Cop 1 C2-Cop 2 ME-me First off this happened about 6 months ago and my memory is trash so it might sound a little off because I dont fully remember everything. I am 17 years old I convinced my parents to let me get a motorcycle. I had to buy it with my own money unfortunately. There is a town thats about 8 miles away that had a nice state park that I was taking pictures at. It was warm about 75F ish. I stopped in the town at gas station to fill up before heading back. I was about to fill up when this lady in an Escalade yelled something. EM: hey can my son ride your toy This kid is about 12 wearing a backwards monster hat and an easy 55 250lbs ME: this isnt a toy EM: just let him ride it ME: no way *flips visor back down* bitch EM: I HEARD THAT EM: my son rides dirt bikes he promises he wont crash it ME: no lady your C H I L D cannot I went inside to piss and buy some water and pay for my gas and I pulled my bike up into a parking spot next to the building. I put my debit card into the chip reader, look back and this bitch let her son on it and are standing next to it. I walk out once I paid and said in my big boi voice ME: WHAT ARE YOU DOING EM: letting him sit on it since you are too stuck up to let him ride it CK: MoM i WaNt OnE EM: you dont want this one this ones ugly ME: its a cafe racer so thats the style EM: let my kid ride it he hasnt ridden in a couple weeks because he crashed his dirt bike ME: Fuck no EM: Asshole you dont even need it what do you even use it for anyway ME: to ride EM: you dont need it ME: its mine soooooooo DK: you probably stole it anyway ME: nah I bought it with my money At this point I was mad so was she, she took her kids hand and pushed me and my bike over. I was still in my parking spot. I yelled a couple words at her something about how her and her kid should eat shit and die. I collected myself turned my bike on, checked for damage, and rode around the gas station to the exit. Thats when I saw her car and I thought my fist looked good on her side mirror. I proceeded to doink it off and haul ass back home in hopes to loose her. I was very wrong, my bike isnt fast it was about the same speed as the Escalade she was driving. I have a intercom system in my helmet that lets me make calls and listen to music. I called my dad the former deputy chief of police and now the director of 9-1-1. Oops on her my dad had two of his men ready for when I went into town. While this was goin on this lady kept getting really close to me I think she was trying to hit me I was doing close to 95mph the way back we got into town and one cop pulls me over and the other pulls the lady over. I get off my bike and walk towards the first squad C1: was she chasing you ME: and she pushed my bike over and threatened my life C1:*chuckles* We walked to the back of the first squad and I see the lady fighting the cop. C1 runs over to assist his buddy and this lady is doing that DO YOU LNOW WHO I AM ILL HAVE ALL OF YOU FIRED AND PUT IN JAIL MY HUSBAND IS A MARINE. EM: he stole my sons bike C1:*holding back laughter with a big smile on his face* oh really so why is that kid over there wearing motorcycle gear EM: *flabbergasted that someone saw through her bullshit* Its not my fault C1: oh okay* handcuffs lady* C2: do you want to press charges ME: well of course C1:* puts the lady in squad car* EM:* non stop screeching* At this point I called my dad and told him what had happened. The EM didnt mention the mirror I had launched luckily. I went home and awaited for my dad to get home, he told me she was charged with reckless driving, child endangerment, assault, disorderly conduct, and I think something about killing someone. Once again sorry if this sounds fake but I think Im missing some dialogue in some parts but I think it gets the story across gg folks ================================= {678 points} EM tries to steal my food, takes my phone, plays victim --------------------------------- I live not far from Philadelphia. Anyone who lives within a 100 mile radius from Philly knows what Wawa is. It's a convenience store. At Wawa, you can order hoagies or sandwiches on a computer screen. They're pretty good, and not too expensive either. One night over the summer, me and my friends were hanging out at my place. We were going on a road trip to a lake the next day, so we decided to relax the day before. We wanted dinner, so I decided to drive to Wawa to pick up hoagies for everyone. I placed everyone's order, picked up some other things for myself and the others. The way it works is that once you place your order, you get the receipt. On the receipt, you have a ticket number and a barcode. When you pay for everything, they scan the barcode and that's how you pay for the hoagies. So, I paid for everything, and I waited for my sandwiches to come out. They basically make them all one at a time and put them all out at once so people don't steal them. After about 4 minutes, they called my number. I went up and started putting the hoagies in the bag. That's when EM came up to me. EM= entitled mother, C= cashier * EM: Hi, I'm in a huge hurry and I was wondering if I could have these so I'm not late. * Me: *Have* them? Maybe if you pay for them. Do you know what kind they are, or do you not care? EP looked slightly taken aback. * EP: Pay for them? I just need them, can I? * Me: Well, sorry, but I'm not going to just *give* them to you. * EP: Why not? You're not in a hurry. I am, and I really need them. * Me: Because I paid for them. If you want to give me the $35 I paid for them, you can take a bunch of mystery hoagies. Just order your own. * EP: $35? That's ridiculous. I'll give you $10. Can I have them now? * Me: Hold on. Let me get this straight. You want to get $25 worth of free hoagies? * EM: They aren't free, I'm giving you $10. * Me: The rest are basically free. Order your own, I need to get back to my friends. * EM: And I need to get back to my daughter's party! Just give me them, and leave me alone. I was starting to get hotheaded at this point. * Me: No, YOU leave ME alone. I'm not giving you jack shit. I then dropped my phone on the floor. I went to pick it up, but EM beat me to it. * Me: HEY! Give that back right now. * EM: Oooo, why would I just *give* it to you? I paid for it. * Me: No the hell you did not. Give it to me now. * EM: Then why do I have it? I guess it's mine now. She began to walk out of the store, but a cashier saw everything that was happening. * C: Excuse me ma'am? What's going on? * EP: This selfish teen refused me my order. * Me: You wanted me to give it to you after I paid for it. AND you stole my phone. * EP: I don't have your phone! * C: Ma'am, I saw you pick it up. I know you have it, turn out your pockets. EP turns out her pockets and my phone fell to the floor. * EP: I don't know how that got in there! He's trying to frame me for theft! * Me: Yeah, right. Get out of here. * C: Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. * EP: No! I'm still waiting for my order! I already paid for it (she didn't)! Get the manager out here right now. * C: I'm the assistant manager, and I'm telling you to leave, now. EP reached out, trying to grab one of my bags. I smacked her hand (I grew up with an older brother, so it's instinctive for me to react when someone tries to grab at me). * EP: How dare you hit me?! * Me: You tried to grab me. * C: I told you to leave now. You are not welcome back. EP then left with tears in her eyes. I was walking out at the same time, and I heard her on the phone in the parking lot. She was still in tears, bitching about how she was "verbally and physically abused" because someone at Wawa "stole her food." When I got back to my house, I told everyone the story. Nobody had recognized her. They all told me to press charges, but I figured it would be too much of a hassle and that I wouldn't get much out of it. 6 months later, here I am. Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading. ================================= {1892 points} School teacher thinks he can make me study in public --------------------------------- So this happend like yesterday so its new.. The teacher is a Christian mom and thinks she can do whatever she wants. This is where is starts, I was at the mall looking for shoes for Tommorow and really needed them. I had a big math test and I wasnt very good at it either. I was supposed to study and my math teacher knew I never did. I went into the footlocker store and bought a nice pair of Jordans and some laces, then I stopped by a subway and got food. I sat down and ate my food and saw my teacher. You know it gets awkward when you see the teacher in public. I came right from school to the mall and still had my bag on with all my stuff in there. He literally walked over to me and told me to open my bag, I did and he told me to study the review paper he gave to us. I told her I would when I get home and started throwing away my stuff. She yelled what do you think your doing... I was shocked when my teacher literally wanted me to fucking study in a subway with her. I said Im not studying and started walking off. I forgot the bag of shoes and I went back to get them. She picked them up and said she would give them back when I started studying and said how I am a disgrace to the school... I go to a charter school too.... I snatched the bag back and ofc her husband comes by. He gets all pissy saying wth do you think your doing to my wife. I told em to fuck off and walked off with my shoes. Today in class she took my phone and acted like she owns it, lucky for me I got a laptop. She acts like she owns everyones things too. I asked for my phone back and she said its my class and you dont disrespect me. Im like wtf, and knew she was acting pissy from yesterday. When I took the test I passed with a 95 and looked at her with a smile Fuck you mrs Smith ================================= {166 points} Entitled Parent Pays More For Same Holiday, Does NOT Go Down Well --------------------------------- Hey there so this happened back in 2010, i'd just celebrated my 21st birthday and received quite a lot of money for it (about 800) so i decided to treat myself to a holiday. I went to the travel agents about a week after my birthday (august) at 10am when they opened and asked about late deals. the lady searched for a minute and said "we have a great deal departing from glasgow going to Kos, at half past 6 today, for 175. i immediately agreed, paid, didn't even care where Kos was, went and got my euros, then headed in to glasgow to get clothes for my first holiday abroad by myself. I got all my holiday clothes sorted, bought a cheap suitcase, and headed for the airport WAY too early (1pm) Thankfully the check-in desk for my flight was with thomas cook, so I knew i could check in anyway. Went to the desk, got checked in, and went to overspend at the airport. After a fair few cigarettes i decided to finally go airside, and headed for the security line. at this point i was barged past by a woman with an english accent, who i just presumed was late for a flight, so let it slip.....but no......I got to the departures lounge and she was sipping a coffee with her kid. I once again held my tongue (always fearful of saying ANYTHING in an airport in case i'm manhandled and thrown out) and continued to my gate, which was thankfully right next to the bar. I settled down with a freezing cold pint and waited for my flight to be called. Boarding the aircraft I was in extremely high spirits (quite drunk but not so much that it was externally visible) and looking forward to getting my meal (hadn't eaten since breakfast) got to my seat...........and there she is.....smack bang in my seat. You already know all the initials for who people are. EM: Oh, I'm just gonna sit here as I don't like sitting near the window, but my son does, so you'll be sitting in between us M: I don't think so, I have a weak bladder and i've had a couple of beers, so you can move back to your assigned seat. EM: Don't speak to me like that in front of my child or i'll have you removed from the flight FA: (sees that i'm the only one standing) Is there a problem here? M: Yes, this lady won't move to her assigned seat and threatened to get me kicked off because she can't follow the rules EM: This is MY seat FA: Please move to your seat ma'am EM: HMPH \*reluctantly and dramatically moves seats "accidentally" spilling water all over mine\* FA: Don't worry sir, we'll get that cleaned for you momentarily, and Ma'am, if there are any more problems from you we will be advising the captain to divert and disembark you. I take my seat, the lady falls asleep, and her kid, like me is a MAJOR AvGeek, so I give him my copy of airliner world that i picked up prior to boarding, and we chat about aircraft. The mum wakes up, and I think she's come to her senses, because she apologises to me and explains that she's barely slept and been stressed. I forgive her and we start chatting a bit. It gets to how long we'd been saving up and looking forward to our holidays, and I openly told her that I'd bought this holiday as a last minute deal this morning, and got a full holiday, flights, accomodation, coach transfers to and from the airport, and insurance for 175. She scoffed at this and said "pfft that wouldn't even cover the cost of my flight out" I remind her that we're on the same flight and she sees the logic, but is still acting entitled and snobby. I ignore her, eat my food (surprisingly delicious for something on an economy flight) and have a few beers. Arriving in Kos I say goodbye to her and head to pick up my case and find my coach. THERE SHE FUCKING IS AGAIN! You're starting to see where this is going? I get to my hotel, which is amazing. queuing up to check in, she barges straight past everyone and DEMANDS she get a room before the "cretins" take the best ones. She then says she won't accept anything less than a suite because her child deserves luxury and that is what they have paid for (this hotel is amazingly well kept, but it's a 3 star in Kardamena, so not exactly the ritz) the manager explains that they don't have suites, and that she can wait her turn like everyone else. she spits "NO! YOU ARE A SERVANT AND I PAY MONEY TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO! NOW GIVE ME THE BEST SUITE YOU HAVE, AND \*points at me\* DON'T GIVE HIM ANYTHING, HE BARELY PAID FOR HIS HOLIDAY, HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO STAY HERE" Manager eyes me up and i shrug, he asks for me to step forward, asks for my passport and confirmation paperwork, and says "Ah yes Mr bigchubbyfinger welcome to the hotel, here is your room key, deluxe with balcony and sea view, we've also upgraded you to all inclusive, please enjoy your stay" EM TAKES AN ABSOLUTE BREAKDANCING FIT as i smugly walk past her and say "enjoy your holiday" she got a standard twin room with a window facing the bins. she tried to make my holiday a living hell each day, but when you're all inclusive you tend not to give a flying fuck about these things lol. She was eventually transferred out of the resort for becoming a nuisance P.S. THANKFULLY I was NOWHERE near her on the flight back and never saw her once we got off ================================= {337 points} When a stranger stood up to an entitled mother on my behalf --------------------------------- This is my first time posting, and Im on mobile. Forgive me if Im doing this wrong. This isnt really that bad but because of the kind woman who stood up for me, I thought it would be nice to share. A little background: this happened about three weeks ago, right before I turned 17. Im female. I have dealt with some pretty big chronic health issues since birth. I am 49...I had stunted growth and was a failure-to-thrive child. I look way younger than I am and often get mistaken for a 10 year old. I was on a public bus. I rarely use public transportation. This time I was heading to an appointment downtown. I was sitting in one of the first rows; the bus was full except he one empty seat next to me. At the last stop before the bus got on the highway for a solid 25 mins, a rather large woman (EM) and her son (EK) who may have been 11-13 and was also pretty overweight get on. She was huffing and said something snippy to the driver. She and her son scanned the bus and saw it was packed EXCEPT for the seat next to me. She came over, sighed with annoyance, and said: My son and I need to sit here. You gotta get up. I am very scared of confrontation, so without hesitation I quietly said okay and stood up. The bus was now standing-room only. I usually wouldnt really mind, but I was in bad health. Only a short time after this, I was hospitalized due to heart failure and other complications (Im out now, though!). EM pulled a bag of chips out of her bag and started eating, content. There were signs all over the bus saying that food and drink were not allowed. The woman sitting in the aisle seat (well call her KW for kind woman) right across had this look of horror on her face. She jumped up quick from her seat. KW: Here, sweetheart, you sit here. You dont look so well. I dont want you passing out. You okay, honey? Apparently I looked pretty bad that day? I guess my underweightness and pallor were noticeable. KW then turned to EM, glaring, KW: What is your problem? EM: I dont know what youre talking about. KW: Look at this little girl. She is obviously in no condition to be stuck standing for this whole ride. For gods sake, shes shaking like a leaf. Of all the people on this bus, you kick HER out of the seat? EM: Well my son and I cant stand either and we deserve to be comfortable! I felt for them, because I know that obesity can be really hard on the joints. But KW wasnt having it. KW: You didnt even ASK, you demanded. Grow up and get some manners and some empathy. EM rolled her eyes and ignored her. KW stood in the aisle near me for the duration of the ride and checked in with me here and there and talked to me a bit. She asked me how old I was and where my parents were; she was surprised when I told her I was a few days shy of 17; she was glad that I wasnt some little girl traveling all by herself. Turns out she was a nurse and was going to be getting off at the same place as me: right by the main entrance to the hospitals outpatient area. Suddenly, she worked her way toward the driver and told him something. He then announced: No food or beverages allowed on the bus. Put them away. EM started throwing a little hissy fit, saying it was bullshit and she wasnt making a mess. She kept eating with a pissed-off look on her face. KW returned to her spot near me and EM snapped at her to mind her own business and to stop discriminating against people of size. Nothing really exciting happened after that. The bus driver didnt follow up about the chips. Both KW and me got some dirty looks from EM and EK. I got dizzy when I stood up and staggered for a moment, but lucky didnt pass out. KW insisted on walking me to my destination. She was so sweet. She even gave me a hug before she left. So yeah. Thats my story. I wasnt really that upset (just intimidated) but KW was appalled on my behalf. She stood up for me and was so kind to me, and I appreciated that so much. Its nice to know that there are kindhearted, compassionate people out there amidst entitled ones. ================================= {392 points} MY BABY IS DYING YOU STUPID COW --------------------------------- As a medicine student I have tones of stories with entitledparents but this one is the most recent one. Beforehand I would like to apologize for any grammar/vocabulary mistakes as Im not native speaker. As a part of my studying program I work at ER. Usually I work for other doctors who are giving me some easy jobs/let me watch their work&quiz me durning it/help me with patients/take general care of me and patients. Few days ago my friend (lets call him Jayson) and I worked for ER pediatric, who went deal with something important and left us on our own for some time. It was evening so there wasnt many staff out there. We had only green patients (whose lives are not in any risk) so we went chronological. (Please have on mind that green patients usually wait few hours especially at evenings/nights). I asked for a teenager boy with infection (lets call him Mike) and then entitled mom (EM) started to yell at me. EM: what?! This is PEDIATRIC ER, you need to take care of children first! shocked me: its what Im doing mame, we are not treating any adults here EM: why then are you calling for this man when my baby is waiting 20 min already!! Me : Im sorry we have procedures EM: my baby is going to die! He has strong allergy and his little heart can stop beating in any sec! I looked at this boy and he were sitting playing games on the phone with a little rash on his hands. His life was not in any danger. I told EM that someone is gonna take care of her son soon. I sent Mike to a dermatologist and asked him to come back only for my signature (procedures). After around 30/40 min he knocked on my door but I asked him to wait outside as I was with another patient. Its when Jayson came to me asking why I named Mike a stupid lying brat and told him he has no right to be in this hospital. Mikes mom went to Jayson with an complainant and I was as shocked as Jayson. I went outside to check what was going on and Mike and his mom told me that EM was spreading those lies and kept on verbally attacking them. When I asked EM about this she told me she has no idea what I am talking about and that this teenager lied for sure. As I didnt want any more harm or drama I decided to take her kid sooner than I had in plan (making other parents annoyed as they waited longer). EM started to yell at me while she was going into the clinic room. EM: my son has strong chocolate allergy and he will DIE if you will keep on not doing your job! Me: we have procedures and we treat patients whose life is not in danger in chronological order. Has your son any other symptoms than this rush? EM: no, but it starts with rash and ends with heart attack! I read it all! He needs your help! ME: what is he allergic to? EM: chocolate ME: how much he ate it? EM: some cake and he drank hot chocolate. DO SOMETHING HIS LIFE IS IN DANGER. I looked at this little guy and he was fine, his heartbeat and breathing were ok, there was no other symptoms but a little rash. ME: all I can offer you is a ointment and an advice to not let your son eat chocolate when hes allergic to it. I think hes fine tho so we could discuss.... EM: no hes not fine! You are doing your job incorrectly! And dont tell me what MY kid can or cannot eat! You are not old enough to be a doctor! You dont know anything while my baby is dying! Are you even a doctor? ME: Im a stu.. EM: they shouldnt let kids to take care of people whos life is in danger! You stupid cow! What do you think you are doing here! As she was screaming at me (I was too shocked to react) the doctor came back as he was notified about the situation by nurses. EMs attitude changed completely and she basically begged for a help that stupid students couldnt offer. He asked her about this situation and walked out with her and her son. Later I had a talk about aggressive patients. The doctor told me that no matter how much we try we cant fix stupidity. The EM tried to lie some more about my behavior (telling the doctor that I laughed at her son and did everything to make her avoid meeting with any doctor) and about making other patients cry. Also, she said that I was at the break most of the time. Doctor asked for Jayson and he stood up for me & explained whole story (even about Mike) calling EM mental unstable right in front of her which caused him little trouble. Jayson also told me The doctor told EM that next time she will be aggressive towards staff cops are gonna be called. ================================= {2694 points} EM tries to get my phone for her son, i shut her up, awkward train ride ensues --------------------------------- Context, this happened just yesterday, on my train ride home from work, I was sitting alone and listened to music whilst just randomly browsing the internet. In comes EM(we all what that stands for) and ES(Her son, 5-6yo) and plops her ass down in the seats right in front of mine, the train was fairly empty but I didn't really mind her. I was listening to music on my headphones and she suddenly signs me to take them off, I assumed she wanted me to turn do the music or make me notice an inspector instead this: EM:Hey... um... would you give my son your phone to play with, your obviously too old for that anyways. She was at least somewhat polite, if still a bit rude as she just asked me to hand over my phone to a strangers kid to play with. Me:Ummm....wait...what? EM: you understood me right? I nod before adding a very much resounding "No." I put on my headphones as she starts railing against me, turn the volume to the max, sign her a countdown as I hold up my unlocked phone, my thumb over the play botton and press it. As she is semi-shouting obscenity after obscenity, I assume I can't read lips, I lean back smiling to myself. As I do she explodes, reaches over and tries to yank my phone and headphones off of me, I gently brush her arms away, take off my headphones. Me: Miss, I will not handover my phone nor my headphones to anyone, not even police, without a good reason. No means no, so please entertain your child in a different way. EM: How dare you tell me how to ra- At this point I rolled my eyes, put my headphones back on and changed seats. She gets an inspector and goes with him to my seat at which point she accuses me of stealing her kids phone and headphones. I simply look up at them and say "I don't think a kid would listen to powermetal and have pictures of me, my friends and classmates on their phone." I return to listen to music as she and her child are escorted off the train by the inspector. ================================= {196 points} You dont need a room, go live on the street and give my kid your phone! --------------------------------- So I was around 20 and looking for a room in a motel and thankfully they only had one room left. I started to sign the papers and all that shit until.... EM - Entitled Mom EK - Entitled Kid Me - me lmao scrubs fjjehfjwmfndj AG - Apartment Guy S - Security So like ten minutes after I started EM walked in asking if they had any rooms to stay with her child (Maybe like 7 years old) EK was on his 3DS I think. AP - Sorry we just ran out of rooms EK - Well Im sorry but Im about to run out of gas and I have a lot of cash so I can buy a big room AP - All of the rooms are already filled EK - (Looks around and guess what... She sees me signing the papers) Me - Yea? EK - My son and I need a room could you let us have yours Me - Sorry but I am almost done with these papers and I wouldnt just give it away after 10 minutes since I started EK gives me the most aggressive stare seeming like she is getting ready to tell Kim Jung Un to nuke America just to kill me. EK - IM SORRY WHAT? I NEED MY CHILD TO SLEEP IN A GOOD PLACE. YOU DONT NEED TO LIVE HERE. YOUR WORTHLESS!!! WHY DONT GO LIVE IN THE STREET. YOU SEEM LIKE THAT KIND OF PERSON!!!! I try to keep ahold of my actions since I know martial arts but I just ignore her ranting until she breaks the papers I was signing. Me - What the fuck did you just do????? I am now utterly pissed off (I get mad easily but she broke the line) AP knows its happening but he does nothing about it. I take my phone out to call the cops because if I get pissed off, nobody has control of me. EK - Mom my DS ran out of battery! Can I use your phone? EM - Sorry my little prince, mommy is also out of battery EK sees my phone EK - Hey Mr, can I use your phone? I ignore him and like ten seconds later of ignoring him. He tells his mom about it and she gets even madder. EM - Ok, lets make a deal. You give us the room and my son keeps your phone and I pay you enough for drugs. You want some right? I decide not to call the cops but just tell AP to do something about it and he calls security. EK is bailing his eyes out and trying to take my phone out of my hands but I leave them in the air. AP - If you would want me to, I can reprint the documents. Security comes in. S - what is happening here? EM slaps me a couple times because i called S S - Stop that!! (They grab her arm) EM - LET THE FUCK GO OF ME!!!!!! EM slaps S in the face which triggers him off. S asks me what to do with her Me - Just get both of them out of here. S - No charges for assault? EM - YOUR FUCKING ASSAULTING ME!!!!!!!!!!! Me - Nah it is ok (I cooled down a bit) S - Ok but (He talks to her) your getting a fine for assaulting an officer. EM - I WONT PAY FOR A FUCKING FINE EK stopped wailing but he is confused of what is happening but I can tell he is nervous They leave and i get to stay at the motel. I did have a good sleep there though. Good mattresses Oh yeah once someone said I dont need my teeth but their kid does so I should amputate because of it. ================================= {796 points} You're not allowed to go into the doctor's office until my daughter and it's child arrives first! --------------------------------- I live in a town wich is not too big, not too small, but enough to almost always have some kind of confrontation at the doctor's office. And one time I was the part of the confrontation too. Hooray. So this one time I had a fever, and had to go to the doctor. No biggie, my only problem was with it is that I had to wake up really early in order to be the 1st who arrives, so that I'd be able to take care of my business fast.However this particular morning I overslept, and was late half an our. I thought there would be a lot of people by the time I get there, but to my surprise there was only one tiny little gramma, sitting in the front. I haven't even really stepped in the waiting room, when she tells me "My daughter and her grandchild's first." And that' it. I said politely that it's okay, and took my seat. A little context here: In order to be 1st you have to be there at 7am so that when the doctor (who is an Arabic doctor, who's really kind to children, but because of his culture he kind of...a little rude to women. I still like him tho, just that he does NOT like when some parent(!) misbehaves, especially mothers.) arrives at 9am you'd be able to go. So you can see this 2-3 hour gap here. And you can imagine how many parent brings their sick child in that gap. And here's the hint: it's not 1 or 2 child. It's a LOT. So this Gramma whom I sitting with, tells EVERYONE who comes in, that her daughter and grandchild's the first. Nothing more, nothing less. And I don't even pay much attention to it, because as long as they arrive in time (wich is not hard considering that we're happy if the doctor comes in at 9am when he's work start's at 8am) I do not complain. And -I thought- if they really didn't arrive at time, I, as the 2nd would go in, since the doctor doesn't wait. Time passes, and the doctor finally arrives. Gramma doesn't takes a step, just sits, not even a nervous glare to the door, or searching for her daughter and grandchild. I thought if this really is going the way I think it's going, then as I predicted, I'll be able to go in the doctor's office first, since the grandchild isn't here with their parent yet. Takes some minutes, then the assistant opens the door, wich means green light. In my defense, I did wait a couple of seconds before getting up, and going to the door. But as soon as I sat up, and went for it, the gramma effin jumped in front of me, grabbed my shoulder, and TOSSED ME AWAY, saying "No, my daughter and my grandchild's the first!!!" I tried to explain to her, that if her relatives aren't here, then she can't expect 20 something people to wait for them for who knows how much time, so just let me, and others in until they arrive. I repeat: TRIED. My social aniexity didn't help me by letting me only whisper my words out, but the fact that the old lady was SCREAMING at this point, with every mouth movement getting louder I couldn't do anything. She screamed. In the open door. Not letting anyone through. Do you remember how I described my doctor? Well, since he couldn't begin his work, he came out to speak with the lady. In front of everyone. And since I know him since I was born, I knew I had to back out as soon as possible, because when someone makes him angry, then you better run, especially if you're the cause of his anger. But instead the doctor (with his REALLY angry voice) gave me the order to get in the office, implying that I indeed was the first. While I went in, the gramma gave me a death glare, but at this point I was more scared of the doctor than the other factors. As you can imagine, he was FURIOUS. He screamed, and screamed a little more, and I just stood now in the office, watching, with the other parents and children who were on the other side. Nobody said a word. Not even the gramma, until her relatives came. Then she tried to tell him that they arrived, and now they can go in, because she reserved her daughter and her child's place, but the doctor said "NO." then closed the door in front of them. I was so shocked from this I hardly even spoke to him, like, just told the neccessary information about my fever and that's all. Got my prescription, then came out. I was scared, but also curious about what happened to the gramma and her relatives, but when I got out, I didn't see neither of them. To this day I don't know what happened to them, but boi am I glad for it. ================================= {4005 points} How dare you be tallier than my daughter?! --------------------------------- First of all, sorry for bad spelling, english is not my first language and also Im on mobile so formating may be bad, i apologise. Also first post here please sorry if I do it wrong. Backstory: I am pretty tall, im 190cm (6,3 I think but i dont understand feet and inches) i had a friend a couple years ago that was about 145cm or something (4.7 i think). I was about 15 at the time of this story. ED - entitled sad, EK - entitled kid, F - friend, ME - me (surprise), father - my father So EK, F and ME was mucking about in my backyard doing stupid stuff as teenagers do. EK was sometimes pretty cool and we didnt want to be mean to her. After a while we decided to see which one out of us was the tallest. F and EK was pretty similar in height but I was at least a head taller than them. So we started out by me measuring both of them and seeing that F was a couple centimeters taller than EK. Then this happened: EK: now its your turn! Me: what? EK: we have to measure you now! Me: but Im obviously taller than both of you? EK(angerly) : you dont know that until weve measured you! Me(thinking she is joking): are you serious?? EK: Yes we have to see who is tallest! F: but you can see he is taller than you! EK(furious by now): You just dont want to admit Im the tallest!!! She then storms off down the street to her own house, we think nothing of it and go inside to play video games. After about 30 minutes we hear a nock on the door, we open and there is EK with her dad. ED: APOLOGISE TO MY DAUGTER RIGHT NOW! Me: for what? ED: for refusing to measure her! Me: but we didnt need to? You can see yourself that I am taller ED: but its not fair if you dont measure her! By this time my father has heard the yelling and come to look. Father: whats going on? ED: These brats are bullying my daughter! Father:how? ED: they refuse to admit my daughter is tall! Father(very confused by now): my son is obviously taller but why is that important? ED: it is rude! Father: no its not! Now go home! He then closed the door and locked it. After this we always avoided her and never spoke with her again. Sorry if ot was anticlimatic, i just wanted yo tell someone. ================================= {134 points} "You don't look gay!" --------------------------------- Editor's Note: This is a story written by my awesome girlfriend Jenna and edited by me. For those looking for the continuation to 'My Girlfriend's Mom Breaks my Nose Because I'm Gay' the court hearing is tomorrow and I'll post everything I can once I get home from it. ​ **The Story** ​ This was about a year ago, when both Hecate and I were fourteen. We were celebrating our one-year anniversary of dating and were supposed to go to a super fancy restaurant, really far from where we lived at the time (I was still living with my absolute demoness of a mother), and we had to take two buses to get where we were going. Two hours. Thank Oryx (Destiny references anyone) that Hecate's parents were even okay with it, much less my mother. ​ The first bus went by without incident. The second was where all hell broke loose. ​ So Hecate and I are sitting on the second bus, holding hands and talking quietly, when Heca tells me that she's going to rest her eyes. I say okay and put in my earbuds. About fifteen minutes later, a woman of about forty and a boy who looks about fourteen gets on. I don't care because this is our last stop until our destination. The woman has blond hair in a 'I demand to speak with the prime minister' haircut and is wearing this really annoying dark green business clothing, complete with a skirt and a tie. I'd never seen someone look so ridiculous. Her child was just about the edgiest shit you'll ever see. He wore ALL BLACK. Leather jacket. Leather COMBAT BOOTS. Streaks of fiery red in his JET BLACK hair. BLACK FUCKING SUNGLASSES. The only thing he needed now was a fucking bodyguard. ​ So I resist the urge to laugh and ignore them until they move down the bus to sit directly across from Heca and I, and as the boy passes me he glances at me with a hungry light in his eyes. If you'd drawn an arrow between his gaze and his focal point, they would have landed directly on my somewhat on the large side of the spectrum breasts. He sits down, and about three minutes later I hear him say something. Again, I don't care. Free speech. ​ Then his mom says in a loud voice "Hey, my son wants to ask you something!" ​ The following conversation ensues. Me = a pygmy marmoset (me xD) GF = girlfriend EM = entitled mother SEK = somewhat-entitled kid ​ Me: Yes? SEK: Let's go out, sweetheart. (I'm sure he thought he sounded like Han Solo) Me: Um, sorry, I'm- EM: \*Eyes widen\* Don't you dare! EK is a good kid and deserves a girlfriend, and since he finds you attractive, you have no choice in the matter! (Was she fucking high?) GF: \*eyes open\* "Babe, what's going on?" (She's talking to me) Me: (I can only sputter and point helplessly at the EK and his parental unit) They - I - what - GF: \*leans over to see who I'm pointing at\* Can we help you? SEK: Who are *you*? (He looks disdainfully at Hecate) Me: (I finally work up the courage to speak) My girlfriend. SEK: \*flinches\* You.. \*begins to realize what he's done\* EM: No she's not! You don't look gay! **(WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN)** Date my son, you whore, or else! GF: \*voice lowers\* (Even though I'm older by a few months than Hecate, she's much scarier than I am) Call her that again. I dare you. SEK: Mom, she's lesbian. She's not interested in the right gender. It's fine. I'll find someone else. ​ So by this point I'm pissed, but at the same time feel sorry for the kid. Him saying 'the right gender' makes me furious, but like most kids he's a product of his environment and I do feel bad for him. ​ EM: She's not gay! Look at her! Gay girls don't have slutty bodies like that! **(One: I don't look slutty. At all. I wear a t-shirt with a small red-leather jacket on it with blue jeans. Yeah, my breasts are somewhat big, but... how does that make me a slut? And also two: Again, WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN)** Girls only wear that to excite men! (At this point I'm dumbstruck at the audacity of this woman. She must have been brainwashed or something) SEK: Mom. It's fine. D: \*shouting back at us\* Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to stop harassing these passengers. EM: (Probably beginning to realize the gravity of her situation) \*mutters\* Selfish hoe. ​ Luckily, that was the last of it. We never saw them again and had an amazing evening. ​ Thanks for reading. Fuck entitlement. Fuck homophobia. Fuck people who don't believe in homophobia. Fuck sexism. Anyone who agrees with sexist ideals is a fucking sociopath. ================================= {2975 points} EM makes me lose my childhood best friend --------------------------------- (Sorry guys. It got taken down the first time I posted it. So here ya go.) (Quick little side note to the people saying Im in the wrong for ignoring her opinion. One. Weve been in a scarily similar situation where I decided we werent going to be friends after my dad remarried a woman I hated and I didnt want anyone around, and she flat out refused. Weve always been that way, and thats just how it is. Two. Ive talked to her friends since then, but not her specifically. She didnt realize until after that I was going for your guys fake date plan, and shes been beating herself up badly for it. So I appreciate your guys concern but Jesus people Ive been friends with her for a decade and this is how weve always been, so put on your big kid pants and grow up. As for the rest of you, hope you enjoyed the story!) So guys. It happened. We talked everything over the past few days, and a lot has happened. I guess its time to fill you in on how I lost F as a friend, probably forever. It was yesterday when stuff got well...difficult. She texted me saying she couldnt do it anymore, and she wanted to take a break from being friends for a while. How do I respond to that? This is my best friend. I couldnt live without them in my life. I wasnt about to give her up without a fight. Message from F: Hey, so this has to be said. I dont think I can do this anymore. I know were good friends but I dont think we can stay that way if things dont change. Lets just take some time off. A few months, years, and figure things out in the future when we can make our own plan. Message from me: No. Message from F: Wdym no?? Message from me: I mean no. Message from F: Look, Im sorry but we cant. Im just done. For good this time. Shes not going to stop and I cant take this crap anymore. For some backstory if you havent read my previous posts, EM is Fs mom, and has been trying to get us to date for years now. Just because she thinks her daughter deserves me as a boyfriend. Well that wasnt gonna happen anytime soon. Message from me: Can we talk about this? Ill order pizza and Ill be there in like an hour? Message from F: No. We cant keep talking things out and prolonging the inevitable. We need to stop OP. Now. Well that hurt. That really fucking hurt. I closed my phone and sat down for a few hours. I just thought. And thought. And thought. Wed been through hell and back together. Her mom trying to change my sexuality, her dad accusing me of rape, her grandma calling me a Satan spawn. Im only naming the things you guys even know about. The list is endless. So finally, after about three hours of just thinking, I come up with an idea. I have absolutely one shot at saving my relationship with my best friend, and Im going to put everything on the line if I want it to work. I text ED first. Fucking crazy idea but I need it to work. I absolutely need it to. I tell him to get EM to unblock me. He refuses, but after a lot of badgering finally gives in. Good. Part 1 of my plan is going smooth. I text EM, something I never thought Id ever have to do. I tell her everything thats going on. She replies simply with It sounds like you dug yourself a pretty deep hole. Im pissed at this point but I have to play her game. I agree. I tell her that everything I did was a mistake and that I should have dated her daughter right away. Not my best idea, but it might just work. She seems excited. But she also seems skeptical. Apparently shes come up with the idea hundreds of you have of faking the date. After a long, temporarily heated conversation she agrees to let me come over and talk to F. Part two, completed. Now I had no intention of dating F. Not a single one in hell. But your guys plans might just be the best ideas Ive ever heard, so I decided to try it. It was kinda a last ditch effort. I pack up a ton of shit and go to her house. This is where stuff gets tricky. Her mom greets me right away. Good start, shes talking to me like a human. ED doesnt look happy to see me, but also doesnt look upset. Its the most human Ive seen them act in a while. I go to Fs room, and knock. F: Who is it? Me: Its OP. I come baring gifts. F: Why are you here? Didnt you listen to me? Me: Yeah. I just didnt wanna so I came here. She opened the door. She looked upset as hell, and I instantly felt really bad. Me: You ok? F: Oh yeah, just fucking dandy. I laughed a little. Ok guys, its 2019 and she used the word dandy. She shot me a look and I shut up right away. Me: Soooooo can I come in? She moved to the side and let me walk in. I immediately opened the bag Id packed and dumped it all over her floor. F: What the fuck dude?! Me: Shhhhh. Sit down. She looked pissed now. Oh god was I gonna die? NO. I wasnt gonna back down from this. I started sorting through the stuff all over her floor. Pictures, pieces of paper, little trinkets. All kinds of stuff wed gotten together. It looked like a mess to anyone else, but this was my god damn soul. I prayed to god shed see it the same. As she sorted through the pile, I could see her eyes light up at certain things. A rock shed gotten me from her trip to the Bahamas. A picture wed taken together in Pennsylvania and gotten framed. A note she wrote me when I got sent to the hospital again, she stopped to read the entire thing and teared up. I was getting to her. I didnt care if things escalated. Or stayed as they were now. I just wanted my god damn best friend back. As shes reading another letter, the door opens. In walks my worst nightmare. EM. EM: So how are the little lovebirds? Me: Great! (At the exact same time F said were not in love mom. So maybe I hadnt explained the plan yet. I wanted to at least stop her from leaving completely first) EM: You can stop. OP told me he was gonna ask you out. And hed have left by now if you said no. Okokok. I never said that. But F looked really confused. F: *turns to me* you were gonna ask me out? Me: Not exactly... EM: What does that mean? Why not? Me: I was gonna wait a while. EM: You dont get to wait. My daughter has waited months for you to make up your damn mind and admit you want her. Ask her now. Me: I cant. EM: Why not? Me: That wasnt the idea here. EM looked pissed. I was at a loss of things to say. There was absolutely no saving this situation. EM: So you werent here to date my daughter? Then why did you even come?! Me: To be with my best friend. F: Its ok mom. EM: Its not. My daughter doesnt deserve to get treated like crap by some street thug just because he thinks he can abuse any girl mentally he wants. I was shocked. Shed been abusing F for years basically. What could I do here? There had to be some sort of plan I could pull together. Come the fuck on I was about to lose everything. Id never been more panicked in my life. Me: Fine. Im sorry. EM: Good. Now do your damn job and ask my daughter out. Psycho bitch. But I was willing to try anything. I turn to F. Me: I know this is sudden, and definitely not the situation you wanted to be in right now. But will you consider going out with me? The world froze. I was terrified but also curious myself. What was going to happen next? Where would we end up from here? That question was really...really short lived. I wish I could give you guys a fairy tail ending and say she said yes and we kissed and fireworks went off. But Id be lying if I did. F: No. No I wont. And I think its time for you to go. I was...shocked. What? She said no. But she asked me to leave too?! What was going on. My mind was racing. Did she have an idea? Was she going to singlehandedly stop her mom and save our friendship? The answer was no again. Me: What? F: Go. Clearly EM (using her first name) isnt going to stop unless she gets what she wants. And Im not giving that to bet. So leave. She cant have what she wants if we never talk again. And Im done giving her what she wants. F hands me my bag. I just look confused. At this point I have no idea whats going on. Was I just...stranded? Was this really for the best? I snap back into reality, and open the door. EM isnt yelling as far as I can tell. But I couldnt really pay any attention to what was going on around me. I was completely struck by the thought of not having F around for the rest of my life. I manage to get back home in one piece, but I almost got hit by a car like twice on my way there. When I got home the first thing I did was text F. Message not delivered. Again. Again. Nothing. She blocked my number. Fuck. This is really what was going to happen from now on. I had lost my best friend. Over an issue her mom just wouldnt let go. At least I can assure you guys I didnt sleep that night. I was looking through my bag and realized a lot of the stuff was still at her house. Including my favorite picture of us together. It was the one time wed both been dressed formally for a wedding. She was in a dress that looked amazing on her, and I was in a matching suit and tie. That picture had been framed in my room but at the last second I threw it into my bag. I was hoping it would convince her to stop this nonsense. Without that picture guys. Without my best friend. I dont have much going for me anymore I guess. I wont stop writing. I have a ton more stories about my parents and other aspects of my life to tell you guys. Hell. Ive thought about just making one huge post and explaining the ENTIRE backstory before what happened with me and F and us meeting. The hospital, my mom, my dad, theres so much she helped me through that you guys dont even know about. But to be honest. None of that seems important anymore. Not one part of it. I hope you guys know how much it means to have all of you offering me advice, and asking to help. Some of you even just have conversations with me and it feels great knowing that in some way or form, Im appreciated. Thank all of you so much. Ill keep you filled in on this situation. But for a while the stories are going to be different. As for what Ill do from here. I dont know. I think Im gonna put more time into writing. Not for Reddit, but my writing. I do a lot of poetry and other stuff, since it helps clear my head. I think Ill make that my main focus for a while. Thats the end of this one guys. I dont think I can keep talking about this without actually crying my eyes out. Ill talk to you all soon hopefully. Have a great day, and I hope you all enjoy the story. Wish me luck from here on I guess... ================================= {331 points} EM told EK to take the hair tie out of my hair then calls my gf a witch --------------------------------- EM: Entitled mom ED: Entitled dad EK: Entitled kid (about 5 or 6yo) For knowledge sake, me and my gf are both 20yo This happened a few days ago and my friend told me I should put it on here A little backstory: So I am the drummer in a band and we had just got finished with a recording session. I also want to point out i am a male but my hair is long enough to put in a bun. I do this often while wearing a hat so it wasnt anything out of the ordinary. So after my band had finished a recording session, me and my gf decided to go get some lunch at Red Robin. (For those who dont know, Red Robin is a casual american restaurant) We were seated at a near the back in a booth. A few minutes after we had ordered, a family of three was seated behind us. The EK and ED were seated to my back with the EM facing them. Mind you the seats were short so they were easy to reach over even for a little kid. So after a few minutes of talking about how the session had gone, we overheard the EK say in a loud and annoying voice, Mommy! I lost my hair tie! EM: Its ok sweety, well get you another one The eps whispered something to each other and then to the EK. EK: Are you sure? EM: Sure, he wont mind. I didnt think anything of it. I thought he was the ED. But to my absolute shock and amazement, the EK grabbed my hair and pulled the hair tie out of my hair. Me: Hey! What are you doing? I turn around to see the little girl with the hair tie that was in my hair in her hand. EK: My mommy said I could have it. I gave the EM a bewildered look as if to say, Have you lost your mind? Me: Did your she tell you you could take it out of my hair without asking? EM: Hey! Dont talk to my daughter like that! She needs it more than you do. Me: No! It was in my hair, its mine. EM: Oh come on, you dont even need it. Me: No! Give it back! ED: Hey, shes just a little girl man, let her have it. Me: No! At this point a waitress who has nearby started walking over. Waitress: What seems to be the problem here? Before I could even open my mouth the EM said, This guy just stole my daughters hair tie and is now demanding she give it back Waitress: No, no, no, I watched her take it right out of his hair without even asking. Im sure if you had just asked him he would have given it to you. (Which was true.) EM: No, you dont know what youre Talking about. He took it out of her hand before we sat down and put it in his hair. Waitress: No, I saw him walk in with it before you all even got here. EM: Oh so you are going to start lying? Where is your manager? EM: No! We ordered our food (they hadnt) and were going to get our food. Waitress: Leave At this point they got up and started to leave. Then EM locked eyes with my gf. EM: (pointing to my gf) And her! That witch told him to do it! My gf recently dyed her hair silver, so I guess thats why the em called her a witch Waitress: Leave At this point the kid was crying and asking her dad if they could eat. They then began to leave when the EM glared at me and said, I hope youre happy. They left the restaurant yelling at the waiting staff to which me and my gf both died laughing. The waitress then apologized for theyre behavior to which I dismissed it because it wasnt her fault. I hate being confrontational but this time I had no choice. I ended up not getting the hair tie back but I can look back at it now and laugh about how ridiculous the whole situation was. ================================= {381 points} How DARE you teach my child to tie his shoes! --------------------------------- I have many stories about parents of students, especially this one, but this is one I never expected. TL;DR at the bottom. ​ I teach a 4/5 combination class (10-11 years old). One of my 5th grade students does not know how to tie his shoes. This student does have some fine motor delays, but nothing that has yet to warrant the school to intervene and offer Occupational Therapy (although I'm sure he would qualify through his doctor). Mom is the typical EP, overly babies her son because he is her miracle (your kid's teacher doesn't need to know that you have had 5 miscarriages) so he needs to be treated gently. Sadly, his teacher last year completely fed into this and his fine motor/behavior has been negatively affected. I have worked hard this year to get him passed some of his learned helpless behavior. ​ Because of the school uniform policy this student usually wears slip on shoes so his inability to tie his shoes is most often a nonissue, with the exception of special non uniform days. Today is one of those days. ​ A few weeks ago the students did an art project that required them to tie multiple knots, in multiple styles. Many of these were more complicated than tying a shoe using the "bunny ear" method. ​ Today I noticed S (student) was wearing tennis shoes and one was untied. I told him to tie his shoe (knowing he couldn't). He whined and said that he can't. So I reminded him of the knot project and I knew he could do it. I sat down on the floor with him and walked him through the steps. I showed him once on a piece of string. After about 2 tries, guess what, he tied his own damned shoe! He was so proud of himself, and the class was excited for him as well (they hate when he wears tennis shoes because one of them ends up tying them for him). He asked me if I would take a video of him tying his shoe and send it to his mom. I told him of course I would and I sent the email right away. ​ Not even 10 minutes later I get an email back from EP and she is PISSED! She demands a conference about what happened in class. So I tell her I can meet with her after school. ​ She comes in to the classroom infuriated! I ignore the fact that she is upset. ME: EP aren't you so proud of S! I know that tying his shoe has been seen as a struggle, but now he can do it. EP: I can't believe that you dared to teach him how to tie his shoes, THAT ISN'T A TEACHER'S JOB! ME: Excuse me? EP: Why do you think it is ok to waste his valuable learning time to teach him something so silly. ME: I'm sorry I don't understand. I don't feel that any time was wasted. Being able to tie a bow is a valuable life skill that transcends shoe tying. EP: So you let the whole class sit there and watch while you humiliated my son!?! ME: The rest of the class was working on their morning independent work, most of them were oblivious to the interaction between myself and S. EP: LIAR! In the video they were all watching and yelling at him! ME: I'm sorry that it appeared that way to you, I assure you that they only realized something happened when S exclaimed to the class that he could tie his shoes now, and none of the other students had a negative reaction to him, rather they were all elated that he did could tie his shoes. EP: It's none of their business if he can tie his shoes or not! ME: I understand that you feel that way, however as you know, I can not control what S tells his classmates about his achievements. EP: ACHIEVEMENTS! Tying his shoes is not a F\*\*\*ING ACHIEVEMENT! ME: Can you please watch your language as you are on school property and children are present. EP: YOU ARE A CONDESCENDING BITCH! I am his mom it is my job to teach him tie his shoes, not yours! If he knows how to tie his shoes then he is going to move out and I will never see him again. ME: I'm sorry you feel this way, and I feel that this is a good time to conclude our meeting. If it eases your frustration, in 53 days school is out and you can spend as much time as you can with S before he moves out (S is 10! he can't move out!). EP leaves the room, and mumbles, "Only 53 fucking days! I don't want him back" ​ I just sat back and got a nice chuckle until I knew the coast was clear to leave. But seriously, you think that your kid won't run away from your crazy if he can't tie his shoes!?! ​ TL;DR: EP yelled at me (her child's teacher) for teaching her 10 year old to tie his shoes. ================================= {189 points} EM thinks she and her child has a right to the cookies I MADE --------------------------------- This happened a few years ago, but I just recently discovered this subreddit. Anyways, Im on mobile so formatting might be a little bit weird, my memory might be a little fuzzy, and TL;DR at the bottom. EM: entitled mom ES: entitled son So my school was having an end of the year party, and some kids could volunteer to make and bring snacks for the kids. I love baking, and so do my parents I volunteered to make some cookies for the party. I made them from scratch, the dough and frosting all made from the basic ingredients. It took a long time to make, but I was proud of the end result. I bring my cookies to the party in a tray, all frosted with the words Happy Graduation on them, and walk over to set them on a table with all the other snacks. I took the aluminum foil off the top as a woman and her son walked by. I didnt personally know him, he seemed nice at first glance. In fact, both of them seemed nice at first. EM: Hey! What do you have there? Me: Some cookies! Would you like some? EM: My son loves cookies! Dont you? (ES nods) She proceeds to reach past me, knocking me out of the way. She grabs the entire tray of cookies, but I manage to grab onto it as she tries to pull it away. Me: Hey! You have to share those! EM: My son has the best grades in his class and I think he deserves these! Me: Just because he has good grades doesnt mean that you can just steal my cookies! EM: Deal with it punk! She then rips the tray away and tries to walk away. However, I dash after her and manage to rip the tray from her hands. Now shes furious. EM: YOU BETTER GIVE ME THOSE COOKIES RIGHT NOW. Me: No, theyre mine and youre not getting any. She grabs onto the tray again and pulls on it, but I keep my grip. We both tug on the tray and my fingers start to slip. But I think of a last-second idea and suddenly let go of the tray. The frosted cookies fly all over the womans outfit, and she lets go of the tray. Her dress was covered in sticky frosting. She was absolutely fuming with anger while her son looks at her, confused on how to help her. My cookies were ruined and a lot of hard work had gone to waste, but it was absolutely worth it to see the look on her face. TL;DR Entitled mom tries to steal my homemade cookies, but gets frosting all over her dress instead. ================================= {486 points} Overprotective EP takes normal people to court for no reason, gets mad at my dad for not supporting her, shelters her kids, and turns into a hermit. --------------------------------- This is one of my first posts so sorry for any formatting issues or anything Me: me, duh, D: my dad, EK, EK2, EK3, EK4: all the entitled kids, EP: entitled parent, F: friend, FP: friends parent (who is in the army reserves) **Backstory:** so a while ago, when I was about ten, I had 5 friends on my street. we all lived 1 or two houses apart from each other. all the EK's were siblings btw. So EK's family liked throwing a barbeque every month or so, just for us kids. also, the EP's always sheltered their kids from the world. When the story starts we were playing musical chairs. **Story:** F was hiding under one of the chairs, sort of just grabbing at our legs as we played. I tried to jump over him at one point, but I messed up and stumbled forward onto EK4, who was about 6, so he obviously started crying. EK who was also 10 and not really entitled, started playfully kicking F. FP, who was sitting about 10 yards away, stands up and sees all this: FP: Stop kicking F, EK! (She later said that from her view, EK1 was being much more violent) EP: DON'T TALK TO EK THAT WAY! FP: Your kid was assaulting F, I just wanted him to stop. at this point, EP has sent all her kids to bed, and D is trying to get us all out of the house. EP is still screaming at FP, even when FP is on the sidewalk with F, just trying to leave. Fast-forward about 3 weeks, F's family is throwing a new years party, it's going great, and then the police show up. apparently, the music was "too loud" for EP's kids, but the cop agrees that the music is at a reasonable volume and leaves. You would think that it would be over there, but no. EP calls the cops 4 MORE TIMES! nothing ends up happening, but the party is pretty much over by then and most people have left. The next morning I wake up to hear D on a phone call, and he later tells me that it goes like this: EP: I'm suing FP for disturbing the peace, and I know that you were at his party, so I want you to be a witness! D: FP didn't do anything illegal, if you use me as a witness, then I'll testify against you. **EP hangs up** She ended up not using my dad as a witness, and she lost the court case. She cut all ties with my family and F's family. She also switched the EK's to a different school so that we couldn't be friends anymore. I lived there for 1 more year and didn't see any of the EK's a single time. We lived right next to each other, but she almost never let them leave the house I guess. Anyway, I still feel bad for the 4 EK's, and they hopefully grow away from EP. ================================= {1456 points} Let me put my son on your lap. No? Give me back my bus money. --------------------------------- So, Im quite addicted to this subreddit. So addicted that I wanted to tell my experience. TL;DR at the bottom. Little background: Im a girl. This was around 5-7 year ago back so I think I was 11-12 at the time. When I went to 6th grade in my fourth elementary school in which I took the bus back and forth with my two older brothers. This was the time where I was experimenting with my hair color. My hair was a gorgeous mermaid blue which did attract attention and the constant questions of who did it? and where did you get the color? Though I didnt mind it because I loved the way it looked. Link to hair color: https://www.reddit.com/user/Silly_Silvia/comments/avflyj/my_hair_color_when_i_was_in_sixth_grade/ Anyways, my second brother was sick so it was just my eldest brother and I catching the public bus to school. There is a 6 year gap between us. To our school from where we lived, it was about an hour/ hour 30 if there was heavy traffic. (I lived in Hawaii, still do.) About 20 minutes into our bus ride, a new challenger approached. Entitled mom (EP) comes strolling in with two kids and a stroller. she folded up when she was in the middle of the aisle. Annoying but okay, sure lady. You do you boo. Let me just listen to Barbie girl on my iPod nano in peace. Cute kids. Mom was pretty, white fair skin compared to my brown Hawaiian skin. My brother and I were sitting in those long chairs where there was 4 seats in a row. My brother sat at one end and I sat beside him in the middle. This mother sits one of the children in the seat beside me, okay. She then proceeds to put her taintspawn on my lap before she sat down at the end seat. I just sit there, kinda scared to take this child off. Now, these kids seemed to be in a lower grade than me. Maybe 1st or 2nd. Im just sitting there, staring at this kid who just stares at my shiny dark blue hair. My brother just glanced at the child, at me and finally the woman. Hes rather cut off and unemotional so he just has his natural poker face. Bro: Excuse me...but can you take your kid of my sister? Ep: No, sorry. My son wouldnt have anywhere to sit if I didnt put him there. Bro: Why didnt you put him on your lap? EP: Because Id be uncomfortable. At this point, the kid starts grabbing my hair and earphones. I got super uncomfortable with this strange child touching my hair. He then starts pulling and yanking with a good chunk in his hand. Me: Please dont that hurts... Child: No! Bro: okay...Seriously, take him off. Hes hurting her. EP: No. Just let him sit there, hes a good boy. Bro: Brah, this haole (label we give non-Polynesians) My brother proceeds to take this child off my lap and hands him to the woman before sitting back down. He scoots me to the end seat and sit in the middle, separating this ladys kids and I. EP did not like this. EP goes berserk on my high schooler brother. EP: You did not just touch my child. Bro: Uhh, yeah, I did. -Shrugging- EP: How dare you touch my child you filthy fucking n*****!! Im starting to cry, my child self not liking when someone starts shouting. My brother just staring up at this woman with no fucks. Bro: Brah, you betta not use that word around here, people gon scrap (fight) with you. Maybe next time, dont sit your kids on somebody else. EP: My child was being a good kid! He is important and shes not!! He should sit on her if theres no room! People starts looking at her screaming profanities at my brother and me crying from seeing my older brother being yelled at. The bus stops at the next stop, the driver stands up and walks towards us. He is asking what happened and what the problem is in Pidgin English (type of language we use to communicate easier with each other.) Before my brother can respond, the woman starts screaming at the driver. EP: This brat wont let me sit his child down on her! -pointing to me- Bro: This haole chick is nuts. The driver is just confused and slowly explains to the lady that shes making a commotion and that she needs to respect other people on the bus. EP did not like that. EP: NO, I DEMAND MY BUS MONEY BACK FOR THIS INCONVENIENCE! THESE CHILDREN ARE JUST DAMN RUDE! KICK THEM OFF! Driver just shook his head, looked at us and gestures towards the front where there was the lone two seats. My brother stands up and pulls my snotty and ugly crying self up to walk me to the seats. Me wiping my snot and tears on my beaten up green hoodie sleeve. We sit down and my brother tells me to just listen to my music until our stop. I do, just listening to the default Barbie girl and umbrella by Rihanna, I think. The woman continued shouting until we got off our bus at our stop. We didnt see her ever again, glad we didnt. TL;DR - Woman sits her son on my lap in the city bus, she gets mad when brother takes him off. Edit 1: I believe an explanation on the term Haole needs to be addressed. Yes, Haole used in this story is a neutral term. Based on the intent, it can be derogatory. Haole also means breathless Yes, my brother used this term in a derogatory fashion. Yes, this term is used in high school and is, oh so, common. Its a factor of how we were raised, I do not think my brother saw any wrong in it. Of course, that is no excuse so Im sorry if you are offended. ================================= {116 points} EM tries to steal drinks from subway. --------------------------------- First time poster, just saying I have loads of stories of EP customers so more will be on the way ;) Lets set the scene: I work in a subway and it was a busy Saturday. There was a long line of customers and it was really hot outside. In walks entitled mom and her 2 kids (they both look under 10). She sees the line and just butts in where the register is whilst one of the customers is paying. This is the conversation that followed: Me: Hey, uhh could you go to the end of the line please? Em: I just want 2 water cups so my children can have a drink. Its boiling outside. Me: (reluctantly) sure. Next time go to the end of the line though. I hand her the cups and get on to the next customers sub. As I put the sandwich in the toaster I hear the sound of the soft drink dispenser buzzing behind me. I immediately turn around to see the Em filling the (large) cups with Diet Coke, not water from the water dispenser. I looked in disbelief as she handed an almost full large cup of coke to one of her kids. Me: Excuse me what do you think youre doing? Em: Im getting a drink for my children? Me: You asked for water cups? Theyre free. Fountain drinks cost. It says the prices on the menu. Em: Im just getting a drink for my children. They dont like water and the fizzy drinks are right here. Me: Are you kidding me, they cost money. Youre stealing. Em: Im a single mother of 2. And Im just trying to get my children some drinks. Who cares if hey have fizzy drinks or not. Me: Please stop or Im calling the police. Em: (startled) What? Let me speak to your manager. I call my manager out from the back and she asks whats wrong. Em: Your employee here is discriminating my children. He hates children and he should be fired. I was just trying to get my children something to drink. Me: What? This woman didnt pay for the drinks, she asked for water cups and is filling them with soft drinks. M (manager): Maam you cant do that, please give back the drinks and leave or we will have to call the police. The Em looks livid. She then throws the drink in my managers face (remember this is sticky coke on a hot day) grabs her kids, then tries makes a run for it. A man at the door tried to stop her and she freaked out and kicked him sharply in the shin. SURPRISE SURPRISE, this man is a police officer off duty. He grabbed her arm and says youre under arrest for petty theft and the assault of a police officer. I laugh and everyone in the queue gives off a sigh of relief. I helped clean up my manager while the officer and some other officers ask for witness accounts and then the woman and her kids (who are crying at this point) are escorted off in a police car. She got 2 months in prison and community service along with a fine all because she wanted a drink for free. lul ================================= {377 points} EP doesn't care the shop is closed, she promised her kids a hot chocolate! --------------------------------- Not the most extravagant story, but I thought I'd share nonetheless. Context; I work in a hotel. We have a Dunkin, open from 6:30am to 9pm every day, and we sell these refill cups that get you free refills on some of our drinks any time during those hours. This happened one night when I was closing. I'd already been there for 6 hours and had closed the gate in front of the outlet right at 9pm because I just wanted to finish my job and go home to sleep. I'd turned off all of the drink machines, threw out the food we hadn't used that day, and had just started putting the unsold donuts into a bag to be composted when a woman and three young kind came up to the closed gate. EM: Hi, we'll take a dozen donuts, and we'd like all of our cups filled with hot chocolate. Whipped cream on all of them. People ordering through the closed gate, as dumb as it is, isn't a new thing to me. It happens at least once a week. Me: We're closed actually, but we'll be open again at 6:30 tomorrow. Sorry about that. EM: I actually bought these refill cups, and I can get a refill on them any time I want. Me: Actually, we can only give refills when the shop is open, I've already turned everything off. We'll be open again at 6:30 tomorrow though. EM: I payed for this though. And I promised my kids they could have a hot chocolate after they got ready for bed! I continue to put donuts into the compost bag, and repeat my whole, 'we'll be open at 6:30' script. EM: Well I also told them they could have a dozen donuts, what are you doing with those donuts? Me: I'm composting them. We'll have fresh ones in the morning. EM: Give them to my kids then. Me: I'm sorry but we're closed, and I already emptied my register, you'll have to come back tomorrow. EM: Your register doesn't matter, just give us them, you're throwing them out anyway. Me: I'm sorry, I can't do that. We'll be open again tomorrow though, with fresh donuts. EM: We can't wait until tomorrow, I promised them they could have their stuff now. Me: We're closed now. EM: So, let me go over this. You won't give me the donuts you're already throwing out, and you won't give me the cups of hot chocolate WHICH I PAYED FOR. I nodded. I watched her walk over to the front desk, and figured she was putting in a complaint about me. I was right. She'd said I made her kids very upset, and that I'd been rude to the point where she never wanted to stay here again. She also claimed again, that by buying a refill cup, she was entitled to 24/7 refills of whatever she wanted. The complaint wasn't taken seriously. Edit: spelling ================================= {1249 points} "You dont need money" --------------------------------- So this literally happened like 15 minutes ago and reminded me about entitledparents. So i was in this store, (k kauppa) and i was trying to reach for some little coins (like 10 and 20 cent coins) from the bottom of my backpack because i am broke lol. So there was this probably single mother with 2 kids there.(they were like 6) The kids saw my coins and asked if they can have them. I said no, obviously. They went and got their mom, and this is the conversation. Em: entitled mom, ME: Me Em: my kids would like to buy some candy, could you give them your money? Me: No, theyre mine. Em: but you are a rich kid, you dont need those coins. Me: im not and im not giving them. Em: give the coins, i have no money and my kids want something good to eat Me: why do you have a full shopping cart then? Em got really fucking mad cursing at me and shit, so i walk away. She yells for me to come back, of course i dont. I walk away from the store and im walking away right now. Thanks for reading! ================================= {743 points} How dare you tell the principal that my son cheated on a quiz? --------------------------------- Written on mobile. Sorry for the format Hey everyone.This story happened in 3rd grade where I saw this kid copying of my paper on the fractions quiz. Me being the good student, snitched on the kid. The kid didnt like it, so he bit me. My mom of course was furious when she learnt about this. Enter EP who was also mad because I dared to snitch on her golden child. So at the same time my mom was picking me up from school, EP shows up to demand to know why her son was going to be suspended. EP walks in and sees me in the front office and proceeds to grab me and shout at me. At that exact moment my mother walks in from the principals office and pushes EP onto the floor. I know that wasnt exactly good on her part, but my mom knew I didnt do shit. EP and my mom proceed to have a huge verbal argument with the EP defending her kid using excuses like he would never do it and I raised him right. The office was getting heated and the principal intervene to cool things down. My mom asks EP how her child is innocent when he clearly bit me. EP fr says your son snitched, he deserves to get bit. Youre a bitch and youre sons a fucking fag. That was the final straw. My mom goes sicko mode and yeets her ass out the room and beats the shit out of her. In the end EP left with a bleeding nose and multiple bruises. I didnt even remember this incident until I came across this sub and I think this fits right here. No charges were pressed since this was in India as far as I know. The kid gets suspended, then moves to another school. TLDR - I snitch on kid who was copying of my paper. He bites me. EP goes apeshit. Mom goes sicko mode. EP left with a bleeding nose. Edit - I showed the post to my mom and she read the comments and told me to tell yall that it meant a lot to her. Thanks guys! ================================= ######r/MaliciousCompliance###### {580 points} Malicious Military Compliance --------------------------------- For the next month, /r/MaliciousCompliance and /r/MilitaryStories are running a cross promotion. We are asking that if you have stories that fit both subs, to please post in both subs with the tag "MMC" somewhere in the title. We all know the military is filled with malicious acts of compliance and smartassery in general, so we would like to showcase our authors in both subs. Important: Please read the rules of each sub and understand before posting if you haven't before. Thank you, and have fun! ================================= {372 points} So, what do y'all think about all these stories about peoples childhood? --------------------------------- ================================= {215 points} Careful what you say to your bank's customer service. --------------------------------- So, I used to work in a customer service call center for a bank. It's a fairly large bank with thousands of locations along the east coast of the US. Like a lot of banks, this one had quite a few shady business practices--I'd say they had more than their fair share, though. I certainly never would have opened an account with them. When people would call to complain, I was expected to defend these practices... so when I couldn't help and apologized for it, I really meant it. One Christmas Eve, a guy with a business checking account calls in, and I answer politely as always. I verify his personal information so that we can discuss his account, and then he bluntly says that he wants me to waive a bunch of overdraft fees. That was fine with me; I had the authority to refund up to three fees (of any kind) in a single shot, but only if the customer explicitly requested it. There were many times I tried to nudge someone toward asking me to refund their fees so that I could do it, and it broke my heart when they wouldn't ask outright. But I could also only do it if no fees had been previously waived in the past 12 months. This guy had had dozens of overdraft fees waived in just the past few weeks. It was seriously well over a thousand dollars in fees, and it wasn't our shady practices that caused them... he was just continuously spending money he didn't have. This was the most extreme amount of refunded fees I'd ever seen, and I couldn't fathom how it had happened. I said that it looked like he had had a lot of overdrafts lately for which the fees had been waived, and asked him, "Is this activity on your account unauthorized? Are these transactions that are overdrawing your balance fraudulent or something?" He said no, they were all legitimate charges. "I'm trying to run a business, and I have to pay my business expenses. I can't do that if you're constantly charging me fees. Every time I make a deposit, it's eaten up with fees." "Well," I said, donning the shit-eating grin that all telephone customer service reps use when you're being unreasonable even though they can't see you, "the fees aren't causing the overdrafts. We've been refunding them. But your balance is still negative even after the fees get refunded, and every time you spend money that isn't in your account, you get charged a fee." "Whatever," he said. "Just refund this latest batch." "I'm sorry, sir," I replied. "I'm not authorized to do that. In order to stop being charged overdraft fees, you have to bring your account balance over zero and keep it that way. Even after all the waived fees, your account has had a negative balance for over a month." He kept rudely insisting, and I kept politely apologizing and saying no. At this point you're probably wondering where the malicious compliance comes in. Well, eventually he snapped: "I don't wanna hear SORRY! Don't tell me you're SORRY if you're not going to DO anything about it!" So I kinda snapped too: "Okay. I'm NOT sorry. Sometimes people call me and they're really in dire financial straits through no fault of their own, and sometimes I can't do anything to help them; in THOSE cases, I'm sorry. YOU have been spending OUR money, and you have the NERVE to DEMAND that I refund you the fees that you AGREED to pay when you opened this account. After we've already waived nearly TWO GRAND in fees. I'm not sorry AT ALL. You HAVE to pay these fees. We are NOT here to give you an interest-free loan. You are PAYING us for a SERVICE. We have already RENDERED that service, and NOW you have to PAY for it." He was shocked that I'd told him like it was. He stammered for a couple of seconds, and then said, "Well, this is terrible customer service. I don't know why I even do business with you. This makes me want to close my account." I briefly thought about how to respond to that, and then said, "You want to close your account?" "Yeah," he said. "I don't want to do business with a bank that treats its customers like this." "Okay. Is there anything else I can do for you today, sir?" "Fuck no." And he hung up on me. That's when I noticed that my supervisor was laughing her ass off on the other side of the office. I set my phone to temporarily not accept incoming calls and walked over to her. "That was a monitored call, wasn't it?" I asked. (Monitored calls are the reason you always hear, "This call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes," before speaking to someone on the phone. It's to make sure the rep taking your call is doing their job properly.) "HAHAHA OH MY GOD YES THAT WAS AMAZING!" she screamed. "So I take it I'm going to get a good review on that one?" "Oh yeah, don't worry about it, he had that coming," she said, wiping a tear from her eye. "So, let's go ahead and close his account." She was taken aback for a moment. "Well, you know he wasn't actually ASKING you to close his account. I mean, he's kinda getting a free ride right now, even without those fees being refunded. He's not actually going anywhere." I pointed out that he had, in fact, been the one to bring up closing the account. I had then asked him point blank if he wanted his account to be closed, and he said yes. She played back the recording of the call and agreed that, yeah, he had technically told us to close his account. Normally we wouldn't allow someone to close an account with a negative balance; they'd have 60 days to bring the balance current before we'd charge it off and send it to collections. She agreed to see what she could do to comply with the customer's explicit request. Later that day she checked in to let me know that we had closed his account early and sent it to collections. You could say that we did him a favor, since he avoided any further overdraft fees as well as the fees for having a negative balance for an extended period. But any payments he tried to make after that point wouldn't go through. He would have had almost another month to fix things while still being able to pay for stuff in the meantime if he hadn't tried to bluff me. ================================= {219 points} Teacher ask who the quit kid is. --------------------------------- On my first day freshman year of high school I was sitting in my algebra class and before the class started the teacher jokingly asked who the quietest kid would be. The girl sitting next to me said without hesitation said my name. I looked at at her a little confused but I knew she was probably right. Then the teacher looked at me and asked if it was true, I decided to go with it nodded and class resumed. For the next three weeks I did not speak a single word to that teacher or in the class. He would constantly ask me for answers to questions and I would just write down and hand it to him or have the kid in front of read it out. This annoyed him a lot, but what could he do. The class also started to become annoyed as well. Towards the middle of the third week the teacher told me that he wanted me to give a speech to the class on Friday, I shook my head in agreement and went on with my day. I wrote a short two minute speech about myself and presented it to the class, but in preparation I had it translated into Russian and learned how to pronounce it just well enough to sound like I could actually speak the language. The whole class was surprised and me and the teacher both got a good laugh out of it in the end. ================================= {19 points} I didn't cite enough sources? Fine then. --------------------------------- Note: This happened almost 30 years ago (God I feel old now), so my memory might be a little hazy. I told this story to my daughter and she said I should post this here. Let's set the scene, it was Fall of 1992, Hurricane Andrew had just destroyed Florida and The Teflon Don had been convicted of murder only a couple months previous. I was a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 18 year old college student pursuing a degree in biology at an unnamed university. I was extremely nervous about starting my first semester of college, and to make matters worse the institution was quite a distance away from my parents. I had no friends going there with me, so that only added to my apprehension. I had bought a junker 1970 Pontiac LeMans convertible for dirt cheap when I was 16 and fixed it up and that's what I loaded most of my possessions into to drive to school. I left out in the story I told my daughter that she has quite the connection to the back seat of that thing ;) I remember the first college class I ever walked into, and for good reason. It was a general ed ecology class taught by a nasty hag of an old woman who looked like she already had a foot in the grave. I know she's definitely dead by now, and "speak nothing but good of the dead" be damned, that woman was a piece of work. The first day of class she made a point of beating to death the rule that if you arrived even a second late (it was an 8:00 a.m. class), that you wouldn't receive credit for that day. Even though it was 27 years ago, I still remember the collective groan from the other people there and a couple people that just outright packed up and left. This is where the malicious compliance comes in. Thankfully the rest of my professors seemed to be much better people. The first week went by quickly, and I had made new friends with my roommate and some other people. In nasty witch's ecology class we had to write a 5 page essay a week on any topic we had covered in class due Friday, and every time we turned in an essay there would be a quiz before. I don't quite remember what topic I wrote on first, but I got a 70% (C-) on the essay and 100% on the quiz. There were no corrections to the actual essay at all, so I was confused. After class I asked her what was wrong with my essay to warrant a C-, and she made a point to loudly exclaim and chew me out that I didn't have enough sources. I remember her subtly hinting also that she thought I must have cheated on the quiz if I got such a low mark on the essay. I definitely didn't cheat on that quiz. The only class that I ever cheated at was organic chemistry a couple years after that, that class changes a man. So I had the brilliant idea, she wants sources? I'll give her sources. For my next essay I chose photosynthesis as the topic, because it came quite easy for me. I finished the 5 page essay part in a single day, purposefully stating as many facts as I could fit. This left 4 days for my plan, and I spent the rest of the week in the library after class. The sky is blue? Cited, plants are green? Cited, the chemical formula for glucose is C6H12O6? Definitely cited. Now since this was in ye olden times, I had to do all this by hand, paper and pen, I want you to think of that when I reveal what I ended up with. The finished product, all said and done was about 30 pages long, and over 80% sources. I physically couldn't hold my pen after all this, but the old hag's reaction was definitely worth it. As Friday arrived I couldn't contain my excitement to see what her reaction would be. I had gotten to class early, sat down, and pulled out my paper. After the quiz was over and done with (I think I aced that one too), everyone shuffled forward to turn in their essays. I nonchalantly placed my paper just askew of the pile and quickly walked to the nearest exit. I turned around quickly and saw the hag was already reading my paper. I could tell she had reached the end of the essay part when her eyes started to get wider and wider. With a huge smile on my face I left quickly before she had a chance to confront me. I got an A on the paper. She didn't really give me much trouble for the rest of the time I had her class, and I finished my first semester of college with a 3.8 GPA. After that I graduated a couple years after, got my masters and my PhD. Got married in 1999 to a beautiful woman and had a kid a year later. The rest is history. ================================= {24 points} "I completed the assignment as instructed..." --------------------------------- So all the way back in 2007, I was a senior in high school. I got put into an English class with a cool teacher with a good sense of humor. One of our major assignments was to pick an issue that we felt strongly about and write about it. ​ I was, and still am, a gamer, and I knew that I wanted my paper to be about how censoring video games was immoral and unconstitutional. Thinking I was all set, our teacher dropped the bomb on us. He wanted us to write our paper from the opposite point of view. Now I was stuck writing a paper on why we should censor video games and control the media. ​ After an hour or so of brain storming, I decided that there was no way in good conscious throw my beloved video games under the bus, but I had a solution. I wrote a paper on why video games were destroying the youth of America. But I wrote it from the point of view of the most pathetic, idiotic, bible thumping idiot I could think of: Jack Thompson. ​ For those younglings who don't know, Wacko Jack was a lawyer who started a protest movement against video game violence. He later had his law practicing licence removed after he was found badgering witnesses and lying in court. ​ Anyway, I wrote my paper, and my teacher gave me a good grade, citing my excellent use of satire. My other classmates, however, wern't quite so happy that I found a loophole. ================================= {420 points} A big centerpiece --------------------------------- So this story is a little lighter than most on this page, but my mum and I were laughing at this today so I thought I would share on the off chance you crack a smile at this short story. About 6 years ago when my husband (then boyfriend) met my mum for the first time it was coming up to her 50th birthday and she was having a big party. My husband was a baker and worked for a bakery (the bread only kind, not cakes) and my mum asked him to bake something special for the grazing table at her party. He asked her specifically what she would like him to bake for her (e.g a special kind of sourdough, something visually appealing etc), and she said she didnt care what he made as long as it was something that would stand out and wow the guests, she said he had creative control. On the afternoon of the party as I was setting up the grazing table before the guests arrived, hubby comes outside with the biggest & most childish grin Ive ever seen him wear. He opened the bag and showed me he had baked a massive (about 80cm long, 30cm wide) bread penis. I waited until the guests arrived and mum had come out to put his masterpiece in the center of the table. Everyone that was coming to the table for food was both shocked and in hysterics at the big bread penis, and when mum saw it I swear her mouth hit the floor in shock first, but she quickly started laughing with everyone else. When she asked him why he baked her a big bread penis to be the centerpiece of the grazing table, he quickly replied that she said she didnt care what he made as long as it was something that would stand out and wow the guests and that he had creative control. He did exactly as she asked & Mum loved him from that moment. Incase youre wondering, yes, we all enjoyed the bread penis ================================= {89 points} Maliciously complying with Union rules --------------------------------- So this one is a bit different in that I'm on the receiving end of the compliance. ​ My first job out of engineering school about 20 years ago was at a large industrial brewery (that brews on of the world's best selling beers). Anyway, there was a lot of tension between the salaried folks (engineers, managers, accounting staff) and the Union operators. I'm not sure why there was such an us-against-them mentality there but there was. ​ There were maybe 200 Union staff at the plant and about 10 engineers. I was working on a big instrumentation project where we were replacing a lot of the paper strip recorders with digital recorders that would talk to central servers in the plant via Ethernet. My job was to install sensors and electronics on the various industrial equipment we were instrumenting. ​ Now, the Union rules stated that engineers (or any salaried employees) could not use hand tools in any way. I know this sounds crazy but it was the rule. So, since obviously you can't install a sensor package without screwdrivers and pliers and so on, I would have a Union guy assigned to help me. Basically I would tell him what to unscrew, where to plug in the wires, what to solder to what, and so on. It was ridiculous and wasteful but that is the way it was. ​ Now, most of the Union guys I worked with were fine to me. I come from a working class background so I could talk sports and cars and so on with them. But there was this one guy who was a total jerk. ​ So, I have to install a flow meter on a large industrial carbon water filter. The thing was probably 30 feet high, and the electronics box was on the top. One day we are having a huge storm, with lots of rain and wind. It was also pretty cold. However, after days of putting me off, the Union guy I was supposed to work with calls me and says "Let's get that thing installed". I was responsible for getting this sensor installed and I was already behind schedule so I said "OK". ​ I meet him at the filter unit, and it's cold and wet. We go up the ladder to the top and I located the electronics box. It has like 20 screws but finally we get it open. I'm holding my coat and umbrella over the open box to keep all the filter's electronics from getting wet. All the guy had to do, literally, was plug in an Ethernet card, and plug maybe five wires from the sensor into it as well as the Ethernet cable. A five minute job once the box was open, tops. ​ He is halfway through this, with the board out of its wrapper when he looks at me with a shit-eating grin and says "I'm on break". The dude had maybe two minutes more to plug in the stuff and then maybe 10 to put the box back together. But no, he leaves me up on the top of the filter unit in the driving rain, getting soaked and freezing. I'm desperate to keep the electronics dry. The filter is powered up because we had no high-voltage in the box so lock-out, tag-out procedures weren't needed. I kind of try to put the cover on the box but it doesn't fit right without the guide screws. The jerk took his tools with him down the ladder so I couldn't break protocol and finish the job even if I wanted to. ​ Twenty minutes later the guy comes back up the ladder. I'm soaked to the bone, freezing, worried I've screwed up the filter unit. He looks at me with a half smile and says "You look cold". I felt like I could have stabbed him repeatedly in the eye socket with a rusty screwdriver at that point. But that would have been against Union rules. I know technically this guy didn't do anything wrong but what an ass! ​ He finally finishes in less than 10 minutes. I say nothing as we go down the latter. I ended up taking the rest of the day off since I was soaked through and shivering and I didn't want to catch a cold. Thankfully there was no damage to the filter unit. I told my supervisor about what happened and all he said was "Yeah, can be a real jerk". Seriously? ​ I wish I could say I got him back but I didn't. I ended up going back to school and now work in a pleasant environment with more sane coworkers. ​ ================================= {26 points} Legal malicious compliance. More work but revenge is delicious. --------------------------------- A little back story, I work for an assistant district attorney. One of my jobs is getting the discovery or the evidence of a case and compiling it and getting it to the defense attorney. Now sometimes we can have some difficulty with defense attorneys claiming that they havent received the discovery. So to combat that we give a receipt with the information that says what we gave them, the date we gave it to them, and how we gave it to them. We also keep a copy of the receipt in the file. Sort of a CYA (cover your ass) security net. So when they come saying they didnt get the discovery we can pull out the paper saying no I put it in your hands on January 3rd at 3pm and it was cloudy that day and you were wearing a red tie. Well not that detailed but pretty much. In the building we work in there is a mailbox for defense attorneys that we usually leave the discovery in for them. So the other day another assistant in my office was telling me about how they had given the discovery 3 separate times but the defense was still claiming to have not got it. So the ADA came up with the idea to send the discovery via certified mail. It was more work but this way we would have a receipt that he signed for it. The kicker? They sent it via certified mail to their office, which was literally a block away from the courthouse. I enjoyed the bit of malicious compliance and thought you all would as well! ================================= {42 points} Do you want me to smile? Fine but you wont like it. --------------------------------- So Im a first time poster to malicious compliance so I think this might be a little fun. So some people have resting b***** face and I am one of those people. I look generally unhappy about 90% of the time either I look evil or I look like a sad puppy. Anyway a lot of people have problems with that considering they say Im a rather nice person (or at least I try to be). So Im basically the opposite of my looks. So one day while Im working on a few commissions in the back office of my mothers work while I assist her from time to time, my mother walks into the back room. Then she gives me an angry stare Mother: dont you ever smile? I was a bit shocked at the sudden rage from my mother. So I was a bit timid at first whenever I answered. Me:yeah.. well im concentrating right now and I normally dont smile while concentrating This is very true concentrating on my facial appearance is much harder than concentrating on my art so I try not to make too many expressions while drawing. However this only ends up being my downfall considering it gives me the angriest luck possible. And before I go to possibly save myself from my mothers wrath for whatever reason she shouts at me. Mother: you better give me a smile or else youre grounded and you wont see your phone nor your friends for the next month! I was startled because I never seen my mother gets so angry over something so petty as me smiling or not. Also I thought she knew that most of the time I truly didnt smile. I tried to save myself once again but she only shush me up and gave me an angry glare and walked out of the room. Quietly thinking to myself that I knew I was going to get in trouble if I didnt do what she was asking I forced to smile. And from that moment on I believe she regretted her decision of yelling at me. For that entire day I was smiling the largest smile I could muster.also it manage to hurt my cheeks so badly to the point where I was on was drawn to tears but I kept going. Not to mention my mother kept saying I looked creepy and I should stop but I only referenced quotes from welcome to Night Vale as a way to cope.(its an amazing podcast you should definitely listen to) she was even more creeped out. Finally after three hours of my bull crap she gave up and shes never asked me to do something silly smile ever again. And whats funny about this entire situation is it couldve been completely avoided but instead I had scared her including from what I heard a few of her clients walking around smiling as if I was possessed by the devil himself. I guess it goes to show that you cant force someone to do something they truly dont want to do without it having some backlash. Edit-to all of you commenting welcome to Night Vale post I think you and all of you are wonderful human beings (brought to you by wheat by products)Also to some of you wondering why my mom got so mad I am fact have no idea and to this day she never explained it. In all honesty I thought she had a bad day at work and was taking it out on me for some reason. yet shes never like that Anymore and she is a pretty kind person once you get to know her. However she can be downright terrifying. ================================= {47 points} MMC So my grandpa ate 'poop' --------------------------------- Okay disclaimer first: my grandpa was the one in the military not me so I might get some of the military lingo wrong. I'm also doing this on the phone so formatting is garbage also while my grandfather may have embellished the story he swears it's true. So my grandpa was serving on an naval vessel during the 70s he has the most glorious job of cleaning the head. His CO would always yell at him if he didn't have every toilet sparkling clean. The job was easier said than done, every time he cleaned one stall everyone would run into use it because now it was clean. To solve this problem he started saving peanut butter rations and he would spread a little bit of peanut butter on the toilet once he was done cleaning it to make it look like there's a bit of poop (on the outside). It worked magnificently. All he had to do was wipe it off before CO did the final check. One day he messed up and left some. the CO Demanded to know what it was and my grandpa replied peanut butter. The CO wouldn't believe him and told him it looked like shit and then told him if it was peanut butter then he should have no problem eating it. My grandpa smiled and said yes sir and knowing that was it clean toilet and fresh peanut butter he reached down dipped his finger into it and put it in his mouth. His CO immediately started to look sick and then ended up vomiting and my grandpa never had to clean the head again ================================= {242 points} You want the more expensive option? Sure, why not? --------------------------------- I was a teenager then, but saw how my family just maliciously complied together. This was \~eight years ago. My grandparents own a small business selling this sticky rice treat. It was a family business based in their home, so we all help out once in a while. We usually have people buying from us in bulk to sell in markets for profit. We could do it ourselves, but, you see, being a family business, we really don't have much manpower and have to stick to selling it in this house. Cue old lady (OL) who was buying around fifty boxes of this snack (it was called tikoy, for all y'all who heard of this) to sell. This was around Christmas so she would have no problem selling all these since it was a traditional Christmas staple. How our business works is this: we have boxes that are 1kg, 2kg and 4kg each that you could buy for cheap (since you're buying more) but we also sell small portions if you just want something for yourself to snack on, which were about an eighth of the standard kg box. She came in with the standard way of ordering (translated; OL = old lady; C = one of my cousins): OL: Hi! I would like to buy 400 pieces. C: That'd be 10,000 bucks. (local currency) OL: That'd be good. C: You know, you could buy it per box with 50 boxes for just 9,000 bucks. OL: No, no I know what I'm doing. C: But it's 1,000 bucks cheaper. OL (with raised voice): You're a child. Don't meddle with adult things. This is what I want. This is cheaper. This was the Philippines so you hear a lot of things about how young people should just let old people have their way. Normally, this is where malicious compliance beings, but we were a family business and we were nice enough to let her know she was paying more. In my country, when it's a family business, uncles and aunts, and all the cousins would normally help the business. Being a small town, a small commotion would mean your relatives peering through the window while others would be nearby to help. An uncle (U) approached her and put boxes to the left of her while individual pieces were to the right. U: See, these 50 boxes would cost you 9,000 but individual pieces would cost you 10,000 bucks. Normally, I'd think this would work, but being just a small business, the boxes were uneven and in different sizes. Some were just used cartons, so I guess the savings were not just apparent. OL: Stop trying to screw me! I want 400 individual pieces! Most Malicious Compliances, again, would start here, but we're just trying to help the old lady. Another cousin came in with a pen and paper and drew diagrams to show how what she wanted was much more expensive. At this time, you could see the cousins peering through the windows. All the aunts and uncles were sitting nearby watching the drama unfold. I was one of the older cousins so we were also in the better seats to watch the drama unfold. OL: (Now she begins to scream) You are all crooks and liars. You all deserve to go to hell. Give me what I want before I report you. If you've grown in a Philippine household, there are only a few things that would unify a household against an enemy: 1. saying you would go to hell and 2. being called a bad person when you're genuinely trying to help. You could literally feel the mood change. My parents looked at me, as if telling me to watch and learn. This is the point in my life (I was about 15 years old I guess then) where I learned people would rather be wrong than be corrected. All of us just maliciously complied and just waited for her to pay more for her order. I mean, 1,000 pesos more? We could buy more pancit and puto (noodles and bread) for the Christmas party. U: Okay then! Lemme get these for you. So my uncle painstakingly boxes up 400 individual pieces (the same boxes that would be used had she ordered in bulk) and loads her in her tricycle (sort of like a motorcycle with a makeshift a side-carriage attached). OL takes her purchase to the market where the additional 1,000 pesos would eat away at her profit. Around a month later, she comes back and orders in bulk, the way we suggested during the Christmas rush, not saying anything, not even a chat. ​ ================================= {62 points} "Drive Properly" --------------------------------- Not sure if it counts, but I just wanted to post it. It's also a short story. So I was playing GTA 5 with a "friend", (term used loosely) and we were starting the first heist, where you need to drive to a bank. My driving was terrible. I swear I blew the car up more than I was expecting to. "Friend" gets annoyed at having to replay the mission, so uses his IQ of 2 and tells me to drive properly. I respond with a simple ok, and decided to have some fun. I ask if he has his seatbelt on, I was told to shut up and drive. I then proceeded to drive at 30MPH, (car could do much faster) and stopping at lights as much as I could. This could have annoyed him, as he proceeded to swear, a lot more than he should have. Some of this is paraphrased as it happened a while ago. F: "Why are you driving so slow?!" Me: "You said drive properly, you have to go 30MPH or under in a residential area" F: "[CENSORED] you! Drive faster [CENSORED]!" Me: "As I said, in residential areas you have to go 30MPH or under." Can't remember what happened, I think I just got swore at even more, and I think I just ended up muting his audio and drove even slower, I believe he left after that... ================================= {810 points} Don't wanna help us pay to get your tree off of our house? Well you can pay to get it taken away --------------------------------- So this happened a little over 6 years ago I live in the northeast, and Hurricane Sandy hit my area pretty hard. We got lucky in that we didn't have a lot of damage to our house itself. Our fences were destroyed and that was pretty much it... Except, [a 50-60ft pine tree from our crotchety neighbors' property fell on top of our house.](https://i.imgur.com/WHiUE38.jpg) There was no structural damage luckily, but the tree was huge and definitely got in the way enough to make getting in and out of the house inconvenient. Our homeowner's insurance would pay to move the tree off of our house and into the neighbors' yard (since the tree was theirs) , but the neighbors would have to pay out of pocket to actually have the tree disposed of. The tree removal service that our insurance sent us told us it would only cost an extra $200 to have the tree disposed of (as opposed to the usual $600) because they would already be on site. So my mom, out of the kindness of her heart, called our neighbor to ask if he would be willing to pay us that $200 (since, again, the tree belonged to them) plus an extra $100 or so to help with the insurance deductible, effectively saving them 300 smackeroos. Before even considering how this arrangement would benefit them, the husband berated my mom for begging them for money to deal with a problem that wasn't theirs to deal with. Mama bear took this in stride and didn't even to try to change his mind. After all, she didn't have to pay to get the tree disposed of because either way it was going to be removed from our house, so she just told the tree service to lay the tree in the neighbors' yard for them to deal with. We got an angry phone call the next day asking why we didn't have the tree taken away, and my mom told the neighbor that he had the opportunity to save $300 but he didn't want it, so they ended up having to pay $600 to get another crew to come back out to the house and take the tree out of there. It's also worth noting that the tree destroyed the fence between our two properties which belonged to the neighbors. The original fence was short and really only served to mark the property line, but after this fiasco, they put up a solid 7' fence, I guess because being able to see into our yard reminded them of the money they could have saved Edit: spelling ================================= {273 points} I can't wear my hat? Okay, but what about a strainer? --------------------------------- Sorry for the long post: A few years ago in high school I went through your typical edgy, dont wanna be fucked with, kinda phase. As a result of said phase, I wore my "fuck with me" beanie everywhere. (The fuck was censored so I wasn't technically breaking any school rules.) Well I was taking science as any typical high schooler would. But my teacher, let's call her Mrs.C, didnt particularly like me. Most likely because once I rushed through and finished all my assignments, I would sleep. Now I lived far from the school. Too far for the bus to get me but close enough to still be in the district. So I had to walk 2 hours, starting at 4am. To get to my school. (I lived in Pennsylvania so the hills were insane). So naturally I was very tired in the morning, when i had this class. So i slept to be awake during the rest of the day. Now Mrs.C was tired of my shit. So she yelled at me and told me to take off my beanie. And me being the little shit I was, refused. After arguing with her for a little bit I got sent to the principals. I explained what had happened, and bringing up the school rulebook, i was technically in my right to wear the hat. But the principal just said that I could only wear hats for religious reasons but I could wear the hat for the rest of the day and thatd it. Now this is where it gets fun. The next day I walked into school. With a spaghetti strainer on my head. My principal was at the entrance as he was everyday by the metal detectors, yes we had to go through metal detectors. And to say the least he was confused beyond belief. When he asked what the fuck I was wearing. I replied that I was wearing a spaghetti strainer as I was a Pastafarian (meaning I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. And their religious headware is a strainer) Since religious headware was allowed. I went to class wearing my strainer. When Mrs.C saw it she blew a fuse. She dragged me down to the principals office demanding I be suspended because I was a distraction to her class. (To be fair i was trying to feed my hair through the holes of the strainer during class causing much laughter) However since it was religious they couldnt make me take it off. So I went through the rest of that year wearing a strainer and pissing off Mrs.C. TL;DR: teacher got mad about my beanie. I wore a spaghetti strainer and said my religion allowed it. ================================= {160 points} Cant stay behind the reception desk because Im not on duty? No problem --------------------------------- I work in a hotel. I usually work during evenings at the bar and cover night duties. Its 10 AM here and, while Im still in my uniform, I technically am not on duty, since my shift ended at 7. Normally, I would just relax for a while before going to my room upstairs after breakfast, but since we have a big group coming in, I decide to read the group program, what we need to setup, my shifts... this kind of stuff. The director comes in the hall, speaking with a customer, and asks my colleague to show this customer around, because he wants to book a conference. Then she looks at me and says: u/sheik92, are you on duty? No, I am not Even though she saw that I was just taking a look at the folders where we keep groups programs, staff diary, work plans etc, she looks pissed. Yeah, then you cant stay behind the reception desk, she says, raising her voice - while Im still in my working outfit, with this new customer still there. Fine by me, she has a point after all. Even though I was just checking work plans and, after all, since my colleague went with this customer I was the only one on the front, it was common sense to wait for him to come back. Im sitting near the water dispenser in the back office, where we also have a window that looks towards the entrance. Looks like a few arrivals are coming in, at first theyre just two, theyre smoking a cigarette outside. But then I see few more cars entering the parking lot. Turns out that some people from this group decided to come before lunch and my colleague is who knows where with this customer. Honestly, I would gladly stay behind the reception desk and check them in, but looks like I cant even check the work plans. So I just take off my jacket with the hotel logo on it and slowly go back upstairs in my room. I have a good view of the parking lot from there, looks like they could really use another receptionist with all these cars coming in. Oh well: not my shift, not my problem; I guess. Good night guys ================================= {43 points} Want me to chill? I'll chill. --------------------------------- So to make this story short you need to know I'm dumb and stubborn and the teacher I'm about to talk about isn't really bad I was just salty. So a couple of days ago I was trying to get out of my last class earlier then usual as I had finished the assignments the teacher had set out for us and I was intending on catching the bus so I wouldn't have to stand out in the cold for 30 minutes. Once I sat down I almost immediately tried to get her attention by calling her name and raising my hand. She didn't answer or look up from her computer so I called her again with the same results. The third time she finally looked up but she seemed annoyed as she told me loudly to calm down. After a moment she finally asked me what I needed and I asked if I could leave since I finished everything. She went to check and I just waited for her to give me the go ahead. Yeah she didn't do that. She saw that I had three Assignments that still hadn't been handed in and told me I'd need to stay to finish them off. Now I'm a bit annoyed as these assignments were from when I had caught a virus and they had been closed by the time I got back. Now I told her she'd need to reopen them if I was to work on them but she told me to just chill out a bit as she was in no rush. That I should just wait. I at this point figured I wouldn't be able to catch the bus and finally put my bag down and went to open up the website which should have given me the details of the assignment and the option to turn it in. I waited as she went to help two other students before settling back down at her desk. I kept refreashing the page. Waiting for her to open them but she didn't. 20 minutes in and I was getting salty. She still hadn't opened them and I was to stubborn to ask again. So I did what she had told me to do. I chilled. I sat back in my seat and pulled out my phone to watch youtube. Some students had left in the meantime as they had finished their assignments. When my friend finished his and was about to turn off his computer he noticed I hadn't even started. He asked what I was doing and why I wasn't working on it and I told him I couldn't. Now he told the teacher that she needed to open my assignment despite me telling him not to. She was a bit embarrassed as she had forgotten and even apologized to me for leaving me without anything to do. She followed it up by asking me why I didn't remind her and I just answered that I was told to chill and wait. I had to spend the rest of the class making up for the time I lost and my friend was an absolute saint as he stayed with me. But not without a few snarky comments on how I could have finished it sooner if I hadn't been so salty ================================= {380 points} Pizza order with XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sauce...sure thing --------------------------------- Once when I worked at a Pizza place we had a customer complain that we didn't put enough sauce on his pizza, even though we told him we measure our every order with a measuring cup, and when he ordered "X Sauce" we gave him double the normal amount. Note: he was a dick about a lot of other things usually and gave everyone a hard time around the restaurant every week. Well he lost it one week and took the order pad out of the servers hand and wrote in anger "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sauce" on the order. Working in the back she was upset that he yelled at her...so I "complied": that would be 3/4 a cup for EVERY X...so 20(3/4) = 15 cups \[one shy of a gallon!\] of sauce, and "baked" it right up. She served him the "Pizza soup" and he got so pissed he never came back....Bye Felicia! ​ ================================= {10 points} School yearbook asks for honest quote about my classes --------------------------------- Some backstory: Im a sophomore in high school and take all honors courses, including science, which is what this story is about. Since Im in chemistry, there are a lot of difficult concepts, formulas, and more math doo daa that we have to learn and comprehend. Pretty much everyone hates the class, or the very least, doesnt like the teacher (hes a great guy, just bad at teaching). So I was asked to make a quote for this years yearbook and write my honest opinion about each of my classes. So I did. My day goes as follows: band, spanish, AP U.S. history, Algebra 2, English, and then a double period for chemistry, in that order. As the day goes on, the classes get more boring, stressful, or it just makes me fucking sad. Anyways, I write my quotes down for every class, and for chemistry, I wrote this rant of a quote. Ahem. This class is the weirdest class Ive ever participated in since 3rd grade math. I am a fan of chemistry, but my liking and interest for the subject has declined after trying to learn the concepts. The way we are taught the concepts in that class dont help any of the students retain the information for future use. Also, the amount of extra homework we are given in that class doesnt match up with the credit we are given. The pacing is slow, yet fast at the same time. Its weird, yet true. The problem with this is my principal. She has to approve everything from class parties to spirit week themes. She doesnt let ANYONE (not even other faculty) express their feelings and spirit in any fun way besides supporting our sports teams, marching band, etc. She will most likely have to see this and approve it. Wish me luck on not getting in too much trouble. ================================= {337 points} User wants a discount or their account deactivated? Okay! --------------------------------- I love reading these stories here, so I figured I would contribute to the pile! I do tech support for a medical software company. We are a very affordable, offer an all in one solution to manage your practice, and have a great system and quick and helpful customer service (unlike most of our competitors. Most other competitors dont usually even provide tech support over the phone for free, but we do. Most users charge about 3x the amount we charge in a month for their hourly rate for comparison. We are upgrading our systems and currently have two different systems, with users on the old system that will be migrating to the new platform soon. In accordance, our website has been updated to reflect new prices. We offer discounts due to usage (appointments on schedule) and amount of users in the group. Our main categories are full time and part time users. For example, heres our monthly cost (these are fake numbers): a full time solo user pays $50 in the old system, $25 for part time, but discounts with multiple full time users on the same group, depending on the # of users (bigger discount per user the more you have). In the new system, full time users are at a set $60, but with more than 1 full time user, the rest of the full time users in the group are charged as $40. Prices are slightly more expensive for solo users now, but we have promised and told old users that their price will not change for the rest of this year for them, and most are really appreciative because this is the first time weve ever adjusted our prices for 5+ years. I had a user submit a helpdesk ticket via email asking about the new prices, and I explained to them the good news about prices not changing for them, and its actually saving them $. I was confused because she was actually upset because she thought shed be paying less. She looked at the prices and told me she was eligible for the full time $40 rate. I swear I explained to her about 3 different back and forth that the price she was referring to was for 2+ group users, and she was in fact a solo user. She exclaimed that she felt she was eligible for the $40 rate and her current rate is too expensive. I explained to her that she again was not and that she was paying the current rate and I would not be able to discount it. She went on and on about how it was too much and she said if you wont give me the lower rate that Im supposed to have, please deactivate the account So, I deactivated her account, like she asked, and responded back after thanking her for using us, feel free to reactivate it anytime in the future, yada yada. Well, that didnt take any time at all. She wrote back with a FLURRY of responses about why we deactivated her account, this and that, asking why I didnt offer at least a discount to her before deactivating it. I have clients coming in, and I cant do shit right now, etc etc. I explained to her that since I already told her that I couldnt discount the rate, so I deactivated it like she asked. I even quoted her previous sentence from the ticket about deactivating, and apologized for any confusion (any confusion on HER part that I wouldnt do what she asked for). She responded back very quickly that she looked back over her budget, and would be able to manage it, and would like to reactivate her account. (riiiiiiiiiiight...) I reactivated her account and the user went on their way. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it when someone calls your bluff. Sorry if this was a lengthy one, I got carried away with the details! ================================= {249 points} You want to see me right now? Ok! --------------------------------- First time posting here. This happened back when I was a kid say about 12. Some background info: I'm asian. This happens in asia where you care a lot about your (family's) image. Every night, right after dinner, I would take a shower. Everyone on the table knew this because I'd excuse myself to take a shower. My mom especially knew this because I'd direct this at her. For whatever reason she'll conveniently forget this and start yelling for me to come to the table. She'd send someone to go look for me and demand I go the her IMMEDIATELY. I'm naked in the shower, with shampoo in my hair or whatever so clearly I'm gonna need some time here. I rush my shower and when I finally apear I try to calmly explain to her that I was taking a shower but before I can even get a word out she'd start lecturing me on how disrespectful I am, when she calls for me I should come out right away and that she shouldn't have to wait, that I'm being so rude, or that im taking too long etc etc.. This goes on for a while and I'm sick of it. I try to change my shower time to either some time before or after dinner with a gap in between which is really frustrating to me because I have to finish homework or I want to do something else. Sometimes I'd tell her that I'm about to take a shower, sometimes I don't but without fail she'll call me right in the middle of a shower then proceed to get mad at me once I get out. So finally we have a bunch of guests over for dinner. People are done eating, I've made kiddie pleasantries with these people that are essencially strangers to me, I ask to be excused (to my mom) because its late and I need to bathe. I'm excused and leave the table. The inevitable happens. I'm in the middle of taking a shower when she starts screaching for me to come. I'm pissed because what kid wants to get lectured in front of a bunch of strangers?!? I basically said to my 12 year old self 'screw it. If this is what she wants then so be it'. (Not in those exact words but you get what I mean) I hopped out of the shower sopping wet with shampoo still in my hair, wrapped myself in a towel and went right out there trailing puddles of water with every step I took. I bust through the door and basically screamed at my mother in front of everyone asking what she wanted that was so important that I had to get out of the shower immediately. Keep in mind that the guests are still there and they can see and hear everything. She tried to dismiss me but I basically kept yelling, demanding to know why it was so important that she'd keep calling for me to come out immediately even though she knew that I was taking a shower becuase I told her that I was taking a shower. There isn't anything she could say to counter that because 1) I did what she wanted and 2) there isnt anything she could say without making herself look bad (i.e. crazy) in front of the guests. Eventually I left and continued my shower. I did not go back out there so I have no idea what the fallout was and that this was years ago to me. Ever since, she stopped calling me like this. When she does I immediately scream back and threaten to come out sopping wet in my birthday suit which makes her back off and she actually apologizes. Tldr: mom demands my presence immediately while I'm in the middle of a shower. I oblige and she is not happy. ================================= {245 points} Oh, we need to wear hard hats? Understood. --------------------------------- This just happened and is a developing situation :) I was really excited when I realized I had something to post here after being an avid reader forever. I work in a large building that had a fire last Summer. Because of this our lobby has been under construction and will continue to be under construction until this Fall. The majority of the construction is happening in our lobby. Due to nature of our business, sometimes we are open to the public and sometimes we are not. When we are not, construction is happening, when we are construction is halted. When construction is happening, we are required to wear hard hats when we walk through the lobby. Because of the layout of our building, people from my department have to cross the lobby multiple times a day. There are only so many hard hats to be had. One of our senior VP busy bodies who has more time on his hands than tasks to do is a real stickler. This past Saturday I was crossing the lobby, wearing a hard hat, with someone else who was not wearing one. At this particular time the lobby was open to the public so technically I didn't need to be wearing a hat. Senior VP busy body was not aware that we technically did not have to be wearing them at this time and only noticed the guy I was with wasn't wearing one. There are 5 people who run our department including myself, and 80 employees in our department that work for us. There are not enough hard hats for everyone in the building. Senior VP busy body sent an e-mail to all 5 of the department heads which includes me saying that if ANYONE from our department is seen at any time walking through the lobby without a hard hat they must be written up and eventually terminated. He was incredibly rude in his e-mail and was unjustified because technically we didn't need to be wearing them at that time, also he was unaware that we did not have enough hard hats for our entire department. I respond to the e-mail assuring him that I will make sure that we all have access to hard hats and it will not be a problem any more. Cue the malicious compliance. I ordered 90 hard hats for us. 40 of them in neon pink, 40 of them in pastel colors with unicorns all over them, and 10 of them colored like the pride flag. Today I took them to work and it was beautiful seeing all of our staff walk through the lobby wearing these hard hats. I'm not sure if senior VP busy body was in today, but the hats were the talk of the building today. There will be no problem with anyone wearing hard hats any more :) We are all safer now. ​ TL;DR - Senior management insisted we wear hard hats because of construction. I ordered hard hats in neon pink, some covered in unicorns, and some colored like the pride flag. ================================= {5103 points} Okay, I'll ditch a dangerous medication to serve one customer --------------------------------- Okay, sorry it's long. Tl;dr at the bottom. I work for a very large pharmacy company as a dispensary assistant, we're always extremely busy and never have time to mess around. The company is always under the microscope just in case we make mistakes in the rush. As we're under the microscope we have some pretty strict rules: 1. NEVER leave a script half-way through handling it whether you're boxing it up to put in the holding bay for a customer who is coming back or dispensing it. 2. All Schedule 8 medications (I think Schedule II in America? Basically dangerous drugs/drugs of addiction) must be kept in the safe if the customer is coming back later. If they're in store then it goes straight out, we ask for ID, write the ID details on the script then put the script in a special folder in the dispensary. It also needs to be put in a 'lock box' (kind of like DVD lock boxes) until it's paid for. 3. Pharmacists must sign and check every medication before it is given to the customer. The second rule is a law but we take it a little further with the lock boxes. The rules are pretty standard. (Quick note: we also call Schedule 8s "DDs" for "dangerous drug") Our dispensary is at the back of the store with two sides, scripts in and scripts out. Scripts in has two desks, scripts out has three. This shift had two people on scripts in and two on scripts out, at the time of The Incident the other guy on scripts out was on lunch so I was on my own. The store is great though, people will come and help when things get busy. I was pretty busy. Customers apparently can't line up so there was a hellish mess of customers just lingering around the scripts out desks so whenever I called the next customer up there was a debate about who was next because no one knew. Customers, right? Scripts in have five people all neatly lined up. Lucky bastards. A customer approached me and asked if his script was ready. I recognised him as an ex-coworker at the toy store so that lifted my spirits a bit. He showed me his buzzer and I said, "I'll go see if it's ready yet," after he told me he'd been waiting for one hour I felt horrible, maybe I'd missed the basket or maybe the buzzer wasn't working so I immediately went up the back to see what was happening. It had been dispensed so I asked the pharmacist (who we'll call Tina) where it was. "It's in the safe, it was a DD," Tina shrugged as she texted. "Can you get it for me? He was waiting in store, it must've been mistakenly put in the safe," I don't like putting the blame on people so I thought it was an honest mistake. Tina rolled her eyes, putting her phone down. She opened up the safe and pulled the medication out. Immediately I notice the massive note saying 'WAITING' and the buzzer number. Still, I give her the benefit of the doubt. As there had already been one mistake, I checked for a signature and found nothing. I asked Tina to sign it for me so I could take it to him. I could almost hear the eye roll this time. "Fine. Whatever. I'll do it in ten minutes. Go and serve on scripts in," she was already texting again. "He's been waiting for an hour, I can't just leave him. Please check and sign it so I can take it to him. He'll get upset if I ditch him to serve someone else," ANYONE would get mad about you ditching them to serve someone else. "OP, don't argue with me. Do what you're told," she snapped. So I looked at my friend then at scripts in (only one unattended customer). I smiled and said, "okay," then walked to scripts in. My friend was PISSED along with everyone else on scripts out. I serve the loitering customer, giving her antihistamines and advice. FIFTEEN MINUTES PASS. Tina finally goes down to scripts out with the DD in hand. She calls the man over, he yells about the wait. "I'VE BEEN HERE FOR OVER ONE HOUR! I SAW OP TALKING TO YOU, WHAT IS GOING ON?" He shouted. I didn't hear what she said back as the counters are pretty far apart but it made him yell a little more, he swore a little before she handed the medication over in a BAG. That was enough for our boss to chew you out. My coworker came back and sent me on lunch. I spent my break googling S8 laws and chuckling to myself. That afternoon, I was sorting the S8 scripts to file away when I saw it in all its glory. The script I had been hoping to see, unsigned and therefore unchecked. With a smirk, I pick it up and curiously approach a different pharmacist who we'll call Emma. "Hey, Emma, I think Tina made a mistake," I said sweetly. "I was dealing with this script and asked her to check it but she told me to leave it to serve someone else. I guess she didn't check it." Now Emma is the sweetest person I've ever met. She's a bit of a perfectionist so this job is perfect for her. Something passes over her face and she turns to me, "What do you mean?" "Well, this isn't signed... come to think of it, I don't think she checked his ID or boxed it either," I check the back of the script and there are no ID details, "No, she didn't check it... or at least didn't write down the details." I shrugged as I showed her the script. "I was just doing what she said. I didn't want to get in trouble." Pharmacists have complete power in the store, anything they say goes but they're supposed to let you follow the rules. Emma huffs and storms over to the computer. SHE. SAW. EVERYTHING. Emma is pissed. She saves the footage and asks me to fill out a report. I detail how Tina told me to abandon the script to help scripts in even though they weren't struggling. How she told me to abandon an entire crowd of restless customers. Emma is livid by the end of it and says she'll take care of it, she's so sorry that Tina did this. Skip forward a few days, Tina has put in a complaint about ME for arguing. It wasn't a big deal, I knew I was in the right and they'd all find out soon but for now, I'm on probation. Skip forward another few days, my manager apologises. I'm off probation as I was 'only doing as I was instructed'. I don't see Tina again. There was something so satisfying about watching her get yelled at then knowing she got caught. I assume she'd done it before too because they don't react like that to one incident. TL;DR a customer is waiting for a dangerous medication which the pharmacist legally has to check. Pharmacist makes me break the rules to serve someone else then messes up everything. ================================= {71 points} Special ed student leaves a "special" supprise --------------------------------- So for context, I go to a special ed school. Now we're not talking normal special ed either, we have the full range whether it's from high functioning autism (me) who will definitely be able to function in the real world ( also I'm not saying this to throw shade or be a douche I'm just stating how it is) to the people in the middle with like down syndrome or other disabilities who will be able to function but will needs light help. But then we managed to go down even further to the kids who can't function. Also sorry I know it's blunt but I don't really have another way to word it but because students like that are in the school each room has a button where you can ping the office and get help to your room immediately. Now students however are not allowed to touch them and if we do we can get a pretty big suspension and the teacher from the class later mentioned is very strict on this and had actually just suspended a student for a week when she was dealing with another student and he got it so she could get help and even told us if we were to do that we would be suspended for even longer no matter what. Our school has normal classes, like science and English and math and all that stuff but there is 1 homeroom (since its highschool) for only the lower function students so in this homeroom there are the students who are on the lower functioning end and these students need a little more help than the rest of us and sadly the story I have has to do with one of those kids. Now like I said above nothing against them I get their brain doesn't work the same and the world is totally different in their eyes. Anyway this student likes to mention funny phrases or roasts that students say, as it is the only way of communicating for him but he is also very literal... Now they do end up rotating classes like the rest of us and I happened be in my 4th hour when this happened, our school is the shape of a U with the bottom connecting parts branching out horizontally so like I said I was in my fourth power which happened to be journalism which was in the middle of the right vertical line of the U (important later) so in walks all the students and then enters student of the hour I will call him SES or special ed student. The staff in the room end up noticing he has something behind his back and none of us could tell what it was so we thought nothing of it but once the staff give up trying to figure out what it was he runs to the heater then screaming in a loud squeaky voice "SHIT HIT THE FAN" and we instantly knew what he had... by the time we had realized however he was smearing feces into the heater so the teacher yelled to "press the button right now!" While trying to hold him back when none of us got up however she got mad and screamed why "are we doing nothing to help" I told her " you were very specific when you told us to never press the button no matter what" she got red and told me to just press it but I cut her off and said "i am sorry ms. *name here, I don't want to get suspended" and she had luckily managed to get him under control. this was back early January (I think) and the heater is all connected one-piece throughout the school and luck was not on our side because the room that this took place was right next to the boiler room so we ended up having to turn off the heat for 3 days because the smell would not go away and they had to take apart the heater( they still had school since the janitor ended up using a bunch of small heaters around the school and we still had our coats. but I ended up getting off scot-free because I technically obeyed it all original directions. Also sorry for the misspells if there are any I am on mobile and using talk to text. ================================= {95 points} Make it extra hot and spicy? Of course! --------------------------------- This is my first time posting in this subreddit, sorry in advance since I am on mobile. Also I apologise for any spelling or grammar mistakes since English is not my native language. (I live in Switzerland) So to give a bit of background story I'm an 19 year old system caterer at a good Japanese Restaurant in Zurich. Zurich, being the biggest and one of the wealthiest parts of Switzerland, has its fair share of rude or arrogant people. Just as the lady this story is about. This happened less than a year ago. The lady (AL for arrogant lady) is a regular at ours. The soups we serve are known all over the city, so it's not uncommon for people to just order a soup. Some of them want it spicy, which we gladly do. AL always orders the same soup and wants it extra spicy, with extra ginger and extra hot. She used to always send them back bc they were not spicy enough or even cold according to her. At least that's what she did until I served her. Again AL ordered the same soup and asked for it to be extra spicy and hot. Knowing of my co-worker that she was here yesterday too and sent the soup back I made it my mission to give her EXACTLY what she asked for. The cook heated up the soup and I told him to heat it again, even though it was already steaming. I then got the chilli powder we use to top of the soup and added to it generously. But let's get to the extra ginger... As you may know when you grate ginger a lot of juice is set free. So I took this juice and added a a fair amount of that AND a good amount of the actual ginger fiber. I brought it to her and told her in the sweetest tone possible to let me know immediately if it wasn't as she pleased. Long story short, the lady never ever complained again. Edit 1: Grammar Edit 2: A lot of the comments say how that belongs in this subreddit since it is just doing my job. Well yes, it is my job and I did what she ordered me to do. She always got what she asked for, she just always complained about how we did it wrong. I was fed up with her so I decided to be generous with the spice and ginger. She ended up coughing in a tissue and never complained again. The opposite even, she eats the soup normal again, no extra spice, no extra ginger. (She's still eating in every now and then) She even learned to say thank you. So maybe it doesn't belong here, but she definitely got exactly what she asked for, which ended up in not being exactly what she wanted. :) ================================= {28 points} A grandfathers friend in Nellis, 70/80s (MMC) --------------------------------- So, reading about the cross contest with r/military reminded me of this story. My grandfather told it to me, as it occurred to a good friend of his while in the Army. Sorry for the bad English and formatting, French using a phone here. So, in the late seventies or early eighties, my grandfather was a French foreign legion officer. A former classmate of his was serving in the French Air Force. One day, he got a call from him, asking if he could pick him up. He had just been deported from the US in the middle of joint armies exercise he was a part of. Of course, my pa goes to the airport to take in to the base. On the way there he asks why he came back this early. And here come the story... I was on the second week of training on US jets. Amongst other things, Americans really use a lot of acronyms. One of them is GUMP (Gas, Undercarriage, Mixture, Propeller, Seat Belts). They were so thorough in the training that they would nail it into us until every order caused a muscular reaction. And so, one day, I get on a training jet with an instructor. He was an Afro-American from the Southwest, really thick accent. I had some fun the night before (later my grandpa learned that it was with one of the base secretaries...), and so I was a bit tired. During the flight, I started to daydream a little. And, to check my attention, he yelled GUMP!!! through the intercom, to force me to check if everything was in order... And so ? Well, with his accent, and my sleepiness, and the fact that I wasnt so at ease with English, I heard JUMP!!!... and I ejected myself from the plane. Right in the middle of the desert. So they charged the French Air Force with the rescue Ops, and the instructors claimed that I had intentionally misheard, that I was a racist, that I couldnt stand spending another minute aboard the same plane as a black man... My superior agreed with the Americans, claiming malicious intent. And so, Im back... Truly, not a real case of malicious compliance according to the guy, but they might still be some doubt on that. ================================= {63 points} I want my car! --------------------------------- So today I wrecked my car and my insurance was paying for my rental. I was at the rental place getting it all set up. The guy at the counter told me this prime example of one of his customer's Malicious Compliance. They have this COO of a large company who rents an Aston Martin from them for $38,000 a month. His company asked him to move from California to Florida and he said alright, but only if you ship my Aston Martin to Florida for me. His company refused to do it so he is renting one from this rental agency for $38,000 a month and writing it off as a business expense. The rental guy said the dude has paid way over the price of an actual new Aston Martin, but he wants to just continue renting it to stick it to his company. ================================= {228 points} Welcome to E-Mail hell --------------------------------- So, I do IT for a smaller company. Since I still go to school, I'm not always there, however almost always reachable by E-Mail and phone. Usually, all tech related E-Mail is dealt with by dinosaur_elephant@company.xyz. My manager set up tech@company.xyz without telling me and told me that from now on, all external communication should be going to that E-Mail address. I checked the config, and sure enough, it sends a copy directly to him and a copy to me. From the way he worded his first E-Mail, it was apparent to me that for all upcoming external communication, the change should be implemented. Today I forwarded an E-Mail about a possible server outage due to a security fix to workforce@company.xyz (contains everyone at our company). This morning, I received a polite but very firm E-Mail that I should change all communication to tech@company.xyz and tell him when I did. No problem. I promptly logged in to all hosting providers we deal with, and sent an E-Mail to every business contact I have that from now on, we communicate using the new E-Mail. Should add a good 100 irrelevant E-Mails to his 400 relevant E-Mails a day. I know for a fact he reads everything, regardless if it's of use or not. I'll give it a week. ================================= {29 points} Leashes must be held --------------------------------- I dont know if this counts or not, its one of those theres a rule for it, therefore it happened stories. Anyway, in the city laws for dog leashes, there are two rules: 1. Dogs must be kept on a leash. Okay, thats fair. 2. You must hold onto the leash. So some smartass decided to bypass the first rule by clipping a leash to the dog and letting go of it. My family always gets a good laugh out of imagining it. ================================= {1572 points} Dont want gas? Ok then have fun sitting in the Key West sun! --------------------------------- So I know this is my first post so Ill try to do my best, and sorry about it being clumped up, Im doing this on my phone on break but it was to funny not to tell! So I am currently a college student in key west, and I work for one of the larger Watersports companies down here. We do everything from party boats to jet skis to golf carts (which this story involves). Part of my job is to go to the main hotels that we provide rental golf carts to, and at-least once a week refill the gas tanks (which were pretty small, about 2-3 gallons which is important later) and clean them off. Normally this goes off without a hitch and everybody is always very nice. Normally even when its a cart someone is currently renting they are more than happy to let my refill it for free and clean it off for then. However, for some reason today was not this persons day. I was doing my usual route and this particular hotel was the first one I stop at every time, I went about my usual refilling them and I got to the last cart, when I go to lift the seat up to refill it this couple walks up and asks what Im doing. I casually say: oh I work for (company) Im here to refill your cart with gas because it looks like its only about half full and smile as I turn back to take off the gas cap. The gentleman then starts yelling at me: Stop that! Stop messing with my cart I payed for this I can take care of it myself! So I turn around and tell him that its ok, Im here to do it for free so they dont have to worry. But he was having none of it. He than storms off yelling something about he is going to tell my manager (I think he meant the concierge because thats who you book the carts through). So I stand there and wait for them to come back. About 5 minutes later I see them walking out all smug with the concierge behind them who just tells me to not fuel them up and let them go. So with a polite smile I did exactly as he said. I left that hotel and continued on my route and finished up all 4 hotels and was heading back to the marina where I usually worked when I get a call from my boss. Wtf?! I thought I told you to refill all the carts to the top? Why do we now have a couple calling and yelling at us that they ran out of gas? I honestly had to try so hard not to laugh my ass off, but I just calmly told him about how they didnt want me too fill it up and they could handle it themselves He told me to go give them some gas so they could get to a gas station, they were right off the beach which the nearest station was almost on the other side of the island. So thats exactly what I did... but I took my SWEET ASS time doing it. When I finally pulled up to them they were sitting on the side of the road all sweaty and red PISSED. They started yelling at me that I had left them with no gas and they were going to call the owner and all the usual b.s. So I just calmly filled their tank about half full and told them: I thought you said you could handle it? And just stepped back into my truck and drove off laughing my ass off. TLDR: Couple yells at me for refilling their golf cart, so instead I let them run out of gas and bake in the sun. Edit: TLDR and spacing ================================= ########r/TalesFromRetail######## {8 points} Weekly TFR Express Lane Checkout - Post your very short anecdotes and experiences here for quick service! --------------------------------- Welcome to /r/TalesFromRetail's Express Lane! Your weekly thread for small anecdotal stories, rants, and general retail nonsense that wouldn't fit elsewhere in this sub. Please remember all rules regarding anonymity and derogatory speech. *(All comments will be sorted by "new")* ================================= {826 points} "I don't want to wait in line." --------------------------------- Just another afternoon at the outlet store I work at. A little busier than we anticipated, so naturally our lines were a lot longer. We have 4 registers. All of which are attended to by employees because we need to get this line moving. I'm ringing up a nice old lady when this short, plump, gremlin of a woman waddles up to me with a bag of chocolate truffles and $5, placing the money on the counter, expecting me to stop what I'm doing to immediately cater to her. Then she starts talking to me. "I just wanna buy this, my husband is outside and I don't want to wait in line, can't you just take me?" Now mind you, our line, still long, still busy. I can't prioritize one customer over another- especially when these people have been waiting in line for as long as they have. "I can't let you cut everyone in line, you'll have to wait, I'm sorry." She rolls her eyes and sighs as loud as she possibly can, taking her money and leaving the chocolate on my counter. I wasn't mad until I discovered that not only had it been open, but half empty. Hope she enjoyed it! ================================= {2179 points} Do NOT say Hello to customers! --------------------------------- I work at a gas station. Our policy (among other things equally as silly) is to say Hello to each customer. Im a good worker and even though it feels unnatural (at first, Ive grown used to it now I guess) I will do it. Most people say Hi or another greeting. Some people ignore me and thats fine too. But never have I seen or heard anyone over react this much. This old and large guy waddles into the store with his jaw reaching the floor for some reason. I say Hello as I should. And he just stands there, narrows his eyes and stares at me for a good 3 or 4 seconds with that mouth still wide open catching flies. Can I help you? I ask, really confused at whats going on. No! He shouts as if he is somehow offended. I am sure I gave off a confused and puzzled expression. He simple stood there for another moment before approaching and paying for his gas. as long as Im complaining, when I asked if he had air miles he gave out a hard sigh and tossed it on the counter, this dude was really pissed at something. We finish the transaction and he is almost out the door, just one more waddle. What you sayin hi to me for!? He shouts again with his hand on the door. He brought it up literally 5 minutes later.... Just being friendly. I said. Its easier than to say its a policy but maybe I should have said that. Yeah dont fucking say hi to strangers. Freaks them out. You should know better. Then he just leaves. Every word out of his mouth was if I insulted him and he responded in an offended tone. He was obviously pissed at something but I simply said Hello to him and he got set off. ================================= {313 points} Lady Collapses and Customers Don't Care. --------------------------------- This is a little long so I will include a TLDR at the bottom - So this happened a few years ago at the large supermarket I work for; it's pretty good, most people are nice, no real problems. Except this one day during one of my shifts on fridges; basically going about getting my job done when I spot someone I know who also works there but was currently on holiday. I start to go over for a quick chat (as she was also standing right where I needed to be) when in the corner of my eye I and notice a lady has gone down on the floor in the middle of the aisle. Her mother (I assume) was leaning over her and calling her name to 'Wake up! Wake up!' That's when I see that the lady's eyes are closed, her face is going blue and there is spittle and blood coming from her mouth. Shoving my trolley in the way so no-one walks into them with THEIR trolleys; I run like hell to the CSD (Customer Service Desk) and use the tannoy system to immediately put a call out for a First Aider in store. Once the ladies on CSD finish helping their customers they turn to me and ask what's going on; I explain what I've seen and they immediate put a call out for DM (Duty Manager) and also call an Ambulance. Running back to the aisle the first aider is there (thank god) as well as a small crowd. Trying to be as helpful as I can I start asking customers to go around, yes the ambulance has been called and can they do the rest of their shopping first please before they come down this specific aisle? Most of them do - no problem! But then this one older lady comes up to me and asks me directly - "Can you just reach over and get me some margarine? It's right there." Now, she was actually very polite, but the fact that she could see what was happening and thought I would do that for her instantly made my blood boil. I had an urge to snarl "Yes, just let me step all over this poor woman who is blue in the face and bleeding from her mouth so you can have a tub of bloody marg!" REALLY wanted to, but didn't, so cracking my face into a smile I simply said unfortunately not and could she come back afterwards? She did go on her merry way without a fight and the aisle was barricaded off after that. Best part was when the ambulance finally showed up; may have been about 20-40mins but felt like forever! So I am asked to go outside to make sure it parks at the front and help show the paramedics in etc - no problem! I ask a van to move, Ambulance parks as close to as possible and the two paramedic dudes roll out the stretcher. Leading them in I call out "Emergency!" to make all customers move and get to the lady on the floor who has now regained consciousness and looking a little less blue. The aisle is still barricaded off but we move the cages, trolleys etc to let the stretcher through, then I quickly cut it off again incase some pushy customer thinks that part is open again and tries to get through. Once poor lady is strapped up and ready to go I move stuff out of the way and call mildly loudly but politely! to the customers still shopping and in the way - "Could you please move your trolleys to the sides? We are going to be wheeling her to the Ambulance now." A different lady to the one from before stands directly in the middle and doesn't, she doesn't have anything in her trolley so she can obviously go get other things for a moment, but turns to me and gestures impatiently - "Can't I just get that?" whilst standing still and blocking the stretcher's way, yet all other empathic customers have eyes and ears and have moved for them. NOW I lose my temper, facing her completely and (also remembering that I am on work's property in uniform) I loudly say whilst making eye contact - "Can you PLEASE MOVE your trolley as we are GOING to be wheeling her to the AMBULANCE!" She scoffed, backed entirely out of the aisle and marched off after that. The paramedic dudes both said thank you to me on the way out though :-) TLDR - Lady collapses in store, customers don't care, still try to shop around her and even inconveniently block paramedics to get to items on shelves over her. ================================= {201 points} "Why?" --------------------------------- I work in the deli at a high end grocery store. We have all the usual deli stuff but we also make chicken pot pies and miniature meatloaves from scratch. We make the pot pies almost daily with to the leftover rotisserie chickens from the previous night and serve them hot or cold to heat at home. Last night I'm standing behind the cold case where we keep salads and our cold pot pies minding my own business. An old man(that I recognize as being annoying in the past) walks up and shoves his phone in my face and says "Got any?". On his phone is a picture of the label from our feta salad. I say "Sorry but we're out of that at the moment". So he starts looking through the rest of the case and points at the pot pies. AG will be annoying guy Me is me obviously. AG:(half yelling because he's mad we ran out of something) "What are those?"(even though everything is CLEARLY labeled) Me: "Chicken pot pies." Now, I'd like to think I'm pretty knowledgeable about the items we carry and can answer most questions but I was not prepared for the doosie he was about to hit me with. AG: "Why?" I had no idea what to say. I was completely unprepared for this question. I just looked at him like a deer in headlights for a moment before responding. Me: "What do you mean?" AG: "Didn't anybody every tell you not to get the chicken from the deli, it's the old stuff they can't serve." Me: "I can assure you we don't serve any old food here." So he goes on to tell me how "millennials" are spoiled and only want gourmet food. When he was a kid he had to eat green-tinted meat and spaghetti sauce wasn't red it was orange, etc. His grandpa on his dad's side was a violent alcoholic and a womanizer. His great grandparents had 9 kids(10 if you count JC who died when he was just a kid). I learned this guy's family history over the course of about 5 minutes. Other customers are waiting and starting to get annoyed at this point but because of management, I'm not allowed to walk away from this guy. I have to provide "Exceptional Customer Service". I just smile and nod as he goes on and on. He finally realizes there's a small line behind him and finishes his history lesson and walks away without buying anything. I was left confused and apologizing to the other customers. I've been thinking about it ever since and I still don't know how to answer his question. I may never know "Why?". ================================= {26 points} You cant open & try it before buying it --------------------------------- Obligatory mobile post warning I manage the cosmetic department in a large Canadian drugstore chain. We are high theft so we have loss prevention officers (LPO) on the floor. Theyre not uniformed, so they are supposed to look like regular shoppers. But its usually buff dudes and they like to hang around my department where theres more theft. Anyways, one afternoon recently, I was busy assisting a customer and I could see a blond middle aged woman with a sour look on her face helping herself to makeup testers and smearing the products on her face. I let her be but kept an eye on her. I could hear an aerosol can being sprayed but I was still busy with my customer so I was unable to see who was helping themselves to a free hairstyling. When I was finished with her, I saw the blond lady again. We made eye contact as I saw her applying mascara in the mirror. I looked and she had opened a package and was using the mascara. She took the package and the product and left it on my desk explaining she would purchase it after shes done browsing. Fine. At this point, I can tell that shes attracted the attention of our LPO as hes watching her. I go up to him and explain she claims she will be paying for these items but keep an eye on her. As soon as she sees us interacting, she runs away to another aisle away from cosmetics and he follows her. Its. His. Job. Im in an area where I can see where she is but shes far away. Im putting some products back that were left out and I can see her rushing towards me angrily. That guy is following me. I dont appreciate it. Tell him I know hes the floorwalker and Im a paying customer that doesnt deserve to be treated this way. I calmly explain to her that perhaps because she opened products and then used them she has garnered his attention as its his job to make sure this doesnt happen. Clearly not listening and in it to cause a disturbance, she raises her voice and cuts me off. So I then speak more firmly without raising my voice and reiterate what I already said so I can make it clear. She goes dont raise your voice at me. Youre being rude! This part is a bit fuzzy as her yelling and huffing was hard to keep track of what she was saying. I continue to repeat that the LPO had no idea she was planning on purchasing the items so he was watching her as its his job. I also mention I went up to him when she walked away and said that she was planning to buy the items. She doesnt like this answer and becomes more hostile and keeps telling me Im rude and that Im repeating myself. I told her Im repeating myself because she was interrupting me. At that point I had enough. I told her she needs to buy the things she used and then she can leave until she decides to shop without opening packages. At the counter I have the mascara she opened but I cant find the hairspray she used (yep that was her). I ask her if she plans to buy the product she sprayed in her hair and she goes wow you guys were really watching me you know everything I used. I forget where I put it Yes hes very good at his job. Now lets find the hair product so you can pay and leave. Dont talk to me like that young lady as she peers at my name tag to see my name. I know this means she wants to complain about me. Lovely. As soon as she says that I raise my voice a bit and say youre the one thats being rude. I have not done anything wrong. Everyone knows that when you shop at stores, you dont open things until you by them. Its considered theft by consumption. Its common sense Shes fuming now and says wow youre just a little bitch arent you?! I lost it. I made her pay for the items and told her if she wants to ever come back in this store again she cannot call me or anyone that works here a bitch or swear at staff and she cannot open products before buying them. I also told her to take a good look at my name tag so she can report me and Ill make sure everyone knows who was really in the wrong. When she left I had a customer come up to me that watched the whole thing and apologize for having to deal with that. I may have gone out of line but this woman called me a bitch for doing my job. I was not rude until it was well deserved. Edited to add: when I called her out on calling me a bitch, she denied denied denied. Idk if she thought she could gaslight me or she was so upset she just blurted words out and didnt remember what she said but I definitely heard her correctly. ================================= {24 points} Need a Lift? --------------------------------- Another day another 75 cents I say. In my job as a specialty sales associate in a department store. I sell various good like blinds, shades, appliances, etc. However, for this story I was asked by a coworker to cover her break in the neighboring home department registers. ​ It's a fairly slow day and I get bored looking at various items, greeting customer, when I finally get someone who comes up to purchase something. Running through the motions she asks for the prices of two shoes, which I oblige. She decides to take them both. ​ Just as I'm about to start ringing up the sales I hear the towers, the devices that go off if unpaid merch goes through. I look up to see a man rushing and struggling to push the door open with a cart full of high-end shoes. Which is a brand stolen so often I often think the criminal underworld uses them as currency at times. ​ He busts finally through the doors and I rush a little, to the door, pulling out my phone. Now, I had no intention of stopping him. I'd be fired if I did as only AP can do that. But I whip out my phone in hopes of snapping a photo of him and his car. ​ He runs around the lot a bit, looking all over frantically, turns back and goes around the corner of the store, reappears a few seconds later, goes to the far left of our lot, then the right, then straight out towards the car dealership next to us. ​ Finally he lets go of his cart full of stolen merch next to a car and books it. I think it's his, until I see him keep going, and going...and going. all the way into the dealership's lots. Now this is all happening while I'm standing in the doorway to the store, watching. ​ I can only conclude either ​ A. He didn't bring a get-away car ​ or B. his pals bailed on him. ​ ​ Laughing to myself I rush a little as walk out to the edge of the parking lot and grab the cart full of about $600 worth of merchandise and pull it back in. ================================= {49 points} Boy has to pee, can't, mom gets angry --------------------------------- Hi, long time lurker here. Figured I would post one of the weirdest things that happened to me while working in retail. So, some backstory, I worked in a store where there were no public toilets. We only had one for the employees and we were strictly forbidden to let any customer go to that one, we could get written up if management saw us doing that; unless they were either disabled, had urinary issues (yeah.. we genuinely had to ask that), or kids that weren't potty trained yet. So, on to the story. While walking through the store, in comes a woman (W) with her kid. I am me.. obviously. W: Hey you. My kid has to pee really bad, can he go to the toilet here? Me: Hi, sorry, our management doesnt allow that. (I can see it's a somewhat older kid) W: He really has to go. We can be quick, no one has to know. Me: Sorry ma'am, I really can't. Is he by chance disabled? W: No. Me: urinary problems? W: No. Me: (secretly hoping that they just go away, but then I realise, if I just get to say them the kid isnt potty trained yet I can let him go) So, is your kid potty trained? If not, he can go. W: (somewhat irritated) YES, he is potty trained! At this point, I was genuinely baffled why she didnt just say no. I specifically told her the kid could go if he wasn't. Me: Sorry, that means he can't go to the toilet here. She starts to argue that it makes no difference if he's potty trained because he just has to pee and it's all the same. At this point my manager walks to me, tells the woman I'm right and they need to leave. Well, she walked off. That would've been the end of it, it seemed. Until half an hour later I walked in the store and I noticed a puddle of water in the middle of the aisle.. which I'm sure wasn't just water. ================================= {147 points} A regular customer with a great heart made a kind offer --------------------------------- Sunday a gentleman comes in who frequently shops at my store. He tells the team that he will be buying lunch for the crew on Monday. Now this man always buys several pairs of shoes to sell on ebay. I always ask if he is selling the shoes that he is buying this time and i always get the "yes I am selling these" or the "no, these are for \[male family member\]". He is always really friendly with the store associates, he 9 times out of 10 comes to my register. Fast forward to Monday, He comes in around the noon mark; he calls all the cashiers over starting with me (mainly because he has my store allotted family discount card) and he tells us about how he wants to buy lunch for the crew because we all are so nice to him every time and that he wants to say thank you to all of us. He then pulls out his wallet and takes a $50 and tells us that lunch is on him, split it however we want. Sometimes retail surprises us with really nice people. I love when this guy comes in because he makes the cashiers laugh and he is a really pleasant person to be around ================================= {7 points} "I know you're closed but..." --------------------------------- I was two minutes away from locking our front doors, I could almost feel sweet freedom after a grueling shift of pushing shoes around. My feet carried me like magic, effortlessly to officially shut our doors for the night. But it just wasn't meant to be. As I stepped up, a tall gentleman wearing all black with tan puma sneakers slid through the doors. I tried not to let my crushed soul show on my face as I told him, "Sir we are currently closed. Please do come back tomorrow." "Oh I figured you were closed. I wasn't expecting the doors to open at all!" he responds with a sickening smile. "Now I just have one question for you: do you have these shoes in stock?" He points to the Puma's on his feet. I feel my world crack around me, as I realize I am going to have to repeat myself to this man. Probably more than once. "I don't believe we carry those. But I can double check for you tomorrow, as we are currently closed." He takes a few quick steps towards me and says, "Oh, that's alright. You have something like these though? I'd like to look around and find something similar." Unable to believe my ears, I finish my route to the doors and proceed to lock them. "Sir, please leave. We will see you tomorrow." This man looks at the pained smiles of my co-worker and me, thanks us, leaves and we go back to feeling our sweet freedom again. \*\*I honestly though I was gonna have to call security. seriously though, why did this guy come into the store if he KNEW we were closed?\*\* ​ ================================= {6 points} Shoe size doesn't go by age --------------------------------- Background: I work at a shoe store. Enter customer. She needs help finding shoes for her son who is not currently with her. Me: What size were you looking for? Customer: I'm not sure. What shoe size is an 8 year old boy? Me: I'm sorry, but shoe size is unique to each person and has nothing to do with age. Unfortunately, I can't say what size would be best for your son without measuring his foot. Customer: Well can't you give me an estimate? Me: Sorry, but no. I just can't be sure that I'm recommending the correct size. Customer: How can you not have an estimate?! Why don't you just google it for me? Me: Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to have my phone on the floor with me.... The lady just stomped out of the store at that point. I have similar conversations with people all the time. I WISH shoe size went by age, that would make my job a lot easier. ================================= {1238 points} I Wonder if He Does This With Food... --------------------------------- I work at a video game store. This morning a customer comes in and asks about Xbox One controllers. I hand him the only one we have in stock, a limited edition Xbox One controller that's $65. He immediately starts tearing the box open, asking what's so special about it. He didn't open the box as it normally opens, he's completely tearing it apart. Me: "Um, sir... please don't open that." Customer: (brusquely) "I've made up my mind." "Okay. You still have to purchase it though, sir. It's not yours yet." "I'M GOING TO PURCHASE IT." "Okay, will that be cash or card?" He handed me a wad of crumpled up bills, which I took what I needed out of, gave him his change and his receipt, and wished him a nice day. He came back again twice more within thirty minutes and ended up spending about $140 total, each time tossing a wad of bills on the counter. I guess I can't complain but man... I can just see this guy munching on a bag of chips at the store: "Sir, have you paid for that y--"I'VE MADE UP MY MIND." edit: Wow, my first silver! Thanks so much!! ================================= {154 points} "I've been waiting for over an hour. Get me someone else!" --------------------------------- So I'm fairly new to retail, only just started 4 months ago. Right after the holiday season my store let a lot of the seasonal employees go and cut pretty much everyone's hours by half. I work in electronics and now we only really have one person trained in electronics working at a time. So, for an 8 hour shift I'm required by law to take 2 15 minute breaks and one 30 minute break, just like pretty much every other job out there. I have someone from grocery cover me at electronics for one of my 15 minute breaks, give him my keys and leave to go buy some chips and a soda to take on my break. I leave my walkie talkie on in case he needs help and we have help buttons throughout the store for our customers to get assistance if they can't find an associate. 5 minutes into my break I hear the electronics help button go off and 10 seconds later a message comes through saying it was cleared, meaning the guy covering me had answered the call. Not a minute later I hear it again and not even a second later is cleared again. Then again it goes off and gets cleared. This goes on for the next 5 minutes and I assume the button is malfunctioning so I cut my break short and go out to see if my cover needs help or if I have to disconnect the button and call maintenence or something. I come out and look over, seeing an older woman and my coworker crowded around the help button and she's yelling about how she's "been waiting for an hour for assistance" and she would like someone else to "serve" her (yes she said serve). So I step in and ask what's wrong. The woman turns to me and says "Finally! Someone who can help me. I've been waiting for over an hour for service and I would now like someone else to help me." I hadn't left my area for. More than 10 minutes so she obviously wasn't waiting too long, and my coworker was right there trying to help her I tell her, in my best customer service voice, "Ma'am, I'm very sorry about this bu-" Before I could finish, she tells me she deserves a 10% discount because of how long she has been waiting for service. I tell her that it is not in my power to override prices of items and I would be unable to do that. She asked me if employees of the store still get a discount for working here and I tell her that yes we in fact do and, in a slightly condescending tone knowing what was coming next, that if she has her employee card I'd be more than happy to let her use it. She then demands that I use my employee discount for her because of the awful experience she's had. I explain to her that our registers do not allow us to be logged in and apply our own discount codes (this is so employees don't ring themselves up obviously). She did not believe me and threatened to make a complaint with customer service, my manager and corporate. With a smile, and trying not to laugh, I pointed her to our customer service desk and asked if she would like me to write down the corporate and store phone number for her. This pissed her off and she told me that she would never shop at our store again. Still smiling, I told her "Have a good night ma'am." I swear I saw steam coming off her head as she left. ================================= {203 points} Customer thinks it's totally alright to mock the front desk person --------------------------------- This may not be as big as some other stories on here but it's been one of the most surprising events that has happened to me personally. Also apologies if the grammar/structure is weird. I'm not an avid storyteller. ​ TL;DR at the bottom ​ Some background: my dad runs and owns a car audio and video store where our main job is selling and installing speakers, radios, subwoofers, LEDs, etc. A few months ago he lost his main installer (the guy had some personal stuff going on and moved on to greener pastures) and since I was in the middle of a job search he asked if I could help run the front of the store until he could find a new installer. Since I don't know much about cars and my expertise was more in the computer/graphic design field, my main job became managing our inventory, website, and social media as well as creating vinyl designs for t-shirts and car decorations. We did eventually got a new installer but I stuck around to help out. Over the months I've been able to pick up on different aspects of the products and installations of some vehicles and help with the sales, but when I don't know what the customer is looking for or they have questions I can't answer I call up my dad for clarification. ​ So yesterday was a strangely busy day for us with a large number of calls and installations going on, and to top it off my dad had to run several errands so he wasn't in the shop. During those peak busy hours, two men came in looking for wire for a specific job they wanted to do, so I called over our installer to help them out since he had more knowledge about those type of things, and while he was helping him out, I called up my dad to ask him to pick up some items for an installation scheduled later (this is important). When I was done with the call, the two men asked me the details about a radio and ended it "or do you need to call your daddy." Found this comment strange but tried to laugh it off cause some customers like to joke with us. But then they kept it up. Every single time they asked about a product or I would ask the installer to help with something, they would say something like "why don't you call daddy for help" and each time it was said in a more demeaning and mocking way (especially when I had to actually call my dad up for the his pricing and a strange project) and it was starting to get to me. Like, I've dealt with rude and difficult customers before but have never been continuously mocked by them before. By the end of it they were treating me like an idiot (and I felt like one), and to top it off with all the stuff going on in the shop I accidentally gave them the wrong price. I ended up correcting it, but the one guy paying said, the most demeaning voice possible, "since you can't seem to do anything without daddy dearest, here's a tip for your troubles" and slid me a dollar across the countertop. I told him we don't accept tips (since at that point I felt so low I didn't even feel like that I should accept it), returned the dollar bill and his change and told them to have a nice day as they left. A few hours later my dad showed up, saw I seemed down and asked me what happened. I told him about the interaction and he just said that he's sorry that that happened but that customers like that show up, and if those type of people show up again I have every right to refuse them service and kick them out of the store. ​ Flash forward to today: it's a slow day, my dad is working on an installation, and I'm in the front updating our inventory. I hear some customers approaching, so I look out the window to see who it is and who else but the same two mocking men from the day before. I head to the back where the installation is going on, tell my dad that "those" customers are back again and if he can see what they want cause I would prefer not to deal with them if possible. My dad put on his customer service face and went to the front, giving a usual jolly greeting/benefit of the doubt attitude incase a sale could be made. The guy gave an equally cheerful greeting back and then exclaimed in a taunting voice loud enough for me to hear, "Where is the little kid!?!?" My dad gave a smile, closed the door, and all I could see from the surveillance camera in the garage is him put his arm around the man, pull him close, and say something. A few seconds later I see the guy scurry out the door and drive off in his truck. Asked my dad what happened and he said he simply told him that he should probably do his shopping elsewhere from now on and that the man agreed. ​ TL;DR Customers for some reason think it's totally alright to mock me for contacting my dad for info in order to help run the store, return the next day only to leave with their tail between their legs after they trying to mock again but this time with my dad present. ================================= {25 points} Evil hags Stretching tags --------------------------------- I used to work at a big thrift store chain that would sell clothes, shoes ,books, toys, and miscellaneous things like that. At this point I was already a year or so into the job so I knew what I was doing most of the time, and by that I mean catching switched tags and tricky tricky thieves.. ALOT of people try to steal and get free/cheaper stuff from a /Thrift store/! WHY?! Everything was already VERY CHEAP! But I digress, One day we had a bunch of special sale racks set out in the store. I even helped set the racks up myself and I helped mark the tags that would be on sale, like I physically marked the tags with a special marker. Anyway the whole premise of the sale was that each item on a rack with a colored mark on the tag was on sale, each person could crab a decent size paper back and STUFF the bag with the items and whatever you could fit would be $10 or something like that if you hare your club card or you sign up for one that day. Im checking people out its about halfway through the day and I see a customer Ive seen before come up to my register, Now I pride myself in customer service, Im nice to everyone no matter what, and Im social with people Ive seen before. So Im talking with her as she puts her bags up. Its all baby clothes. Im looking at the tags and they are all marked/have not been tampered with. As Im loading up the large amount of baby clothes, she leans over to me while holding her purse.. and I see that she has TONS OF TAGS UNMARKED IN HER BAG! I WAS SHOOKETH TO MY GODDAMN CORE . I was so angry that my attitude complexity changed, I became reserved and didnt speak. I couldnt even look at her. She was so nice to me but the whole time she was tricking me. She even had a Tagging clamp... thats basically the thing you use to tag clothing , so that means she cut the wire , and R E T A G G E D, all of the clothing either in the bathroom or the changing room. I let her go though. I was so mad but she looked at me with puppy eyes, and it was all clothes for a baby... while her attitude said Im sorry mine read please dont to this again. Though I did end up taking some things out that I knew were expensive. I believe she was okay with this since Im sure she realized that I knew what was going on. TLDR dont trust customer just be nice to them. ================================= {1419 points} Customer tries to return beds, had to call store owner while basically laughing at the guy --------------------------------- I've worked in retail for many years at different companies, so I'll have a few stories to share here. Here goes one I often tell people because it's just about the funniest experience I've ever had. Some background for context, I live in Denmark where we have a law stating that if an item bought from a business is sold faulty, the customer is by law allowed to get a new item or have the one repaired, this is actually a kind of 2 year warranty (returning items and get money back, is actually up to the store). So I worked at a department store focused on beds and duvets mostly (they have other stuff for interior too but the store chain is mostly known for beds and duvets), my job was managing the back of the store where everything was stored, and my duties consisted of that, taking deliveries and making sure that things specifically ordered for customers was set aside, also had to get the bigger items for customers that they couldn't carry through the store, and last but not least..... returns of the bigger items... It was a quiet day when suddenly a middle-aged man pulled up with his car and trailer loaded with 2 box spring mattresses and a top mattress, and he started to unhook them while I approached him. He said that he had a complaint over the beds, and wanted to return them per the law I mentioned at the start, because they were faulty. He wasn't exactly happy, but at least he brought his receipt, which most people tend to forget, meaning we can't help them when we can't confirm when the item was bought. I proceeded to ask the usual about what was wrong with them, as there were no visible damage to them. He had obviously not even cared to try and clean the top mattress before returning them, because that and even the beds underneath were stained and quite filthy. He then hit me with the bombshell.... he wanted to return them, because the beds were too hard, and his wife fell out of it.. (customers always try the beds before buying them, so them being too hard was also weird, but not really surprising since it was some fairly cheap models he had bought). I'm usually one that talks a lot, but I was speechless and asked him "are you serious?", customer annoyed at me for that question "of course I'm serious". I said that I couldn't make that decision so I had to call the store owner, so I proceeded to walk the few metres to where the work phone was and had to turn around and whisper so he wouldn't see or hear me, and told my boss "dude you have to come out here, I have an angry customer that wants to return something, and I can't take him seriously", and also told him the reason. Our boss had also told us many times that if we had customers that looked like they were going to make trouble, we should call him instantly and he would take care of it for us. It didn't take long for my boss to come out, and he didn't believe that anyone would actually try to do this. I went back in to do some more of my duties, but I could hear the shouting from the man, saying that he would be contacting our head office so file a formal complaint. My boss came in afterwards, shaking his head and laughing, saying that this dude probably just wanted to see if he could get some money back to get rid of his old disgusting beds, and buy some new ones or just try and get some new ones for free. The fact that he tried to make it seem like his wife falling out of the beds, was a fault with the beds (the two mattresses were stood together to form one big bed, just for clarity), was just too funny for my boss and the dumbest excuse he had also ever heard. He got a call from the regional manager a few days later and told me that he had also laughed the guy away. It wasn't uncommon in these stores to get crazies trying to complain to try and get compensated with a more expensive item, despite their complaint being BS. So yea, if you want to return a faulty item fine, just don't make up BS excuses because you want a new bed, with excuses this bad it's not exactly hard to see what you're trying to do ;) ================================= {74 points} Customer gets mad for us not letting her use a flooded bathroom --------------------------------- The bathroom was out of order since there was a problem with the pipes and it flooded. It was out of order the whole day. Customer comes to the counter and asks if she can use the bathroom (it's always locked to prevent people from sneaking in and stealing, so we have to open it for customers). Manager apologizes and tells her it's out of order. C: "What do you mean it's out of order?" M: "It's out of order? The pipes are broken." C: "No it's not, they told me it was fine." M: "Who? We've been here all day, it's out of order. We can't even use it." /side note, the store next to ours has the same owners and their bathroom is at the other end of the store and out of sight from the registers, so it's easy for people to steal. they don't let people use their bathrooms so they send them to our side. maybe that's who "they" is referring to, but why she thinks they would know about our bathroom situation more than us, who knows/ C: "Them! I'll call them and they'll tell you your bathroom is fine!" Customer storms off and wanders through the isle on her phone. She never came back up to say anything else. Who are you gonna call that's going to tell us our bathroom's working? lmao I found out that this specific customer usually has problems with the manager, so maybe she just wanted to pick a fight. But it just made her look so dumb. ================================= {28 points} Two positives from a long day of negatives --------------------------------- I work in a retail craft store, and as all retail stores, we get b****ed at all day. But I finally had a good night. My best friend came in with her Papillon pupper to visit me before our dinner. No one had been in for a while so she was walking around the store as she pleased. Finally had a customer and she stopped in her tracks at the door after seeing her. She asked if dogs were allowed at here, and I told her yes because we are a 50/50 indoor/outdoor mall. She lit up like a Christmas tree and said she was going to get her dog out of the car. She came back holding him like a big Jack Russel baby it was so cute. She said she was bringing him home from having a foot cast removed and needed to stop in super quick and she felt terrible leaving him in the car. But she had no idea our mall was mostly pet friendly. She bought her stuff and left happily. Different woman came in after about 20 minutes later and asked if she could pet the dog and was asking my friend questions. The woman stated that she was walking past and couldnt believe her luck. She thought she was never going to see a Papillon in person ever, and here she was. She then asked for a pic, took one, then also left happily. Normally I dont care for people that are in and out without buying anything because of conversion, but Im so glad this woman got to finally meet one! Both ladies helped a ruff week, and so did my friends pupper. Ive included a link if anyone wants to see her [Presenting Piper the Papillon!](https://imgur.com/gallery/gC2TjjO) ================================= {132 points} No maam, given zero information, I do not know which book would be good for your child. --------------------------------- I was working at my parents store over the summer. It was this little toy/education/classroom supply store in the mall. This one woman came in and picked two activity books (out of hundreds), brought them up to me at the counter, and asked which one would be better for homeschooling her child. I had no idea; I obviously didnt know in depth about every single book in the store. I started saying, Well, Im not sure... meaning to follow up with questions about what kind of activities she was looking for, and ready to help go through the books with her. But she stopped me there and snapped, You mean you dont KNOW?, grabbed the books, and stomped away. Halfway back to the books section, she turned around and shouted, THEN WHY DID THEY EMPLOY YOU? Kind of shocked, I held my tongue and waited for her to finish her shopping. She eventually decided on a book, and when she was done checking out, she asked me to write down my name, my bosss name, and a number to reach them at. I grinned a huge grin and asked sweetly, Because I didnt know about the books? Her: Yes, Im sure theyd LOVE to hear about how useless their employee is. Me (smiling even wider as I write the info down, leaving out last names): Yes, Im sure they would! You have a wonderful day now! It took a lot not to mention that my boss was, in fact, my dad. But I wanted her to call so he and I could laugh about it later. Disappointingly, she never did call. Maybe she just wanted to scare me, which obviously didnt work. Or maybe my confidence implied that she wouldnt get anything out of calling. Anyway, Im sure she found some other employee in some other store to bully. I was lucky my boss was my dad, and I feel bad that she couldve gotten away with getting someone else in trouble whose boss wasnt family. In which case I say: fuck that lady. ================================= {48 points} How am I supposed to help you? --------------------------------- I work at a beauty store chain thats known across the US. we have a loyalty program and a credit card, etc etc. we get calls sometimes about customers being pissed that we signed them up for the loyalty, saying theyre getting too many emails or whatever, as if they didnt give us all of their information. anyway. today i get a call at the store and this lady sounds VERY upset. but its the kind of upset that actually made me want to help her? i like to think im good at explaining things and working out problems. she tells me she signed up for our loyalty and credit card, and she didnt want to but did anyway, and her card was charged $100 for a reason she couldnt see or figure out why. i tell her to call our customer service like because i cant do anything about credit in store, but id be happy to help her with any returns she had in store. she said, where are you located? i gave her general directions, were on ____ highway right next to _____ and _____. she says, where? & i repeat what i said. where is that? [small city name]. [small city name], Georgia. and .... she says to me baby im in Tuscaloosa, Alabama! i dont even know what to do at this point i just apologize and tell her to call customer service; i dont even know HOW she found our phone number ================================= {83 points} "I have a lot of followers on social media." --------------------------------- I used to work for a shopping mall and, like all malls, we had contests. One time, we had a contest for some gift bags that were leftover from a special event (this was made clear on the contest description) which included coupons and products from some of our retailers that were estimated to be worth $150+. One of the winners started picking apart the gift bag at customer service and complained about how she didn't think it was really worth $150+. She demanded that we tell her the retail price of all the products. "I just want to be able to post this on my social media account and show my followers the products. I have a lot of followers, you know. And it would be embarrassing to post these and say that it was worth over $150 if it isn't." She was there for half an hour trying to get us to compensate her for "coupons I can't even use" and repeatedly saying how she had "so many followers on social media". Our manager ended up giving her a $50 mall gift card just so she'd go away. ================================= {219 points} I am out of line --------------------------------- On mobile, so apologies for formatting. Background: grocery store in a city that has many grocery stores. I am working the customer service desk today. She approaches my desk and asked the price of walnuts in the shell, saying there is no sign on display. Easy peasy. I look up the item and it comes up as $15/kg. She is not impressed. I think that maybe she is thinking of the price per 100grams so I tell her is about $1.54/100grams as sometimes our bulk is shown that way because it looks cheaper. Nope. She doesn't like that either so I convert to pounds because our produce department shows signs with both. It's about $7/pound. Still not satisfied, I call the department and check. The department confirms the price. Yes, the price is $15/kg about $7/pound Well, says customer, at xyz store they are $4/pound and YOU are out of line! I am not sure how I, personally, am out of line since I was only the messenger and I don't make up the prices, however.. it is what it is. Have a great day, lady, not sorry lol ================================= {90 points} Worst customer experience I have ever had. --------------------------------- Okay so preference this I work at a gas station. At my particular station we have to keep a $200 minimum in our drawers / tills at all time. About an hour before I clock out everyday I count my drawer down to $250. This happened about two weeks ago now I just counting my drawer down to 250 it was about 11:40 now and a customer comes in walks over to the candy asile grabs a bag of gummy bears puts it on the counter. This particular bag of gummys are $2.39 and he pulls out a hundred dollar bill. So then I go and tell him I don't currently have enough in my drawer take break a $100 bill for $2 transaction, also at our location there is three things that have to be happening for us to even take $100 bill one you have to spend at least 25% of the bills face so $25 two we have to enough in our drawer to safely break the bill without sending us under our minimum finally three we have to be in the mood to take it we are in a state where we can deny service for any reason and we have it written on our door in a large 2 inch tall letters that we do not accept bills over 20. As soon as I tell this customer that I cannot break a hundred he becomes livid starts screaming his head off how it's all he has on him apparently doesn't have his wallet or any cards on him and his car ran out of gas right outside of our gas station. I did explain to him that again I don't have enough to break a hundred unless he does a $50 transaction because that's all I have over my minimum. He starts becoming even more livid screaming louder about how he has to get at least 75 back from this hundred because he has to pay that to one of his buddies. I explain again that I can't do that because I don't have that much in my drawer. He starts screaming and hollering about how I need to open up the safe and pay him out from that. I explained that I don't have access to open the safe I have a 3 foot wide counter it between me and this customer he leans all the way over the counter looks at our drop safe not our cash safe and start saying you don't have a code for that. I politely tell him yes I have a code for that but that's a drop safe not our cash safe I don't have access to the cash safe. He again starts yelling about how he works in a gas station just like me and his safe which is supposedly exactly the same as mine how's it's were if you put in $100 bill it will spit out 80 in 20s i try to explain that my drop safe dose not work that way. He starts yelling how if I can't get the safe open to get someone there who can open it and to call my manager to get him to come in. My manager had just left about 20 minutes before this person came in. So I reluctantly pull out my phone and call my manager I get three words into explaining the situation when the customer starts yelling about how I need to make sure that I'm telling the truth to my manager. My manager asks me to tell him to quiet down so I can explain the situation I asked him to be quiet while I'm on the phone with my manager this causes them to yell even more. So store manager says kick him out of the store. I kick him out like I'm told to and he starts yelling more about how what's he going to do because his car is out of gas so I politely tell him call one of your friends that has cash and have them come and bail you out. He walks on my store and I think that's it and done. That is until 10 minutes later when he walks back in slaps a dollar 55 in dimes and nickels says to put it on his pump after I'm done with the current transaction long I've got three other people in line behind the person I'm helping. I asked the others if they're fine with me doing that real quick and they say fine. I again think that it's done with and over. Then after he walks out pumps the 1/2 gallon of gas that gets him for his car he walks back in on his phone to his friend and states yeah and the person who wouldn't break the hundred for me name is Scott and walks out. Tl;dr i tell a customer i can't break a hundred and get yelled at i try helping to the best i can and get yelled at again get told to call manager while on the phone manager tells me to kick him out if he doesn't calm down and quiet down have to kick him out then he comes back in with a veild threat ================================= {38 points} Avocado Peltast hoisted by his own petard --------------------------------- I've been browsing this sub for a while, but this is my first time posting. In 2017 I concluded an 8 year run in retail at the same price point retail company. I worked at 4 stores in 3 cities before I finally moved on to my career in live audio. Here's one of my favorite stories. AP= Avocado Peltast ​ HC= Head Cashier The day is going quite well, as the lines start to die down. Things are getting quiet just as I'm due to cash out, which I thought was quite serendipitous, and the head cashier is standing by. Enter our superfood slinger. ​ AP: Hey are you open ​ Me: Yessir! You're my last customer here (I put up my closed sign past his last item) ​ AP: Oh great! Thanks! ​ In price point retail, we get many patrons that are a bit rough around the edges (putting it lightly). This guy, however didn't really look like anything out of the ordinary. His personable attitude did not prepare me for the rest of the interaction. ​ Me: So your total will come to $3.26 ​ AP: \[hands fiver\] Here you go ​ Me: Magic! your change will be $1.74 ​ AP: \[Looks at items\] On second thought, I actually don't want these frozen waffles. Can I return them? ​ Me: Ah, um... not really. We don't offer cash returns, however you can just grab another item of the same price and just show it to me before you leave. ​ AP: \[becoming agitated\] No, I just want my dollar back! ​ Me: I'm sorry sir, but I can only offer you an even exchange. ​ AP: Where's your MANAGER! ​ HC: \[Having observed the entire interaction\] Sir, my cashier is correct, our policy does not allow cash returns. We can only offer you an even exchange, or store credit. ​ AP: YOU PEOPLE ARE STEALING MY DOLLAR!! ​ Then, to the surprise of no one reading this, the man throws his avocado at the head cashier and me. He does this rather poorly, and both of us avoid the airborne fruit. The avocado hits the wall leaving behind some millennial toast spread. ​ HC: Redwings, call the police ​ Me: Gladly ​ My retail superpower was the whitest possible white people voice. I am a long haired, weirdy beardy metalhead on the outside, but on the phone I am soothing and cordial. I was therefore designated as the one to call the police. So I begin making the call. ​ AP: OH YEAH?! I CAN CALL THE POLICE TOO!! ​ We both begin making our respective calls to law enforcement. I provide a description of AP, our address, and also inform them that he has taken it upon himself to call dispatch as well. As I finish up with dispatch I hear AP screaming. ​ AP: I DON'T \*HAVE\* to give you my name! I DESERVE JUSTICE! COME DOWN HERE! ​ Me: \[Turning to HC\] This is going to be interesting. ​ There was a patrol car fairly close to the area, and two officers come in to the store. One meets with AP outside, and the other comes to take a statement from HC and me. I provide my ID as I was the one that placed the call, and I hear some unintelligible screaming coming from outside. A few moments later, I see AP being placed under arrest, and let into the squad car. One of the officers returned to talk with us. ​ Officer: I wanted to come in to inform you that this guy had a warrant for his arrest, and also ask if either of you would like to press charges? ​ HC: I don't think so, I'm fine. ​ Me: Yeah, this is so strange that I'd feel kinda bad pressing more charges on this guy ​ The officer bids us adieu, I get cashed out, and head home. ​ TLDR; Mad cunt throws fruit, arrests himself ​ Edit: Formatting ================================= {35 points} Two kinds of customers in this world --------------------------------- Super short but this guy deserves a shoutout imo 'CustomersBeingBros' kind of thing Every time a customer enters the store we must greet them. One guy is in the store browsing (very small store, like the size of those tiny roadside gas stations) and another comes in. I greet the new entry and get nothing back. Pretty typical tbh. I ask him if he needs help finding anything once he gets closer and still nothing. He's about five feet away. The first guy apparently has noticed this and just before leaving he bids me farewell pointedly but politely and with a small, not a bow but sorta? We get ignored all of the time until we're needed and though it's not a huge deal, it can be pretty annoying. Glad there are still customers out there who behave like polite people and regard us retail gremlins like people lol ================================= {25 points} Man comes in to sniff the socks. Pt. 1 --------------------------------- I used to work at a convenience store about two years ago when i was 18. The stores locations wasn't in a very good area, (a lot of drug addicts and a homeless shelter not even 5 minutes away) so we got our fair share of crazies. But this was something quite different. It was around 6 pm. I was at the register and the manager and my other coworker were in the back preparing for our truck delivery the following day. Things are going good but then this man comes in. Just one look at him and i knew he was f***ed up. He came in carrying a large black trashbag that i assume had his belongings. Our store has a policy that all bags and backpacks (excluding purses) had to be given an employee to put behind the counter as to help prevent theft. WG: weird guy M: manager Me: me Me: welcome sir, how are you doing today? I asked giving my best customer service smile. The man looked at me and just grumbled something and started walked forward. Me: Excuse me, but i am going to have to ask you leave your bag with me if you plan on going towards the back (out of my view) He looked at me, grumbled, sighed, and then thrusted the bag at me practically throwing it at me. It didn't bother me as I've had a few people react this way before. Me: thank you sir. I'll have it back here (behind the counter)so i can keep an eye on it He just looked at me for a second then walked away. I watched him pull an orange red bull out of the cooler, open it, and start drinking it. I watched him drink half of it not even 10 feet from me. Then he turned to me WG: theres something grainy in it Me: oh, im sorry to- WG: im not paying for a f###ing messed up drink He said as he thrusted (couldnt think of another word) the red bull into my hands, spilling a bit on my clothes then, then rushed off deeper into the store. I decided to call my manager on the handsets we use to get assistance. Me: hey M, can you come up to the front very quick? M: umm, sure. What's going on? Me: this guy just drank half a red bull and told me he wasn't going to pay for it because it was "grainy". M: okay, give me a minute. FF a couple minutes. My boss came up and i showed her the drink and told her what happened. M: are you serious? Where is this guy? I scan the store for a second and saw him in our clothing section. .... This guy.... I was watching him as he took a few packs of socks off the peg... And started to smell them. Im not talking about a quick sniff, im saying that im surprised he didn't inhale them. Me: hes over there.... Sniffing the socks.... M comes over by me to see the guy, ears deep in a 10 pack of socks. Me: umm, what should we do? M: i dont know. Go ask him what hes going. Me: really? M: yes, go talk to him So i go to talk to him. Me: excuse me sir, can i help you with something? He said no follow by a long line of grumbling which all i could make out were. Socks. Spray. Chemical. Burns. Shins. Im no rocket surgeon but i put the pieces together and found he was smelling the socks to see if they were sprayed with chemicals that were burning peoples skin. I went and told my manager this. M: well i gotta get back to work so just keep an eye on him and let me know if he does anything else Me: okay. Will do. The guy came up after another half hour with socks that i guess smelled the best. Trying to avoid any further incidents i kept my head down and just scanned his socks. I would have scanned the redbull but the company's policies prevented me from doing so. So he paid for the socks, i handed him the bag with his socks and he went on his way. There is a bit more to the story and ill try to put up the second part tonight after work. Edit: i posted the second part of this story. Heres the link if you're interested https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromRetail/comments/av98wa/sock_sniffer_pt_2/?utm_source=reddit-android ================================= {2492 points} Lady, I have ears. And eyes. And also a brain. --------------------------------- Fuel clerk A woman just bought gas and her absolute disregard for my intelligence was infuriating. Even just her initial tone was like I'm some type of subhuman species and it's like she was struggling not to use caveman talk at me. Me: Hello! Lady: I need FIVE on seven. Me: Okay! /takes her 10$ bill and starts setting the pump for 5$ Lady: FIVE. /holds up 5 fingers at me and waves her hand around Me: /glancing up at her jazz handing me while trying to finish the transaction I gotcha! Lady: Did you see what I said? /smashes her 5 finger count hand all over my freshly cleaned kiosk window Me: /getting her change from drawer Yeh, I gotcha! Lady: FIVE. Me: /handing her the 5$ change Okay, have a nice day! Lady: /closely examines her change, presumably to make sure it's a 5 then walks away ================================= {1212 points} Dinosaur brings in a 5 year old weekly ad and is shocked when I dont honor the price. --------------------------------- Work in a retail drugstore chain as a manager. Had a interesting encounter with a couple of ladies who were stuck in the past and took out their frustration of the internet on me! They will be D1 and D2 = dinosaur1 and dinosaur2 Ill be M=Me I get called up to the front register by the cashier and see two older ladies glaring at me as I walk up. They have 8 boxes of cereal on the counter so I figured it was an issue with a coupon. Nothing new, whatever. M: Hi, how ar- (she cuts me off mid sentence) D1: ARE YOU THE MANAGER!? M: yes I am. How can I help you? D1: YOUR weekly ad on MY phone shows that this cereal is on sale $2/8! THIS cashier is saying its NOT! D2: YEAH! Whats going on here? M: Hmm thats odd. Let me check. I flip through our weekly ad in store and the cereal is not on the ad. Thats weird I thought, Its the same ad online as it is in store. Usually Ill just modify the price since it was like $2 off total per 2 boxes but their attitudes killed that chance. M: Yeah Im not seeing it in our ad. You said you got that picture of the Ad on your phone off our website this morning? D1: YES! I went on your website and it was there! M: okay. Let me check on my phone. I proceed to go onto our website from my phone and look at the ad. The cereal is nowhere to be found. M: May I see your phone and the picture you have please? she hands me her phone. I scroll to the bottom and see the date for the ad was from 5 years ago (our weekly ads have always looked the same). She must have gone into google images and typed in weekly ad and screenshot a random picture she found. Ive never before seen anyone do this. M: Maam, this ad is from 5 years ago. This did not come off of our website this morning. I would be more then happy to modify two boxes for the confusion but thats all I do. D1: WHAT!!!! I GOT THAT FROM YOUUUR WEBSITE! D2: ONLY TWO BOXES?? I WANT 8! M: yes. This is not our current ad and I have no idea where you got this picture from. All I know is that it was not from our website. D1: WHO DO YOU TRUST NOW AND DAYS? YOU ARE A LIAR AND DOING FLASE ADVERTISEMENT! YOU SURE CANT TRUST THE INTERNET ETHER!! THAT CAME FROM YOUR SITE!! M: (pull up the website from my phone) Feel free to look. This is whats on our website right now. D2: You must have changed it just now! (Because I have the power to edit our company which has 8,000+ stores website lol) M: Nope. Dont have the ability to. Would you like the two boxes? They both sat there and complained under their breaths about how untrustworthy the new generation and internet is as D1 paid for her two boxes of cereal. They walked out of the store and got into a brand new $150,000 Mercedes Benz truck/suv. Old farts. ================================= {159 points} YOUR WEBSITE LIED TO ME! --------------------------------- I work at a music store with some locations all around canada that also has a website. The main point of the website is to show what can be ordered in from the supplier but you can also see if we have it available in store. I've been asking them to make the website easier to understand for months now. One day I'm doing my usual walk around the store to make sure everything looks nice when a kid (around 15) walks in and looks at our guitar section. He does a little walk as he looks up and down the rows of guitars. He then looks a little upset so I walk up to him to see if he needs any help. Me: Is there anything I can help you find? Kid: Your website said you had a left handed strat in white. Me: No I'm sorry we only have Sunburst and Black available. You probably read that we can order it in from Fender. Kid: No it said on the website it was available check the back room. Me: Actually we keep all of our left handed models out here since we usually have so few. Kid: (Clearly starting to get angry) NO! You're wrong, where is your manager? Me: I'm sorry the only other employee here today is a 17 year old that specializes in flutes so I guess you'll have to deal with me. Kid: (Furious at this point) THERE IS A WHITE STRAT IN THE BACK ROOM I KNOW IT! He proceeds to shove pass me, power walk to the back room and throw the door open, only to see all the right handed guitars sitting on the racks. Kid: (Walks back over to me) I want a free guitar because your website lied to me! Me: I'm sorry but there's no way the website says it's available at this location. After a bit more back and forth I decide to just pull up the website and show him he's wrong. I'll never forget the moment his face changed as he realizes his mistake as he was looking at a location across the province. In the end he ordered it from the supplier and I made a pretty big sale. ================================= {22 points} "Our Job Sucks" --------------------------------- Hi There, I recently found this sub and figured I share one of the stories I had. I work down in the southern section (for a moderatly well known chain in green) of the US where a certain infamous man/woman do absurd stuff and are pretty much a meme nowadways. I have a couple good stories but this one is probably my best. I don't have any hard feeling towards this person and honeslty don't care about most customers in general even if they are overly mean. Other co-workers can't handle them as well but thats how we roll. Anyway I work in the deli section. Arguably the busiest section in the store. Right smack dab in the middle of a fast growing community that has bout 12 or so years left of expansion. Get a lot of customers and construction workers coming in for lunch rush. One day, we get this one lady. She comes up to the deli and one of the guys (co-workers/associates) helps here. Bout a minute or so later she can hear some banging and stuff in the back. My manager was pulling stuff out of the chicken cooler to clean and whatnot. Its these little steel platforms he was cleaning. So she hears all of this and ask, "hey whats going on?" "oh thats our manager in the back, cleaning some stuff" Soon as she hears that, she's got this 'i feel sorry for u' face on and goes,"Ohh... that doesn't sound fun back there. Good thing I don't work here." Said that right in front of me and my buddy. Didn't even faze her on what she said. We all had a good laugh after, but man. Served a lot of interesting and 'unique' customers, but she takes the cake by a long shot. I don't believe our job sucks 'that much' or whatever was going on her head but yeah. Just remember. When ur helping a customer, keep in mind "your job sucks and they don't want it." ( ) ​ Edit and Clarification: Alrighty guys. Me and the guys experienced a funny scernario where a customer had a 'derp' moment. Despite it being rude, and I am telling you we did in fact found it quite so, we also found it pretty funny a customer went full 'derp' and said that outloud to us. Thats pretty much it and i figured yall might get a good laugh out of it or something. I might of mistaken as this seems to be a turning into a debate on whether or not rude lady was rude even tho she was. ​ Anyway, yeah. its a funny story above all. We really dont give a fuck about rude lady. its part of retail work and the only thing that really sucks about our jobs is customers. Some stories are more 'juicy' than others. So yeah. I hope I made things more sensible or something. ================================= ######r/talesfromtechsupport##### {1952 points} TFTS POSTING RULES (MOBILE USERS PLEASE READ!) --------------------------------- Hey, we can have two stickies now! --- So, something like 90% of the mod removals are posts that obviously don't belong here. When we ask if they checked the rules first, almost everyone says, "O sorry, I didn't read the sidebar." And when asked why they didn't read the sidebar, almost everyone says, "B-b-but I'm on mobile!" 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Really. __Rule 7__ - [NO PRANKING, HACKING, ETC.](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_rule_7_.3A_no_pranking_or_hacking_tales) - TFTS is about helping people, not messing with them. __Rule ∞__ - [DON'T BE A JERK.](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_rule_.221E_.3A_don.27t_be_a_jerk) - You know exactly what I'm talking 'bout, Willis. --- The [TFTS Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index) has more details on all of these rules and other notable TFTS info as well. For instance, you can review our list of [Officially Retired Topics](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_what_tales_have_jumped_the_shark.3F), or check out all of the [Best of TFTS Collections](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_the_compleat_best_of_tfts). Thanks for reading & welcome to /r/TalesFromTechSupport! --- _This post has been locked, comments will be auto-removed._ _Please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftalesfromtechsupport) if you have a question or a suggestion._ _(Remember you can hide this message once you have read it and never see it again!)_ _edit: fixed links for some mobile users._ ================================= {1422 points} Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket, conclusion --------------------------------- [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/aszpc8/where_are_we_going_and_why_are_we_in_this/) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/atdesc/where_are_we_going_and_why_are_we_in_this/) [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/atty9u/where_are_we_going_and_why_are_we_in_this/) [Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/auludj/where_are_we_going_and_why_are_we_in_this/) Ian's ordering flowers. There's a dark part of me doing the cost-benefit analysis to letting Ian loose. Other than the web pen test, I've got enough to write a decent report, which fulfills our contract. Ian's blowing us up just means no implementation work or referrals and maybe some management-side fireworks which will burn his ass more than mine. I'm not going to intervene. I'm just going to document. I'm writing down my notes from the last meeting as well as a proposal for fixing their AD and catching up on all the work Javier hasn't done. Ian claims to be "almost done" with some findings. Lunch happens. I see a delivery person carrying a bouquet of flowers. They're set up in Betsy's cube, with a fair amount of finger pointing towards the conference room we've been camping in. She's not there yet. Ian's looking up from time to time to see when Betsy notices the flowers. I can't handle the cringe. I'm going to hide in my hotel room and do some work. I pack up and walk out to the parking lot. I find my van and get in it. As I drive out, I see Betsy walking into the office. I roll down my window and wave. She waves back. I stop to talk. Me:"I'm sorry." Betsy:"For last night? You didn't send that email" Me:"No. You'll see" Betsy:"I don't understand" Me:"If you're annoyed, contact $boss- his email address is in the kickoff email" Betsy:"Is there a problem?" Me:"Not to the project. I shouldn't have brought it up. I'll see you tomorrow" Betsy seems a bit puzzled and annoyed. I drive my people hauler back to the hotel. I lie down on the bed and resume drafting our findings and recommendations. We're recommending that INSCO move their payments system into a small enclave that isn't directly connected to the Internet. If they don't like that, we recommend moving all their credit card ops into an iframe so INSCO never sees the credit card information, allowing them to dramatically reduce their burden under PCI. Making everybody use their own account with proper role-based least access as well is going to require some implementation work. This is going to be a pretty easy sale- INSCO can give us their money and problems and we'll make both go away. I take my writeup and email it to Stan, a fellow consultant at my firm who needs work. He's been 'on the bench' for two and a half months, which means there's someone thinking about laying him off to reduce costs. I ask him if my time & effort estimates look right and if he's interested in the work. Stan doesn't bother emailing. He calls me. Normally I'd be annoyed while I'm trying to get work done, but he's probably the sanest person I'll talk to today. Stan:"Hey, LT! Your numbers look good. I'll start working on a plan" me:"I love your enthusiasm, but we haven't sold it yet. I'll put your name in to do it- it's right up your alley and if you need late night help, I'll help out to get you billable" Stan:"Thanks!" I say my good byes and go back to writing. I see that I have an email from Ian- it's a link to a file on our Sharepoint with findings on INSCO's web application. I send the proposal writeup to my boss with a recommendation for Stan. I grab the document without reviewing it and go back to task at hand. I want to get everything else in my report clean so I can just drop in Ian's stuff. I'm a fan of writing and drinking, but I'm out of beer. I take the transporter and pick up appropriate quantities of beer & food, then drive back to the hotel. Walking back from the parking lot, I see Ian sitting at a picnic table. He doesn't look happy. He's not staring at a screen so it must be bad. me:"Hey. How are you doing?" Ian:"Not good. I'm in the friend zone" me:"Um, ok. Has anybody from our firm contacted you about this?" Ian:"No. Betsy hasn't been convinced yet. I should have bought her some jewelry" me:"Jewelry? That's not a good idea" Ian:"How do I convince her? Should I ask her out to dinner?" This requires alcohol. I put a beer in front of Ian and open one for myself. me:"Ian, Betsy isn't one of those dating sim games. I'm sure if she was interested, she'd let you know. It's rude to keep making advances at her job" Ian:"Should I go to her house?" me:"No, that's a worse idea. How about signing up for a dating app? I've heard that might work" Ian (getting annoyed):"So I should just stay in the friend zone" me:"Ian, you're not in the friend zone. You're not her friend. You're here to do a job and vanish. So's mine" My phone rings. My boss wants to talk about the additional work we can pitch INSCO. I wave goodby to Ian and walk to my room. I try to talk up Stan. My boss reminds me that 'Ian's well respected' and that since there's already a relationship with the client, Ian will stay here and do the additional work. me:"I don't think that's a good idea. Ian bought flowers for Betsy, the project sponsor. It's uncomfortable" Boss:"That's just a client expense, like buying a round of drinks" me:"Ok. Just thought you should know. I'll have the deliverable ready for QC tomorrow and I'll be flying back after that." Boss:"Sounds good. Just make sure INSCO will like the report" Fast food and 3.2 beer make for a meal of sadness. Then I read Ian's findings from the web app pen test. Nothing. No vulnerabilities found. I find this hard to believe, given everything else I've seen this week. Well, Ian is 'well respected'. I work fairly late and get everything together in the doc, then send it to another consultant for a peer review. I have a slow start-drinking, dry air and late night deliverable writing can do that. I shower, put on a suit and make my way to INSCO's offices. I have a short meeting with Betsy and some kind of exec who seems bothered that I'm in his building. I try to simplify my findings and recommendations to three or four items. Exec derails me pretty quickly: Exec: "I don't see you mentioning the firewall" me:"I noted you had a few, but they're not a concern for me" Exec:"But it's security" me:"It's a quality firewall, that's for sure, but you have other problems that it doesn't fix" Exec:"So, what do you want to sell us?" me:"I think you need to re-arrange what you already have to fix what we found" Exec:"I don't want to hear that bullshit." me:"Yes, my company would like to sell you more time. I'd like to see you get some real security here for your customers. But I'm not paid a commission for that work. We do pretty good work. If you don't go with us, go with someone. You need the outside help" It's not the best sales pitch, but I wasn't expecting to do one this morning. Betsy walks out with me. I bid goodbye to a few people here, including Javier. Betsy:"Are you coming back to do the implementation?" me:"No, I'm on another engagement next week." Betsy:"Are you taking Ian back with you?" me:"We took separate cars, so not yet. We're in different cities as well" Betsy:"So you rented that big van for yourself?" me:"That's all they had. U-Haul was closed" She laughs. I drive back to the hotel, collect my stuff. I pull in front of the lobby and offer a few passers-by a ride to the airport. I don't get any takers. I get to the airport early, so I take a leisurely meal and write some stories that may have ended up here. I don't see the fireworks until I get back home. Epilogue: * Stan wasn't put on the implementation work. A few weeks later, he was laid off. He's working now as a project manager at a large company and seems happier. * It took two days for Ian to really screw things up. I was cc'd on an email asking that he be removed from the INSCO implementation for 'inappropriate behavior'. I got called, first to pick up where Ian left off, then for a much less pleasant conversation with HR, who wondered why I didn't tell anybody that Ian was a problem. I left that discussion a bit wiser about how management views emails that don't fit with the story they like. * A few weeks later, the work from home policy was changed. Ian got to be a fully remote pentester, only to be fired a few months later for testing in production and knocking something over that didn't come back up cleanly. * Ever so often, I'll hear from Ian or someone who was thinking of hiring him. He's gone through some interesting phases. The red-pill/pickup artist phase was definitely more amusing than the cryptocurrency evangelist. * According to Javier's LinkedIn, he's an independent consultant now. I hope that's working out for him. I stayed at that consulting firm for a few more months, doing whatever came in the door, then moved to another job. ================================= {475 points} Ive got 3 computers down! --------------------------------- Yesterday was a typical day for me. $S = data entry supervisor $S: hey, I have 3 computers down! We can't get any work done! $me: okay, I'm on it (Goes to 1st 1, presses power button on PC and screen. Updates install and boots normally.) It's works best when you turn it on $S. (Next 1, press power button... Nothing. Check plug is tight. Press power button, boots normally.) It help to plug them sometimes $S! (Final PC. Press power. It boots normally). Hey, $S! It still helps too turn them on! I checked the UPS logs for the server and there was some sort of brief power event overnight, so naturally, several low end PCs were off. Why do I have leave my desk so often for these little things?! $S recently wanted and expected to get the rather technical data management job next to me. ================================= {158 points} Digital to Physical --------------------------------- In my position, I do both IT as well as Digital Media for a regional newspaper. Pretty much "anything computer related" goes through me. Rep: "Hey ChillyEli, I sent you some advertisements ASAP. Can you set them up in our ad system to display on our website?" Me: "Definitely. I'm seeing some missing information like where you want these ads to point to. Should I have them point to the landing page we designed for the company?" \*\*An hour passes. So I set them up to what I think should be done\*\* \*\*Rep calls my phone\*\* Rep: "Ya ChillyEli, I need you to link those to the flyer by the same name" Me: "Check the link. That's how it's setup" Rep: "You redirected it to the preview flyer, not the ACTUAL flyer" Me: "Where's the actual flyer?" Rep: "Well we sent it out in the mail to clients" Me: "So let me get this straight, you want me to redirect one of our ads to a PHYSICAL flyer that's already in people's hands? Can you explain how I can do this with existing technology?" Rep after some silence: "I.....I'll figure this out and call you back" *I'm excited to share the stories I have from this position. I'm in charge of EVERYTHING digital. I'm all levels of support here so the entertainment never stops.* ================================= {93 points} Be careful about the nifty features you let clients have. --------------------------------- We have a massive SQL database. The feature in question was simply a boolean search feature that - in the oftenhappens case where records in the database are not correctly filled out by users - you could use this search feature to crawl look through the MSWord or PDF documents attached to a record for the raw, untabled words and phrases to help find what you need. It would even pop up the word or phrase in shiny red and bold in the document to make it easy to see. So, your boolean search string might be **"hotel" or "motel" and "new york" not "florida"** and with this you'd probably find a bunch of documents that mention hotels and motels in new york. You get the idea. Users loved this feature. It meant they didn't have to understand how SQL tables worked or rely on good admin or anything. Just search for words they reckon someone wrote once somewhere. We took pains to show them how to correctly use it: *You can do this against maybe 200 records at a time, so filter down the records you're using this search feature against first. One boolean search at a time. Anything else is bad.* Then we sent them on their merry way. Fast forward 6 months (in retrospect, I'm amazed they lasted this long). Bear in mind this feature is a small blip in the radar of regular support and IT issues, so it was forgotten about. One day we're getting hammered from calls by the client and their IT who are experiencing severe repeated crashing across the entire office and perpetual slowness. Much troubleshooting is done, nothing looks particularly amiss at first. IT migrated their users over to another server and they continued to have these same problems in the new environment. So we delve into user behaviour some more. Turns out the original parameters to only use the boolean search as above had been...mistranslated to new members of staff. The new guys were using between 4 and 12 boolean individual search strings at once, e.g. one line for "motel", an entirely new line for "new york", a new line for 'not "florida" ', *against the entire database*. So against every word in every document across some 30,000 records, 4-12 times per document. Multiple times a day. It took me a long time to explain to the client the difference between a search that looks in the "Location" table for the "City" column for the line that says "New York", versus a search that looks through literally every word in every document in the database for any mention of "New York". TL;DR: Gave the client a jet plane because the car wasn't fast enough, client now confused why jet plane doesn't work like Santa's sled ================================= {89 points} But I charged it all night. --------------------------------- Client: I just purchased this computer and it wont turn on. I thought A**** products were suppose to be better! Me: Maam, is the computer plugged in now? C: No it is not, I charged it all night in my bedroom and unplugged it this morning and took it out to my kitchen. I pushed the power button and it wont turn on. This is ridiculous for a brand new machine! M: Well, let me try to help you. Lets make sure your charger is working. When you plug it into the computer, does a light come on orange or green on the magnetic plug? C: There is no light and the plug is not magnetic? This thing is a hassle to plug and unplug! M: Which computer did you buy? C: I bought an iM*c and paid a lot of money for it! M: Maam, that is a desktop computer not a portable computer. That needs to be plugged in to work. C: How come no one told me that when I bought it? M: Im not quite sure what to tell you. Feel free to come back into to store and exchange it for a M*cb**k Pr*, if you need a portable unit. C: Those screens are too small. M: Is there anything else I can do for you? C: Obviously not! Hangs up on me. ================================= {455 points} We cant hear the sound --------------------------------- So Im a small fry IT support person in a middle school. I love my job and the people I work with. The only people I dont always love are the district it overlords. But thats another story. A common day at work. Teacher: do you have any extra speakers? I moved my tech cart and severed the speaker cable. Me: (good lord what really happened because you cant just sever that cable by running over it with a tech cart wheel) no, but Ill request new speakers. Teacher: we cant hear sound on this video Me: check all the sound inputs. Pc sound was on mute. Turned mute off Teacher: oh yeah, that was the one I ignored. I might have taken some medication. (She has a broken leg) Teacher: my projector stopped working Me: come up with replacement cable and bulb and an air can for the filter, thinking some normal maintenance situation happened. Get there, projector is dangling off the cart hung by its Kensington lock on a short leash. Teacher: student x got mad and hit the projector. Me: uhhhh ... ok?.. I put it back up on its perch and turned it on and off and fortunately it worked fine in spite of the assault. The sad thing for me is / if I werent here they would work it out. They would manage with phone support. But I love my job. I help students and the adults seem comforted by having an IT person on staff. Im at a high poverty school. ================================= {17 points} The CD drive swallowed the CD --------------------------------- This dates almost 2 decades when I was doing tech support for a major airline, so I don't remember it so well... Lady calls, says the cd-drive on her computer swallowed the CD she put in. She said that it probably just fell in once the CD was in. I looked at my own CD-Drive, tried to imagine a CD vertically in it, even a mini-CD, yeah no way it fits... so I try to explain it to her but no go. In this case all you can do is send someone to her... Turns out she did not put the CD in the CD drive but just above (or bellow) it, in the cracks of her tower... Obviously I had asked a related question and she had said no. I'm sure I had better but I don't remember. ================================= {37 points} It's the circle of pointing fingers --------------------------------- Today, I received an easy ticket, but excruciatingly frustrating, as I'm sure many of you have experienced this as well. I received this ticket from our Marketing Director ($MD from now on) about receiving a perceived network error when trying to access a specific resource on our company website. Cast: $Me - the network admin for our organization $MD - Marketing director, who pretends to know what he's talking about regularly $MC - external marketing company, who hosts our website Ticket reads: Good morning $Me, it appears we may have a network problem. We're getting an error when using $link on $page. I spoke with $MC, and they think it's a network issue on our end. Could you please examine? Thanks $MD ​ Alright, maybe there's a redirect that our web filter is blocking... Go, test $link, get the same error. Go test the alternate link, works fine. Both links are supposed to go to the same location. Hover mouse over link - target addresses are different. Respond on ticket: Sorry, $MD, I have to say I disagree strongly with $MC. This appears to be a broken link. Since I don't have access to make edits to the public website, I will leave this in the capable hands of $MC and yourself to resolve. ​ Have a great rest of the week, $Me ​ Why must we go through this all the time? A says it's B's problem. B says it's C's problem, and C says it's A's problem. It's the circle of life in our world I guess. ================================= {5 points} He quit his job over this --------------------------------- Not my story. Friend of my supervisor's was working phone tech support in the early 90s. So, this guy (let's say John) gets a call from this lady (let's say Jane). Jane complains that her computer won't turn on, she can't figure out why. John takes her through a standard checklist to try and diagnose the issue: "Is the monitor hooked up? Is the power cable hooked up? Is the machine making any noise at all?" Etc After going through the whole checklist, which took some time, John, wondering what the problem could be and grasping at straws at this point, suggests trying a different outlet. Jane says she's gotta get a flashlight because it is dark behind her desk and she can barely see. Then she says there's a power outage in her area so she figured she'd get some work done on the computer while she waited for the lights to come back on. John calmly replies "Ma'am I'm gonna need you to box that computer up and return it to the seller" Jane says "Why? is it broken?" To which John says "No, you're just too stupid to own a computer", hangs up, and walks off the job. EDIT: Didn't realize this was a widely circulated tale. I got this from my supervisor and obviously didn't bother to look it up. My bad. ================================= {97 points} Let's rework the ticketing queue! --------------------------------- Hey all, I haven't posted here in a very long time but I have a somewhat short story. Parties involved: $me = your friendly neighborhood remote systems administrator, and head programmer for our ERP (and all modules we develop for it) $boss = the man who signs my checks, doesn't really $coworker = generally a pleasure to work with, produces pretty good code dispite being new to the language $lead-dev = coworker from what seems like a lifetime ago, now heading our main software product. We arent really fans of eachother, but I remain professional. We work completely independently of eachother. At our company, we use a popular $ticketing-software to track the tasks for development on our various products. We have a couple teams where the resources may flow as needed, generally from the ERP to $main-product. When $ticketing-software was initially setup, we didn't have the separate teams, and thus all projects were based on the same template. As a remote worker, I don't usually start working until partway through the day. I checked my emails as normal and then checked my work IM to a query from $coworker > Hey $me, I'm working on $custom-erp-module and my most recent task is taking me down the rabbit hole Intrigued, I decide that it is time to check $ticketing-software, it was next on my list anyways. I pull up the tab and things look... Odd. I'm not surprised, that site has been loaded for over 2 weeks; let's give her the good ol' refresh. *huh* > Hey $coworker, the workflow step for all our tasks is rendering as blank for me. Has something changed on $ticketing-software? > Yeah, $lead-dev and $boss were looking at it earlier and changed some things. I've been moved into getting some testing inside $main-product as well *great* > I would understand if it was for $main-product, but it shouldn't have touched ERP development IMO. Now we don't know at a glance what specifically is "In Production", "In Progress" and so on. I sense that I'm the one that will have to rectify this issue. I open the $main-product team chat and say something similar to this > $lead-dev, I hope that you took a backup of $ticketing-software before before making changes, because I'm going to need that to help me fix the ERP development tickets 40 minutes pass without a response, during which I apprise $boss of the situation and created a new workflow. *ERP (touch this and face my wrath)* Finally, a response. Hmm it's a little long, so I parse it fully > Hey $me sorry about that. I deleted the $default workflow forgetting that ERP dev was using $ticketing-software. I had moved my projects out of being based on default so I assumed it was empty. Fortunately all the tasks are still there; it shouldn't be too difficult to create a workflow for ERP tasks. $ticketing- software has powerful filters that you can use to locate them for bulk update. I don't have any backups. *Okay fine. I'll take that small hit to my pride that you totally forgot about the ERP.* The ERP is for our multiple warehouses, and the workflows that the business needs to accomplish; it's indended for everyone other than developers. So he tells me to create a workflow (already done), informs me of the filters (I set up $ticketing-software, I created some of those filters), and that he is terrible at systems administration. I don't know about all y'all, but backups are something that I do religiously. Constantly take them before every small change and my Test ERP is fully reliant on restoring these backups into the database (to ensure good backups and consistency with Production ERP) > I've already created a different workflow and am in the process of further segregating the ERP project inside $ticketing-software, so this doesn't happen again in the future. With that I began to go through my emails, as I send one every time the ERP is updated, listing what was chanted and usage instructions if needed. I slowly brought our tasks in order over the course of the next few hours, and was pretty successful; I only had one task that I had to ask $coworker about to ensure that he was still working on it, or if it was on hold. ================================= {427 points} "Hark!" spoketh the Unicorn. "Not a single human error was made this day." --------------------------------- Alternative title: Sometimes users are right when they say the computer messed everything up. This'll be a quick one. Hope you enjoy it anyway. I work for a tech firm that contracts out tech specialists to big companies. Currently, I contract out to a major bank in the United States, providing support for some of their major applications. One of these applications helps the bank recover their money when people fail to pay their debts. Today, a debt worth a couple thousand dollars came into this system. And, before a human had even touched it, something was already broken with the case. I know for a fact that no human had changed any values there, as the audit history and several other indicators showed exactly that. I even got my user to recreate the issue while my diagnostic tools were monitoring the system. That's great. But at this point, I'm worried that it's an issue that the development team didn't include appropriate logging for. Sure enough, there's no issues recorded in the log files for this case. I'm a little concerned. But after looking into the error message and doing some testing of my own, I went back and checked the data for that case not on the main screen, but by querying the variable directly. The last $0.02 at the end of the guy's debt displayed as $0.019999999999999. *Floating Point Error.* The software ran exactly as it was supposed to. There were no problems fron the developers, nor from the users. Instead, it was because you need an infinite number of digits to encode 2/100 in base-2, and when you try and the value inevitably gets truncated by the CPU, the result ends up looking like it did, with the computer none the wiser. In my case, that number then ran afoul of a validation check that prevented humans from writing a dollar amount with too many decimal places during a later step. It was nothing but an unpredictable edge case that was created by out-of-the-box functionality, custom code, and hardware limitations colliding. Not one person screwed up, and yet it broke anyway. Sometimes computers can be stupid too. ================================= {1079 points} It's not an engine, sir --------------------------------- This is my first post in here. Hopefully it's a good one. $Me - me. $C - Customer I work for a fairly large company that is currently being acquired by another fairly large company. In the process of migration, we need to change the IP ranges for some of our sites so they don't overlap with existing IPs of our acquiring company. Last night, we were doing a wired DHCP change at one of our sites, which required us to stay a bit late and walk through the facility and test various devices to make sure their wired networking still worked. During testing, we noticed that a few of our desktop PCs were not picking up the new IP range and it stopped their network activity (network printing, accessing our intranet, etc.) We suggested rebooting the computer to renew the lease as that is the easiest solution to explain (rather than telling our users to release/renew or pull the ethernet cable). One user last night stood out to me, though. $Me: Alright, so just reboot the computer and it should be fixed. If it continues to give you issues, just call into the helpdesk and they can take care of things for you. $C: Man, I don't know anything about these things. They're way over my head. $Me: Well, that's what we're here for. At least in this case, a simple reboot will fix it. $C: Alright. So we don't have to change the oil in this thing? $Me: \*Chuckles\* $C: \*Stares Blankly\* $Me: ...No, just a reboot should do it... This guy actually thought you had to change the oil in a PC! I was floored. And I highly doubt he was talking about a mineral oil cooled PC. ================================= {404 points} I made a ticket a while ago and have not heard back! --------------------------------- We got a report from a user that nobody had came to look at their printer after they had submitted a ticket a month ago. Another tech and I dug through the tickets for that user and did not see any printer related tickets. We also checked the tickets for the office at that site, which is known to submit tickets on behalf of the teachers somewhat regularly We assume the ticket was lost to the void or got eaten, if it were almost any other user I would assume they never made a ticket, but this user is generally very good about ticketing. Turns out they made a ticket, sort of. At $Company we have our on site techs, as well as remote techs that support $Software. On site techs NEVER work on anything related to software, but we are the same company and use the same ticket system. We did find the ticket that went something like this. >User: Hello, I need help with $Software (insert ticket text here about a paragraph) Oh also I need help with my printer it is working but there is a light flashing >$Software Tech: *Fixes $Software issue* That is something outside the scope of $Software support, let me know if you would like me to change the ticket queue to your site's folder so your tech can take a look Ticket closed. No wonder nobody came to look at her printer! ================================= {1101 points} Have you tried turning it off and on again - how that saved the shift and cured the anger of my postman. --------------------------------- Hello friends, ​ LTL;FTP yadda yadda. No actual professional Tech-Supporter here. ​ ​ I dont have much time, have to leave in 10 minutes. Just wanted to tell you guys that my postman tried to scan a little package for me - as clarification here the postmen bring letters and little packages by bicycle. He tried to scan my package and the camera didn't work. I had a look at the companies smartphone with the app. ​ Since i knew this exact phone (it's the same as my old one), does a little snap noise if the camera gets activated, i listened to it trying it again but nothing happened. He has gone pissed already, calling a co-worker with his other phone, who doesn't know a solution too. (I knew he was a fresh guy, starting, since i know my postmen/women) ​ I told him to restart it, he was curious why and i told him, well - that's what the people say to do first. He restarted it and it was working like a charm again. Thanks tfts :D Have a nice day! ​ TL;DR: Postmans' phone camera didn't work to scan the code. Told him to restart it and worked like a charm. ​ Edit: I was working and didn't expect this to blow up. Stay friendly guys, it will pay off...for everyone. :) Reading through comments now ​ Edit2: my bad, bicycle not bike... ================================= {53 points} The facepalm when mac --------------------------------- So I work at a MSP, this guy calls in from a company I havnt taken a lot of calls for yet, but we mostly handle client logins for them. How hard can it be? Players = $Me $Guy $Me: $Me speaking, how can I help you? $Guy: Hi, yes, this is $Guy . Im getting an error when I login, says to call you. $Me: Sure, I can help with that. What error message you gettin'? $Guy: "Unknown login error, please call XXXX" $Me: Okay, and there's no error number anywhere on the site? You don't get redirected a ton of times, the screen would blink a lot. $Guy: Nope. $Me: Alright then, is it okay with you if I remote in and watch while you login? $Guy: Sure. $Me: Alright, if you would go to this website for me there'll be a piece a software you need to download; XXXX.XX $Guy: Sorry, say that again? $Me: X as in Xavier, X as in Xavier, X as in Xavier, X as in Xavier, DOT, X as in Xavier, X as in Xavier. $Guy: Okay, and that third one was X? $Me: Yes. \*thinking, please listen.\* $Guy: Okay, I think Im there. $Me: It should be a site that looks \*so and so\* $Guy: Yes. $Me: Alright, there'll be a "download for windows button" and other options, so if you would go ahead and download and install that. $Guy: I guess I'll go "Download for Mac" $Me: You have a Mac? $Guy: Yes. $Me thinking \*Fuck no please, you probably use safari, I will be hardpressed to find the dock via TV, and what have I gotten myself into, any mac people around, fuck they're all busy, I could really use a coffee right now, is it okay to put this guy on hold for that? Anything but mac over teamviewer pleeeeeeeaasse. Linux, bsd, could I ask him to install that? No, fuck me. Im off in a bit, why did it have to be me...\* ​ Luckily the rest of the call went fine. I just told him to do stuff while I watched instead of doing stuff. Like "okay if you open the browser and search for X, then download and install it......". Took a while, but it wasnt a like he didn't listen or misunderstood orders. ​ TL;DR: The horror-inducing thoughts you get when you realise they are on a mac ​ ================================= {165 points} Very disappointed customer --------------------------------- Client: "I really like my website and Google but I need them both when my laptop doesn't have an internet connection. Can you burn them to a cd so I can use them offline?" Me: "I can make an offline version of your site but it would have limited functionality. I can't however make Google available offline. It is possible with hardware and a monthly contract to get internet anywhere for a monthly fee with a data card. You'd have to pay around $60/month for it through ATT or Sprint or something like that." Client: "I'm starting to become disappointed with your capabilities." ================================= {81 points} User Error --------------------------------- Hey there. This literally just happened. I'm currently managing a cute little database which the people in the building use. Some of them sit around me. It's basically an Access database, nothing fancy, but we have a custom "install" method so you get an easy link on your desktop. Sometimes I have to do live-maintenance which could lead to the database not working for a few minutes. I wasn't doing something like that when this user asked if I was, because he couldn't start the database tool. So I briefly panicked, closed the tool and started it up again, everything running smoothly. I walk over to his desk to look at what's happening when he said he accidentally deleted the link. He was also spamming the install exe (which doesn't work if it's already installed). I put the link back to his desktop and asked him to run it again, which he did. It didn't start. Then I realized that there's an Access symbol in the task bar. He never actually closed the tool! I'm not sure what happened there but that was some serious user error. Edit: TL;DR: User minimizes tool, deletes desktop shortcut, tries to start it via installer, doesn't work, reaches out to me, I maximize his tool and restore the shortcut. ================================= {128 points} The Ultra-Portable Server --------------------------------- Before my full-time role, I use to do free-lance small business IT consulting. I mostly relied on a handful of long-term clients, but would occasionally do one-off calls. One day I get a panicked phone call from a local business owner saying that almost all of their "IT systems" had stopped working after a messy firing of the **$PreviousITGuy**. They were suspecting foul play and wanted me to come in and secure everything. After arriving on site, it was quickly evident that their IT systems were pretty basic... A router, some ethernet cables and three Windows 7 Home PC's all in the back room of a small shopfront. Initially, I did a quick check of the router for anything suspicious as well as a virus scan on the first PC just to be sure. After everything came back normal, I asked them to clarify what they meant by "stopped working". >**Client:** Well, we can't access things like our $PopularAccounting file, or any of these folders *\*points to shortcuts on the screen labeled various important looking business things\** > >**Me:** Ok, it looks like they are referencing a network location, do you know where these files are usually stored? *\*expecting them to point to a NAS or hard drive connected to the router\** > >**Client:** Oh yeah, they're all stored on the server. > >**Me:** Could you show me where the server is? > >**Client:** To be honest, I'm not sure... **$PreviousITGuy** used to handle all that... But he used to sit over there if that helps After noticing that the desk was completely bare, (which is pretty unusual for an IT tech), it clicked... >**Me:** Did **$PreviousITGuy** have a computer or laptop? > >**Client:** He did, but it wasn't ours... He used to bring his own laptop in every morning because he liked it better. One begrudgingly made phone call to the **$PreviousITGuy** later, the owner had an external hard drive in hand with all the files cut from the shared folder located on **$PreviousITGuy**'s personal laptop. ​ **Tl;Dr:** The "server" that stored all the important company files was the IT Guy's personal laptop... Which was no longer accessible after said IT Guy was fired. Nothing malicious, he just wasn't particularly bright. ​ ​ ================================= {1983 points} Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?, Part 4 --------------------------------- [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/aszpc8/where_are_we_going_and_why_are_we_in_this/) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/atdesc/where_are_we_going_and_why_are_we_in_this/) [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/atty9u/where_are_we_going_and_why_are_we_in_this/) I've written emails to my boss (letting him know about the potential dumpster fire and Ian (to stop pouring gasoline in the dumpster unless he wants to light it from the inside). No response from either. Next morning, I shower, caffeinate, put on an unwrinkled suit and wait in the van near the entrance of the hotel. I can see Ian's be-sandwiched rental car from the rearview window. My phone rings. It's my supervisor at the consulting firm. They believe that I'm over-reacting. Somehow 'sent inappropriate email to client employee and cc'ing counsel' is 'inflammatory'. They don't want me to make anything worse by apologizing to Betsy or making Ian unhappy. I'm reminded that they hold Ian in high regards. I get a little heated with my supervisor and toss my phone into the passenger side footwell in anger. A man wearing a fleece jacket walks up to the driver's side window. Man:"When do you leave for the airport?" me:"What?" Man:"When. Can. You. Drive. Me. To. The. Airport?" me:"Why do you think I'm the shuttle driver?" Man:"You're not?" I'm about to yell at this man for being stupid, then realize that I'm wearing a suit and driving a passenger van, parked in front of a consultant kennel hotel. It's a safe assumption. me:"No. I've made some bad decisions in my life that led me here" The man walks back to the hotel, occasionally looking back at me with a puzzled look. I realize that I'm going to be late if I wait much longer, so I drive to INSCO's office in my church van. I've got to meet with the two people on their Systems team. I've got a proposed solution to the 'everybody is root' problem, but I need to build some grassroots support before I pitch management. I'm in a room with Javier and Samantha. Javier has that "I've been burned out in IT longer than you've been _in_ IT look". Samantha is the 'program manager' for the web application. She nods meaningfully at technical questions, but doesn't volunteer much. I can't tell if she's doing this to not look dumb or she doesn't want to hear Javier's "Cloud's a fad" rant again. I learn more about INSCO's operations. * The [40% of INSCOS's workforce has root](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/aszpc8/where_are_we_going_and_why_are_we_in_this/) problem is worse than I thought. Javier changes the password once a year. * The superuser account for the applications that INSCO runs on uses the same as the root password. * Patching takes place on the same day as the password change. Usually when I see some really odd, bad design, I assume that someone thought it was a good reason (tm) to do it at the time and nobody's had the time/interest/need to fix it. To identify it, I adopt the voice my father used when he confronted me after I painted the Batman logo on the doors of his '68 Corvette. In white house paint. In my defense, I was 5 at the time. me:"Ok. I'd like to know why you have the one account for everyone's access" Javier:"We did it for performance reasons" me:"What sort of performance reasons did you have?" Javier:"We had an account rep who was complaining that the application was slow when they logged in. I figured that reducing the numbers of lookups to the account database could speed up the process" me:"And that worked?" Javier:"The user stopped complaining!" Javier slaps his knee and laughs. Samantha just stares ahead. me:"I just want to make sure I understand. The application uses Active Directory to handle authentication, so you have a maintained industry standard to work from and you aren't supporting a bunch of users? Javier:"Like I said, performance reasons" me:"Did you allocate any more resources to that system?" Javier (looking at me with contempt):"I put important systems on bare metal" me:"Ok. Is it on prem?" Javier:"Follow me" Samantha and I walk to a closet. There are a few cabinets here and a beige PC that I assume is for propping the door open or acting as a crash-cart. Javier points at the PC. I wiggle the mouse and see that this relic is running Windows Server 2003, which isn't EOL yet. A quick lookup shows that this would have been a low-end business PC some time in 2001. me:"You never felt the need to upgrade?" Javier:"Why, do we have to?" me:"Do you have to justify the expense?" Javier:"Of course" me:"Ok. HIPAA security rule. You have a requirement to follow the principle of least access, or in HIPAA speak, 'appropriate access'. Samantha:"How does that impact us?" me:"Fines, insurers may pull your rights to sell policies. That would have some impact on your bottom line" me, pointing at the racks:"Your customer facing infrastructure is all here? No failover?" Javier points at one rack:"The top half is the primary" (pointing at another other rack):"The failover is down there" me:"I see. Nothing at a co-lo?" Javier:"Nope" me:"I'm going to recommend that we spend a little money on hardware to support the load. How hard will it be to make the app support multiple users?" Javier:"I don't know. That's going to be hard" Samantha:"I think it's doable. Maybe some testing" me:"I'll write up a plan and a proposed engagement" Javier:"Are you going to make me look bad?" me:"The shared password isn't good, but we can fix it going forward" Javier:"I thought it made us safer- the fewer passwords, the lower the chance that someone can brute force one" me:"Huh. I've not heard that one before. You know it doesn't work that way, right?" Javier:"Well, when you've been doing this for a long time, you have to get creative" He does that knee slapping/nervous laugh thing. I hope they give Javier a nice severance when he goes to live on a farm. I take my leave and wander back to the conference room Ian and I have been using. Ian's not here, but his laptop is. I start writing up my notes from the previous conversation and continue on my report. No emails of consequence so I hope things aren't going to get stupid. Ian walks in and spends time with his laptop. I quickly glance at his screen. That's nice. He's ordering someone flowers. With his corporate card. ================================= {529 points} "I'm not receiving notifications for new emails!" --------------------------------- Today I get a call from one of our employees, who will be E. I will be M, for Me. E: "I'm not receiving notifications for new emails. Every time I get an email people have to call me to tell me they sent me email or I never know it's there." M: "Ok, are you actually receiving the emails though?" E: "Yes, but it doesn't tell me I've received them until I check!" M: "...ok, let me come take a look." So I walk downstairs to check out what's going on. I get to the guy's desk: M: "Ok, let me see what's happening." E: "Look, see the email icon?" (we use Outlook here) M: "Yeah, I see it." Now at this point I'm already pretty sure where this is heading. But just to be sure, I let him continue. E: "It used to be when I got an email a little orange envelope would pop up on here. Now it doesn't!" I look again, just to confirm my suspicion, before telling him "Go ahead and open up your email, I want to try something." He opens his email, I send him an email from my phone. Lo and behold, the little orange envelope shows up on the Outlook icon. M: "You have to have Outlook open to receive email." E: "I never did before..." M: "Yes, you did. You just had Outlook minimized. You've been closing it instead, and that's why you're not getting email notifications... you don't receive any emails while Outlook is closed." E: "...are you sure?" M: "Yes, I'm sure." ​ It's only Monday, people. **Monday**. This week is going to be *fan-freaking-tastic.* ================================= {285 points} Sometimes you just gotta stick up for yourself. --------------------------------- *I tried to post this the other day, but it got removed and I couldn't figure out why. I think I figured it out now though.* About five years ago I got called into a meeting with the CEO, CFO, Products VP, and Marketing VP of the company I currently work for. I was working as a developer at the time (I'm the IT Director now). One of our SaaS offerings, a buggy mess of a thing that wasn't even supposed to have been released yet, was down, and the bosses were all trying to get *me* to fix it because my boss worked remotely and I was the only IT person actually in the office (even though I had never worked on the project before, it was developed by a third party and I'd never even seen the code). So I'm in this meeting with all the upper management peeps, and the Marketing VP who had been trying to get rid of me for years starts to blame me for everything I literally *could not have had anything to do with*. They didn't even know *why* the software was down, but somehow it was the fault of someone who'd never even touched it before. Now, I knew the problems they were having with this software, from an IT standpoint, because even though I hadn't worked on it I had been involved in the planning process a bit and had seen some of the emails flyin' around about it. It wasn't even finished yet. But our Marketing VP had somehow managed to convince the IT Director to let him grant *full access to unreleased software* to not just one, but *four* of our clients, so that they could do what he called "Live Production Testing". Only this guy didn't *tell them* they were guinea pigs for unreleased software, *he told them it was fully released*!!! (That in and of itself is a whole other mess... but long story short there was a *lot* of downright stupid shit going on within the company at that time. The Marketing VP, my boss, and the CEO were buds from another company where they'd worked together previously and the CEO let the Marketing VP get away with basically whatever he wanted. The IT Director never spoke up about a damn thing, either... not that it mattered anyway because any time he tried the CEO would shut him down.) So now I'm getting hammered on by everyone in the room to fix this thing immediately or I was gonna get fired. I was so frustrated and pissed off I said "Well, if certain people in management would stop giving clients access to beta software that doesn't even *function* a year before its intended release date, maybe we wouldn't have these kinds of problems!" I had basically done the verbal equivalent of depantsing the CEO and Marketing VP in the middle of a meeting with upper management. That room got awkward *fast*. And funny enough, not one of those people who were in that room with me are with the company anymore. Every last one of them got fired two years ago. Coincidentally, the year they were fired was the first time this company turned a profit in *nine years*. Who'd'a thunk it? And I did manage to fix the problem. It wasn't even a problem with the software. Someone had input invalid data and, since the software didn't have validation in place *because the Marketing VP would not let IT code in form validation because that would make the site "****too hard for clients to use****"*, the invalid data was saved to the database and crashed the SQL queries required to retrieve data for the site's dashboard. A couple delete queries later and the software was running again. ================================= {453 points} Never trust a user --------------------------------- Today, I made a mistake. I believed a user when they said they had rebooted. ​ **$Me = Me $User = User** We are a small IT company, the users all know us. ​ $Me - Good morning, you're through to IT LTD, how can I help. $User - Good morning $Me it's $User from ABC corp. I'm having some problems editing videos with Premire. $Me - Okay no worries, let me hop on your machine and take a look. $User - I was editing late last night and now the entire program has stopped working. ​ *I connected onto her machine, premire was stuck on the splash page.* ​ $Me - Not to worry we'll sort this out, have you rebooted the laptop at all today? $User - Yes I rebooted it first thing but it was no good. ​ My mistake...I believed her. Derp. I spent the next 10 or so mins troubleshooting and was about to reinstall Premire when I figured, no harm in trying it again. ​ $Me - I'm going to do another quick reboot on this machine and see if it makes any difference before I reinstall it. $User - Ah yes maybe a complete shutdown will fix it. $Me - A complete shutdown/reboot is normally the way. $User - I know for next time if it works! ​ Wait...what? Basically that office runs on terminal services so they are used to logging out and logging back in. Not rebooting anything. She thought a log out was a restart. ​ Reboot fixed the issue, user was happy (she's lovely anyway) and went on her merry way. Moral of the story - never believe a user :D ​ ================================= {2907 points} Your product is trash, I want a refund. --------------------------------- I work with a small team that provides tech support for a company that produces many types of computing equipment, mainly networking devices. I work an early morning and weekend shift which with our tiny team size means i spend at least half of my week flying solo. Going to be a little long strap in. Me = Me MU = Mac User It's about 7 am on a sunday and my first call of the day rolls in. Me : MU : You suck, and so do your products Now i'm not a tactful person by any means the fact i (still) have a consumer facing position confuses me. I also have a scottish accent that to my wife's amusement gets thicker as i get annoyed, drunk or flustered. Me : Right, what can i do for you today. MU : Your product sucks and i want a refund. Me : Unfortunately we don't actually sell any of these products directly so we don't handle refunds but if you're having technical issues I can try and help y'out, if you want a refund you would have to talk to the vendor. MU : Unacceptable Me : Right, well this is tech support, not sales and if you are just here to yell it me i don't want it. MU : If you would just do your job. . . Me : What seems to be the issue. MU : Finally! Some service, I require a refund. Me : No, as i stated previously we do not handle refunds. If you absolutely must process this through us it would be a replacement and only if there is a problem found on the device. MU : Well this is unacceptable ,After you are done replacing my unit I would like to speak to someone in charge as this piece of crap does not work and the fact that you are making me jump through these hoops is unacceptable. Me : Before we can even think about replacing this I will need to collect some information on the product such an serial number and your contact information and begin troubleshooting. MU : Humph,Whatever as long as it gets done now! Me : What seems to be the issue? MU : It dosen't work! I need a refund. Me : Specifically what does the unit do that is causing the problem. MU : It won't connect to my mac, I have not had any other problems connecting things to my Mac so clearly your product is trash. Me : Is the ethernet cable connected from the unit to your network? MU : HOW DARE YOU, You assume i have not connected this correctly? I am <"I dont give a shit" IT possition at big company>, The cabling is connected and it's flashing green. Me : Ok, good we have network connection, What are the other lights on the front of the unit doing? MU : Nothing, see its broken. When I try and turn on nothing happens therefore it is broken refund me now or I'll take this further. I hit the power button and nothing. Me : Power button? MU : YES! THE FUCKING BUTTON ON THE FRONT OF THE TRASH BOX YOU SOLD ME! Me : Read the button. MU : HOW D. . . Me : Read the button. MU : Pow. . . F-f-function. Me : Right, we calm? MU : Yes sir Me : Power switch is on the back of the unit. Turn that to on and tell me what happens. MU : power light is now flashing. Me : Once the unit is on you can use it. Anything else i can do for you today. <10 seconds of silence then the call disconnects> Edit: I did not expect this to gain the kind of traction that it did, Thank you to everyone that commented and upvoted. For those of you that were enjoying the idea of this being read in a scottish accent i have obliged with a video but as per comunnity rules it will not be linked here but is is out there if you look. Edit 2: Thank you for reddit silver. ================================= {139 points} Not all business is good business --------------------------------- I used to work for a small computer repair shop and we did a lot of miscellaneous work for people in a very large radius (anywhere within a 2 hour drive). On top of this, we charged a fraction of what most people charged, only $45 an hour, and $0.60 per mile for on site, in home service. Anyways, I ended up leaving that place and found a better job that didn't require so much travel time. However, I had built up a pretty good reputation at the old place, and one particular old customer had kept my personal cell I had provided since the last place didn't give me a work phone (I learned my lesson since then). The old customer, we shall call Joe, was an old client who lived 1.5 hours away off a pretty crappy highway. Joe gives me a call and the conversation went like this. >$OP: Hello? >$Joe: Yes, is this $OP? Remember me? My computer is having issues, can you come fix it? >$OP: I would, but I don't actually work for $Old_Boss anymore, you should give him a call so he can help you out! >$Joe: Look man, I expect you to do this work for me, I like the work you do. >$OP: Thanks $Joe, but I don't work with that company anymore, and my time is completely consumed by work and school right now. I wish I could help you, but I can't. If you call $Old_Boss, he can send someone out to help you. >$Joe: No, I don't want to call $Old_Boss, he will send out some a__hole and I don't want to f___ing deal with him >$OP: I'm sorry $Joe, but you're over an hour away and I just don't have time right now to help. >$Joe: This is b__s___. You really let me down. *click* Man I felt pretty terrible after that, and it still makes me feel bad knowing I couldn't help him out. He was a nice guy once you got to know him, but I guess he had some other techs that rubbed him the wrong way. ================================= {276 points} Okay You See That Light Switch Over There? --------------------------------- Worked in various tech support for a couple different universities in a past life. A lot of my day to day included wiping the noses of people who were a lot smarter than me, and who weren't especially nice or grateful about it. This one just took a lot more mileage. One of my projects one semester was a joint class between our university and a class in eastern Europe. We did it over a real time IP video teleconference with an H.239 dual stream to share the instructor's laptop. It's a long distance but it really wasn't anything special for us. Went through all the testing, pre-semester and everything was fine. We could see and hear eachother and swap duo (term for the computer content sent simultaneously with the camera stream) streams no problem. Great. Show up on the first day, get the instructor all set up. His laptop syncs with the codec no problem. Students show up on both sides of the planet and I'm feeling pretty good about myself. We get about halfway through the first class, and a hand goes up that the Euro students can't see the Powerpoint slides. Do all the necessary checks. Check my local video workflow. Everything looks good. Signal is going from the laptop to all the right inputs. Pull up the duo output of the codec on a confidence monitor. Looks good. Run a traceroute to the far end codec, no issues there. Pull up the codec's web UI, everything is good there. It's even updating as he changes slides. As far as I can tell, everything is going out as intended. We end the class, and I ask the far end team to please look over their workflow and make sure the port wasn't suddenly disabled or something. This goes on for the next class, and the next class, and the next class... I show up early. Get the instructor's laptop to push to the codec. Triple check my local workflow. Confirm with the tech in the room on the far end that everything is okay. Start the class. Get a few slides in. And then the students complain that they can't see the slides. They're also not giving me a great description of what the issue is. Do they see a black screen? Is it frozen? Does it stop suddenly? I get no useful info. They can't show me what it looks like either because they don't have a camera that faces the projector screen. Spend what little downtime I have testing week by week. Getting to work early to run tests on Eastern Europe hours. Field angry emails from other higher ranking faculty within the program about what an idiot I am that I can't get this working properly. This was some kind of super high level physics class too, so everyone is functioning at peak brain power. At one point one of the very decorated senior faculty members travels all the way there just to see for himself that he can't see the slides either. He complains that the slides are totally garbled and unreadable. I ask the local tech to go over his projector settings. He swears that they're fine. I set up a 3 way call with a 3rd SIP client to prove to everyone that the computer content is absolutely not going out garbled or blown up or anything. No one's buying it. This goes on for so long and gets so many high visibility faculty members that they agree to put my supervisor on a plane, fly her to Europe and go through their video workflow piece by piece. Which we do, requiring more early mornings from me, and minus a few tweaks she signs off that everything looks fine. Students show up to class with my supervisor watching from in the room in Europe for the first time. Everything looks good. We start getting ready to go, and the technician flips on the overhead lights... including a giant fluorescent light that sits directly above the LCD projection screen... washing out the incoming PC duo content being projected on the screen. My supervisor asks if this is how they always have the lights and he says "yeah, the students don't like to sit in the dark." She walks over to the wall, flips off the lights above the projection screen and the image is crystal clear. On the incoming camera stream I can only see a group of nonplussed students and faculty casually raise their eyebrows that the mystery of the slides has been solved. My boss flies back home to America dumbfounded. In the following years I spent working there we never once received an apology or a thank you for teaching a room of genius IQ's that you need to dim the lights to see the overhead projector. From my boss' account of things, the tech support guy on the other end was just watching movies on his laptop every class and wasn't actually doing any of the troubleshooting I asked him to do. The worst part was that they never actually learned their lesson either. Every time the class met they'd still complain (to me) about the slides and I'd have to take the microphone from the instructor and say to the other side of planet Earth, "Okay... you see the lightswitch over there?" tl;dr tech support traverses Atlantic Ocean to turn off a light switch ================================= {380 points} I've decided that you can't help me --------------------------------- One of the first calls I've answered to in a new company was this very angry lady caller. Note that around here, the working hours are generally from 08:00 to 16:00 and this call happened at around 15:59. We however were open until 17:00. Me: (company, my name) speaking Caller: My computer is not working right. Me: Oka...... Caller: I know you're just about to close and do not want to help me! Me: That's no... Caller: This is what's wrong with everything these days. People just want to run home and not help. I should file a complaint about this. This keeps on for about 10 minutes, I can't get a word in as she interrupts me and goes on to tell me about all that's wrong with everything. After she's done there's a one second break, when I get to ask what's actually wrong. The issue is dealt with over the remote control software in a minute. After it's done, she hangs up on me. You're welcome! ================================= {1282 points} You don't want to make a jackass out of yourself and call the police, so you call your ISP instead. --------------------------------- Y'all seemed to eat up the story about Mr. Crazy Guy and the $42k L my former employee tried to impose on him because they couldn't exercise limits and I said I had more, so here I am to tell you about another story from my time working at this ISP. Not quite as baffling as Mr. CG, or as serious, rather a funny one. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. ​ This happened when I first started to work for this company, a week or so out of training. A call comes in and I do the standard "Thank you for calling (ISP), my name's Me, how can I help you today?" The customer on the other end of the line was a man who sounded to be about in his 50's or 60's, and he sounds a little freaked out. We're gonna call him Earl because IDK Earl's a name. "There's a plastic bag out on the green electric box outside my house, and it's leaking a white liquid." Well, that's not what I was expecting. I ask "wait, like a plastic bag you get from the grocery store?" Earl: "Yeah, it's just sitting there outside between my front lawn and the sidewalk, and it's got something in it that's leaking, I need one of your tech guys to come and retrieve it." Me: "Did one of our tech guys come out to service your line?" E: "No, I don't believe so. Me and the wife were out and we just came back home and saw it." M: "Did you by chance happen to see what was inside the bag?" E: "No, I didn't want to go near that thing because we didn't know what it was, it could be corrosive or a biohazard." M: "Well, let me go and review and see if there's been any of our ground techs have come out to your area to service a neighbor or something. It sounds like someone left their lunch behind and maybe their milk is spilling." E: "I don't know what it is, but I'd sure appreciate it if you can find out for me. I hope it's just milk." That's when I hear a little high pitched voice in the background say "I don't know, honey, I still think it may be sperm." Earl: "DEAR. I'm still on the phone with (company,) hush. Why would you even think that, anyway? Who would--?" Wife: "I don't know, you got all sorts of weirdos doing odd things nowadays." I can't help but laugh out loud at this point. I look at the records and see no indication of anyone coming out to his address in a few years, so then I look to see if there was anyone in the neighborhood. I ask him how his day was, and he explains to me that him and his wife had to go out shopping because it was their grandson's birthday and got him his birthday present and were planning on having their party later tonight at their house because that was party central in the family. They then mention that their daughter lived just down the road and they were waiting for her to come by with the ice cream and cake. I think a lightbulb went off above all of our heads at the same time. Me: "Sir, do you think there's--?" Earl: "Oh my god." Wife: "I'm going to go and see what it is, I don't think it's dangerous now." Earl: "Ma'am, I'm sorry. I just didn't want to make a fool out of myself by calling the police." Me: "It's okay, sir, I understand. Safe is always better than sorry." Internally however, I thought, "so you call your ISP instead?" I hear Earl walking around, and a door opening. He yelled "What is it?" I hear the wife shout in the background but can't hear what she says. Earl then bursts out laughing and says, "you're kidding me." Yeah, it was the ice cream, alright. Their daughter must have dropped by with it and just left it there thinking her parents wouldn't be out very long, not taking into consideration that it was summer at this point of time and ice cream melts. Earl thanks me for being patient and tell me they've got to go back out to the store to buy ice cream and a new cake. I hang up the phone and disposition the call laughing the entire time. ​ ================================= {967 points} How many login attempts do I get? --------------------------------- I work in cybersecurity and sometimes cover a shift in our Security Operations Center. Our SOC handles account provisioning and provides our staff with privileged access workstations. These PAWs are MacBook Airs that are glorified thin clients. There is a local account for the user, and then they log into VDI to actually connect. A couple of days ago, I get a call from a user that goes like this: $me: SOC, this is..., how can I help you? $user: How many login attempts do I get before I lock myself out? $me: Good question, where are you trying to log in? $user: My Mac $me: You get 10 attempts, but if you do lock it out, bring it to the SOC and we can unlock it for you. $user: I'm onsite at a customer, can't come to the SOC. $me: That's a local account, I can't manage it remotely. How many attempts have you made? $user: More than 10 I think. And I know I'm using the correct password. $me: That's odd. Maybe you are waiting long enough in between attempts that it isn't locking you out. Let me ask around if we have any other options to get you access. At this point, I put them on speaker phone, mute myself, and start asking the rest of the SOC for ideas. I hear one of $user's coworkers come up and get told the story. Can't login, using the correct password, etc, etc. A couple minutes go by until... $user: Oh my god, I'm using my personal computer. $me: Yeah, that would be a problem. I get off the phone and the rest of the SOC busts out laughing. TL;DR User calls because they can't login to their work computer, even though they know the password is correct. Turns out they were trying to log into their personal computer with work credentials. ================================= {1250 points} Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?, part 3 --------------------------------- [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/aszpc8/where_are_we_going_and_why_are_we_in_this/) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/atdesc/where_are_we_going_and_why_are_we_in_this/) Ian:"Don't tell me how to do my job" Ian pulls into the strip mall, shoves the car into Park and starts stomping towards a chain sandwich shop. He's like the sullen teenager I never wanted. Nowadays, I'd direct him to Hot Topic and let him wallow in his feelings. Even though I'm in the advice business and know that unsolicited advice has negative marginal value, I think Ian needs an intervention. I follow him into the sandwich shop. While we're waiting to order and get our sandwiches, I try to talk some sense into Ian. Me:"Look. I know you're annoyed with me, but we have a lot of tasks to complete to get this engagement completed. I want to prevent the client from hating us by the time we have to deliver" Ian:"All you do is talk to the customer and write reports. I'll do the real work" I realize that I've never started a fist-fight in the order line at a Subway. Ian and I may have a new experience today. Me (adopting my the therapist voice I learned when I was on a helpdesk):"Ian, the work we have to do is in the Statement Of Work as well as the project plan. There is an application pentest, but no host pentest. Client isn't paying for one. What do you want to do?" Ian, looking at me with a strange intensity:"I want to make it rain shells. That'll show them" I'm looking at the menu board in the hopes that the right answer to Ian is written there. Instead there are a selection of sandwiches. I make myself say "Italian Sub" to the order-taker. While waiting for our order, I try again with Ian. me:"Ian, put aside that they're not paying for a pentest. What _value_ does a pentest have for them?" Ian:"It will make them more secure once they're scared" me:"Ian, a pentest is for mature shops to say that all the ground floor doors are made of steel and locked except for that wooden one 'round back. These guys are missing walls and don't know it. They'll think if they fix the one path you came in, they're good. We need to get them good enough to where a pentest will actually be of value" Ian:"Are you saying pentesting is useless?" I'm losing my temper. me:"For this client, at this time, yes. " Ian:"You're saying that because you. just. can't. hack" That's it. Ian's order comes up. He grabs his sandwich and walks out the door towards the rental car. I don't have my sandwich yet. I step out the door and yell at him across the parking lot: "USE BURP, YOU ASSHOLE!" I seem to have the attention of everyone in and near the sandwich shop. I think they're less scandalized by my language wondering what kind of insult it was. Ian gets in the car and drives off. I get my sandwich and a bottle of soda and walk the half mile back to INSCO's offices. I sit outside and eat half my sandwich in silence. If I get him kicked off the project, it's going to look bad for me- I'll be rushing the deliverable and it'll look like I can't manage projects. If Ian breaks something, it will be clear that I can't manage projects. I do need someone to interview INSCO's development team. Ian claims to know the frameworks that they're using. Maybe flattery will work. I enter the building, find the kitchen and put the rest of my sandwich in the fridge. Ian's staring into the blue glow of his laptop. I take a quick stroll and notice that INSCO's not too bad with the security culture. Staff lock their screens when they get up. They've got locking shredder bins and reminders to be careful with sensitive data on posters. I bump into Betsy. Betsy:"Hey, how's it going? Is everything as terrible as it looks?" me:"We've identified some issues around your architecture, but everything's fixable. It's just convincing y'all that you can and should. It's like an intervention. We'll all read our letters about how much we care, there will be arguments and tears and you'll get on a better path while cheesy music plays" Betsy seems scandalized for a second. Betsy:"I love that show, but not for good reasons" me:"WHERE ARE MY BABIES? Yeah, me too. It's to make you feel better- I might not like my life, but at least I'm not drinking mouthwash" Betsy covers her mouth and laughs. I sense a presence behind me. It's Ian. me:"Betsy- I don't want to take up your time. Just wanted to give you an update and let you know where we are in the process. " I turn to Ian. He's less hostile than the last time I saw him. me:"Ian, let's see what we have left to do today and we can split up tasks" I start guiding him back to the conference room. He's strangely compliant. If he's going to start yelling at me, I'd prefer a closed room to the cube farm where people are talking to customers. Back in the conference room, I close the door. Ian:"How do you do that?" me:"Do what?" Ian:"Talk to her" Uh- oh. me:"I'm letting her know that we're finding issues and that they're not insurmountable, which is good news to her. She knew there were problems, which is why we're here. What we all want is that the report will be concerning, but not shocking" Ian:"But how do you _talk_ to her like that?" No, Ian. No. me:"Ian, we can talk about that when we're done for the day. I'd like you to help me with something technical- can you figure out how to break up the customer facing, card processing and commission tracking databases? Without breaking too many things? If you can write that up, I'll talk to you about more successful interactions with people" Ian:"Ok." That was too easy, but I was too dumb to know it. I leave Ian in the conference room to go interview INSCO's devs. I'd like to see if I can get buy-in for moving the sensitive data off the www server. I'll ask a bunch of questions about how busy they are so they don't feel like I'm shaming them for shoving everything onto one server. I crack a few jokes, take a bunch of notes and nod seriously when they say that they have some concerns about the architecture, but there's a lot of inertia when it comes to changing things. The rest of the work day is spent writing. I do my best to stay out of the conference room so I don't change Ian's state. Eventually 6pm rolls around and we travel back to the hotel. Ian's more tolerable on the drive back, but not much. Sullen silence is one thing, but all of a sudden he's interested in something that I mistake as an interest in the client. I stupidly suggest that he do a little open-source intelligence on INSCO staff- how long do people stay, where else have they worked and the like. It helps to know what sort of people INSCO hires- do they hire on cost, pedigree or something else? Ian and I split up when we get to the hotel. I sit in my room and replay a few moments from the day in my head. Something bothers me but I can't figure out if it's merely my dislike of Ian or something else. After a while, I go back outside. I drive my church van to a local market, buy some beer and snacks, then get some fast food on the way back to the hotel. I can't bear to eat the other half of my unappealing 'lunch meat on a long roll' thing. There's a walk-way outside my room. From the second floor, I have a view of the parking lot. I'm sitting outside, leaned up against my room's door with fast food, a book and a can of beer, watching the sun go down. To the amusement of the more casually dressed guests, I'm still in my suit and looking a little disheveled as I polish off a few more beers. My phone buzzes. It's an email from Betsy, cc'ing Ronn and a few other INSCO people. Attached are a few risk management docs I had asked for previously- a risk register entry and a security requirements document from one of the insurance companies they do business with. I go back to my book. A few minutes later, my phone buzzes again. Ian's responded to Betsy's email. Instead of a mere "Thank you", he's asking to go out for coffee or drinks with Betsy. I know this because he selected 'reply all'. I look at my phone. I look at my beer. I need to do something. I take a deep breath, stand up and walk into my room. I grab my sad sandwich, walk back outside and throw the sandwich at Ian's rental car, splattering wilted lettuce over the windshield. I then start writing emails. ================================= ######r/TalesFromTheCustomer##### {86 points} A REMINDER of the one rule that everyone overlooks --------------------------------- Please, for the love of all that is holy, read the rules. If you do not follow the rules you may get banned and your post/comment removed. The most important rule that we expect you to follow, anonymize your posts. Don't name companies in your posts. Edit: I am getting a lot of questions about the reasons for the rule. If someone names a small local store, it could lead to doxxing and harassment of the employees and owners. This rule is in place to protect small business owners from harassment. This rule was expanded to cover every company, big and small. No exceptions. ================================= {1375 points} She gave me the cheaper price because I saw her using her phone. --------------------------------- I was shopping at one of my favorite thrift stores today. They were having a 50% off all tag colors, except blue. So I was looking for mostly non-blue tags, and found one item that didn't have a tag on it. I had planned to ask an employee when I saw one. I went around an aisle and saw a female employee texting on her phone. She looked up and saw me and said, "You did NOT just see that." As an aside, I don't care if an employee is on her phone. Doesn't matter to me at all. But I guess some customers might have snitched on her. I said in reply, "I didn't see anything, I don't know what you're talking about." She smiled and said okay, then started walking away to continue her work. But I said, "Wait a minute, I have something here that doesn't have a price on it." She came back and looked at it and said, "Since you did not see anything, you can have it for $2.99." And I said, "Cool!" It probably would have at least twice that, maybe with a blue tag or not. I didn't know or care. A little while later I saw her and said, "Just to let you know, the only thing I saw was an employee doing her job." And she said, "Thanks." She rang me up a little later, and when she finished, I said, "I'm sure I'll see you again." And she said, "Yay!" ​ It put a smile on my face. (another aside: I had a rough week. I lost my job on Monday and have been feeling gloomy all week. So any emotional lift is appreciated.) ================================= {124 points} Cashier steals tries to steal ~40$ --------------------------------- So this didn't happen to me personally. But my teacher told us this story. It happened in a small town in Poland. My teacher went to grab couple of things from a local mall. (not even sure if I can call it a mall, it's way smaller but there are couple of stores in a one big building.) Mainly gardening stuff, like seeds, gloves, small pots ect. And my teacher paid with 100z. (3z~1$ American ) But the total was about 43z. The cashier told her that she doesn't have change and that she will just walk over to the next store to get some. She came back with only 7z and tried to tell my teacher that she gave her only 50z. There was of course some arguing but at the end the police was called they checked the cameras in the store and my teacher got the money back. I can't say that the story is 100% true but I think it is. I am my self a cashier at a local rtv/agd store, and I have seen my coworker accidentally charge 2x the price once. Luckily he corrected him self as soon as he handed over the change. Edit: yes I know the title if a bit wrong. ================================= {984 points} Don't toss the receipt! --------------------------------- Tldr: I'm dumb Last Christmas, I bought a videogame code for my 10 year old stepsister at a department store. I borrow her console to install it for her, and immediately run into a roadblock. The card for the game doesn't have a scratch off area. I call the electronics department, hoping I'm just blind. It's the week before Christmas, so I know it'll take a bit. Eventually a kind man tells me that they don't have codes in the cards, they're generated and printed on the receipt. Shit. I ask if he can look up a transaction from the day before, he advised me to call customer service. You see, I am an avid gum chewer. And I use old receipts to hold gross gum until I have a garbage can. While there was a possibility I could get the code, it's going to be gross. I call the locations customer service. The phone line times out, and I get the operator. She asks what I'm calling for, and I let her know I want a code from a receipt that I'd already thrown away. She routes me to customer service, who times out again. She apologized and gave me a corporate number to call that might be able to help. I call corporate, going for help with gift cards. I find myself taking to a woman with a thick accent I have trouble understanding who doesn't know anything about game consoles and download cards. Eventually she says that I need to contact the location I purchased the card from. I called the store once more, to then be rerouted to the operator. She pushed me through once more, and customer service finally picked up. They couldn't do anything over the phone, but if I came in they might be able to help me. I let them know I'm on my way. With each call, I'm more and more embarrassed. Who throws away receipts? I dig through my bag, I dig through my car, and I even dig through the garbage. No luck. I walk in shamefully, with the game card in hand. Unfortunately, nobody at customer service knows how to pull up past transactions, or knows if it's possible. A woman is called over to help, and she's about to go get someone higher up the rank to troubleshoot. I joke, "How about we just make a return and I buy a new code?" The people behind the counter look at each other. "I'm not sure we can but there's no harm trying." She takes my credit card and game card, and after she punches in a fancy code it returns. I buy the card back, and she hands me the receipt. "Don't throw this away until you're done with it". I ask if it's the same code as yesterday. It's not. Thank you so much for your help, I could have wasted thay $30 but they helped me and bended the rules. It only cost my pride! And the original $30. ================================= {104 points} How to get defensive and ruin your reputation overnight --------------------------------- *TLDR: I confronted a new local food delivery service, they got defensive and ruined their reputation.* In this story I will convert local currency into USD for clarity. Bear in mind that a standard price for a delivery order in my city is about $12 for food for two people. This Satudray my husband and I decided to order some sushi, and for that I suggested to try out a new recently opened delivery service (DS later in the text). They did a really good job of promoting themselves even before they opened, promisimg to "make a revolution in food and delivery" in our city. We jumped onto their website, picked the items we wanted, checked their delivery fee - it said "delivery on orders over $8". Okay, nice. Our order was about $16, husband used a code for discount, so it got to about $12. We placed an order, and no one called us back in 15 minutes, so we called them ourselves. **DS**: Let's check... Oh, yeah, here's your order. Unfortunately, you live in a remote area, and we have a different minimum order price to qualify for delivery, and that's 14$. Since you've used a discount code, you no longer qualify for delivery, so you can add something to your orderor cancel it. We chose to cancel it, however, I couldn't really let go of the situation. I checked the website again, and while I understand the idea of remote areas, the shop was only a 20-minute drive from us. Besides, nowhere on there website was anything other than "delivery on orders over $8". The next day I messaged them on a local network. **Me**: Hi, we placed an order yesterday and were told you have different rates for delivery in remote areas. I was just wondering, where can I find any information about remote areas on your website? Is there a map or anything? **DS**: Yeah, there was a map but we took it down. You can still look up fees in our "terms of delivery section" I send them a screenshot of their own website. **Me**: Could you please point out where exactly is this written? I'm sorry if I'm being an idiot, but it's a bit upsetting. **DS**: Well, you got your info on the phone in the long run didn't you? So what's the problem? I reiterated that I wanted to know delivery rates BEFORE I placed my order, and that should be on the website, however, they ignored it. I decided to let it go, but my husband was fuming so he wrote a rant post about this delivery service in a local group. Many people came forward stating that they had issues with this DS too, mainly because of the poor food quality and overly long delivery time. For example, someone mentioned that they waited for their pizza for three hours, anf when it finally arrived, it was already cold and nasty. The DS got very defensive, they basically told everyone unhappy that if they didn't like they food, they had poor taste "because other people like it", also if customers were unhappy with them, they could order food somewhere else. In some cases they asked people as to why these issues were not discussed in private, and one person replied that he complained to them on their website, but was ignored for weeks. What's funny is that one of the arguments the DS made was "we're a budding company, cut us some slack" until someone discovered it was organized by someone who already had a delivery service that had tanked just a year before. All in all, it was a show. Those guys lost a lot of their own customers because of their dismissive and rude communication and warded off many potential customers. ================================= {1753 points} Oh hell she's crying --------------------------------- So I walked into a sandwich shop for lunch and I walk to the counter. The lady sees me and asks for my order. I tell her and while she's asking me what type of bread I want I get a good look at her face. Her face is red, eyes are puffy, and the are tear streaks all over her face. Oh fuck she's been crying. While she's preparing my order with a big smile on her face my thoughts where, she's a fuckin champ to work with a smile on her face after balling her eyes out! I finally got the nerve to ask her if everything is okay. She just finished cutting onions. Onions made her cry. We have a good laugh about it. She told me about the last time she helped a customer right after cutting onions. Apparently the guy just sees her tears stricken face and just said "I just want a ______ sandwich!" And she laughed at his response and that scared the man. I bet he has some trauma of laughing/crying women. All in all she was an amazingly funny worker. Made my day. And the sandwich was the bomb. Edit: The person who gave me silver, THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is my first ever silver. You've made my day! ^_^ ================================= {28 points} Thanks for almost ruining my sports career doctor --------------------------------- Sorry if this doesnt belong here since technically i was at a hospital but the stories here give the same vibe so let me know if it doesnt fit in So to put the scenario short I was smashed into at hockey resulting in me needing assistance off the ice and the next day I had concussion symptoms galore and was told to go to a doctor/hospital for a referral to a clinic So its a new day and I come stumbling in with some sunglasses on to help with the death beams they call lights in the emergency room and get all the paperwork done before a doctor takes me in for a checkup. Anyways the nurse takes me to my room which is just a curtain and I wait say 10ish minutes for the doctor, so he comes in and I can already tell its not gonna be a fun time and does his thing and says nothing is wrong and sends me stumbling out getting mad at me for being not convinced at all.Not the best idea. The moment Im out there I just walk into a wall but Im still sent on my way and such, the next day though was even worse,but since Im fine i need to go to practice and thankfully my coach pulls me off and is angry at me even being there and rants about how I shouldve been to a doctor and not at the practice. So I tell him what happened and they directly make an appointment at a concussion clinic in town and I go the next Monday, turns out i had a severe concussion and any small blow to the head couldve put me out for good. So thanks to the doctor at the ER for not knowing what hes doing and sending me into danger. Ik this post may not make some a salty as I was but Im trying for sports scholarships and this mistake couldve ruined it all for me so yeah. Edit:typos Edit 2: I think why he said there was nothing wrong is because either he wasnt trained for this or didnt know what to do since the test I was given the 2nd time was completely different ================================= {2 points} Please avoid giving any further business to this travel agency online giant, horrible customer service --------------------------------- Due to this subreddit's rules, I am not allowed to name company here. It's a mega corporation and I'll refer it to as "scammers". I have posted the entire story of my hassles [here](https://medium.com/@TravelNTech/nightmare-experience-with-priceline- com-a8295ddb441a). ​ **TL;DR** Me and my wife booked a reservation to San Diego through scammers, and on reaching the hotel we're told it's oversold. On calling scammers, they told us there is not much they can do, they can't find alternate accommodations for us or compensate us for whatever we'll have to pay ourselves to find a different hotel. Offered a small portion of the package deal as refund. Till now, haven't even received entirety of that promised amount. ​ The associated link has the full story, please go through it, spread the negative word and make sure you don't spread another dime with these scammers. ================================= {19 points} Dont you dare talk to my grandmother like that you bitch. TL;DR at the bottom --------------------------------- Heres a little background to this story. My grandparents are American citizens but dont speak enough English to get through an entire detailed doctors appointment. Ever since I was little, I would go to their doctors appointments and translate for them. I see my grandparents nearly everyday and I am VERY close with them. Also, this story took place when I was 16 so its been a while and Im recounting it as I remember it. Oh, and I had my school uniform on, this will be important later. My grandmother has fibromyalgia, and was seeing a new doctor that was closer to her so she wouldnt have to make the 30+ car drive to another city to see her other doctor. Her other doctor spoke her native language so she didnt need a translator. In order to get her official appointment she needed a consultation and then an appointment with the offices psychiatrist. I went to her consultation appointment, but she needed an actual translator for her psychiatrist consultation since it was more serious. I wasnt with her when this appointment occurred but I do know that she had to fill out over 60+ pages of information they needed. She finished the paperwork in the lobby with the translator and turned it in to the front desk woman. We went to the doctors office again in order to have her official consultation so that she could be prescribed some treatment and medication. Instead of being called to speak with what would her new doctor, we instead were called to speak with the psychiatrists assistant. We were sat down in his office where we will meet our cast. GR - grandma M - my mom PA - psychiatrists assistant A2 - assistant 2 (I dont know her official title or who she was) FB - fucking bitch (spawn of Satan who I wish I could have beaten to death) Me All of this is recounted from how I remember it and isnt word for word. Im also shortening it a bit as this whole encounter took over 30 minutes. PA - Hello, GR, we noticed that we dont have your patient forms that we gave you last time. We cant let you see your doctor right now until we get those documents filled out. Me - Hi, Im her granddaughter, I wasnt here for her last appointment but she told me before that she filled that out last time she was here with the translator that was hired. Could you check to make sure you guys actually happen? I know the questions are of a personal nature and I wasnt allowed to help because Im not an adult yet and not an actual translator. PA - Yeah Im sorry sweetie, we dont have them and shes going to have to come back to have another appointment with the psychiatrist and fill out the paperwork in order to see her doctor. I was really disappointed to hear this as I knew that my grandmother only had a three day supply of her old pain killers and that this was the last chance she had at getting her prescription filled out so she wouldnt have to live with the pain. I GR this and she gets emotional and starts to tear up, and she asks if I can call my mom to see if she can sort this out between them. I called my mom and gave the phone to the PA. The phone goes back and forth between me, the PA, A2 and GR. Its back and forth for about fifteen minutes until A2 sees that GR is now in tears at this point and goes back to get her a box of tissues. I had the phone in my hand at this point and was talking to M on the phone when FB decides to pipe up. FB: This is America, and in America we speak English. I. Fucking, Lost. it. I tell M what FB just said that I have to hang up because I was going to have some words with her. I turn to my grandmother and tell her, while holding back my own tears, that we would be leaving soon and that I would deal with this and told her what FB had just said, now, FB was sitting at a desk in the corner of this room the whole time, I knew she worked there but didnt know her actual role. She had just been listening to this whole the entire time and decided that she needed to put her two cents in. I turned to A2 and told her not to go near my grandmother and to get the box of tissues away from her that I didnt want ANY of them speaking to GR at this point. I turned to FB who is looking away and got up. Now, I am typically very reserved and quiet, and was especially so at this time, but my grandmother had practically raised me and had picked me up from school and took me home every single day with my grandpa since I was four years old. Me: What the fuck did you just say to my grandma? FB: *taken aback that I would speak to her like that* What did you say to me? Me: I said, what the fuck did you just say to my grandma? How dare you speak to her like that? Shes an American citizen just like you and an elderly woman at that. I will fucking flight you if you ever talk to my grandma like that again. FB: I will have you escorted out for speaking to me like that. Me: Ill have you fired for speaking so rudely to my grandma. What even is your problem? You hadnt even gotten involved in the situation before, its NONE of your business and I dont care, I will make you wish you were never born for that. FB: I have a right to free speech, and this is America and she needs to speak a language that everyone understands. Me: Just as you have the right to free speech, so do I; and just because you have that right doesnt mean that you wont face the consequences for saying what you want to. Now I know this sounds very r/iamverybadass, but you have to understand that i would take a bullet for my grandma and I was also crying the entire time I said this. I had a hard time confronting people but would do anything for my little old lady. FB: Fine, Ill let your school know what happened today. Me: Go ahead, if you do, Ill be contacting the ACLU to see that you never work a day in your life again. FB: If you DONT leave well be calling the cops. Me: Do it, nearly all the cops here are minorities as well and would LOVE to hear what you had to say to an old lady and a poor high school girl. At this point, I had had enough and I just wanted to get out of there and call my grandmothers old doctor to have her refill her prescription and see her soon. I grabbed my grandmas hand and walked her to the car and went back inside and demanded my grandmothers information. I told them I wanted her patient details NOW and out of the hands of people who couldnt respect old ladies and belittled people like that. Ended up having my grandmothers old doctor asking for her papers being transferred back over and my grandma getting her medication. Dont know what happened to FB after that but I hope she got fired and learned from her mistakes. TL;DR: Woman at a doctors office told my grandmother, this is America and in America we speak English. Told her to fuck off and went off on her. ================================= {1 points} Entitled Vegsetarian tries to make me believe. --------------------------------- So, I went to Kurger Bing one time, and ordered a Whopper. As I sat down to eat my burger, this woman walks up to me and says: You know what they do to those animals? Me:what? EV: do you know that they do to those poor animals? Now, I have nothing against vegetarians, but when this happens, I lose my shit. Me: yes I know, and it's delicious. EV: (fuming) those poor animals are killed! Me: ok, well then what are you doing here? EV: none of your business!! EV then proceeds to grab at my burger. ME: what the fuck are you doing lady? EV: I'm avenging these poor animals! Now, I'm not a small man, I'm 6'4'' and about 200 pounds, played football in high school. I stand up and grab my Whopper back. She then proceeds to grab it back, and then yeet it into then trash can. 3 pointer. I then talk to the manager of the restaurant, he kicks her out and gets me another burger. ================================= {20 points} $135 for cigarettes?! --------------------------------- a little funny thing happened to me this afternoon when i was coming back from the craft store. theres three gas stations on my exit from the highway and i go to the BP since its easier to get out off when theres traffic. im in here almost every morning before work for a coke so most of the staff know me by now. at this gas station, they dont have a scanner at their registers. everything is typed in. so i ask for my cigarettes and she types the total while looking at my ID, enters in my birthdate. thatll be 135.75...oh wait. i blinked and she started apologizing profusely that she added my birthday onto the total of my cigarettes. it made my day. edit; clarity. ================================= {22 points} "I'm in a hurry" --------------------------------- Had to grab a late lunch, so went to a faux Mexican type chain. This was around 2:30, so it's between the rushes, where I would expect to have slower workers who may be being trained on, and they were indeed a bit slow. The larger woman directly in front of me placed her order, and after a couple of minutes, started asking random workers to finish her order "because I'm on lunch break and I don't have time to wait." Her order eventually gets finished after a couple of minutes, and mine right after. We both proceed to the register. She has her phone out displaying her rewards to be scanned. She makes the worker scan just her soda, which gets her to a $10 credit to her next order. She then has the worker ring up her tacos to use the credit. At this point, I'm thinking "you're in a hurry?" The tacos come up to $6.something, as they're $2 each today. She asks "so I have a credit toward my next order?" and aftet being told no, she says "make me 2 more tacos then. Oh, and bring them to my table so I don't hold up this gentleman behind me." Lady. YOU'RE the one who said you were in a hurry. And she was back up at the line demanding her tacos after I finished eating and left.... ================================= {1806 points} Aged restricted items. What can I buy as a legal adult in the supermarket? --------------------------------- By far my favourite customer service story. Im going to provide a little background for people that may not be English like me. So here films are rated U for universal, PG for parental guidance, 12, 15 or 18. I went to a large supermarket in the town over from mine one day. It isnt my preferred supermarket but if its more convenient or if Im feeling super lazy I might end up there, but its rare. Few times a year maybe. One of the benefits of this particular chain is they have large isles of toys, and dvds, and games and household goods unlike my preferred local store which is mostly just food. Anyway I end up walking past the dvd section I see a new Harry Hill film or compilation thing so I throw it in my basket. When I go to pay the guy behind the counter asks me; SA; Do you have kids? Me; what? Kids? No? Why? SA; If you dont have children I cant sell you this DVD. Me; what?! its not even age rated! SA; Yeah, but see this is parental guidance. You need to be a parent to purchase it. I just looked at this guy dumbfounded for s minute. I got out my ID and said. Me; Look, Im almost thirty. I can buy alcohol, condoms, cigarettes, literally anything in this store today. But you think Im not allowed this PG film? SA; Im sorry sir but without children... It was going nowhere so I told him to call his manager over. The managers on his way and I start apologising to the other customers in the queue behind me, who all look disapprovingly at me for causing such a stir. Anyway he turns up and I swear he said the said damn thing. He agreed with me that I could buy a Universal, 12, 15 or 18 rated film, Tobacco or alcohol but like the store assistant said PG was for parents only. Man I was so pissed off, I paid for my shopping, took it to the car and called the supermarkets customer service line. They were in as much disbelief as I was and said theyd call the store to notify them that they were able to sell me the dvd regardless of how many children I had fathered. I went to the customer service desk and explained what happened and they should be getting a call... eventually word came down that it was all good and I finally purchased the DVD. Wasnt that great to be honest. Had more fun reliving how stupid some people can be in this world then I ever did watching the DVD. Edit; Never imagined this would get the attention it did! So many Americans saw this I think its only fair to leave a link here for Harry Hill to explain https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RNWh29NMiqQ Enjoy! ================================= {9 points} Tried to return product, but it was shown as returned already. Weird. --------------------------------- I wear makeup and I shop at a major beauty chain that sells mainly makeup. They have a membership where it holds your transaction history and it counts points to give you rewards in the future. I have black hair and black eyebrows. About a week ago, I bought a L'Oreal eyebrow pomade, but I bought a light brunette color, because I thought it would look better since my eyebrows are so thick and super black. Yesterday, my mom thought powder was stuck in my black eyebrows, but it was the light brunette colored pomade. I decided that I should exchange this pomade for a darker colored pomade. They do accept opened makeup products by the way as long as 80% of the product is still in there. I grabbed an unopened version of the product so I can give them the barcode. When they scanned it and asked for my phone number for my membership, it would not let them do a return, because my account shows to them that it is returned already. How weird!! I never even returned the product! First of all, if it was returned and if I kept it, that would be stealing! There is definitely a coincidental mistake. ================================= {9 points} We don't have a product that is suited to your needs. --------------------------------- Many years ago, I bought a piece of software "A" that runs on a Windows server in my home network and does "X" (details could give away the company). Now I want to set up a new server and need a new license/a new version. Turns out that the software "A" has been replaced by software "B". Judging by the description, the software still does *exactly* what I need (i.e. "X") at its core. There are two license types: "Education" and "Corporate". Neither applies to my situation. So I write an email to the company, asking for clarification: >*\[...\] have been using "A" for many years in our home network for "X" \[...\]* > >*I now want to move to "B" because the old \[...\] server will be replaced soon.* > >*We're two users with \[N\] devices in the Windows network of a "tech enthusiast" household. Which pricing does apply?* The reply: >*Thanks for using the product over the years. We don't have a "home tier" per se currently as many home users now have* \[...\]. *We have found our market to be businesses. That being said we might have something in the future.* Ok. So there's no license for "B" that is in the same price range as the original software "A". But the price for the corporate license of "B" is still OK ($100). Of course, I understand that some companies do not sell to private customers. If this is the case, I'd like to know. So I write: >*Is it A) that you don't offer the product to home users for a "home user" (i.e. lower) price?* > >*In this case, I would be perfectly fine with ordering a corporate license \[...\].* > >*Or is it B) that you don't sell to private customers, e.g. for legal reasons? \[...\] difference between private and commercial purchases in terms of warranty, support, etc.* > >*\[...\]* > >*A or B, which is it?* The reply: >*Hi \[...\], We don't have a product that is suited to your needs.* > >*Best regards, \[...\]* Hmm. Does this mean that the product that they advertise on their website does not exist? I'm confused. Anyway, looks like I have found an alternative (which is even free for less than five users), but didn't have the time yet to test the software. ================================= {284 points} Cashier tells me to send in the coupon myself and other coupon woes --------------------------------- My local Wally World feels like it's not necessary to train their cashiers, especially when it comes to coupons. I'm not one of those extreme couponers, I have maybe 1 or 2 of the same coupon but usually not more than 5-10 coupons total. Here's just a few of the run ins between me and the cashiers: 1. I had a Buy One Get One Free (up to $3.99) coupon for some juice (cost $3.49) and the cashier could not understand why the computer was only taking off $3.49 instead of $3.99 when she scanned the coupon. She was afraid her register would be $0.50 short and she told me the juice HAS to be $3.99 or else I can't use the coupon. I tried explaining that she just writes in $3.49 in the box where it says, but she didn't understand. 2. Some, but not all, coupons say "Limit of 4 like coupons per household." One cashier took that as I can only use 4 coupons total. I had the corporate coupon policy already on my phone just in case, so I showed him where it says "There is no limit on the number of coupons (variety) that can be used in a total transaction" and he just says "Our store is different." 3. Coupons say "Limit one coupon per purchase" which means you can only use 1 coupon on each item and you can't double up coupons on the same item. I was buying 2 boxes of cereal and had 2 $1.00 off coupons. Cashier tried to tell me I can only use 1 of those coupons. 4. One cashier thought my coupon was expired already even though it expired 12/31/18 (this was May of 2018). 5. I had won a free 12 pack of Coke and they mailed me a coupon. The cashier said they don't take coupons for free stuff, even though the corporate policy says they don't accept free coupons that are *printed at home*. 6. The most mind-blowing experience was when the cashier told me I have to mail the coupon in myself. In the fine print at the bottom under "Retailer" it gives a redeem address so the retailer knows where to send the coupon. This poor old woman was nice about it, but she insisted that I was the one who had to mail it. I tried telling her that it says that for the Retailer, this coupon is only $0.50 off and that wouldn't even cover the cost of a stamp, and how would the manufacturer know I bought the item? Luckily another cashier overheard us and told her to scan the coupon and put it under her till. I've tried calling the corporate number about the lack of training and they give me the "We'll handle it" line but nothing ever changes. There's a handful of cashiers who are actually knowledgeable about coupons and I'll stand in a longer line just to get one of them, but they don't seem to last very long at this store. ================================= {448 points} Yep, we totally sell game models in this small grocery store! --------------------------------- So, back when I lived in the UK, I played some miniature based tabletop and board games. When this incident occured, I'd just visited a specialist chain to pick up a model in blister packaging, and since the UK has a law charging for plastic bags, I figured it wasn't worth breaking a second note for one. Therefore, I put the figure in the front pocket of my hoodie, where it created a noticeable bulge. ​ Afterwards, I visited a small branch of a popular supermarket. Bear in mind, this supermarket only sells to-go food, basic sundries, and a small selection of toiletries. I'm just popping in to get some milk, so I quickly pay, and head out the doors. As I do, a member of store security (S) stops me. ​ S: "Excuse me Sir, have you paid for all your items?" Me: "Yes, I have." (Holding up the receipt in my free hand) S: "And the item in your pocket?" Me: "Oh! Sorry, it's not from here." ​ At this point, I take the blister out, and show him. He asks to see it properly - I assume he either wants to check it to make sure I'm not using it to conceal an item, or that he recognises it. I hand it to him, and he looks carefully at it. Then it happens. ​ S: "This is from our store. Please come with me." ​ At this point, I'm completely confused. The figure is clearly visible, and looks nothing like anything in the store. It also has the name of the company I'd bought it from on the packaging. The security guard finds who I assume to be a manager working in the store, and talks to him quietly. The manager takes a good look at the model, and then takes it and walks over to me. ​ Manager: "Hey, sorry about that. This obviously isn't from here. You can go." ​ The security guard looked a bit unhappy, but I guess he trusted his boss' take on it. I get to leave with a rather funny store about a guard that thought his store sold gaming figurines. Not the most outrageous story, just something I've always found kinda silly! ​ Thanks for reading! ================================= {1159 points} We just bought these and barely left the store when we opened them. How would we steal from you? --------------------------------- Alright so this just happened today and i've never posted before but i've lurked on this and other subreddits and this was something that my friends and I had no clue how to handle. So real quick, my friends and I are wrestlers and we're still in season. I have women's states coming up in a few week and I'm super pumped and my one friend, for simplicity i'll call him L, got third in districts and this Friday, he's leaving school early to go wrestle in regions to possibly get to states. We had plans to go grab some snacks to sneak into the movies that night and L needed new headphones since to pump himself up before matches, he has to have his music. Wrestling is relevant cause our coaches instilled a respect for others in us and we also know their punishment if we were to get out of hand would make us feel like we are dying. So casting. My friends are L and T, Me is Me, Mama Bear is my mom, TG is tech guy, CSG is the woman who handled us at customer service, and Security and Manager. ​ We just went to eat at a fast food place before heading over to Hellmart since L wanted new headphones and his old pair broke. Previously he had used my earbuds before his matches and though it didn't bother me, he wasn't taking my earbuds away from me for a whole weekend. I'd go crazy. I split off to go grab candy for the movies as L and T said they'd be going towards the toy section since we're just a bunch of kids. Highschoolers, but dumb kids. I passed electronics and they were looking at headphones, so I go over to them. L is looking at headphones and he really wants this pair of rockcandy wireless headphones but was short by ten bucks. I told him if he gave me the money he had, I'd pay for them and he'd just give me the ten he owned me another day. He said bet and so we made our way to the cash register. Being the only one in the group that managed to balance school, Wrestling, and a job, I had money and I swiped my card. We walk not two feet out of the store and I had L the box. Excited for his new headphones, he opens the box and it isn't looking right. Right off the bat, it isn't factory sealed. It looked like it was before we opened it, but that was a different story when we opened the box. Last time I checked, all my headphones and earbuds i buy from rockcandy weren't sealed with hot glue and it was messy. You could see where the strands of hot glue came off the main clumps and in the box, was a cloth bag. there was the rockcandy logo and so we go to take the headphones out. the box said they were black but the color we saw was some rose gold and chipped. There's even hot glue residue on the cloth bag. We pull out the headphones and they were busted. the left side was falling off, held by the wire, attempted to be hot glued together. We turned, walked back into the store, and L walked straight to TG who sold us these headphones. He apologized and took us right up to customer service. TG: So these guys just bought these and now they want to return them. CSG: But these aren't what's on the box. TG: I know and I handed it to them sealed so I don't know what they're trying to pull. CSG then turns to L and asks him how old he is. He responds back seventeen and she scoffs and rolls her eyes and proceeds to try and tell us what the policy is, explaining that they can't do a return or exchange for minors, (then why would you sell to them if you can't make returns or exchanges?) the serial numbers didn't match up, any excuse she could come up with. Originally, we would have been fine with an exchange. In fact, that's what we asked for, but their excuses kept piling up so I took it into my hands to get someone who could handle the situation. If there is one thing i learned from my own experience in retail, a mom is one of the worse things to have to deal with since they won't stop till they get their way. Back when TVShack was still a thing, Mama Bear worked there and would tell stories of people returning vcrs and dvd players with brick in the box. She knows this game well. I call her. I had been texting her this whole time to keep her updated on our forty-five minute dealing with customer service. I explain that they are doing nothing, Mama Bear says she"s on her way. Upon arrival, Mama Bear informs me that she called corporate and the head of customer service to complain and both had said that they cannot refuse us without legit proof we were trying to pull a fast one on them. We don't even have a bag to hide headphones in if we could pull a fast one and we have hoodies and we walked about fifteen minutes to get to hellmart. We could not have pulled a fast one since we turned right back around upon opening, and the headphones would be seen if hidden by the hoodie. Mama Bear gets to the front of the line at customer service and here's the start. She is greeted with a manager to handle this situation. Mama Bear: Hi. I'm going to let you know right now that I am fully aware of the situation and I have spoken to corporate. I know my kids would not have tried to pull a fast one as they had barely left the store and if they did pull a fast one, I'd bash their heads in and tell you to have a nice day. SO, these are a pair of $50 rockcandy headphones that they have been scammed out of and at this point we would like a return. As you can see on this receipt they had bought this an hour ago and has dealt with you for over fifty minutes at this point. You had claimed that the serial numbers do not match up but you can see from the receipt and the bar code, they do match up, there is hot glue on the box so it is clear it is not factory sealed and and I have my daughters text log and my call log from corporate and the sales associates manager. So what would you like to do about this? The entire time, CSG is saying that management already said no, we cant refund minors, no no no no. I got to the point I wanted to slap her. I had to hold back cause if I did something stupid and got in serious trouble, even though Mama Bear was handling the situation, she'd slap the taste out of my mouth, curb stomp me, and then told my wrestling coaches, who would most likely have me run sprints till my legs gave out and have me run some more. Manager: Well they are broken and they aren't even rockcandy so- Mama bear: Why else do you think we have a problem with this and want the return? The manager said to give us a moment and went to check security tapes. Security came out and manager has a smug smile on her face. Security: We looked at the tapes and they received it sealed. Mama Bear: Okay but you see this? Its hot glue. If they bought this at 1:37 like the receipt says, and I started getting messages at 1:42, how could they have done this and the hot glue dry that quickly? Mama Bear is getting louder and louder as the workers kept giving excuses as to why they couldn't go through with the refund, but Mama Bear had shut them up with her argument. Security checked with the Manager again and I guess they finally said to just give us the refund so my mom and us would go away. I got my money back and we left, got in the car, and Mama Bear drove out. Mama Bear turned back to us. Mama Bear: Now i hope you three know, I believe that you wouldn't do that and that you were sold a rip-off, but if you ever tried to do that shit for real, i'd have you all wishing you spent the night in jail than what I would do to yous. We went to my house to have some dinner before heading out to the movies and my dad ended up ordering L a pair of headphones that weren't rockcandy, but by a trusted company when L gave him the money that originally he had given to me. Should be in by mid week and we kept thanking Mama Bear while she dropped us off at the movie theater and when she picked us back up and dropped us off at our respective houses. She says the worse part about this was having to put on a bra. I'm grateful for Mama Bear and I know full well, i'd get the belt if I ever did something stupid like that. Hopefully I won't have to use her against retail workers again and I can use what I learned from this experience to handle the situation myself come the time I should. ================================= {192 points} Sure! Lets just throw away $55 for nothing! --------------------------------- (TL;DR in the bottom) My parents pay around $130.00 USD every month for the services of a *fairly known broadcast & satellite TV company* Im just going to call TV Provider (TVP). The equipment used to watch TV has been having issues where watching recorded / live TV often freezes the image and becomes unresponsive. Its been having huge delays responding to the remotes inputs, and its overall very outdated. My dad, as one would expect when one doesnt receive the service your paying for, calls TVPs customer support and reports this, to which they respond with a *Well send a technician over this week to verify it.* Okay, cool! Theyre gonna take care of it. Fast forward a few days and the technician comes home. We tell him the issue, he looked at the device and basically told us that these things are obsolete. (Were from Puerto Rico, so we dont have the same advanced ones that TVP has over the USA). He told us TVP is waiting for *[name of certain phone carrier that bought TVP]* to install 5G networks to implement the new systems, so basically were stuck with that old junk. However, to see if it fixes anything, he factory reset the whole thing, erasing every bit of movie and TV show we had recorded, gave us a new remote, and left. Nevertheless, this didnt resolve the issue at all. We were left with a recently erased device that still works as awful as ever. But hey, I dont blame the technician, its an issue thats way out of his hands. The problem was when the bill monthly bill came from TVP. They were charging us **$184.50 USD**, $54.50 more than the correct amount. Now, were a family in a pretty tight economic situation and this took us by surprise, so when we called TVP to ask what the extra $54.50 was about. They told us its the bill for the tech support. Now hold on a second. First of all, they **never** said we had to pay an extra amount of money for them to fix **their** faulty machinery. And secondly, the issue was never fixed, the problems were never gone so, what the hell?? We explained this to them, but they still insist on us having to pay those extra $54.50 for... basically nothing. Were waiting for a reply to see if theyll get rid of the charges. Whatever happens Ill keep you guys updated. **TL;DR:** TV provider wants to charge us almost $55 USD for a technician visit that didnt fix anything at all from their faulty device. ================================= {11 points} Store Experience Becomes Teaching Moment --------------------------------- This one is fairly recent. This past fall, my nephew asked me if I would buy him something for his birthday. Seeing that I did have the money, he told me he wanted this pricey Copic drawing set. My sister ended up taking me, along with my nephew, to this art supply store, the first time I had ever been in this store. Now, the Copic set had a price of almost $40, but, I didn't mind. Then, after spending a few minutes looking for the art supplies in this store, I discovered that this store has these Copic drawing kits locked up in a cabinet. Not thinking anything about it, I went to the front of the store, looking for an employee. When I finally found someone (and mind you, I'm mobility impaired), this employee, a guy, tells me "I can't help you" and just wanders off. No explanation, no offer to find someone else to help me and I'm standing there confused about what just had happened. There I am, looking confounded, I caught the attention of another employee who asked if I needed help. The employee unlocked the cabinet and ended up asking another employee for assistance. When I headed up to the counter, another employee ( I think she was a supervisor or manager) and she said she would ring me up. I started telling her what happened when I asked the first employee for help (he was standing at a cash register when I asked him for help and he refused) she ended up apologizing to me and gave me a $10 off discount for the trouble. She explained to me that their registers had been down all day and that he was in a hurry to get out of the store. The lady who rang me up at the register told me that I should file a complaint online so they were aware of it. That made me smile. I thought, *what a nice idea*. Few days later, after I calmed down, I emailed the store through their website and was told that they would hold a meeting in dealing with customers the right way and that they would also talk to the employee involved. While I didn't want this employee to get fired (which I kept saying throughout this whole process) the lady who emailed me also sent me a couple of coupons good for her store. I even praised the help of the other employees who were kind in assisting me and in marking the price on that Copic set down by $10. If the guy who I asked for help from had explained things such as the registers being down and that he was trying to finish up so he could go home, I would have said "that's okay" and simply looked for another employee. In the end, my nephew got what he wanted (he's a pretty good artist, such as nature drawings and even comic-book good), I was able to get this store's management to address treating their customers with respect and ended up talking to their district manager, ending with a cordial experience. Even if you're having a bad day, as a customer or employee, it's no excuse to act like a jerk. Good intentions get passed forward, bad intentions attract karma. ================================= {182 points} Old man at the post office tries to school me on manners. --------------------------------- So I went to the local snail mail shop today to send a parcel. I'm a young female, I'd just come from the gym, and I hold the appearance that I can only assume presents itself at a first glance as 'sweaty bimbo ditz'. I've been selling a lot of stuff online to de clutter so I've been going into the snail mail shop regularly, this is the first time I had seen this man. I'm quite old fashioned of mind, probably because I'm an only child of a man with old school manners. In every day interactions I do strive to show anyone over 50 respect and leniency, I think its the correct thing to do and know that perspective is a bit out dated, but that's how I like to operate, because i feel society lacks those sort of things all too much these days. Anyway, I walk into the snail mail shop, pick a box, write the address, and wait in line. As i approach, the man behind the counter is probably in his 60's, a bold mustache and hard frown lines. I say with a smile ''Hey how you going? I just had this parcel to-'' ''Hello. And how are you?'' He cut me off *very* harshly, with a tone that was pure apathy and pointed anger. I was really shocked, so i look up from rifling in my wallet to meet his eyes and hes *frowning at me disapprovingly*. It was really strange, at this point I'm extremely confused, so half instinctively, I say, ''excuse me?'' ''well its customary at the beginning of every interaction that you say hello, how are you, and then the other person replies, good, and how are you? and so forth.'' ''.........'' You guys, I was so shocked that I just stared at him for about three seconds. He actually confused me because i slowly chocked out ''i... did... say... hello... hello how you going... I said that'' ''No you didn't. So let's start this interaction again. Hello, how are you?'' Again, I'm *completely* taken aback. This is absurd! I'm standing there asking if this arse hole is actually serious with this level of stupid control over a meaningless greeting. Even if someone didn't acknowledge you in a service role, why throw a little tantrum like this? There's no one else in the shop but he and I now, and I'm just completely floored at this point, half in disbelief half just completely stunned into doing or saying nothing. This guys still staring at me disapprovingly. I manage to regain my composure after that partial weird shock and say ''sir, you're honestly mistaken. I definitely did say hello how you going, it... seems like... you didn't hear me. And I know full well how to initiate a basic polite conversation with someone thank you. You didn't hear me, I absolutely greeted you.'' he says ''did you?'' in an airy tone. ''of course I did, it's only polite.'' I say curtly. He weighs my parcel and taps on his keyboard, tells me how much the sending and package costs will be and I pay cash. ''have a nice day'' he says. ''I hope you do too mate.'' I say. He sighed as i turned to exit the shop. That old bastard really got under my skin with that final sigh! Not even a small mentioning or acknowledgment of the *possibility* that he may have indeed misheard. Which he absolutely bloody did. Its not a huge deal, but it left me feeling tilted. He clearly profiled me once i walked into the door as some stupid brainless millennial and I'm rather sick of that pigeon hole. If he got to know me, he'd probably be one of those old farts spouting how age is just a number. ''You we're here on this earth before'', ''you're an old soul'', they're the ones i get all the time. Old fart really got to me and I can't really explain why, if it were his attitude or the fact that he so wrongfully profiled me. I'm only going in next time if the funny Asian mans there, he always asks how my muscles are doing and that i'd be stronger than him, bless him! ================================= {87 points} Intimidating clerks --------------------------------- Last night (about 7pm on a Sunday) I went to my local big-name grocery store to pick up some meals for the next week. I had a full basket, a 12 pack of soda, and a 6 pack of beer (relevant to the story). I'd usually go to the self check out but this was the first time I've purchased alcohol at the grocery store and knowing they'd have to see my ID figured self check out would make it more complicated (not to mention self checkout was full of people as usual and the clerk had enough to deal with). The place wasn't too busy so when I approached the check out counters, there was one clerk and bagger working with one customer, no one waiting behind them, and one counter with it's light on but the clerk was leaning up against the counter with her back to it, chit-chatting with her bagger. I figure the lights on so it'd be stupid to ask if their lane was open but damn you'd think I had personally offended them by getting groceries. I set my basket on the little ledge next to the conveyor belt like you're supposed to and the clerk grabs it while I'm making sure it's on the counter and won't fall. Because she's trying to wrestle the basket into place while I'm still trying to set it down properly, I make a comment about how the ledge is smaller than the basket and let out a nervous laugh, as this woman is making it difficult for me to get my arm out from under the handles. She completely ignores me and once I'm free and step over to the opposite side of the counter, I realize the bagger had been speaking. I wasn't sure if it was to me but by the time I was within earshot of her all I heard was "are boxes okay?" I know some stores recycle boxes that their shipments come in and send customers out with boxes instead of bags, but didn't know of this chain to ever use boxes so I say to her "uh, bags are fine." Meanwhile, the cashier is literally shouting "WHAT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY. I NEED TO KNOW YOUR BIRTHDAY." at me because of the alcohol I'm buying. At the same time she's shouting this at me the bagger responds with "yeah, bags are fine." I ignore this comment for now to apologize to the cashier because she was still shouting at me for my birthday. I say sorry a couple of times, handing her my I.D. then I turn back to the bagger and ask her what she had asked me. She says "oh, I didn't ask you anything. You answered a question I wasn't going to ask you." In a very short, matter-of-fact tone. I laugh it off and apologize for the confusion. The bagger at that point steps around to the cashier's side and stops bagging to tell the cashier about the first time she had been pulled over because the cops had been watching her at a park and thought she was doing drugs and then pulled her over because they thought she was driving while drunk. Last I checked those are the kinds of conversations you don't have at work on the clock in front of customers. But whatever, it's 2019, she looked young enough for it to have been a first job or side job while she's in school, and it was just a grocery store so I ignored it. Another employee comes up to the end of the counter to bag my groceries and I'm staring at the screen wishing and waiting for this awkward encounter to end, fully expecting the new bagger to completely ignore me. New bagger makes a point to look at me and say "Hello!" To me cheerfully and loud enough that I know he's talking to me but not yelling at me like the cashier. I say hello and smile at him and he smiles back, says "hi" again, and proceeds to bag my groceries. I pay the cashier who realized then that she was holding my I.D. still, as if it were hers and says so handing it back to me. Like I mentioned, I had a basket full of groceries, no cart. They saw me walk up with the basket on my arm, the beer in the hand that the basket was on, and the soda pack in my free hand. The cashier asks, side-eyeing me "you don't need a cart?" I tell her "oh, no thank you, I've got it." And start to put my arm through the handles of the bags. She then shoves all of my groceries across the counter, squishing them up in front of me (luckily all of the products were in secure packaging and my bread was undamaged). I load up as quickly as possible despite there being no one behind me waiting, and as I start to walk away say "Thanks, guys. Have a good night" to all of the employees, as they are now all standing around talking loudly except for the one who actually said hello to me and who actually did their job bagging. He's the only one who gave me a response, saying "thanks, you too!" I thought maybe I had been there past closing, warranting the unfriendly and unprofessional treatment but it was still before 8pm, none of the calls over the P.A. while I was there were to report the store closing, and as I was walking out, customers were still walking in. Not a particularly exciting or interesting story by any means, it was just the most abrasive experience I've ever had checking out at a grocery store. ================================= {6 points} When ordering computer parts takes an entire month. --------------------------------- Some context here: I'm a 20 year old musician who spends A LOT of time playing video games on my computer. The geek in me showed itself at around 11, when I moved to the countryside in another country. Before I hit 18, I had been mostly using my mum's computer and an old computer my sister gave me for gaming. Come 18, I decided to get my own. So I do my research, I speak with friends, and browse sites. Eventually I found this site where you could build a pc using their pc builder which would check the compatibility of the parts, and then send you the parts for you to build yourself. In the end I settled on parts which came up to roughly 1000 dollars / euros / pounds. The PC was fairly powerful and still is. As I just turned 18, I paid for the PC myself. Now this is where the fun begins. As I had just placed a fairly large order on parts, I eagerly watched the delivery site update me on their location (It was being delivered to a drop off point in -insert town here-). First hiccup: They tell me it will arrive Saturday. So, come Saturday I go to into town (without checking the site again of course) and the guy in the drop off store tells me there is no package under that name. I check the site again: packages will be delivered Monday. Ok... This time I checked the site before leaving. "Packages will be delivered Tuesday". I started getting worried, but decided to give it another chance before doing anything. Here comes the big oof. I check it again, this time everything seems fine, until I get to the shop. I tell the shop owner / manager my name, and he retrieves my boxes. I could tell something was wrong from the start. Big box for a 27 inch screen? Yup. Big box for a big tower case? Yup. A very small laptop bag for what was essentially EVERYTHING that went into my PC case, the keyboard, mouse, and 5.1 speaker system? Uh no. I gave the small box a funny look when he put it in front of me and the shop owner (who had nothing to do with this) immediately asked me if I wanted to open the package to check what was inside. Someone had recieved 800 dollars / euros / pounds worth of parts instead of my notebook, and vice versa. "Would you like me to sign it as 'unsatisfactory' and send it back?" the shop manager told me. I immediately said yes, having shown him (with my receipt) that this tiny laptop was obviously not what I ordered. This apparently was a mistake on my part, as I hadn't read the site's return policy, but we'll get to that later. When I got home, I immediately called the site and explained the situation. The man on the phone then informed me that I would have to wait for the unwanted product (the laptop) to return ALL THE WAY to their factory BEFORE sending me the parts that I had already paid over 1000 for DESPITE the laptop having officially been sent out in the same state and packaging it arrived in. Does anyone else find this abnormal? I started getting angry, but considering there wasn't anything else I could do and the guy was just the customer support, I let it slide and decided to wait. Usually where I live, shipping takes at most 4 days from one spot to another in the same country. So after 2 weeks of radio silence from the site and watching the returning laptop literally sitting in the same town, I call them again. I explain to them the situation again (as it's a different person picking up), and ask what on earth is going on. The lady on the phone asks me: "did you print out and stick our return label on the front of your package?". I'm confused for a few seconds, and then think to myself "oh no...". The lady then explains their company return policy which is: when returning a product, print the label provided on their site and stick it to various places on the product and packaging. I start getting a cold sweat as I thought that I might have just lost 1000 worth of parts just for a damn label. The lady does however just tell me to wait. Now two seconds guys: does this company return policy seem weird to you? Because I assumed (so did the shop manager and my parents) that returning the package immediately would garantee that it was sent back in perfect order. It hadn't even left the shop before i returned it. Anyway, the lady explained to me that I just had to wait a bit longer for the package to find its way back. Fine. I waited 3 days, and called again because I was starting to get angry, but I was told the same thing. I called one last time 2 days later, and was told that my package was in fact moving to the factory. Another 2 days passed and hallelujah, the site informed me 3 weeks after I had ordered them, my parts were being shipped. They took another week to arrive, and the computer I built from them worked (and still does) just fine. Sure, waiting a month for something to arrive isn't really that big of a deal. But having around 1k worth in parts floating around somewhere in your country not knowing whether you'll actually get them was pretty annoying. So that's it gu- BUT WAIT! There's one last thing. The keyboard didn't work. After all that, they sent me a faulty keyboard. ================================= {17 points} Dishonest glasses retailer? --------------------------------- Hi all, can someone please tell me if I'm going crazy, of did I actually kinda get scammed? I recently went to a brand new glasses retailer, let's call it's GlassesStore. It's a major chain, you can find them everywhere. I haven't gotten new glasses in like 5 years, but my prescription is basically exactly the same. I went in, picked out my frames, and of course they tried to sell me on all kind of things like UV protection, smudge resistance, ultra thin lenses, etc, but I told them I just wanted the regular, no extra cost lenses. Then I get my glasses, and oh my God. These lenses are THICK!! They're literally twice the size of the frame, and the frustrating part is I can't even wear them because the sharp edge of the lenses cuts into my upper cheek. I had literally never seen lenses this big. I showed them to my mom, and she said she hasn't had glasses like that since the 80s. I called them to complain (politely) and to ask to return them, and the guy on the phone told me that the thickness was to be expected for my prescription, and that I could come in and pay more money for their thinner lenses. I don't normally get mad at businesses, but right now I am pissed because that man lied to my face. These freaking lenses are twice as big as my previous glasses with the same prescription, that's a load of crap. What I think might be happening, is that they give you these big ass, uncomfortable lenses so that you want to buy their thinner, more expensive lenses. When I get home today, I'll get my tape measure and update on how thick these things actually are. IDK if I'm overreacting, or if this really is just ridiculous. Rant over, lol. ================================= {6 points} 15 Days and Counting for Customer Service --------------------------------- A few weeks ago I attempted to take advantage of a really good offer for a game Id heard great things about. This particular online marketplace is one I dont use normally, but it had a far better deal than my normal marketplace. So I tried getting the game and to my dismay although the marketplace said I owned the game I couldnt access or even download the game at all. Naturally I assumed there was a problem on my end so I waited a few days but the game never became downloadable. I finally tried contacting customer service for help. The first email I got in response was a bot saying theyd received my request for help. However,!there wasnt another email for 4 days, where a representative asked if I was still having problems installing the game. So I responded yes and waited for a response. Today, 15 days after my original request for help, I got an email saying they will be in touch as soon as possible, but not to contact them again or my ticket will be reset. Now I dont know what goes into creating an online marketplace, but when I made my request for help I assumed this is a pretty easy fix. At this point Im just angry its taking so long to talk to someone, but I guess Im stuck waiting unless I want to respond and receive a delay in handling your request. The good news is I dont really intend on using their marketplace again so hopefully I just get my game soon and never deal with them again. ================================= {2132 points} All the service for my boyfriend, none for me. --------------------------------- Hello all, this story takes place in a Boston pizza about 2/3 years ago. My boyfriend and I had decided to go out for dinner at our local Boston pizza which has been great to us every other time we've been there. We have not been back to this location since, but the manager has told me this waitress doesn't work there anymore. So we get there, were seated at a table in the middle of the room, there's lots of room on either side of us (remember this for later), and the restaurants pretty dead (also important for later), so we didn't have to wait very long for service. Everything starts off fine, the waitress takes our order, brings us the drinks and then food a little while later. She's friendly, a little more so to my boyfriend, but that's fine, we aren't the jealous type. He had the jambalaya and underestimated the spice level so he was going through ice teas like crazy and sweat was dripping down his face. I think I had the ravioli so my drink was emptying at a normal rate because I know I can't handle spicy foods. Well this waitress would refill his glass when it became low, but neglect mine (remember it wasn't busy), I didn't get a refill the whole dinner. Everytime she needed to pass by she did an unnecessary squeeze by and brushed her cup size B boobs along his back and arms like mine aren't 2 cup sizes bigger than hers (remember all that room I said we had?), and she only brought out one wet nap after we had finished our food. The best part though is when she brought out the check. She had written her number on it for my boyfriend to take. I just looked at him and said "oh look, she left you her number." Now I'm not a jealous person but we were very clearly out for date night, and the lack of service for me was unacceptable to start, but with the phone number on the check I was livid. I was paying. Her face when I pulled out my debit card was great. She got no tip, when we stood up my boyfriend grabbed my hand, and I handed the check to the store manager after paying for the food and let him know I was out for a nice dinner with my boyfriend. Her face then was one of pure defeat. He took one look at the check and offered us two free appetizers, which I declined because I like the manager. He was an oddball but he was always super nice to me when he came through my till and thats always a plus for me. A little while later he told me he fired her not long after because she had previous complaints of the same thing. I mean, who uses a restaurant where people go out for dates as a hunting ground? How often does that really work? Was tinder not getting any results? ================================= {693 points} Receptionist at vet kept rudely telling me I shouldnt be taking my not yet fully vaccinated dog places... when we were there to get her the rest of her vaccines. --------------------------------- This happened almost 3 years ago now, but I just thought about it again. We rescued our dog from a shelter when she was about 6 months old. They fixed her and gave her the first round of vaccines before we were able to take her home, and told us to bring her back in 2 weeks so she could receive the last booster shot she needed. When we picked her up after her being fixed, everyone at the vet was super nice and friendly so of course we brought her back to the same vet instead of finding a new one. Our second visit was not at all like the first. The way they had it set up, there was a door for leaving, and a door for entering. As we were trying to enter, there was a lady with a small dog blocking the entryway while talking to the receptionist. Our dog was still super young at the time, and was very excited to be on a trip out and seeing other dogs so between trying to control her and get in the door, and then this lady blocking the doorway I was struggling to get inside. The receptionist looks at me, sees the lady shes talking to in my way, and then tells me I need to hurry up and get out of the way. At first I thought she was talking to the lady actually in the way, but no she was talking to me and then repeated herself again when I still didnt move. Finally the lady got out of my way, and we got inside. We sit down because shes still talking to this lady. After a few minutes when the lady finally leaves, she looks at us and rudely asks what were here for. I tell her were here for our dogs final round of shots. She says okay Ill be with you in a minute. After a couple minutes she calls me up to the desk to get our information. She looks up our dog in the system, and this is the conversation that follows: Receptionist: Oh. Your dog is not fully vaccinated yet. Me: No, thats why... *Cuts me off while Im talking.* R: She needs to be fully vaccinated before you take her anywhere and let her fully interact with any other dogs. Me: I know. Thats why were here. R: Its really not safe for you to be taking her places yet. Me: Thats why were here. When we picked her up two weeks ago we were told to bring her back for her final round of shots. We have not taken her anywhere other than here because we know she needs to be fully vaccinated. R: Oh. Okay, good. She then finishes getting us checked in, but is rude and short throughout the entire process. I was about ready to never bring our dog back there again but then the tech that called us back to actually give her the shot was super friendly and sweet and made up for the whole previous interaction. ================================= {156 points} Why wouldnt you pay for the difference? --------------------------------- 2 years ago, a new coffee shop opened up. Very hipster and instagram worthy so that means drinks and food are going to be overpriced as heck. But anything for a nice foodie pic right? I ordered drink 1($5.50), paid and waited by the counter for my drink. The cashier then comes over to the waiting area and this is where the odd conversation starts. Cashier: hi so the barista accidentally made drink 2 ($6.00) instead of drink 1($5.50). You can just come back to the cashier area to pay for the difference. Me: ??? what do you mean? Why would I be expected to pay for the difference.... if I didnt order that drink? Cashier: why wouldnt you pay for difference? Me getting a little heated bc why tf does the cashier not understand: because I didnt order this drink? The barista at this point steps in and just says oh its okay. Never mind like theyre doing me a frickin favour. I take the $6.00 drink I didnt order and drank it. Wasnt even that good and I never went back to that coffee shop. ================================= {31 points} Literal garbage fire --------------------------------- (TLDR is at the bottom.) One day a handful of years back my wife and I were killing time while visiting family in Los Angeles. Wed just walked along Venice beach and were wandering back when we stopped into a shop. It was a small, independent shop that sold fashion accessories, purses, makeup, jewelry. It was a little pricey for the area and a little too far from the main flow of traffic, so it didnt look like they had many customers. People would stop in, but walk out after less than a minute. Now, my wife and I are okay spending a little more for a nice product at a small business. As such, my wife is trying to give things a fair look and is hoping to find something, so were wandering around a good 20 minutes and the cashier has been really helpful. Eventually my wife finds some things in our price range and we go to check out. It should be noted that this was a time before the ubiquity of smartphones. It was also before all those simple digital payment options people have now, and this shop was so small it didnt even have a computerized point-of-sale system as such, the checkout process was not fast. As were getting checked out, I notice what looks like smoke coming from the garbage bin on the sidewalk outside. I assume its a trick of the eye maybe just dust? and we carry on. A few seconds pass and now I smell it. When I look up, its no longer mistakable the garbage bin is on fire. The flames grow fast and are soon shooting up at least three feet in the air *above the top of the garbage bin* which is about three feet high on its own. Boy Scout though I may have been, my brain was unprepared to believe what I was seeing, so I just gawk while my wife and the cashier are handling payment, unaware of the fire outside. Fortunately, someone else bursts in and yells the garbage is on fire! Youd think that would be a call to action for the cashier since the garbage bin is a few feet from the open door to this shop. But, no. The salesperson/cashier wanted to see this sale through. So she ignores the woman yelling fire! and keeps running my wifes credit card. The woman is confused and says, more insistently and louder, Did you hear me? Call the Fire Department! The cashier continues running the credit card. The flames have now grown, and thick, acrid smoke is pouring out of the garbage bin. My wife and I tell the cashier to set our stuff aside and to make the call. Instead the cashier gets out a bag and starts bagging the items. We all share confused looks as we watch this happen. I get out my cell phone and start to dial, but the cashier waves it away and finally picks up her phone and dials. Then she *sets the phone down* (leaving the emergency operator waiting?) to finish wrapping and bagging our stuff. As we take our stuff, the woman starts yelling at the cashier again calling her irresponsible and yelling about safety. But, as the cashier starts to pick up the phone again to finish the call, someone shows up from down the street and douses the fire with an extinguisher. So, seeing that the fire is out, the cashier decided problem solved and hangs up, turns to us with a smile and says: Have a nice day! TLDR: Desperate to make a sale, a salesperson ignores the literal garbage bin fire to finish ringing us up while LA burns. ================================= {637 points} Because you seem to be too stupid to understand ... --------------------------------- Last night my partner and I went out for dinner and we decided that afterward wed stop at our favourite ice-cream place for a treat. We havent been there in months because the last few times its been closed. The restaurant we were having dinner at was right across from the ice-cream place, so we decided to swing past and double check what time they close. We were told pretty clearly that they close at 10pm, which is what the website also said. Happy, we went off for dinner and planned to head over for ice cream around 9pm. We enjoy our meal and as were thinking about getting the bill we look over and and notice they appear to be packing up. Its only 8:45, so as my partner gets the bill I decide to duck over and see if I can still order our ice-cream. Nope, the displays are empty! Staff are still in the front of the shop and Im still able to approach the counter, so I just say excuse, what time do you close please? And was told 10pm again. I pointed out that it wasnt even 9 yet and expressed I was disappointed because wed made a point of checking their closing time. A rather rude employee steps forward and says we close early when its raining. Which would be fine, except that it wasnt raining, hadnt been raining and there was no rain forecast. When I mention this (confused but not rude), the rude employee raises her voice and says ultra slowly because you seem to be too stupid to understand, were closed! Wow! Until this point I just wanted to understand how things rolled so that I could avoid yet another disappointment in the future, but this really ticked me off. Me: theres no need to be rude. Im just disappointed and trying to make sure I dont miss out again. RE: Im not rude, English is just my second language (keep in mind that her English prior to this had been flawless). Me: its my third, so please dont try and pull that. RE: no English, I dont understand you. RE then moves toward the counter and slams down the roller door to the counter. Honestly, I was so shocked that I stood there for a solid couple of minutes trying to process what had just happened =================================