########r/entitledparents######## {6368 points} Don't forget to put your memes and fake stories in /r/entitledparentsmemes, thanks --------------------------------- ================================= {481 points} Any posts or comments that encourage or call for violence in any way will be removed + earn you a ban --------------------------------- Reddit admins have clarified their violence/violent content policy lately, and if you haven't noticed, have been banning or quarantining communities that kept fucking this one up. > "Going forward, we will take action against any content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people; likewise, we will also take action against content that glorifies or encourages the abuse of animals." Any posts that describe taking revenge on entitled people in ways anywhere *close* to that will be removed. Any posts that encourage, advocate for or call for violence of any kind will be removed and the user banned. **Any comments on posts that do the same will be removed and the commenter banned.** This includes things like: * "I would have kicked his ass" * "Bruh, you shoulda put your foot up that kid's ass" * "I woulda stomped that bitch's face" * "You should wait outside their class/place at night and..." and other such charming Death Wish fantasies you wannabe punks like to front about on here (minus the correct punctuation). Excuses such as: * 'oh, I didn't know' * 'but I was just kidding!' * 'I've seen worse here!' * 'but what about the others who...?' are not acceptable. You will still be banned, plus muted in modmail if you try one of those. ___ This announcement will now be locked so only we can modabuse comment and reactiongif on it. You can complain about that, too, over in r/entitledparentsmemes. ---- Tune in for next week's sticky: "**Who cares if you think thathappened or you don't believe some details in the story? Unless they're stupid enough to actually *say* it's fake (which some are) don't report posts *just* [for those reasons](https://i.imgur.com/3rp6Djo.gif).**" ================================= {2808 points} EM demands money for her sons injuries after stealing from my property --------------------------------- I originally posted in AITA because Im worried about my (stubborn) standpoint, and someone suggested posting here as well. Trying to keep it short, I recently bought my son a new bicycle for several reasons. Firstly, for being so good with his potty training in the run up to starting school. Second, his toddler bike was broken and I didnt feel safe letting him ride it anymore. Therefore, the toddler bike was put outside my house, behind my dustbin, last week, until the bin lorries come round and take it away. Today I come home from work, Im tired, its hot, I just want to shower and relax. About five minutes later, someones banging at my door. Its the lady from across the road, who also has a young son. I often see her young son (approx 6/7) playing outside with his friends. Turns out, hes seen the broken bike behind my bins and decided he wants to ride it. As its broken, this didnt end well, and her son has fallen off and scraped all down his face and arms, and had a black eye. Shes threatening to call the police because apparently its my responsibility to not leave anything outside in case he thinks its there to take and play with. She wants me to pay to reimburse her taxi fare to the hospital and back, and for any medical supplies shell need (bandages, creams, etc.) I have flat out refused. Im sorry for the boy, it does look painful, Ive fallen off my fair share of bikes. But this bike was not only on my property, behind my gate and fence, but also behind my bins. It couldnt be seen from the street unless youre looking for it, meaning her kid had to come onto my garden and be looking round to have found it. TLDR- kid takes broken bike from my garden, has an accident, mother wants me to pay for hospital visit and first aid supplies, Im refusing to. ================================= {12533 points} "Hi, we were thinking about opening up a kid-free cafe." "WHAAAAT!?! THAT'S DISCRIMINATION!!!!" --------------------------------- Yep, In my city of a million+ population and hundreds of places where you can bring your kids, one cafe wanted to open up with a kid-free policy. That seemed like such a great idea to me, since I hate kids. I understand that many people don't, probably even most people, but I know there are others like me who wants to have a coffee in peace. But nope. Parents went wild with fury and reported the cafe for discrimination. They had to change their policy. Now there are a total of zero cafes with a kid-free policy and hundreds where you risk having to sit next to a screaming, crying, messy kid, strollers blocking the spaces between the tables and parents drinking latte while not giving a fuck about their children causing a ruckus. Seriously, *one* cafe! Was that to much to ask for? ================================= {417 points} EPs marched into my room while I'm naked after a night out --------------------------------- Hey Guys, so this happend to me a couple of years ago. A little backstory, I was in this circle of friends for about a year or so. 3 Girls, 3-4 Guys (more or less depending on one of the Girls, my former best friend who was the biggest bitch you can imagine stories for another subreddit If I find a fitting one). We usually went out on the weekends drinking and tried to have a great night (If one of the other girls didn't start fights with other people). Also this is written on mobile so sorry for the format. So this was a Saturday after a night of heavy drinking in the Summer and it was hot during the night/day and I was living on the top floor of my dorm so I slept naked 95% of the time. Early moring at around 8/9 am I heard someone knocking and I Just tried to ignore it and go on sleeping. Well, I forgot to lock my door. In come EM, ED and Daughter who were looking for another daughter my friend because she didn't return home the night before. EM: "Where is my daughter?!" Me: groggy and not comprehending dafuck is going on "What? Who?" ED: "My daughter Alex!" (Name changed ofc) Me: "How would I know? I left without her?" EM: "You did what?" Me: "Yes, like Always? Why should I wait for her, she's over 18? It's not my responsibility?" EM: "WHAT?! MY DAUGHTER DIDN'T COME HOME YESTERDAY AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!" Me: "How is that my fault she's maybe with Angela another friend of ours." ED: "We were already there she pointed us to you!" (Thinking about how my Friends sold me out and me being hungover and can't handle that BS still trying to be nice) Me: "Listen, I understand that you are worried, but why and how did you even get inside this dorm? Your daughter isn't here. You can Look in my closets and under my sink, she isn't hiding anywhere. Also I am buttnaked, I am hungover and you are tresspassing." Daughter from the backround tells them Something in russian. ED: (getting aggresive and takes a step towards me and leans almost over me) "Listen here, my daughter is gone. I know people If something happend to her, we will make you disappear." EM: "Noone will find your body." Me (now being pissed and frightend) "Listen, I am not responsible for your daughter. We met up yesterday, went into a bar, drank and split. Nothing more nothing less, ask Angela or Marta." EPs: "Who's Marta?!" Me: "A friend of ours, she actually introduced us a couple of months back" EM: "Give me her number." I gave up at this point and this was too much for me at this point. I gave out the number and hoped that would be the last of it. Well as we all know it of course wasn't. I got a text from Angela and Alex. An: *You OP be careful Alex' parents are on their way* Me: *Already here. Where is Alex?* An: *With a Guy, don't tell them* Me: *Too late, their reading with me. Didn't have any choice* All 3 of them left and I went to get a shower. Hours later Alex: Al: *WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?!* Me: *So you're alive, guess who came to visit today?* Al: *I KNOW I AM GROUNDED BECAUSE OF YOU!!* Me: *Because of me?! I was home and your parents came in uninvited, how's that my fault. Be glad I didn't call the cops!* Al: *NOW YOU'RE INSULTING MY PARENTS?! FUCK YOU OP!!* Me: *Ye, later maybe* Alex blocked me after that and I was confused. So the Rest of the group turned against me after that and I lost completly the Plot with everything. Saw Alex half a year later again as I was out with other people, yelled after her that she should be at Home later, because I don't want any visitors tomorrow morning. If looks could kill. TL; DR: Parents of a Former friend of mine came into my room threatend to kill me If I don't bring them to their daughter which I didn't know where she is. ================================= {588 points} Entitled mother wants her son to use a gun, breaks it in a tantrum --------------------------------- So... this is another one of my posts that Im recalling from a while back (about a decade ago), so some things may be slightly historically inaccurate, but Ill do my best to keep it as correct as I can. Backstory: In my early-mid teenage years I was in the Boy Scouts and my troop was one of many in the nearby area, so we would host a recruitment event once or twice a year to try to convince the kids in the cub scouts to join our troop instead of the others. Each time we hosted these events, there would be a series of activities like crossing a home-made rope bridge, riding a home-made zip line, cooking challenges, archery, and sometimes some form of rifle challenges. The kids would only be allowed to use air soft or BB guns depending on who brought what for the event, but occasionally the scouts would be allowed to use .22 rifles after the cub scouts had finished in order to try to earn a merit badge. The cub scouts would usually watch and some would get disgruntled about not being able to shoot real guns, but the parents were usually more understanding. We would sometimes let the parents jump in with the rifles or air soft if they wanted to if there was an excess of ammo after the scouts had taken their turn. One year, we set up the activities and I was assigned to run the firing range. We had brought air soft guns and made little targets out of styrofoam plates for kids to shoot at. I had them all practice correct safety and range practices, and the kids had a lot of fun. Afterwards, some scouts set up to use a real rifle on the range, and we had the area cleared so it was safe. Some kids were watching and I set up to take some shots myself. I was prone and shooting when I felt someone tap me on my back. I put my rifle on safe and laid it on its side before turning around. One of the kids mothers was standing over me and had her arms crossed. I could hear her through my ear protection, and she said Excuse me, but why cant my kid use these? Hes very upset that you all can use real guns and he just had to use a toy! I responded with because hes still at a young enough age that itd be dangerous to let them use a real rifle. Theres always a chance a kid that age might get carried away or forget that the guns real, or something else like turning around on the firing line with the gun that could easily get someone, or your child, killed. Of course, the entitled mom was having none of that. My son is absolutely capable of doing anything someone like you can do, so let him use a real gun. Youre also just a child so dont tell the grown ups what to do (I believe I was 14 at the time). I replied with well, its not even up to me, but the rules are that only some of us are allowed to use this range right now and youre causing a hazard for everyone else as well as distracting the other shooters. Go talk to- Entitled mom cuts me off with dont tell me what to do! Give me that! Entitled mom went for the gun so I instantly went to eject the clip and the chambered round (it was a semiautomatic rifle). Just as I do entitled mom rips the gun out of my hand and swings it around wildly. There! Now let my son take your spot! Its at this point that everyone else gets up because of the obvious danger this idiot is placing everyone in and one of the scout leaders (a parent of the scout who has a role in the troop) comes over. Lets just call him SL and call the entitled mom EM for short. SL starts yelling at EM while she hands her son the rifle PUT THAT DOWN! Everyone else clear the range. EM just looks at him and snorts, then says My son is responsible and can do what he wants. If these kids can use the guns why cant my son? SL responds with Youre no longer welcome here. Youre going to need to leave. You can leave your son with us if you want to call your husband to take over, but you cant be here anymore. Youre a danger to yourself and everyone around you because youre so stupid that you cant even see what youre doing wrong. As an aside, this SL has always been more or less to the point and blunt on serious topics because honestly sometimes you just need to tell someone theyre being stupid. EM and SL yell for a minute back and forth. EMs son is still holding the rifle and he decides he might as well try to shoot it; he moves to shoot a target and complains when it wont shoot mom! The guns broken! EM takes it and looks at it and turns to SL. is this a joke!? What the hell kind of shit are you even using! Its broken! She THROWS THE GUN (this was actually my rifle that I had brought for the event) on the ground and the scope I had on it audibly breaks. At this point Im done with this shit and run up to EM YOU JUST BROKE MY RIFLE YOU BITCH! EM tries to slap me but is stopped by SL who basically man-handles her to the parking lot, forces her to get into her car with her son, and then leave. SL came back and apologized for what happened, and offered to have the gun repaired on his own dime since he felt guilty about it happening while he was in charge. Everything afterwards was fun and the rest of the scouts had a great time. My rifle was fine and the SL paid for a new scope that was better than the one I had on previously. EM was later billed for the damages once SL tracked her down by word of mouth from the other scouts parents, so it all worked out in the end I guess. TLDR: I ran a program where kids were allowed to shoot toy guns and adults/scouts could shoot real guns, EM demands her son be allowed to use a real gun, I use logic on her but it doesnt work, she steals the gun, gets confronted by an adult, and throws the gun on the ground. Gets billed for it later. ================================= {232 points} "Why didn't you give him dinner?!" --------------------------------- I'm a teacher in a daycare centre. We get a lot of entitled parents or caregivers on an almost daily basis, but this is one of the most memorable I can recall. Because of working parents and their hours which we try to cater to, the daycare centre doesn't close until 5:30 pm, and we try to stipulate to parents that they need to be there for pickups on time, otherwise it puts us behind closing up and we don't get out of there until late, etc. Most of the parents are tired by that time too from a long day of work and just want to go home, so there are usually no children who are late to go home. At about 4:50ish on a Friday, we had a phone call from the mother of one of the infants (the boy was just about to turn 2). She was in the next town over and was running late, and she was just about to get on the bus. (She was notorious for doing this to us. She either was late and never got in contact with us, or we could never get in contact with her as she wouldn't pick up the phone when we rang her) but this day she had rang. We asked if there was anyone else who could pick her son up as we closed soon. She laughed and said, "no there's not, you're going to have to stay." I was pretty certain she knew what she was doing, forcing us to be open late and putting us behind with the rest of the locking up. The bus from the next town over would take an hour or so to get here, so we settled in with her son for a wait and entertained him the best we could. The poor kid at this stage was exhausted from a long day and just wanted to go home. We tried to get him to sleep, but he was overtired, so just ended up screaming the place down, poor wee fella. Anyway, it's after 5:50 and there is no sign of the mother still. We ring to try and see how far away she is. No answer. It gets to 6:00 pm, we do the same again, still no answer. We found the boy's file and paperwork and rang the next contact on his list. He had just started work at nightshift, but he said he was going to the ring the mother and find out where she was. The bus may have just been running mega late, but it's what she said to us when she finally did arrive that made me certain that was not the case. It nears 6:30 pm and we're about ready to call in a search team for this kid's family, when the mother traipses through the door. As the mother is getting her son's belongings sorted and signing him out, my colleague says to her, "You're later than we anticipated. We actually close at 5:30, there will be extra charge added to your account for being late." "I was getting my nails re-filled," she replies, as if there is no problem at all. "You said you were on the bus," my colleague says, confused. "The bus stopped outside the salon so I got my nails re-filled." We are beyond caring at this point, tbh. We were both tired, the kid was exhausted, everyone just wanted to go home. The mother had a different idea. "Has he been fed?" she demands. "We gave him a plate of fruit and some crackers," I told her. "Why didn't you give him dinner?" "The kitchen closes at 4, after afternoon tea. We are unable to feed the children proper meals unless it's provided," I said. "Has he been bathed? Can I put him to bed as soon as I get home?" she demands again. "We don't have the full and proper facilities to give the children baths......" "Great. He's going to be grizzly all night." And with that, the mother leaves with her very tired 2 y/o son. We thought that was the end of the matter. We quickly did the rest of the lock-up and got out of there for the weekend. Monday, when I come into work, I get told the mother was in the office, trying to take the matter up with the headteacher and the manager, saying that I and my colleague were negligent for not doing her nighttime routine for her. You can imagine how well that went down with the rest of the staff. We had a good laugh at her expense in the staff room that day. ================================= {608 points} My (19M) dad (54M) blamed me over my mom's death and physically assaulted me. --------------------------------- This happened just 1 hour ago Cast : ED - A total piece of shit, Me - Another total piece of shit. Some backstory here, I am the one who wash the dishes after dinner. But today I wake up at 5AM for school (which I always do and I always sleep in the afternoon) but today I didn't sleep in the afternoon because I was playing basketball at the time. So when we finished dinner, I told ED that I need to sleep a little while before washing the dishes, his face was kinda agitated (he's always like that) so I didnt pay much attention to it. I got into my room, about 10 mins later, that asshole broke into my room (yes, broke without even knocking) and tell me to wash the fucking dishes. ED : Go and wash it, you've got the whole afternoon for sleeping Me : No, I was playing basketball this afternoon, I told you that. ED : Your time-management is shitty, can guarantee that you slept this whole afternoon. Me : Yeah whatever, give me 1 hour, then I will go for it. ED : Go for it NOW Me : Leave me alone... I'm exhausted, please be thoughtful, for once. ED : FUCK YOU, YOU MEAN THAT I WAS NEVER THOUGHTFUL TO YOU? YOU ASSHOLE? Me : Enough of it, stop the swearing, it doesn't make you become any better, I said give me a hour, than I will go for the dishes. ED : Alrighty then, you shitty asscrap, go fuck yourself. I was pretty irritated at the moment, he didn't only swearing at me but he almost go and attack my cat who I just bought with my very own money. Me : What is wrong with you? My cat is not involved, leave him be. ED : FUCK YOU He came and grabbed a knife, I could see that from distance and I quickly put my kitty away. As a son, I didn't repulse, he sliced the knife into my palm (I did not expect this), and it keeps bleeding. Me : Why? ED : GO AND WASH THE FUCKING DISHES. Me : Why did you do this to your BIOLOGICAL son? You total asshole. ED : YOU SWEAR AT ME? GO FUCKING DIE. He threw out a shit tons of nonsenses bullshit, 1 of them is my mother is dead because of my ungratefulness towards her. Now I'm washing the dishes with a deep cut on my palm. And tbh, it's not cool at all. Welp he truly convict me and physically assaulted me just because I needed a break and delayed the washing-up. I really dont know what to do now. ================================= {213 points} " Best ways to defend yourself against an EP " --------------------------------- So this happended a couple of weeks ago (im on mobile and english was not my First language so sorry for any spelling errors) also i was 12 at the time of this story, THE CAST Me - who do ya think? Ep - entitled Parent (F) K - ep's kid C. - one of my cousins S. - security So to give a little bit of backstory my youngest cousin Just turned 9 Months old (at the time) S me and my family decided to Go to a cinema to watch a new children's movie, so from my family there was my mom, my dad, my aunt, my uncle, and my two cousins C-10 years old and my other cousin who turned 9 Months all went to the cinema, we bought our tickets so then me and C went to get some sits so we could all sit together, we pick up some Nice seats, C goes to the bathroom and i sit down i then see Ep and K sit Next to me so i POLITELY inform them that those seats were for my family The ep started their rant and normal Ep stuff in this subreddit until i saw a chance to mock her, she Said Ep - I AM A SINGLE MOTHER YOU- Me - i can see why now (feel free to use that tactic) She stopped did a Full turn and went to sit RIGHT BEHIND ME, C arrives and we sit down and start playing rock paper scizzors when suddenly i see popcorn falling onto me, i look behind and see Ep and K throwing popcorn at me, i look at them, smile and eat the popcorn that Fell onto me,( to state a little detail i had with me a little extra popcorn sack that i would use in case i had a rage attack, as my family calls It, This Will be important later) so It was ok i ate the popcorn they threw at me and all was Fine, UNTIL I SEE THEM FLIPPING THE POPCORN BUCKET UPSIDE DOWN RIGHT ONTO ME!, I was going to confront them but then i made a Genius plan, i then said Me - huh what a waste of popcorn (and proceeded to put It all on my extra popcorn sack and looked at the Ep and smiled) C - (started to laugh) I then Heard that little POP when you open a soda, i looked behind and saw one Of my worse fears, SHE WAS TRYING TO SPILL HER SODA ONTO ME!, I Just got up hit her arm so that she dropped her soda in her lap and It got her all wet (dont use that last part out Of the context Of his story) Ep - SECURITY SECURITY THIS LITTLE TEENAGER (i was 12 but looked like 14-16) STOLE MY POPCORN AND SPILLED MY DRINK ONTO ME (i was still eating her popcorn) A few minutes later S came into the cinema S to Ep - what happened here? Ep then proceeded to Tell the S that i stole her popcorn and soda and then spilled her soda onto her S - sir (to me) i need you to leave I then laughed VERY LOUD and gathered everyone in the room's attention Ep - what is so funny? Me - your fake story Ep - what? Me starts telling the officer what happeneed S - miss is this true? Me - if you dont believe me ask the others in the theatre S - miss he has a point Em - starts to sttutter bu- but Long story short security ended up taking Ep and K and both got Banned from the cinema and after a Lot of arguing How She was Just a victim of these teenagers She got Banned from the ENTIRE STORE i still cant believe it, now i Just joke about it EDIT: changed PO to S EDIT 2: Thanks to all the peaple who Said they would give me an award If they could, you dont need to, i am really greatful that you think i deserve that ;) ================================= {335 points} Entitled to Apt Pools --------------------------------- Very short story, I lived in a gated community 5 years ago and one of the amenities is a public pool for residents. Keep in mind this doesn't stop the local EPs from trying to sneak in with their kids. I remember during summer vacation I was walking back from starbucks I see a family in full swimwear walking to the apartments front gate. (for a month, someone forced the driving gate open breaking the automatic gate control, before it was repaired) Seems they have fixed it and I was taking the back entrance near my apt. EM: Wait can you hold the gate. Me: oops sorry. (continues walking assuming they are a resident they have a keycard) EM: (clears throat) excuse me. Me: Yes? EM: You going to open the gate? Me: You have your own key card don't you? EM: I left it in my home. Me: Then you can go through the office it looks like they are still open. EM: ............... Me: (I turn and head back home) EM: WAIT, Normally a friend is here but I thought the gate was still open and my kids deserve to have a pool day since its hot out. I thought this was a public pool. Me: (Continues to walk away) EM: COME BACK HERE YOU SON OF A BITCH AND OPEN THIS DOOR. Me: (Waves down a passing rental agent) Hi that women there is trying to break into the property and she isn't a resident. Agent: (*drives Cart up to the door and starts talking to the woman*) All I hear is her screeching. EM: I WILL SUE YOU THIS IS A PUBLIC POOL AND ADVERTISED AS SUCH........ Shes right the advertisement on the apartments did say it was a public pool but for RESIDENTS only, I guess living in the area automatically makes her a resident in her mind. ================================= {6620 points} Ep tries to get me to give her my Aisle seat; ends up humiliating herself --------------------------------- so, a little backstory. im from Canada, and im flying out to Edmonton to see family. this is my first solo flight (im 16) but its only a 4 hour flight, so im not to concerned. i get to the airport and get checked in without a problem, but its when i get on the plane that the fun begins. i get to my row and, behold, theres no one in the window seat or the middle. info, this is a plane with 3 seats per side, so i was preparing to get up regularly to let the others in my row get to my seat. 30 minutes go by, and boarding time is almost over. One of the seats has been taken up by a large man. he seems nice, and is keeping to himself in the middle seat without trouble. that is when EP shows up. im watching a show on my phone, so i don't see this lady walk down the aisle holding her surprisingly large baby. the child must have been 1, but he was about the size of a 3 year old. then there was the woman. She was Humongous. her stomach was so large, it almost touched both the seats on her left and right. she stops in front of our aisle, and stands expectantly with her baby. i admit, i should have noticed her at this point, and if it was just this i would have felt more bad on my part then hers. Out of nowhere, this woman grabs the bridge of my over ear headphones and rips them off my head. i have decently large ears, so it kind of hurt. i looked around, trying to figure out what happened, when this giant woman leans over awkwardly and yells into my ear "you should be paying attention! get up so i can get to my seat!". the man on my left looks over to see whats going on, and i cant imagine what was going on in his head. possibly, "tf?". as for me, i suddenly stand up and snap my headphones out of her hands. "you could have tapped my shoulder" i say dryly, moving out of my seat to allow her to go in. i wasn't exactly irritated yet, but i was definitely amused at the audacity of this woman. she looks at me with the most condescending look you could imagine, and says "children shouldnt be allowed on planes, you know. especially stupid ones like you. if i was your mother, i would give you a spanking right now". i look at her, amused, and ask her "dont you have your child with you?" she blushes and says "my child is different. he will never turn out to be as idiotic as you!" at this point, im not interested in arguing and merely gesture for her to sit down. the man had gotten up already, so there was no issues (so i thought). then, to my utter surprise, she huffs and sits down *in my seat.* me and the other man look at her in complete confusion. firstly, its my seat. and secondly, how were we supposed to get in now? i speak up and say "hey, thats not your seat. can you please move over?". then she starts to really annoy me, and decides to completely ignore me, and pull out a snack from her pocket, while precariously holding here child with one arm. at this point, i know what im dealing with; a severe case of the EP. tired of bs, i push the button for the flight attendant above her head and wait. the man tries talking to her to, be she ignores him as well. eventually, a fight attendant comes through. this probably wasnt from my button press. but just a pre-flight check. when she sees the clog around the center of the plane, she comes up to the man and asks him what the problem is. before he can answer though, EP speaks up (finally) and raises her voice in a slightly arrogant, slightly pitiful sounding voice "this *child* disrespected me openly and im teaching him a lesson! me and my child should have had this seat anyway!". to my luck, this flight attendant was obviously very experienced and good at dealing with EPs. immediately, she turned to me and asked to see my ticket. i showed her, and then she turned back and said to the EP "your going to need to move ma'am. this isnt your seat.". the EP turns bright red, and looks at me as if *i* was the cause of her discomfort. and im not gonna lie, i got a little scared. this woman was very large, and she could have very easily sat on me. despite this, i simply stand and wait to get my seat back. she argues with the flight attendant for a while, with a fake whisper that was supposed to make me feel excluded and small. tbh, im not surprised this very "interesting" woman would use 5th grade bullying tactics, but ill leave that at that. eventually she says that she doesnt deserve to have to sit near someone as disrespectful as me, puts her baby on her lap, and crosses her arms with the most pudgy stubborn expression on her face i have ever seen. the flight attendant looks at her like she is the most pathetic person shes ever seen, and says "tell me again clearly that you would like to be moved please.". the EP happily does and the attendant nods, and gestures for her to follow. when she gets up though, she looks annoyed that the FA is heading farther back in the plane. "excuse me, i would like to sit up farther please" she says, obviously trying very hard to be a kissup now. the flight attentant looks back and says "the one open seat of this plane is at the very back next to the washroom. follow me please". the women looks absolutely enraged, and "runs" to catch up to the FA to scream at her. i can hear her arguing right up until the moment i put my headphones on. thankfully i didn't see her again. what a headache. ================================= {330 points} Entitled mom make me friends with her rude daughter --------------------------------- Between kindergarten and Grade 6, I was friends with this girl who was kind of manipulative and rude and thought it would go away from age, but last I heard she is still the same at Grade 11. She was ruining my friendship with my other friends (who are now my close friends), and I had enough in the 6th grade. I told her that I don't want to be her friend and she either needs to change her behavior or leave me out of it. She reacted by crying, which is a normal reaction, but what I forgot about was that her mother worked at our school. She wasn't a teacher or anything, she was a kindergarten teacher's assistant because we all know how kindergartens are. So she made her mom come outside during recess and this was how it went down. Btw these are the casts I'll be using: Me: me EM: Entitled mom (who is the friend's mom) Anyways, the mother pulls my arm really tight and pulls me to a corner. I would like to add that her mother had never done this to me before, and was so nice to me, so I was really scared. EM: So my daughter told me you don't want to me her friend, and you were bullying her. Me: No I was not bullying her, she has been manipulating my friends into hating each other because she finds it entertaining, and is bringing too much drama into our friendship for too long and I will not handle it. EM: My daughter would never do such a thing, if so why not complain about it before, you are clearly lying. So how about you stop this drama and be friends with my daughter, you are not allowed to exclude at this school. At this point, my friends who are being manipulative by her daughter and some kids who know about her daughter all were supporting me because they have seen her daughter also physically assault me as well. EM: Well if you don't, I will have to expel you from this school (obviously she isn't allowed to, but I didn't know that), my daughter is a smart (she isn't), and nice person (she isn't) and you are a bad influence (saying this because I live in the not safe side of my city). Me being scared became her friend again until I moved that same year, her daughter danced with enjoyment about how happy she was that I was going. Any ways, apparently she has been spreading rumors about my friends who she manipulated since they decided they didn't want to be her friend anymore after she stayed the same as they got to high school. She also has been spreading rumors about me even though I live 4 cities away from them. Anyone wondering why I never told the teachers, they pushed it away as 'petty drama' and something small, and since we always complained they would say to 'just fix it like grown ups', even when she physically assaulted me. Even the principal thought that it was just stupid drama. ================================= {66 points} Em tries to take my Naruto school supplies for Ek UPDATE --------------------------------- This is an update on part1https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/cvfmq4/em_tries_to_take_my_naruto_school_supplies_for_ ek/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Edit: not even been 10 minutes and I get a platinum award.... Who's stalking me? =_= So the principal got a hold of Em and had the dragon balls to show up to a meeting we are having with p (principal), em, Ek, me,M (mother), and s (security guard that helped me). So we're all in the principals office. P is sitting at the end on the table, Em and Ek are sitting on the side of the table both glaring at me. Em has her arms and legs crossed while huffing. Me and M are sitting on the other side of the table. I have a blank expression on my face while M tries calm herself down. S is standing next to us because 1. He's a witness and 2. To make sure Em doesn't go crazy again. P: Me can you explain what happ- Em: 'she' won't give my angel her dragon Ball stuff (she said 'she' sarcasticly ) P: em I wasn't talking to you I was talking to me. Now me, please explain what happened Me: *explains what happened* Em: *to M* you should teach your... Daughter to share and be more giving. M now has a vein popping out of her head. P: em, this is not time for you to talk. Em: 'huffs' P: s, can you confirm that me is telling the truth? S: yes she is. She confirmed the items that ek didn't know. And I recorded footage from the cameras before the meeting to show you. *P watches the CCTV footage* Em: it doesn't matter if they're hers or not, Ek LOVES Dragon Ball WAAAAY more then she does Me:(about to drop the bomb) if he LOVES Dragon Ball so much then why did he mistook Naruto, which is what the anime is called,for it Em and Ek go red. Em: EK IS SMARTER THAN YOU!!! YOU ARE THE ONE THAT IS MISTAKING IT!! THATS WHY EK SHOULD HAVE THEM AND NOT A FAGGOT LIKE YOU!!!! P: ENOUGH! For the past two years Ek has bullied and tormented other students and I will NOT have a third year. *P now looking at us* me, M, can you please step out the office for one moment? Me and M did just that. There were some muffled talking, which then turned into screaming. A few seconds later S walks out with Em in cuffs as she yells abd tries to escape from him. A few seconds later ek walks out with tears in his eyes. P invites us back in. P: I'm very sorry for their behavior, but they won't be a bother to you anymore. You may leave now. M takes me home for the rest of the day and the next day there was an empty seat next to me. P.s if you're wondering why my dad wasn't there it's because M talked him out of it because she knew he would only make the situation worse. ================================= {132 points} How to deal with entitled parents, balkan style! --------------------------------- Greetings from the balkans, a place of very friendly people, but somewhat easily angered. There is a mix of both first and third world countries in there, none, however, got quite civilized enough for us to refrain from telling people exactly what we feel about them (meaning harsh language), which brings me to a story of a few years ago. I was on vacation near a high altitude lake, a nice, reasonably cool retreat on the worst summer heat wave in years. Imagine my disappointment that it was raining right the next day when I arrived. I was disappointed and in no mood for any bull. Oh, and I was staying in a 4 star hotel, I swear to god, you will never find a more wretched hive of entitled scum and villainy. Every hotel activity I partake in, you find some entitled vermin unjustly complaining to what is essentially a very high quality service. Day ruined. Hoping to find refuge from this hell and salvage what left of the day, I head for the hotel's cafe, windows tablet in hand. Important note - it is an extremely powerful piece of hardware and expensive as hell. However the thing is quite small, looks almost a toy-like laptop (windows tablets come with super slim keypads, making mine look comical) . Which is where my encounter comes in. I was in the cafe, drinking coffee, using my tablet, when EM comes with her kid. At first they seemed fine, but after about 15 minutes the kid got bored and started running around the place, making noise and annoying people. After a short while he starts eyeing my tablet from afar which really got my attention. Noticing me staring back at him, he runs towards his mom, yanks her by her sleeve, gets her attention and points his finger towards me. Oh boy I think to myself, here we go. I was hoping that acting like I didn't notice those two would make the problem go away. Not true. The entitled mom sits at my table, without even asking me for permission and begins to speak, all the while her son is watching from a distance: EM: "Hi, I've happened to notice that little computer you're having, its a children's toy isn't it? A grownup like you shouldn't play with toys like that!" I wasn't in the mood for any of it. I close the tablet, push it to my right, put my hands together and talk back. ME: "I was unaware of there being a rule in this hotel of random strangers being allowed to stick their noses into what property the guest own and use it for. And I can assure you, its most definetely not a toy. " EM: "Don't lie to me, if I say its a toy computer, its a toy computer, and an adult like you should not be using it. Hand it over to my son, he is a good child and he is bored, we will leave it at the reception at the end of the day, I promise." Being fed up with this entire day already, I was about ready to explode in her face when her son arrives to hold his mother by the hand. I immediately calm down and say to her: ME: "Oh, that's your son? I am terribly sorry, I thought that was your pet pig. Easy mistake to make, considering how he was behaving. A credit to his mother! This tablet costs probably as much as your car. Do you really expect anyone to lend his property to this unruly animal, regardless of how much it costs?" Mouth agape, staring at me wide eyed, visibly stung at the vile truth that has presented to her, she tried to pull together some semblance of a response, but all that coming out of her mouth was incoherent nonsense. She went back to the table defeated and she didn't even say goodbye. Moral of this story? I suppose that you can take down EM in a fit of rage which would escalate the confrontation, try and patronize her, which only gives her ammunition to fight you, or you can play dirty and hit her where it hurts. ================================= {258 points} EM and her kid wreak havoc at the skate park, try to steal my BMX bike --------------------------------- Ok long story short, I have a pro BMX bike that I cant share the brand name of. (Hint: Its named after the last day of the weekend.) It cost me about $500 and it is really one of my prized possessions. I usually take it to my local skate park to do tricks. Its not uncommon for parents to let their toddlers run around the skate park, its really annoying, but we all just try to ignore it. Me and my friends always joke about how one day were gonna hit one of them. Welp. Yesterday it finally happened. I was waiting for my friends to show up and Im the meantime I was riding around the park. I make a jump and all of a sudden this 9 year old comes running in front of me and I crash into him. I fell off my bike and got a little scratched up, but nothing major, but the kid was just on the floor BAWLING. I ran up to ask if he was ok but he just kept crying. All of a sudden, the EM, your average looking Karen, comes running up to me. EM: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!??!? YOU COULD HAVE KILLED MY CHILD! Me: Sorry maam, you should have been watching him, you should probably take him to a hospital. Why was he running in the middle of a skate park anyways? Em: MY CHILD HAS EVERY RIGHT TO PLAY IN THIS PLAYGROUND, YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN WATCHING HIM. Me: Ok first of all, this isnt a playground, this is a skate park, people do dangerous tricks on here and should be no place for a little kid. Em: *just keeps cussing and throwing insults at me* Im surprised her most important priority was throwing insults at me instead of taking her kid to the hospital. Not to mention he was still crying on the ground this whole time. Me: Maam you should probably take your kid to the hospital, he looks pretty bruised up. Em: SHUT UP! You are responsible for this and you should give him your bike as an apology! Me: What? The EM grabs her kid and starts walking toward my bike, which is on the ground. Em: Ok, EK, this bike is yours now thanks to this selfish brat! She grabs my bike off the ground. Me: What the hell lady? Give me back my bike, that cost $500! Em: NO! Im taking this away from you as a punishment for what you did to my child! Meanwhile, my friends show up on their bikes and can hear our screaming. F1: What do you think youre doing? Em: This rascal is trying to steal my childs bike! My friends immediately knew that was my bike. F1: Listen lady, I know thats his bike, weve known each other since the 3rd grade. F2: You better give that back I know for a fact that aint your kids bike. The EM knew she was easily outnumbered, so she dropped the bike and pulled her kid away and left. Ive been reading this subreddit for a while but I never thought Id actually meet an entitled parent in my lifetime. It couldve gotten worse, but Im glad it didnt I really cant believe there are people out there like this. It really dont see much hope for humanity now that entitled parents exist. TL;DR: Dont bring your kids to a skatepark Edit: Minor changes and spelling. ================================= {57 points} EP gets mad at me for wearing Slippers --------------------------------- Hey, people! I can't believe this but, this is my second EP this month. I think there's something up here... anyways, yeah. You read the title (I hope) and yes, it is a very weird thing to get mad about. So, here's some backstory: A little bit ago, I got this like HUGE cut through my foot, and the only thing that didn't hurt it was slippers. Earlier that day my mum told me to go get some eggs from the store. So, I grabbed a bag, put on my slippers, and out I went. When I got to the store, no one even NOTICED my slippers, that is, until I left the store. I said goodbye to the owner of the store, and as I went outside I heard a small child just being all... diddly dee, nothing can go wrong today, you know? Sure, nothing went wrong for him, but... not me. This is what went down: Me: Okay, bye Ben (store owner)! Ben: Bye, OP. K: WEeEeEeEeE! EM: ahem. Me: EM: Ahem. Me: EM: AHEM. I didn't look because my parents taught me well, and yes, I'm painfully aware that I'm kind of talking to you people, but... oh well. EM: Oh, look at me, would you? Me: Y-yeah? EM: Why are you wearing those? Me: What? EM: Those! Me: W-what, my pants? (I don't even know why I said that) EM: No, you stupid child! Those slippers! Me: Well, my-my foot hurts. EM: So? At least you should have some decency! Take those shoes off! Me: Those shoes are slippers. EM: Don't be smart! Just take them off! Me: Um... no. EM: UHMMMMMM.... YES YOU WILL. Me: Ok, yeah. Imma just walk away now. Now, keep in mind I'm carrying 3 dozen eggs this entire time, also a bag of chips for that night. And, I'm not strong so... it is HEAVY. K: Mommy, mommy! Look! He, he, he carries bag like purse! (That's how he spoke) EM: I know, I know child. And, you! (Pointing to me) Carry a bag like a boy! (Sexism?) AND, TAKE THOSE DAMN SLIPPEYS OFF!! Me: H- EM: AT LEAST YOU SHOULD RESPOND! Me: ...? EM: You know what? Give me those chips and maybe I wont report you. Ok, we don't even have police, our town is so small. Yeah. How would she report me? Me: Lady, I don't know, or care if you're new here, but we don't have police! So, unless we feel like waiting an hour for the police to come from the city, just leave me alone. EM: Oh, no. I'll be going to the mayor for this. She then proceeds to pull out her phone, pretends to dial the mayor because she thought that everyone my age is as dumb as a basketball. EM: Yeah, um mayor? Yeah, it's me. She then proceeds to talk for, like, 6 minutes while I have the most "What are you even doing? face" K: MOMMY! I WANT TO HAVE PIZZA. (The store serves pizza) EM: (Pretends to hang up). That's an idea! You! Buy us a pizza, then you can leave. So, guess what I did? I left. The whole time she's just cursing at me, yelling at me to come back, but I didn't. Sure, basically the town is just one road, so she might know where I live now but... meh. Best. Ending. Ever. Am I right? Wait a minute... would the Kid be an EK?? Hm. Have a good day, everyone! ================================= {128 points} Sister (EM) wants me to watch her kids for 5 a day --------------------------------- Disclaimer; Im not too sure if this actually fits as an EM, but it feels like it. Im also wary for posting this because I know I come across as a pushover but I need to vent a little. So basically, I am nine years younger than my sister (EM) and she has two kids (boy, 11 and girl, 5). My sister is in a relationship and lives about 20 minutes away walking at most. Now since I was about 11, Ive been babysitting my younger brother, it was a case of 5 a day for watching him during school holidays and this stopped when I went to university. This did move onto me watching my sisters kids, she would drop them off and Id watch them during the school holidays. Then she was fired (she was stealing from the till but thats a different story completely technically none of the family should know what it was, she says she had a nervous breakdown but shes stolen from people since she was a teenager not really applicable to the story but a bit of background I suppose). So I watched her kids, then when she didnt need me anymore I went to college for childcare, and then university for Psychology. Ive been back home for two years now, Im doing an online masters programme. Basically, my sister decided to go back to work, and in about March she announced that she needed me to watch her kids over the Easter holidays. I didnt think too much of it, we didnt talk payment and she stuck to the original 5 a day thing it was just the two weeks so I didnt mind too much. Cut to the Summer holiday. Her hours changed, so she expects me to be at her house earlier and stay later on as well (it was originally three hours with an hour travelling and now it's five-six hours). I tried to bump up the cost because it felt ridiculous to do all of this for 5 a day nowhere else would she find this price but nope, she point blank refused. So Im a little annoyed but Im handling it. I can handle another week of pretty much nothing even though I am officially qualified to charge a lot more for this. Her kids arent an issue and I can do work at her house while they entertain themselves. Shes just informed me that shes trying for another job soon. This job will include me picking up the youngest (3pm or 4pm if she has her after school clubs) and watching her until about 6:30-7pm all but one weekday. Which I laughed and said was ridiculous and asked if shed pay me more for that. Keep in mind Im at home with my parents right now and they tend to shut the whole house down at about 8 for bed since theyre up super early. I dont want to be making too much noise or cooking when theyre in bed. I'm normally in my room either doing work or doing university work. She just mumbled about discussing it closer to the time. She also said it would only be six months before she can switch to part-time, as though that made it sweeter but not long after this, I should be moving again for a doctorate programme. My sister uses the fact I feel really uncomfortable saying no to family against me and I just feel stupid for thinking she actually cares about me I guess. Not to mention she claims Im a pushover with her kids (which 1. Why let me watch her kids? 2. Why do I need to be in charge of her kids when shes around? They arent my responsibility when shes there). Im not sure how Ill say no to her but I cant do the later shift of watching her kids, doing the holidays is exhausting and depressing and its 5 a day. I half want to demand at least 5 an hour. I feel horrible just leaving her to figure something else out though, she complains about money problems all the time (although shes working minimum wage and hes working a fair bit higher than minimum wage so it isnt exactly dire for her). How do curb my need to please my family but also get self-respect for doing a job Im actually qualified to be paid at least minimum wage for myself? Im tempted to have a chat with her when the kids go back to school and just let her know that I cant keep doing this so shell need to figure something out for the school holidays the next year I can even use my uni course as an excuse I suppose. I go through moments of bitterness and not caring, but it isn't fair that she didn't even ask me in the first place, it was just an expectation that I would do it (and I know I didn't help out by actually doing it). They're just using me and it sucks, especially when she knows that I am trying to save money and struggling to find work alongside my course. Tl;dr my sister expects me to watch her kids for 5 a day at her house during the school holidays and also possibly until 7pm during school days if she gets this new job she wants (but its only for six months! and that is as sarcastic as I can make it) **Edit; turns out there are childminders for 4-5 an hour in the area, so I am a little more frustrated with her now.** ================================= {79 points} 2 for 1 EMs at Summer Day Camp --------------------------------- Reading through all of these EP tales took me down memory lane to myteenage years of being a summer day camp counselor. There were EPs aplenty. Between those who didn't send their kids with money for lunch and yelled at us for not buying them food anyway (or for asking for payment when we DID feed their children) to parents who raged over having to pay for field trips despite the camp itself being free. There was always something. My favorite though had to be the summer I worked with the kids going into 1st grade. So you're dealing with kids between 5-6 years old. Pretty much barely babies. We explain multiple times before camp starts for the summer that lunch needs to be sent from home on Tuesday and Thursday and that kids can opt to bring lunch the other 3 or bring money and order food (bagels monday, hot dogs Wednesday, Pizza friday). They also have snack time at 10 AM and this has to come from home. We had a little boy in our group (Mo) who was a first generation born in the US in his family. Communicating with his mom proved difficult as she refused to answer the phone number provided during the day. Snack time comes and all the wee humans get out their lunch boxes and take out their snacks sitting picnic style on the front lawn. I look over and see Mo sitting their in tears watching his friends eat. I go over. Me: Mo what's wrong? Mo: I'm hungry too. Me: Where's your snack? Did you mom not send you with anything? Mo: \*reaches into his bag and pulls out a pear\* this. He hands it to me and immediately my fingers sink in. It's not even over ripe. It's well on its way to rotting. Now I have nothing on me to even give this kid. I look over and see "Tiffany" one of his classmates. Now Tiffany is...well fed. I see her snack consists of a bag of chips, a bag of butter popcorn, fruit snacks, Pretzels, oreos, and lastly a single apple. I walk over and ask her quietly if she would mind sharing just one of her snacks with her friend Mo cause his snack went bad. She's a nice kid and has no problem handing him the apple. Crisis averted! Til Tiffany's EM shows up. TEM: EXCUSE ME?! Are you the counselor?! Me: \*refrains from pointing out I'm the only one over the age of 6 standing here\* Yes thats me. Is something wr- TEM: Are you the one who stole my daughter's snack?! Me: ...Uh...No. I asked her privately if she would mind sharing with a friend who's snack had gone bad since she had extra. You should be very proud of her. She was very kind and said y- TEM: EXTRA?! My daughter was STARVING by the time it was lunch time! \*behind her even at 6 Tiffany looks confused and embarrassed\* Me: ...She seemed perfectly fine to me. She was playing with her friends without an prob- TEM: I AM NOT HERE TO FEED THESE....'OTHER' CHILDREN! Me: ...ah...other...I see. TEM: Don't you I see me. I know what your thinking. It's not about THAT. Me: Course not. TEM: \*getting angrier by my not taking the bait\* If you steal my daughter's snack again I'll report you! Me: Course you will. She finally just stormed off dragging the poor kid with her. I in turn sit with the other counselors inside and wait for the rest of the kids parents to come get them. Eventually we're down to 3. Mo and his older sister (old enough to not need snack time) and younger brother. 30 minutes past the last pick up time Mo's mother shows up with the baby brother to pick them all up. We explain that 1) She needs to be there to pick her children up on time. We aren't going to wait like this. 2) She needs to send her kids with edible not rotting snacks. She looks annoyed and takes them home. Next day snack time rolls around and I have the foolishness to assume all is well until a lil hand tugs on my shirt hem. Me: Hi Mo. Did mommy pack you snack today? Mo: \*shrugs\* Me: ...you don't know? Mo: \*reaches into his bag and hands me...and unwashed unpeeled raw zucchini it still has the prickly bits on the skin\* How do I eat this? Me: ...I uh...have no freaking clue kid. Mo: \*Begins to cry again\* Before I can say anything Tiffany runs over with a banana offering it to him. Tiffany: \*looks to me\* I won't tell mommy. I was spared TEM. I was NOT spared Mo's EM though...who shows up an hour late. Me: MoEM, again you cannot leave them here an hour past pick up time MoEM: The baby was sleeping. You don't wake a sleeping baby. Me: You know what time pick up is. If you cannot pick him up someone else has to. We cannot stay here and wait with him. MoEM: My son was asleep! Me: \*seeing this is going no where\* Also Mo and his little brother need to have a snack that they can readily at at 10 am. MoEM: I sent one! Me: You sent a raw unpeeled zucchini (which I had found out was meant for them both) MoEM: yes! Did you make it for them? Me: ...Make it? MoEM: \*withering look\* yes! Make their snack! Slice it up and cook it in a pan for them Me: \*standing in the middle of a playground\* ...I cannot COOK for your children. I don't anything to cook with first of all. We don't even have a microwave here. Even if I did I'm also looking after 9 other kids and can't stop everything to prepare a meal for your kids. MoEM: You're ridiculous. That's your job. Me: Ok ya know what lady? I'm done. Send your kids with snack. Pick them up on time. I'm leaving at 3 from now on whether you're here or not. Mo's sister can watch them til you decide to get here. MoEM: No you have to stay until I come. I already told you my baby was asleep!!! Me: I REALLY don't care. I came in the next day to my boss wanting to speak with me. Fortunately after MoEM stormed in to report me for "threatening to abandon her children" he told her that if she was later 1 more time they kids weren't welcome back at all. ================================= {24 points} EM tries to take my book but fails to read a word and give up. --------------------------------- So, this happened ealier today and i'm still laughing. Sorry for the format, im on phone. Also, English is my 2nd language, there will be mistakes. The backstory: I was making my daily commute on bus while reading a book. It was a J. R. R. Tolkien novel ( The Silmarillion for you nerds out there ). As you know, Tolkien writes in a peculiar way and uses really old english. In my country (i live in Brazil), there's this publisher that uses very old translations (i love it, it gives a very interesting touch to the reading), so there are some words that we don't use anymore. Behind me, a mom (EM) and a little girl (NK). So, the history: I was reading, without a care about the world (headphones on and with really loud music). Now, i think this lady called me a few times, because she got fisical trying to comunicate. She tapped my shoulder and i took of my phone. The conversation went something like this: EM: Excuse - me. Did you know that you'll get deaf listening to music this loud? Me: Oh, i don't usually listen like this. I just don't like to be bothered. EM: Well, thats not very polite. I was trying to talk to you. Me: Oh, sorry, the music must be annoying you, i'm going to put the volume down (it wasn't THAT loud, but i always try to be polite). EM: Its not about the music. NK: Please, ask if i can read the book, mom. EM: Shhhh, sweetie, mommy is talking. I turn to the girl and explain: Me: Sorry, kid. This book has a lot of hard words and even i struggle to read. You will get bored if you try. EM: You think my girl can't read this stupid book? How dare you. My girl can read anything. Me: Then you should bring her a book. It's not anybody obligation to entertain your daughter. NK: It's okay mom. ( The kid turns to the window and starts to look outside at this point). The lady seems annoyed, but stops complaining for a while. And then, i made a dumb move: i took out my phone to check the time. I heard that obnoxius voice: EM: SEE, YOU ARE NOT EVEN READING. GIVE HER THE BOOK. Me: Lady, even if i was not reading, it is MY book. You don't give your stuff around just because other people complain to you, or do you? EM almosts choke on her on rage. She's mad. I don't give a damn, i just put my headphone back (remember, the music is very low) and keep reading. EM then said with an angry voice: FINE. If you won't give my daughter the book, i will read to her. This lady just approaches her head over my shoulder (i hate this, don't enter my personal space please) and starts to read. She reads one paragraph, and then get to the word Ainulindal (it's a theme for a "book" inside the Silmarillion - it means Great Symphony). EM - Listen darling, the A... A... Anun... Anin.. Ainud... UGH, WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS THIS BOOK? She retreated with a defeat and i enjoy the rest of my reading in peace. The kid didn't even paid attention to her mom's reading, just keep staring at things outside. I know it's not like those EP that get "mental" over things, but the audacity of this lady was surprising for me. TL;DR: EM tried to get my book, invaded my personal space, tried to read a word from a Tolkien book, failed and got mad. ================================= {1663 points} ED shamed by Restaurant Hostess --------------------------------- (Long) So this happened a few years ago, but reading others stories got me thinking about the Entitled Parents Ive come across over the years (and theres been a few). I lived and worked in a ritzy beach tourist town most my life, made up of people who work there, and people who Vacation there. The tourists were basically all EP, but this one is by far the most stubborn I encountered, but had the most satisfied feeling when he walked away. Backstory: One of the summers I was hostessing at a rather pricey and popular restaurant. The kind of place that you need a reservation for, especially on weekends. This night I was working with 2 of the owners, and the Manager. Cast: Owner 1: Ow1 (an elderly woman who just likes greeting her guests) Owner 2: Ow2 Manager: MG Hostess: Me Entitled Dad: ED - an older (but not elderly) man Embarrassed adult Daughter: EmDa So here we go. Its a Saturday Night at the height of the season, about 6pm, so just about to get hit with our non stop, completely full reservation block over the next few hours. We dont have any tables available for walk-ins. The only tables that are empty are reserved for their upcoming reservations. So Im at The Hostess station in front with Ow1 and MG. In walks ED and EmDa. MG: Welcome to (restaurant name)! What was the name of your Reservation? ED: we dont have one. MG: oh, Im sorry sir, unfortunately we are completely booked tonight, the next open table wont be available for about 2 1/2 hours. ED: (scoffs) What do you mean you dont have a table? I count 10 empty ones right in there! MG: (smiles understandingly)Sir those tables are reserved, the guests will be showing up soon. ED: Well how soon? We can eat quick! MG: That wont be possible, Im sorry sir. EmDa: Dad its fine, I thought this might happen, we should have called, we will next time, lets go to (another local restaurant). ED: No! This is ridiculous, theyre bullshiting me. I want to talk to the owner. At this point Ow1 went to go get Own2 (Own1 rather not deal with this nonsense. No one can blame her, shes paid her dues.) So Ow2 comes out. Ow2: Hi there, what seems to be the problem here? ED: This man keeps telling me he doesnt have any tables available for 2 hours! Thats crazy! I see empty tables! ((Most annoying line to a hostess)) Ow2: hmm, let me look at the reservations and tables here. ((MG and I both try not to snigger, Ow2 is a back of the house manager, he doesnt know much about seating charts, but hes appeasing the man)) Im sorry sir, looks like the next table wont be available for another 2 1/2 hours. ED: Fine! If thats really the case, then well wait! Ill stand right here the whole time! I know it wont be 2 hours! EmDa: Dad, come on, can we please go somewhere else? ED: No! Im proving a point! They wont fill up like they claim they will! EmDa: (exasperated) fine Dad, you stay, Im leaving. And she left. He was a little shocked, but not enough to follow her. So we took his name, and he proceeded to stand in our small entryway as people poured in. We were full within 20 minutes. But this Stubborn ED held his ground. He was going to stay, wait, and glare at us. He kept mumbling to himself, and every now and then youd hear make my point We turned countless other families away in that time, and every single one understood. Behind the scenes, Ow2 and MG were stressing that if/when he eventually got a table he was going to get worse just out of spite, so they were trying to think of ways to get him to leave without outright throwing him out for no reason. After about 90 mins MG was sick of this guys presence and went back to talk to Ow2 again, our next reservation wouldnt be in for another 20 minutes. I was at the stand now, ED walked up to me. I guess he thought going after the Manager and Owner didnt work, so maybe he could guilt the ditzy hostess. ED: How much longer? Me: (giving my best customer service smile) Only about 30 minutes sir. ED: :snorts and rolls his eyes: sure. That got me. I couldnt hold it in any longer. I had a lot of feelings about what he was doing, but not ones he was expecting. So in my sweetest voice, Me: Sir, That woman you came in with, she was your daughter? ED proudly: Yes she is! I dropped my smile, and purposely let myself look confused/upset. (In all honesty, I genuinely was) Me: Im sorry sir, its just, I lost my dad when I was a little girl, I would have loved the chance to have father/daughter dinners with him. To see you just throw that away to prove a point is heartbreaking. I cant imagine how your daughter must feel. You guys, this SHOOK him. I wasnt expecting that. He didnt say anything, just looked ashamed, stood there for a minute, then turned around and walked out. My eyes literally went wide as I turned to look at Ow1, who was giving the same look. I thought I was in trouble for a second, but then she started laughing and told me thats how you do it, thats how you put em in their place! Mg, and Ow2 should have seen that! It was incredibly satisfying. And even though we didnt get one for his awful behavior, I hope he apologized to his daughter. ================================= {183 points} UPDATE: EM gets her son bad,y injured and blames it on me --------------------------------- If you want to see my last post just go onto my profile, the update is that the police were involved because the EM called the cops, after that, the EM lied and had all the evidence because of the mark on her son, but luckily for me, there was a witness, he was leaving for work when he heard me telling the EM and EK not to touch my dog, and he (thank god) recorded it and sent it to the cops, and the EM and EK are now really hated for trying to kill my dog and my dog is still alive. Sorry for posting the update 2 weeks later, it happened 1 week ago but I didnt post it because I was focused on some other things. ================================= {384 points} Entitled Racist Family goes one against each other and insults me! --------------------------------- B1 and B2 - My brothers EM - Entitled Mom ED - Entitled Dad EK1, EK2, EK3 - Entitled Kids Me - Me A bit of context: I was on the train with my two brothers going from Rimini to Bologna (two Italian cities ~120km apart) and we were facing a really quiet and calm train trip after a week of vacation at the beach. Cue the Entitled Family. You could smell the entitlement two wagons away. They get on the train and already they're super loud, which I notice since I was on the verge of dozing off. Guess where they sit down? Right fucking besides me. EM is screaming at EK1 (9-10yo), and when they get nearer, I get to understand what the fuss' about: **EM** - Somebody stole my phone and it was your fault! If you hadn't asked me for the charger I'd have the phone now! **EK1** - But I needed it, I wanted to play (this game) on my phone! EM starts screaming profanities at his kid (like really bad), and starts demanding that he gave her his phone to keep, as a "compensation". EK1 says no, EM snatches the phone and pockets it, all the while still screaming at him. At this point, EK2 (13-14yo) starts mocking EK1 because "it was all his fault that mom lost her phone, should be ashamed" (what a shit brother), and ED tells EK1 to sit elsewhere because "he doesn't want to be near such an idiot" (yes, this was the **dad**). EK1 goes to sit elsewhere, kicking the seat in front of him (with an elderly seated), all the while EK3 (3-4yo) starts demanding to play with EK1's confiscated phone. EM, obviously, complies. After two or three minutes, EK3 starts screaming he's "bored", and starts throwing a tantrum (I gave up on trying to sleep and was just enjoying the scene). But then... He gets off his seat and comes to mine. And starts kicking it. I look at the mom, don't say anything, and just stare at her with the deathliest of looks. She gets her kid back and scolds me off. I don't care. 30 minutes later, me and my brothers are at our stop, and we're packing our stuff to get off. Until I hear EM say to ED, behind my back: "That kid (me) must be a *terrone*, so rude" (terrone is a pretty bad racial insult in Italian, directed to southerners like Sicilians, which by the way **I am one**). I hear her. I turn. I stare her down. I don't say anything. I just look at her for 30 seconds, enough to make her feel like the piece of shit she is. And it worked, she clenched her husband's arm and looked at the ground. Nobody else noticed, not even my brothers. We got off the train and went about our day. ================================= {6347 points} Entitled Parent yells at me for Using the Bathroom --------------------------------- So this story was a couple of months ago but it is still the craziest entitled parent moment I have ever had. I was on my way to work and I was dressed in a black t-shirt, push up bra (relevant), jeans and sneakers. I should also mention that because my hair is short I am frequently mixed up with being a guy but I go to extra lengths to make it a little easier on people who don't notice boobs or a lack of Adam's apple. Usually, I wear makeup and make sure to always wear pushup bras and women's clothes so no one questions me. Anywho on my way to work, I really need to pee, like OUTSTANDINGLY SO. The kinda pee that consumes your every waking thought. So I stop at the shopping centre to use the bathroom, I walk into the female bathroom and I get a few funny looks (nothing unusual, I understand) but most people just do a quick double-take then mind their own damn business. Once I finish my quest I go to wash my hands and that when I meet Entitled Mom (EM) and her kid, a little boy about 5-6 years old. EM: \*Ahem\*I glance at her briefly but just go back to washing my hands EM: Excuse me? Me: Yes? EM: You're in the wrong bathroom Me: Pardon sorry? EM: BATHROOM, you need to go to the other bathroom Me: With all due respect Ma'am, I'm a girl EM: I don't want my little boy growing up thinking that people can just use whatever bathroom they please, you need to leave. Now usually I'm a very chill person, I'd just walk away and leave her to her little entitled life but that day I was in a good mood so I decided to give her a piece of my mind. Me: Ma'am, I'm a girl, a woman at that, I have just as much a right to be in this bathroom as you do, furthermore I am washing my hands, getting ready to leave - just treat me with the respect of everyone else in this bathroom and leave me be. EM: I don't know what's wrong with you trannys but I just want to go to the bathroom without you flaunting yourself everywhere Now I was TICKED Me: Ma'am, I have treated you with nothing but respect, I have been understanding and considerate but all you have done is continued to berate me and use slurs that are extremely offensive. So I'm going to tell you for the last time, I'm a girl, born a girl, will die a girl, here is my student ID card from an all-girls school, my license which says that I'm a female. Furthermore, here is a picture of me as a baby, dressed in a pink frilly dress. If that isn't enough to prove it to you, you should just mind your own damn business. And with that... I left. Even flipped her the bird on the way out. Edit: A lot of people are asking why the heck I had a picture of myself as a baby with me. It was actually from a couple of days before: I got it from my mom to prove to my friends that I was blonde as a baby and it was still in my camera roll. Also, I'm not transgender but it's awesome to see such a large number of responses from the community, I hope you guys don't have to experience anything like this. ================================= {25 points} Ep breaks into house and takes brothers kid --------------------------------- So this is an update to another post which you can find here https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/cokplq/ep_trying_to_take_brothers_kid_away/ Im just going to get right into this People: Eb - entitled bitch B - brother Bg - brothers girlfriend (eb is her mom) Bga- brothers girlfriends aunt Ok, so this happened like yesterday, about a month after the last story, so my brother is basically in control and makes the discussions since bg cant parent the kid right now according to some medical papers that we have because of her condition, my brother and bg are not home during the day since they have jobs to work so my mom is basically in charge of taking care of him then, or my grandma, so my brother thought that it would be a good idea to give my mom temporary custody to the kid so that if anything happens she would be able to take him to the hospital. Eb find out about this and she already hates my family, so she somehow gets bg in with her plan to take the kid from our house. So eb, bg, and bga get into our house because bg has a key cause she lived here, my grandma is watching him for the day, they come in and trap my grandma into a corner while bga breaks into my parents room and takes the car seat and put him into her car and drives off to ebs house, my mom hears about this and calls police, they do nothing because she is the mom, she wont let my brother see him at all and she is parenting him with her mom, which let me tell you, is a pill popper. So yeah police wont do shit because we have to take the papers that say she is not allowed to parent him to a lawyer, we called cps and they are checking on him occasionally and they say he is healthy and stuff but they cant do anything about it either, so yeah bring an uncle is really fucking stressful apparently. ================================= {55 points} Entitled dad on the trail gets shitty --------------------------------- Last Christmas, after grabbing our tree, my wife and I decided we would take my toddler and my old hound dog on a walk at one of our local state parks. It's important to know that all these state parks require your dog to be on a leash at all times [and of course pick up after your pets]. We pull into the parking lot and I notice how empty it is, only one other car is at the trailhead so we began our walk. About a hundred yards down the trail, directly in the middle of the path, is a big steaming pile of fresh dogshit that my toddler almost steps in. Now I already had a full roll of dog poop bags and I hate to see litter so I figure what the hell might as well grab it and do my good deed for the day. Farther up the trail I see the culprit, entitled dad, his toddler, and his dog. Here is where the trouble starts. Entitled dad and his troupe have stopped at a point in the trail that is impossible to get around, like the trail skirts the inside of a cave and then continues on up a hill. It's actually a really cool place that used to be an Old Mineral Spring. Now usually this would be no big deal except for his dog is not on a leash and running wild. I yell out to ED "hey buddy do you mind leashing your dog quick?" ED "it's fine she's friendly." Now my dog is a sweet guy but he's old and doesn't really have any interest in making friends, he just wants a quick butt sniff and then move on. No playing, no humping, and he does not respond well to aggression. So like the idiot I am I trust the guys word and start walking closer to the cave where ED has stopped. I get a little closer and this dog starts flipping out, snarling, growling, haunches raised. I don't want anything to happen to my dog and I certainly don't want to bring my toddler anywhere near this mutt. So I yell out again "hey man dogs are supposed to be on a leash can you please leash her up." Ed, Mumble something which sounded a lot like "for fucksake" and grabs his dog by the collar and forces her up The Path and he and his daughter leave. My wife and I take some time at the cave playing with the kid and giving this guy some space as well. We then continue on our way up the trail after about 15 minutes. Well another quarter mile in who should pop up on the trail again but ED and again I see his dog is running around and going crazy. Just like before she starts snarling and growling at us. Also, genius ED picked another fine spot on the Trail to stop where there might be three or four feet of room to pass. This time my wife who is sweet as pie yells out to him "excuse me sir could you please control your dog so we can pass?" ED ignores us just like before so I have to yell out "come on buddy leash your dog, it's a state law." ED begrudgingly grabs the dog by the collar and yells very pissy "well usually there's nobody here I don't know why you have to make a big fucking deal out of it." Me "because your dog is growling and being aggressive and I have a toddler and I don't want him or my dog to get bit" ED: "that doesn't mean you have to be assholes about it" I was about to explain to him who the real asshole was but my wife gently touched my arm and said "don't" or "stop" or something. She knows how I get. We did finally manage to get around him but it was fucking awful. The whole time his dogs is acting like he's going to snap our heads off and my wife has to carry my toddler who is very distressed and my dog isn't having any of it so I have to almost carry him around this dipshit and his fucking dog. The worst part was that this asshole couldn't give a shit less, it was like he was seeing how close is dog can get to us. Now I wish I could say here is where it ended but unfortunately not. I guess asshat decided we had gotten far enough away and released his dog because not five minutes later, out of nowhere, his shity little mutt jumps out from some trees and tries to attack my dog. That's when it turns into a shitshow, screaming, yelling, I'm holding my dog trying to kick his dog back. Wife is clutching my toddler and trying to run away. Toddler is crying bloody murder. My dog is going crazy trying to protect himself and my toddler. I'm sure you've seen this kind of seen before it's not pretty especially when you have a 2yo to worry about. I finally landed a good kick to this dogs face all the while holding my hound dog by the collar so he's basically standing unprotected on his back legs and EDs dog runs back. I'm cussing and all pissed off, my wife is trying to calm me down and I whip out my phone to call the park ranger's office. Unfortunately it was a Sunday and none of the Rangers picked up the phone which was super disappointing. Even though no one got hurt I really wanted that guy to at least get some kind of ticket. But Revenge was to be served steaming hot that day as fuck wad ED had left his driver and passenger window down to get some air in his car. So I took the dog poop bag from his dog and the dog poop bag from my dog, pulled at the knot I had made so that it was ripped open a little bit, wedged them into his window one by one and flung them down onto the floor by his passenger seat with my finger tips. Now unfortunately it was a pretty temperate late fall day so I doubt that dogshit had time to really rot and stink it up but that sure felt good. I hope he didn't notice for a while and the smell stayed in his car for a good week or two, fucking asshole. Tldr screw with the safety of my family and my dog gets you a ride in the shitmobile Edit: [he might be old and smell a little bit musty but my boy is a fucking legend, best dog I'll ever own](https://i.imgur.com/NoPmfdQ.jpg) ================================= {27 points} The most horrible thing i have ever witnessed, children running amok in the grocery store, while also playing with the electric carts --------------------------------- I just left giant eagle, which for those of you that dont know, is a grocery store chain. This whole thing just happened and it sickens me that parents would let their kids do this. Me and my mom walked in and saw a kid with two friends on an electric cart for the disabled. At first we had the benefit of the doubt and hoped that they were just taking it to a parent. Oh how wrong we were. In come their friends, one of them also on a cart. They were running around like crazy, one of them even started playing with a ball. All this time no parents to be seen. Then one of them dies, and they abandon it in the middle of the aisle. I dont understand what kind of person just lets their kids loose like that. It disgusts me so so much. I didnt encounter the parents, but its obvious they were the careless type given they let their kids run around a grocery store alone. The fact that they were for the disabled is what gets me most. People need that to buy their groceries. They need to buy groceries to live. Its horrible that these kids were left alone to do this. ================================= {558 points} Addendum to EM brings along her kid to work unannounced --------------------------------- This is an addendum to my previous post: [EM brings along her kid to work unannounced](https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/cvlg1b/em_brings_along_her_kid_to_work_unannounced/) I did not expect my post to get so much attention. Thank you for the upvotes and comments. I guess the purpose of this is to address some points that I've decided to miss out so that the story didn't get too long. I owe it to my wonderful team and company, who have been extremely supportive to me. I've noticed some comments hastily condemning or judging the people involved (EM, C, Me, my company) to be assholes, bitches, thieves, etc. Let's not be judgemental here, I'll shortly explain why. Just wanted to share the level of entitlement EM has (which is the purpose of this sub right?). ----------------------------- More details at the carnival: - C was able to "watch it unfold", because the interaction between me and EM when she brought along a kid was a good 10 mins. Basically, It wasn't the first time this happened (will share more later) and I had already told her to go home. - EM refused to leave because she felt the job was "owed" to her and she was entitled to the full pay, even though she was sent home. She was yelling and throwing a tantrum "Pay me now and I'll leave". Hence, C stepped in. - The kid was only 5 to 6 years old. We didn't think it would be appropriate for her to be following her mom around the carnival under the hot sun for the full day (which was what EM suggested she would be doing - "[My kid] can hold on to my belt throughout the day. I've done this before.") - EM said that it will only be for a few hours as her husband will come later (an obvious lie as she had done this before). As expected, no one turned up and EM conveniently not bring it up anymore. - C is a jolly, loveable person in the company with his quick wits and laid-back attitude. He's really harmless and not as malicious I made him out to be (what's a story without some embellishment, hehe). It was his off time and he had plans to go home and come back later in the evening. He chose to stay as he saw I needed help. He initially only intended to spend $30 on the kid as that was only what he had in the wallet. He intended it to be a "slap-on-the-wrist" for EM after the carnival when he tried to claim the amount from her. He systematically planned a route for the both of them so the kid can see as much of the carnival as possible before getting tired (6 years old kid). Throughout the day, some of the guys also chipped in seeing how much fun she was having. Of course, C had the quick wits to pool it together and seek "revenge" on EM. - At the end of the carnival, again she made a big scene about payment and hours worked. The part-timers were required to report 30 mins before the carnival start time for preparation. EM reported 45 mins after the carnival started. Including the argument with me and preparations, she only started 1.5 hours into the carnival. We couldn't give in to her and it wouldn't be fair to the others who reported on time. To which she replied that she derserved it because she has a kid and should be given the full amount even if we had to deduct the pay of the other part-timers because "these people without kids don't need it". She even tried asking for a bonus because she could "see" how well the sales went because of how "well" she performed. - We could have deducted the amount from her pay (it will not be illegal, more on this later). But we wanted to screw with her so we are planning to issue two cheques to her name ($20 and $120). First, she'll be issued the $20 cheque with the deductions, if she accepts this, we'll continue engaging her along with a long talk about her attitude and hopes she changes. If not, we'll issue her what is rightfully hers and not engage her anymore. Let's just hope her sense of entitlement isn't so much that she demands for both cheques. ----------------------- About EM: - Although entitled and difficult to work with, EM has been trained by the company and is competent to perform her duties (caveat: if she wants to perform them properly). Generally a nice person to talk to, and tries to give her best for her kid. - Most of our part-timers are considered employees with their rights and privilages under applicable labour laws in my country. EM somehow feels she's above this. She calls herself a consultant/manager, managing consultant or some fancyful title (can't be sure it sounds too confusing). In most companies, EM is considered a freelancer, which means little to no labour rights/previlages. If there are any dispute, she can only turn to small claims tribunal, which in turn, we can turn to for the childcare services. Additionally, she also feels that paperwork is beneath her and her "secretary" (i.e. in this case, me) should settle it for her. When all of us were doing the paperwork to clock the time worked, she had the time to make a scene. - The main benefit to EM as a freelancer is that she can negotiate payment and determine her own terms, along with the ability to engage several companies at a time (which she does). - EM doesn't really need the money, but does it because "it is too much of a deal to pass off". The job of this nature usually cost around $10 per hour, but she managed to negotiate with HR for $15. - EM is known to bring her kid along for work to "force" things her way or get an advantage. Some examples: Taking a longer (2 hours instead of 1) break because her kid is with her. Negotiating for more pay right before working. Never bothered looking for a sitter because she feels "there are people sitting around and look free to watch over her kid". - I've personally watched over her kid before around a year or so before, as she brought along her kid. Thankfully, it was only for a 2-3 of hours. She sat with me in the office while I worked on my computer. A really well-behaved, sweet girl that didn't give problems. I switched on some cartoons for her to watch on another the laptop. --------------------------------- Hope this gives a clearer perspective of all parties. Just wanted to highlight the entitlement and there's no need for personal attacks. P.S. Payment will be made this friday and I'll update the outcome. ================================= {106 points} Entitled dad gets absolutely pissed at me trying to save him from losing 2000$ worth of elections --------------------------------- Hello, this is actually my first time posting and my first time Ive encountered an EP, and let me tell you its a scary encounter when your a wussy teen like me. So we have the cast Me- me duh M-manager EP- entitled dad EC- little shrimp So for starters, I work at a trampoline park. At this trampoline park, we have a contract with a VR company that sets up there VR for people to play games on it. I mostly work that area since I can work my way around electronics and Ive seemed to gain a lot of trust from working with it. This happened during summer break so its kinda vague but Ill do my best to describe everything. During training we were told to not let ANYONE touch ANYTHING, because 1 and a million things can go wrong for a VR, and I took that serious. I usually take late night shifts and on one I met an entitled dad. Around 10:30 PM, there was only about 20 kids in the building, since the place closed at 11:00. And so there was only one kid on the VR. All of a sudden he takes off the headset and puts down the controller and starts running away, which is never a good thing, as the wire connected to the VR was hanging from a frame which could damage the headset itself. I didnt noticed this and (I admit wasnt doing a good job since I was tired) day there for a few seconds. Also forgot to mention, we have 4 VR spots. Each game is 5 minutes long as a lot of people like the VR, and all the games are connected, meaning that if one person wants to play a game, EVERYONE has to play that game. So after the first kid ran off, I just stood there while half asleep. All of a sudden EP appeared... EP was with his daughter who was probably around 6-7. And decided since Im not there, hes gonna have to do everything himself. He grabs his child and puts on the headset (keep in mind that game the first kid was playing was still going) and gave him the controller without the wrist straps on. This instantly scared me as the child before was playing a scary game (some zombie shooter thingy). I rush over to the man and I explained to him that he should wait for an employee to come and assist him. He just ended up ignoring me. After only 2 minutes of gameplay for the child, I started to take off the headset and this is where the conversation began EP- what are you doing? Me- Im taking the headset off since the game is over EP- my daughter only got like 3 minutes on it! Me - (still tired as ever) well okay sir Ill let her go again, just give me a few minutes as I need to use the restroom. About 3 minutes later I come back to see the EK Playing on the VR. I even noticed that on the screen (where I can see the game) that he changed a few things from the control panel. This really did raise some red flags. When I rushed over I stopped the game in a panic. The EP starts to tell EP- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Me- sir I told you to wait! You cant just set this up on your own. All this equipment costs about 100000$ (not kidding) and if something break because of you, you have to pay for it. EP- quit lying! I have one of these at home and I know how to work a VR on my own. I instantly doubted this because of one or two thing. Firstly, at the place I work, customers get wristbands for what they pay for Example - platinum gets you all the attractions Gold- restrictions to a few attractions, (THE VR ISNT ALLOWED FOR THIS WRISTBAND) The EPs daughter had the wrong wristband, and if they had a VR at home, why would they play here instead of home??? Me- sir your child doesnt even have the right wristband! EP- okay you know what, you suck at your job!! Im going to tell your manager what a shit job youre doing to paying customers like me. And after that they stored out. A few minutes later, one of my managers came out of no where and I called him over (cool guy btw) M- whats wrong? Me- an adult started yelling at me (I explained everything to him) M- well you know what you should of done? Me- ? M-you should just smile and say have a good rest of your day And he gave me a smile and ran off to do whatever. Honestly, Ive never thought Id be kinda scared to encounter an EP. Im 16 and yeah I can be tough here and there, but when you need to be nice (especially in a sort of child environment) its kinda hard to defend yourself (for me atleast) A few days later my manager came to talk to me about the incident and surely enough, I was in the clear as what I did was good and professional! Thanks for reading! ================================= {10 points} "Stop doing SATAN WORSHIP!" as I work on mathematics in a LIBRARY --------------------------------- Hey! Long time seeker, first time poster. This one's a bit anticlimactic, I should warn. Sorry about my english as well, it's my native language but I suck at speaking it. Ah, my first entitled parents encounter this weekend. Where to begin? Some backstory: I go to this gifted school which often ranks really high. However, this school gives a huge workload, and so I have to do a lot of studying. In this particular instance, I was working on a school project in the library involving math. I'm also in this library volunteer club, so the librarian knows me pretty well. I'm also Indian. This will be important later. Here's the cast: Me: nerdie01 CZ: Crazy Zealot K: Decent Kid M: Guy sitting next to me NL: Nice Librarian So, I continued to work on my math stuff, specifically I was writing out an integral equation. I heard some footsteps behind me, and turned around to see a red- haired Karen of about 60 years walked behind me, and she had a kid next to her of about 6. CZ: What are you looking at? Me: Uh. Nothing, never mind. (I'm a little socially awkward, I should mention.) K: What is he doing, Mommy? CZ: *leans over to observe what I'm doing and says rather loudly* WHAT IS THAT?! Me: It's... uh... CZ: That's the devil's language! Stop spreading LIES! You need Jesus! (something along these lines, i forget what exactly :p) Me: Uh... OK then... CZ: I'm going to find you a Bible to read! You need to be enlightened! K: Mommy, let's go, please? Let's leave this boy alone! Me: Alright then... I'm still sitting there, and I already *know* at this point this is an entitled parents story. I'm almost laughing when CZ actually *finds a fucking Bible.* She sits down on the chair next to me, opens the book, and starts crumpling and tearing up my math papers which I'd spent an hour on. Me: Wha... what are you doing, ma'am?! CZ: I'm SAVING you! Me: Ah! Come on, why can't you just leave me alone? CZ: I can't let you fall to Satan! I can't really think of any comebacks, so I just decide to call my cool friend the librarian. NL: Hey. I'm gonna need you to leave. CZ: I haven't done anything wrong! NL: Ma'am, this is a place of study and education. You have no right to spread your religion here. Go somewhere else and do it. CZ: Alright, let's go. CZ pulls her child and leaves the library. I still lost my math project, though, and I had to redo it. TL;DR: Crazy zealot mom destroys my math project, and tries to "save me from Satan." ================================= {8 points} ED calls me a school shooter for the crime of....having a doberman and wearing a nirvana shirt --------------------------------- Oh boy this was certainly something. A bit of background, my dog, Ziggy, is a very threatening looking dog. Shes what's called a canis panther, which is basically a cross between a doberman, a pitbull, a greyhound and a black lab. She can be a bit hostile, since she barks a lot at people she doesnt know, but shes afraid of bunnies so she really can't do anything. Anyways hErEs ThE cAsT oF cHaRaCtErS Ek- Ethiopian ketamine Ed- erectile dysfunction Me: microwaveable Estonia I was walking Ziggy around the block when EK and ED struck. I saw them a hundred or 2 feet away from me on the block, and since I didn't want to scare EK with Ziggy's barking, I decided to cross the street. I continued on with my walk for a bit, until I heard ziggy growling at something behind me. I turn around, and lo and behold, its ED Ed: my son has a problem with your dog. Hes scared of it. You really need to put it down, put bulls are dangerous breeds, see its growling at me. Me, pulling Ziggy closer to me: I'm not just gonna put ziggy here down. She just has a bit of anxiety around people, and I dont want her to bark and scare your son, ok? Shes really a good girl, she is just a bit scared. Also I'd appreciate if you called my dog her, since shes a girl. It just feels weird for someone to refer to her as it, since shes kinda like family to me. Ek, from a distance: Daddy, the scary boy woth the weird shirt's(I was wearing a black nirvana shirt) dog tried to bite me!!! Ed: see, look what you've gone and done! I cant believe that you own such a vile dog and are wearing such obscene clothes! Ok at this point I was half expecting him to say give me the dog, but to my disappointment that did not happen. Anyways back to the story Ed: that dog need the get put down this instant! Me: *flips him off and just straight up starts walking away* Ed: oh no you're not leaving me! Not until I know you're gonna kill that thing! Me: what the fuck is wrong with you? Ed: no, you the fuck is wrong with *you*? With that thing that I hope gets hit by a car. You know what, I hope you get hit by a car aswell, considering you look like you'll shoot up a school. Me, admittedly with a bit of attitude: wow, a forty something year old wishing death on a 14 year old and saying he'll shoot up a school despite having no evidence to back up that claim so you look like a giant douche, very classy. Admittedly I wanted to add how is your divorce going, but that was a bit far. I probably should've tho , considering wishing death on someone is also taking it pretty far Ed: I- Me: yeah no, shut up. Bye Now, if you know anything about dobermans and greyhounds, they're very athletic and are fast runners. I fucking sprinted, and so did she. But yeah, i hope i never see him again ================================= ######r/MaliciousCompliance###### {5844 points} Can't order office supplies? Have fun getting what you need! --------------------------------- I originally posted this in Pro Revenge, but a few thought it belonged here. Please let me know what you think. Some back story, which is quite long, so I apologize: For a few years I worked as an office administrator. When I was awarded a new position, they allowed me to retain some abilities as the admin until the new person in the position had learned enough and felt confident to take it on. One of those abilities was ordering office supplies, including bathroom supplies. The person ended up leaving within a few months and a new person, who had prior experience, filled the position. After a few months of the newest person being there and getting her log in for the office supplies, it was decided by my store manager (SM for short) that I had to get a manager's permission to order any supplies from then on, and they had to sign off on it. One such time, the admin was out for a few days and we needed the commercial paper towel rolls. I got the sign off and ordered them. They came in, the wrong kind, or so I thought. I told my assistant manager (AM for short) and said I'd make a refund request and reorder. But I forgot to get him to sign off on it. While I was reordering, someone opened the box and used a roll, which I was unaware of yet. Apparently they actually fit the dispensers. The new order came in the next day and I noticed the other box opened and a roll missing. I checked the dispensers and both fit. While I was doing this, and had decided to return the latest box, someone else pulled a roll out and had started to use it. I told the same AM all of this, still forgetting that I hadn't gotten him to sign off. I left a note on the SM's desk, with the receipts explaining this perfect storm, with an apology, but noted we had paper towels now for 2 months. When my SM saw this he called me into his office and asked about the second receipt and why I didn't get a sign off. I explained I had forgotten to get the second sign off, but AM was aware of what happened, had approved it verbally, and my main concern was trying to fix it first before we could no longer get it next day. By then I had forgotten to get the sign off. When the AM was asked about it he claimed he had no knowledge of this. To this day, I have no idea why he did that other than to be a jerk. I was called into the office and asked about it in AM's presence. I went through the events, but he looked me dead in the eye and flat out lied that I never told him this. I was written up and my access was revoked, of which AM was made aware. I was also told I couldn't buy anything and get reimbursed for it later. No matter if I had permission or not. Cue a month later, and our admin is on a 2 week vacation when we run out of something that my AM or the store needs. I can't remember what, but it can only be purchased through the log in to get it next day, Friday, otherwise it has to wait until the next Friday. AM comes to me while I'm in the presence of co-workers and says, "Hey, I need you to order this thing." With my best innocent and fake apologetic face on, I look him dead in the face and say, "Oh! I'm sorry AM! I no longer have access to that because I didn't get permission last time. We won't be able to get anymore until next week Friday." He says for me to just run up to the store and go get a similar item in the meantime and he'll sign off on it for reimbursement. And again, I say, "I'm sorry AM, I'm no longer allowed to do that either." My co-workers ask me what that was all about, so I told them. Apparently, I'm not the only one this sort of thing had happened to. They all enjoyed the result. It was recommended that I add some more details, the afterward, to make it a little more satisfying. I was written up more so because my SM thought I lied about telling my AM, than that had I ordered another supply of paper towels without a sign off. Though that was also part of it. The write up lasted only 3 months and it was simply a note saying I didn't follow SOP for ordering despite being told more than once to get a sign off. Within a year after this, others decided to speak up more, and more often, about this AM. He basically got himself fired, not for lying, but for being sophmoric (sp?) toward a female underling. The final straw I guess. He had been with the company,that store, for about 15 yrs and had a reputation among the regular staff for acting like a teenager and inciting drama between co-workers, even though he is in his 50s. He had somehow always managed to not get caught as the instigator. During the HR review, they asked particular staff about other incidents, of either lying or inappropriate behavior, towards them or others, that people knew about and one of my co-workers mentioned that he was there that day, near my AM, when the paper towel incident happened. He corroborated everything I said about telling the AM and the AM laughing about it and reminding me to bring the receipt to sign off. My SM was told as well and apologized for not believing me. ================================= {828 points} Shirt and Tie Required For Class? As you request... --------------------------------- While I was attending a local community college, I worked the graveyard shift at a software duplication company as a tech. As this gig was primarily a manufacturing environment (high speed copying of floppy disks), the dress code was t-shirt and jeans. My first class was 1 hour after the end of my shift, As this was the start of rush hour, it gave me little time to make drive from work to school. I usually arrived about 5 mins before class. The syllabus for the class stated that students wear slacks, dress shirt, and tie to class. The instructor felt that since we would be working in the computer tech field the we needed to get used to wearing this attire every day. With my work schedule this proved nearly impossible to do an be on time for class and the last thing I needed to be wearing at work was a dress shirt. I opted for a nice polo shirt that I could quickly put on when parked at school After a couple of weeks, my instructor called me out for not wearing a shirt and tie. I tried to explain that I didn't have time to change before class and also noted that I already worked in the field and wasn't required to dress up for work. Not good enough, so he demanded that I arrive the following Monday wearing a shirt and tie. Shirt and tie? Nothing was stated as to what shirt and tie.... My then girlfriend and I decided to go shopping. The was back in 1989, so neon and pastels were still in fashion. It was also the age of the power tie. Hmm, lets combine those styles: Yellow neon dress shirt, red power tie for Monday. Neon Pink shirt with lime green skinny tie for Tuesday. Red shirt with orange tie on Wednesday.... you get the picture. I walked into class with a different shirt/tie combination every day for two weeks. I finally called up to his desk after class to discuss my style choices. Since his dress code could not be used part of my grade, he relented and I was able to wear my collared polo shirts to class from that point forward. I ended up with the 2nd highest grade in the class so he couldn't complain about my abilities. In my 30 years in IT, only one job that I held for year required a tie. ================================= {789 points} You interrupt me to demand more cream cheese icing? Alright, then --------------------------------- Alright, this is one of my favorite stories from a grocery store bakery I worked in for a little over 5 years. I had worked for the grocery store for 7+ years total. I have some great stories that I'll post in other subreddits, but for now, please enjoy this gem. ***To clarify, everything in the donut case was referred to as donuts, yes, even the cinnamon rolls. I rolled with it at work. The icing comes from a bucket labeled cream cheese icing. I havent worked here for almost a year now, so unless something changed, this is still the case. Some context about the lady in this story: she's a regular customer, older, probably in her 50's. She didn't stop by the bakery too much, but I knew her because she was always really entitled and nasty. She would either a) demand me to check if we had more cinnamon rolls in back, or b) demand more cream cheese icing on top. She always came to me and never bothered to ask anyone else, probably because I was one of the youngest workers in the department at that time. Fast forward to about 2pm on Mother's Day, and the workflow was pretty steady. I hadn't experienced any drama up until the lady walked in. I was the only one working with a customer at this point, writing on a cake for him, with all my other co-workers standing around the gourmet case (a glass case with a lot of bakery goods in it). I just hear "umm.... *excuse me*??? I need some help!" I looked up and asked someone to help her. The lady was clearly offended, "um NO, I want YOU to help me! You're not doing anything!" I replied, after making eye-contact with the guy I was helping, "I'm with a customer. I'll be with you in just a moment." She just couldn't handle no for an answer.....and she raised her voice some more...."I want more cream cheese on my donut right *now!!*" We had single-serve containers for the donuts if people didn't want them in a plastic bag, so there's quite a lot of room up towards the lid. Usually she wanted a lot, and I mean *a lot* of cream cheese. I put a little extra on, just so I could hear her say, "NO, that's unacceptable. *I want much more than that*!" She was pissed, and quite frankly, so was I. I slathered on a grotesque amount of icing on the cinnamon roll. It was disgusting to think that she would probably eat the whole damn thing, too. I handed her the container, barely being able to see the cinnamon roll. She huffed and walked away. Next time I saw her, probably a few weeks later, she was looking at the donuts in the donut case and I asked, "do you want more cream cheese icing for your donut?" And she frowned and said, "no, I can't handle the icing anymore." Victory. I never saw her again after that point. ​ \*\*TL;DR\*\*entitled, shitty customer yells at me while I was helping another customer. She wants more icing on her donut, I don't hold back. She comes back one more time, then never again. ​ **EDIT 1:** Everything in the donut case, yes even the cinnamon rolls, were referred to as "donuts" for the sake of ease. I know they're not the same thing, trust me, but I wanted to clarify **EDIT 2:** Wow! Thank you so much for the gold! :') **EDIT 3:** Explicitly wrote donut/cinnamon roll as being used interchangeably, as it was at work, even by the customers, plus clarified that the icing comes from a bucket called cream cheese icing. ================================= {48 points} Don't talk to you? OK. --------------------------------- Short one. I used to work in a pub. We had a regular, a leery, horrible old man who used to look down on me as I ran the cellar (kept the beers, did the orders) and thought I couldn't possibly know anything about beer. He was happy enough to talk to you as long as he could look down your top and you didn't have any opinions. He was recommending a beer to another regular, stating it was a particular type of beer. I politely said "Actually, Mark, it's a stout". He went ballistic, and shouted in my face "Was I talking to you?! Dont talk to me!". So I didnt. Next time he wanted a beer, I just ignored his existence. Cant really take an order politely without speaking, can you? Tl;dr Man was upset he was wrong and didnt want me to speak to him. I didnt, so no more beer for him. ================================= {860 points} The shoes ARE black --------------------------------- Years ago, when I was but a wee teenager, I worked in the bakery department of a chain grocery (let's call them DangerWay). DangerWay had a pretty specific, but simple, dress code. Black pants, company supplied button shirt (that you paid for with your first cheque, of course), an apron in your department colour, and the title track: black shoes. The DangerWay I worked in also happened to have some very snotty cash supervisors who enjoyed feeling superior. They weren't store or assistant managers, but one lady was particularly enthusiastic in her attempts to act as such. One example of this lady's power trips was her constantly reminding the bakery department that **shirts needed to be tucked in at all times**. Now even as a teenager I understood that it's important for store employees to look tidy, but we were constantly reaching up above our heads or crouching because we were grabbing trays of baked goods or stocking shelves. This caused shirts to frequently come untucked. None of us wanted to be shoving our hands down the back of our pants to tuck in long shirt tails and then immediately touch product in front of customers, so if your shirt came untucked on the floor we would just leave it until we were in the back and could wash our hands. But if this woman saw your shirt untucked, she would come and stand directly behind you and order you to tuck your shirt in, citing company policy. As you can imagine, working with that kind of Karen was a real treat. My troubles began when she noticed that my black shoes weren't entirely black. My black shoes happened to have a small amount of white piping (not Vans, just black with the thin white tubing that companies use for designs on runners). These were the only black shoes I owned (and the only black runners I could find at the time). Could I have bought more expensive black leather shoes? Sure. But since I only worked about 20 hours a week, I didn't care to spend $60+ on work shoes. My department head didn't care that my shoes had white piping. The managers of the store never said a word to me. Literally no one cared about this miniscule amount of white except Karen. If she saw me at work, she would tell me that my shoes had to be completely black. Every single time she saw me. One day I finally had enough of her "friendly" reminders. I dug out a sharpie from one of the drawers at work and coloured the white piping black. Now my shoes were completely black, but if you were paying attention, the marker was noticeably terrible. Was it petty? Yes. Was the look on her face worth it? When Karen saw my shoes next, her mouth puckered into a cat butt face worthy of r/JustNoMIL and she glared at me with such intensity that I had to check myself for bullet holes. But she didn't say a word. Up until I left for uni about a year later, I coloured my shoes in with black marker and never heard another complaint about it. ================================= {146 points} My 4 year old was a pro at malicious compliance!!! --------------------------------- Good morning all! So, my son who was 4 at the time, he is now 28 and is still a pro at malicious compliance! This is a kid that will find the loop hole out of anything, and if he can get from step 1 to step 10 without doing steps 2 through 9 he will do it that way. I have a few stories involving him. A little background, my family delights in the fact that we come from a long line of smart***es! The men in the family far better at it than us females lol. My sons are no different, my 2 bio sons and my 11 foster sons are all like this and I love them all! But I have to admit my brother and my youngest son are the real pros in the family. The cast is M me (mom) and SK for smart*** kid lol On this day I had stepped on one too many leggos barefoot (those hurt!!!!) and I yelled at the youngest to get upstairs (no fosters at this time and the oldest was at school at this time) I did not want to see any toys on the floor! This was my first mistake, I was not specific even though he knew exactly what I meant. Now most kids will mess around for an hour or two while thinking up some excuse for not cleaning their room, not this boy! He runs upstairs and is back 5 minutes later. SK. All done mommy! I knew in that instant I had messed up, this kid did not pick up that wreck of a room in 5 minutes! Every toy in their toy box had been on the floor since the toy he had wanted was at the bottom he dumped it earlier. I shook my head in dismay and slowly climbed the stairs expecting to find that he had shoved them all into the closet using the toy box lid like a bulldozer. Nope, not in the closet. Nope, not under the beds or on top of the beds. This kid took every blanket off the beds and covered the toys! Yup, I cannot see any toys on the floor, the boy did exactly what I told him to do! I could not get mad, instead I busted out laughing since this was not what I expected! M- Thank you SK for doing exactly what I asked you to do, now can you do what I meant for you to do? SK let out a long deep sigh. Okay mommy. Needless to say it took him exactly 4 hours to clean it up, and not because the boys had that many toys. This kid also knew how to play his brother! He waited till his brother got home from school then bet him a quarter that he could pick up more toys. Needless to say he had to pay his brother a quarter. He built a leggo house while his brother picked up all of the toys! Thanks for reading sorry for the length! If anyone wants to put this in a video feel free just leave me a link if it goes into one plz :-) ================================= {204 points} no tables in the living room? alright mum --------------------------------- for some context, i live in a country where space is very limited, so housing for residents tend to be very small (average 95sqm (1022sq ft). furniture that can be folded and/ or tucked away is pretty popular here. cue my mum: likes to buy unnecessary stuff, and when she buys them, she always buys more than one item. hence, my house currently has 1 large foldable tables, and 3 smaller foldable tables. so with this large amount of foldable tables, itll definitely make sense to set up these tables in the living room so we can use them to eat while watch the TV, or just general use like studying or gaming with a laptop (since we dont have a desktop at home), right? whats the point of buying tables if you dont use it? so my siblings and i (total 5 of us) agreed to set up the large foldable table in the living room because its used everyday by at least one of us. we dont keep it at night because someone will surely use it the next day, itll be too much of a hassle to continuously take it out, set it up then keep it again. also, the wifi router is in the living room, so doing our work or whatever in the living room is the best choice because big table + good wifi. but damn, my mum HATES the idea of having tables set up in the living room. she wants the living room spotless and neat. iTs So UnSiGhtLY wHaT iF pEoPLe cOmE tO oUr HoUsE aNd SeE tHis MeSs? yada yada yada typical asian mum stuff so we reach the point where everyday she complains in the family group chat that we are *so irresponsible* because we dont keep the table. she even takes a picture of the floor and says theres scratches on the floor (which is not... the least visible at all...) she even threatened to throw the tables away which made us ???????? because what????? why wld u do that lol u literally bought the tables for us to use thats some superb decision so my siblings and i had enough. no tables in the living room? FINE here comes the malicious compliance: one fine day when the fun sheriff was out, we shifted the table and the wifi router to her room and we stayed there to do our usual stuff. when she came home to her room obviously she was livid but hey we kept the living room neat. if anyone comes to our house they wont be entering the master bedroom anyway \_()_/ safe to say now we can freely use the table in the damn living room lol tldr: siblings and i set up foldable table in living room, mum hates it and forbids us to do it, so we shifted everything to her room instead ================================= {6154 points} Im only paying for my child, not your time! Okay then ... --------------------------------- ================================= {2352 points} You want your dog back? Okay. --------------------------------- Posted this story in a comment and people suggested I post it here, so here you go :) A family friend of ours found a dog one day and took it to the vet to find the owner. No chip, no collar, nothing to identify the dog. This was in the 80s or 90s so before the time of modern microchips. They did everything to find the owner of this dog, even posters on nearby mailboxes and everything. Eventually, when no one claimed it, they decided to just adopt the pup. Two years later or so, someone recognizes the dog and says it's theirs. They basically show up with the dogs papers showing the dog is their property and take it back. I believe it was identified by tattoo number, as most dogs back then were tattooed and that information would have been on the sale papers. Of course, our family friend really loved this dog by this point and was very heartbroken. They tried to argue to get the dog back, but because the original owner had the papers, they couldn't do anything. So instead, they added up the cost of all of the food, vet bills, toys, and other expenses and added two years of boarding costs and sent the owner a massive bill for all of it. They got the dog back. ================================= {273 points} Sticking your foot into a little Malicious Compliance --------------------------------- Second Update: Maybe this is going to work for me after all. See bottom of post. First time sub-poster, long time reader... sit back and enjoy the MC. \-------------- TLR: Wont refund my $$$ unless I return your mistake and you pay for shipping? Okay. Have fun choking down almost 6xs the cost. \------------- Ill admit it, Im a sneakerhead and like to shop from vendors all over the world. So there I was shopping online for some kicks a couple of months back through a reputable site. Found just the shoes and colorway I wanted for a great price (for the sake of simplicity well say the deal was $50 plus free shipping) Imagine my disappointment when the seller apologizes a week later; the shoes I want are tragically no longer in stock- would I choose another color and hell send the new pair right out? Well darn, I say to myself, I really looked forward to rocking that swaggy pair of kicks; but oh well, still a good price. So, I request a different color of the same shoe model Its not but three days later I get another email. Shockingly, the second option is no longer in stock, would I please choose another? Im annoyed and request a refund but the seller assures me they have other options, at this point for $50 Im curious how long this little game will go. If you are curious, it goes around three more times. After a total of five options, we finally find a pair of shoes he actually has in stock and he ships and I wait. Admittedly, Im curious if I am even going to get a package. Much to my astonishment, the shoes arrive. I open the packages from an exotic destination around the globe and instantly have to laugh at the complete incompetence. There in all the package glory is a pair of most awful looking shoes I have ever seen. Certainly, the shoes sent are not even remotely close to any of the back and forth purchase conversation weve been having. While, at this point, I could chalk up the whole experience as a learning experience, Im pretty curious how far this whole thing will go. So I communicate to the seller and request a full refund on the grounds that the item is not what was described according to the terms of the website. Seller responds back with a quick, nope. I again request a full refund. The seller denies my request saying I got the shoes I asked for. I laugh and request again for the third time, the seller refuses. I request again (Im a persistent bugger and as my funds havent been released to them yet the seller is forced to respond). Finally, the seller- probably out of desperation makes a conditional offer. They will refund my $50 only if I return the shoes. Im happy to agree but inform the seller I wont be paying for shipping. Fine, they say, they will cover the shipping. And that my friends is where the malicious compliance and payoff for the whole story comes in. Shipping from my location to their location is roughly $250+ for two-day, traceable, certified package delivery. Ive confirmed and have in writing the website will back me up. I connected with my credit card as well and Im confident my $50 and the return shipping is all being refunded. Boy is that seller going to appreciate that bill for $290 for a $50 pair of shoes. ​ Update #1: Thanks Reddit community for the awesome advice. So I haven't sent the shoes back, just doesn't make sense for me to incur the risk. I requested a prepaid shipping label but haven't yet heard. Sorry, what I thought was MC is turning into something else. I'm really not all that petty about being out $50 because I followed this down the rabbit hole knowing the risk. I'll keep you all updated. Update #2: Seller simply responds "we need actual shipping fee". To me, that's a green light that they are going to cover the pre-paid shipping label. I communicate with the shipping company and respond to seller "Whew, this is great you can pre-pay the shipping and get your own quote. I talked with You'll need to go to and set up an account with them. Then you choose "Import Control". You will have your preference for the shipping services that make the most sense to you. You purchase the shipping label. The delivery driver comes to my location with the shipping label. I'll make sure to send pictures and of course, we'll both have the tracking number. Thanks for agreeing to cover the shipping. I'll look forward to contacting me to make arrangements after you set that up. " So maybe this tale of MC is petty after all... I'll let you all know. ================================= {4083 points} Not my money --------------------------------- So years ago I worked at Walmart and some of that time was at the service desk. Everybody knows thats where all the Karens go to raise cane. Anyway we had strict rules we had to follow. One of the rules was that if a customer returned something that cost over $20 without a receipt, we had to give them the refund on a Walmart gift card. If the customer wasnt happy with anything we said or did, they asked for a manager. 9 times out of 10 the manager would give them their money back. This always made the people working at the service desk look like we just wanted to give them a hard time. One too many customers complained and we had a meeting. The manager berated us for being so hard on the customers (even though we were only following what we had been taught to do). He said Yall act like its your money! So I got mad. Not long after the meeting, a person walked in without a receipt and I gave them over $20 cash back. An assistant manager just happened to be passing by. He asked if I had given them their money back even though they didnt have a receipt. I said Yep! Its not my money. ================================= {3852 points} All work jobs must have a billing code? You got it! --------------------------------- Back in the 80s I was secretary/receptionist at a small marketing research firm. It was my responsibility to assign all new jobs a job number, and to transfer time from timesheets to the billing book, so clients could be billed. The boss/owner got pretty upset if there was unbillable time from any department, and insisted that all jobs have a billing number and all time be billed to a client. It was also his business, and he could do what he wanted. I once spent two hours on the phone tracking down the hot tub that was supposed to be delivered to his house, Special ordered clothes for his wife, etc. His high school kid had a paper due. The boss wrote up the design for the research paper, I think the kid actually did do some interviews, the coding department pulled together data, The kid wrote the first draft but the boss fixed it, and I was given the paper to type. They were grumbles from the coding department about how they were supposed to account for the time, so I went back to the book and added a job number. I meticulously kept track of every minute spent on the kids paper, including my time. When the boss got the billing report at the end of the month, he came out pretty upset, wanting to know why I had given it a billing number when there was no client. Now it looked like we had a job of several hundred dollars that could not be billed. I apologized profusely and referred to his recent tirade about give everything a billing number, I was just trying to follow his rules. ================================= {5703 points} Too lazy to walk to the car? Okay! --------------------------------- This happened earlier. Backstory: I have the same birthday as my mother-in-law and since my wife and I got together, we celebrate it every year together. They plan it all and I just tag along or drive for them. This year, my MIL invited her brother and his family (wife and son) to a lunch at one of the big malls here in my country (an hour drive from where we live.) Since it is the weekend, traffic and parking is a real pain. I managed to park near an entrance to the mall which is really hard to come by. With perseverance and patience, I found a parking spot which isn't too far. Probably 100 meters by rough estimate. The frustrating part of the parking lot system in that mall is if you go out of it, you will be lead to a one way street meaning you have to go around the mall to go back to where you are parked. That is why I was glad to find a parking spot that is as close as we could get to the entrance. After doing all the celebration and wandering in the mall, we all decided to head on home because we were all just tired from the walking. MIL's sister-in-law went out first and as we followed her, she told me that it would be better if the car could be in the entrance already. I told them that we parked not far from the entrance and that it would be time consuming to drive around the mall just to get to the entrance again. She told me that she's going to tell MIL that it is the grandest idea to have the car at the entrance. Cue malicious compliance. I said 'Ok' and walked to the car. They can actually see me getting in the car and driving off. I went out of the parking lot and started driving to the busy one way street. After 5 mins, I got a call from my MIL asking where I was. I told her that her sister-in-law told me to get the car to the entrance. She went silent and just said 'okay.' After roughly 20 minutes in the damned one way alley, I got to the entrance. No one was smiling. Parked as close to MIL sister-in-law so she won't be waking up to the car. Got out of the car and opened the door for her and closed it after she got in the car (which I do NOT do normally) and drove back home. The drive was silent. I am dead tired and I did not feel like it is my birthday today. I went out of my way and exerted effort for that sweet satisfactory malicious compliance. Sorry if there were any errors or mistakes in grammar or formatting. Edit: Thank you for all the birthday greetings. Much appreciated. I guess I am used to being not getting any greetings and your greetings made it better. Also, I would like to apologize to everyone regarding the 'adopted little brat' part in the story but did not have any part of the story. It is kind of a personal thing between the adopted kid and I. I don't like being around him and mind you, I like kids. I love playing with them but this kid... is different. Regardless, if it made some of you uncomfortable, I am sorry. It might have been insensitive of me but there's a story for another day. Thank you everyone! And have a great day ahead! Edit 2: It seems that the 'adopted' term does not suit a lot of you. Changed it or better yet, removed it. Edit 3: Thank you kind stranger for the silver! First time getting it and so far this has been the best gift ever. Not just getting a silver but having a bit of relevance in this world. Cheers everyone! Edit 4: Wow gold! Thank you so much! Also, just to let everyone know, I am in regrets regarding the word 'adopted' and how it struck everyone negatively. I was not degrading or anything and that I have removed and/or changed the term to alleviate the issue. Everyone who is going to point it over and over again, I am sorry. I will continue to apologize to every one that I have offended and please know that I totally understand. If my apology is not enough, either kill me just to end the issue or forgive me for I am a human being who is prone to mistakes. I am admitting to my fault and that I do not have hatred, any ill thoughts, or anything negative towards all of the adopted kids/people. Again, thank you everyone and I apologize for the term that I used. ================================= {66 points} Application questions aren't specific enough? No problem! I'll answer honestly. --------------------------------- Super short one here! Application doesn't ask specifically for my DL #. I know that's what they want, but I can't be bothered to stand up and go and look at my license if I don't have to. So I decided to sit here and make a reddit post here instead. Submitting it like this! https://imgur.com/a/E1C1Lmp Edit: there is some confusion about the type of application - it's a rental application. I won't detail the specifics but it is not formal like a job application. This is basically to move forward with the rental process, and I had to pay to submit it. Also, I already got approved, so cheers! ================================= {520 points} All documents need to be printed! --------------------------------- On mobile and english is not my first language This happens years ago when digital letters is not yet a norm. Our office usually recieves letters/documents in pdf file, it will later be printed and distributed accordingly. Boss would write a memo on what should be done to thise letters/documents. We have a copier guy/office boy/cleaner (well call him copyboy) which his responsibility includes keeping our office clean, copying letters/documents/ and distributing them. Now while we have a high number of documents circulating daily, not all of them are printed and copied. Only some of the really important documents get to be printed, copied and distributed. However on this particular day, one of the boss (lets call him jerkboss) is replacing our current boss (bigboss) for several days during his business trip. Jerkboss then gives instruction every morning to staffs, including to copyboy. Jerkboss is known to be a control freak, micromanaging, and quite difficult to cope with. This makes everybody in office is aware that jerkboss is going to make everyone's life difficult during bigboss business trip. One morning, jerkboss gives a memo to copyboy to print and distribute letters and documents (quite a lot, 20+ letter and document, in PDF file) copyboy prints them began to copy them (printer and copier are separate devices, again this is years ago). Copyboy stumbled across one huge file that was instructed to be printed and copied and distributed. This was no normal file of 5-10 pages, ut was a 20 pages report with additional 387 pages of data attachment. This huge file was memo-ed to be copied to all recipients (around 14 people in this particular office). Copyboy knows that jerkboss might has mistaken its memo,so he went to jerkboss to confirm but then scolded with "was it difficukt for you to understand print and copy to all?, do i have to explain it again to you?" He then adds "dont you ever leave that job until it finishes!" Que, copyboy then just copied them all, all 387 +20 pages of useless report and its attachment, to ALL staff in the office. Copy boy went to the stock room to take boxes of a4 copy paper just to finish this job. And he start copying from 10.00 Am morning. (Our copy paper is just a normal copier, not an industrial/pro copier, it often jams and it took hours of copyvoy to finish this job. Now, this is the only copier in our office, and due to it used to copy that much, every other staff needs to wait until it finishes so they can use the copier. This stupid job not only it was useless, but it delays other work as well. Jerkboss is not amused why some of the needed documents are not ready yet, so he checks the copyboy and how he was surprised that the copymachine is being abused to copy 400pages x 14 copies. He gets angry and scolded Copyboy but he simlly replied "i did as instructed, all documents copied to all staff in this room, no need to explain ne twice." Why dont you tell me? Copyboy says that "he did, and you scolded me!". And many staffs are also in the same room when jerkboss scolded copyboy so jerkboss cannot deny. Defeated, Jerkboss instructed copyboy to stop copying the 400pages file (it has been copied 12 times anyway) and tell him to contjnue with other files. This yime, jerkboss re-checks the file he istructed to print to avoid such stupid mistake. Now, on every desk in that office stood a monument of jerkboss being jerk. A 400page document that were nowhere important nor it was needed to be printed and copied. When big boss returned, he then saw those 400page document and finally learned on that incident. Jerkboss was scolded by bigboss later and often reminded again and again on how stupid and unprofessional his behavior was. (Copymachine is upgraded couple of years later to a fully automated one). Nobody knows what to do with the document, and being an office document you were not allowed to destroy them without supervision. Tl:dr; jerkboss is replacing bigboss for couple of days, being a jerk when copyboy tried to correct a mistake in a memo. Copyboy maliciously conllies and copies a 400page document as instructed to all 14 staff in that office, delaying office work and wasting paper and ink. ================================= {484 points} Short but sweet --------------------------------- A few years back I was unemployed and on a benefit placement thingy, at the most boring place in the universe. All we did were these small things that rots your brain, and this day in specific we were folding pieces of paper in half. All day. Yes really. I couldnt give less of a shit about this place, and I hated every day of it. One day I had a sore throat, so I made a cup of tea during the break. There was a sign saying not to put drinks on the work table, which is why I put it on the window sill, once in a while going there to take a sip of my tea. This is when the bitchy job counselor came in. JC: HEY! You know youre not supposed to have drinks while working! Me: Um, yea I know, thats why I put it in the window JC: well its not allowed in here, youll have to drink it outside the room. This is when bitch mode was engaged. I know she meant to not drink in here, and do it in break, but I just thought, screw this woman and screw this place, so I took a chair, put it right outside of the door, sat down and started drinking my tea. JC: what are you doing!? Me: well Im not allowed to drink my tea inside the workroom JC: .... Youre being very provocative right now Me: yea. She rolled her eyes and turned to do whatever she was doing in there I finished my tea, and went back to doing my work for the rest of the day, but I felt soooo smug and I loved it ================================= {810 points} Drive to the confirmed address out of state? Ok.. --------------------------------- Just a small disclaimer, this is typed on mobile, I hope formatting is ok, and this even happened over 3 years ago so dialog may be a bit off. TLDR will be at the end! I'm sorry it's so long! For a little back ground. I am a full time Uber driver and have been one for over 3 years. My original Uber vehicle was a burnt orange Suzuki SX4. It was a great little car. Our cast is(names are changed not that I remember 2 of their names) Me: OP Cristina: she was the one who ordered Sara: Didnt say really anything to me Kathy: obnoxious loud mouth So to begin this tale. It was a Saturday night getting close to midnight in the rocky mountain state. I had received a trip request from a club downtown for a Cristina. At this point Uber gave very little info to us drivers about the ride we were about to get. Just the name of the passenger and passenger rating. No indication on how far or what direction even the passenger was going. So when I arrive to the club 3 college girls pile into the car. ME: "Are you Cristina?" Kathy: "Yeah this is Cristina!" In a pretty aggressive attitude. Me: "Cristina, what is your drivers name?" The girls pretend to not hear me as I am asking for confirmation that I am in fact their driver. Me: "Ladies, who is your driver?" Cristina: "You are!" Que obnoxious laughing. I laugh along putting on my customer service face. Me: "I may be but we still have to confirm that we have the right people." I was very adamant about doing this after someone tried to steal another person's uber one night. Kathy: "Like I said and your phone says this is Cristina." This Kathy sounds like the epitome of an entitled witch. I make no move to leave and after much grumbling Cristina finally confirms that I am who i am. Cristina: "You're OP. Now if you are done wasting time let's go." Me: "Yep I'm OP, sorry about the trouble, I have had people try to steal another person's Uber in the past." This gets me no response and I do all I can from visibly sighing in dispare. I begin the ride and this is where I normally would confirm the address but before I can even read it.... Kathy: "Give me your aux cable. We need good music." Sara: "Crank Rihanna Kathy!" All 3 girls scream. Me: "Ok, here you go sorry it's not long." I hand the cord to Kathy which barely reaches beyond the front seats. Cristina: "wow, cheap..." this was said quietly but in my tiny car everything can be heard. It honestly hit harder thank expected though because I am a prideful person when it comes to my work. Kathy: "Crank the music!" After she get the music playing. I'm about to comply when I actually read the address, it was 123 dadshouse, Wichita Kansas(I obviously dont know the address). Me: "Hey just to confirm you need to go to 123 dadshouse, Witchita Kansas?" The girls are laughing and promptly ignoring me as I drive slowly along. Me: "Excuse me! I need to confirm the address really qu...." Kathy cutting me off: "Yeah it's right, just F***ing drive!" Cristina: "Turn up the music and go!" At this point I just shut up turn up the music and start driving with purpose. I ignored most of what they said in the back seat at this point. I knew that they didn't want to go to Kansas. They had no luggage and I picked them up from a club but they told me to drive and refused to listen so I was going to get as much out of this trip before they would notice that we were driving east at a rapid pace. It was about 40 minutes later that the back seat had quieted down. Sara: "uh guys were is he taking us." I start to slow down now and turn the music down a touch. We are no longer in a city but in the plains with basically only the stars as light. We could still see the city behind us in the distance. Kathy: "Where are we?" You could hear the confusion in her voice. Cristina: "Where are you taking us?" Me: "123 Dadshouse, Wichita Kansas is the address you put in and the one I said at the start of the ride." Cristina: "That's my Dad's house not mine! Turn around!" Me: "Yes ma'am!" I turn around more aggressively then necessary. "Where too?" Kathy explodes into a stream of insults drowning out anything else in the car. Me speaking up: "Cristina what address am I taking you too?" Kathy quiets down glaring at me. Allowing Cristina to tell me they are at the college outside of down town. Me: "Let's get yall there!" I say and then crank their music again and start driving. The whole time I am driving i am in a panic because i just know that they are going to try and contest this fare and probably try to get me suspended from the app. Nothing really eventful happens while I'm driving these girls are pretty quiet but I can hear them say small comments about reporting this and how it was messed up it was. As we approached the college campus I began to try to cover my ass. "So i just want to say I'm sorry about this experience yall. It really sucks when there is a miscommunication on this level. I will say though that I will be saving my dash cam footage from tonight incase there are is trouble with Uber over the fare sense it is a strange one." I pause to see if they have anything to say about my dash cam bluff but they say nothing. I come to a stop close to the dorm area of the college. "I hope yall have a great night now and good luck with your studies." They all get out of the car without a word and slam the doors. I pull away and rate Cristina with a single Star and give the reason as wrong address entered in and rude. The ride would have been close to a minimum fare if they would have put the right address in but it turned into a $70ish trip. Cristina never gave me a low rating from what I know because those are the ones we Drivers actually hear about. I now know that I could have done alot different to avoid this situation but at the time i was still fairly new and it took a bit for me to adjust to the work. If you read this thank you and I am open to all criticisms. I hope it's not too long. TLDR: Be rude and confirm the wrong address in another state to your Uber driver. Fine we will start driving there till you notice. *edit 1 corrected a few spelling mistakes. ================================= {331 points} Grandma told me not to say a word, dont tell her about the fire --------------------------------- This story is over 20 years old and my family loves to tell it all the time. Also on mobile so sorry if formatting sucks. No tldr cause its not a long story. When I was around 5 years old my mom worked at the hospital in the OR. As such I spent a lot of time staying at my grandmothers house. My grandmother lives on a very busy state highway type of road, 2 lane road that goes between 2 cities to the state capital. From a very early age my and my cousins were strictly forbidden to get close to the road because cars are going around 60 MPH. One day I was outside playing in the front yard and I had apparently gotten to close to the road for my grandmas comfort so she came out the front door and chased me down. When she caught me she told me to go inside, not say a word, and sit on the couch in the living room. Cue MC. I walked through the kitchen and sat on the couch in the living room. What I failed to mention to my grandma was that as I was walking through the kitchen, the pan she had on the stove was engulfed in flames. By the time my grandma made it into the house and noticed the fire it had spread to the cabinets above the stove. Luckily nothing was badly damaged and she was able to put the fire out quickly. Now any time that there is more than one of my mothers siblings around at a family gathering they tell this story of how I almost burned down my grandmas house. Edit: fixed missing s ================================= {7564 points} Superior wants us to be "honest" but cannot cope with our honesty --------------------------------- Sorry for my poor english. Its not my first language. As a background, this is a story from a friend of mine that has to endure a 9 months training in some goverment facilities. The director of the training was a goverment officer and is responsible for my friends batch to succeed in this training. The whole batch is around 60 people. The participants were people from different backgrounds, from ultra rich, to the less advantaged people but all are smart and well educated (thus being a part of this training). The said boss/director likes to talk a lot, quite rude, told cringey jokes, trying to be friendly and all (he was in his 50s and all oarticipants are around 21-25yo) and he often insults people (sometimes seriously but more often in a joking way). Everybody were tired of him but nobody would dare to say anything, they just try to cope since its only for 9 months. After an interesting 9 month, and after having a long exams, all participants passed the training. They celebrate by having an excursion to some camping grounds where they enjoy the nature, games etc. And At night they have a huge bonfire where everybody sat circling the fire. Everything was fine until the director stood up, and tells everybody that "since it was the end of the program, he wants to hear a critique towards him, about his managenent, his manners, about everything" he even emphasized that "don't worry, this will not affect your further carreer, i can take critics, just be honest and spit it out". Everybody froze in silence, nobody says a word. Some mumbles such as "nothing to be complained". But the director insists on hearing any critics, so he starts naming some person to say their word but every person refused, one or two just criticized mild things but more of a praise to the director. Until the director called a girl (lets say her name was Mary), mary was not so good in local language since she was born and raised abroad, (its not a trouble for her to follow the training since it was conducted in foreign language anyway), but this night, everyone talks in local language. Mary, being somebody raised abroad, and asked to say honesty about the program and director just didnt beat by the bush and just pour out everything that she feels, about the rude behavior, bad jokes and his mismanagement. And being poor in local language has caused the expression she said to be far worse, (such as if the director was an authoritarian leader, etc etc) Mary (at that time) didnt have any clue about social cue of locals, so she just said whatever she feels (which is true, as that was what everybody feels) but ita rude for us so nobody dares to say that. The director, shocked at what he hears, stood up, silent, and cpunt take that critics by saying " you are all ungrateful to me, that i have been busting my ass for you guys all for your own goodness" he didnt take that critics nicely, walked out of the bonfire event. Result: eversince thatnight, the director never ever talked again to Mary and he also never talked to the whole the batch of training participants, and always talked about that night where he was criticized. Well if you cannot take critics, don't ever insist on having people criticize yourself, especially from a person known to be frank. Tl;dr: a boss for a training program asked participants to criticize him at being honest to him at the end of the 9 month program, boss cant take crticism, disappointed walked out of event. ================================= {0 points} Yelling Kids, Broken TV Remote, and a Dead Controller --------------------------------- Alright so a bit of background. My mother is not the best. I believe shes a narcissist and has many mental issues. As I have gotten older shes been worse and worse to me. Shes just an entitled bully. So yesterday I decide to have a little payback. It was pretty petty. I went to my parents house, to help my dad. My mom was always on her butt playing on her tablet. Dad had to go to his brother's house. His heath is failing him. I stayed to finish the chores. I was helping him with some heavy lifting. Once i was finishes i headed inside. The two youngest kids was asleep. I sat down and open my computer. I was trying to learn about opening a small business. Next thing I know, my mom is yelling at me saying, "your always on the computer! Spend time with your kids!" I rolled my eyes at her. She started to yell how I was being rude and telling my oldest, "Don't be like her shes just a spoiled brat." I let it slid off my back but the yelling woke up the two sleeping ones. I closed my computer and started to calm them. Now my mom can't work the TV remote. She broke it a long time ago. She asked me change the channel. As I flip through the channels, the babies are screaming and playing, I am trying to hush them and kept telling them, "inside voices." They listen and quiet down, for time, before raising their volumes. As I am trying to calm them down my mom goes, "KisaKeira shhhhhh your being to loud." What do I do? I shut up and let them scream. they was it loud. Even the oldest was being loud. She told me to go find a movie for her to watch on Netflix. Lucky for me the controller was almost dead! I stood moving so I could charge the controller and could barely see the screen. I didn't want to block moms veiw. I flip through the movies and TV shows at a decent pace. I made two comments. "remember watch the rating we don't need the kids seeing adult things." When she asked what it said I told the truth. "I can only read the name because of how I am angled." Boy she was mad. Surprisingly she didn't yell at me this time. She just went to her room and locked her door. afterward I managed to calmed the kids down and stop their yelling. I might of had a splitting headache at the end but it was such an amazing feeling to make her mad without her yelling at me. TLDR: basically complying with my mom orders and she gets mad that it was loud and I wouldn't read what it said for her. she has 20/20 eyesight. ================================= {131 points} Move that filing cabinet... No problem --------------------------------- In honor of my best friend moving away I'd like to tell a story. So my friend works in the technology field like I do. In the environment we work in it usually is terribly quite in these places especially in the call centers. So they task my friend with moving a filing cabinet. It's rather small and he's well over six feet and almost 200 lbs. He bends down to pick it up and his boss started yelling. "We have a certain way of doing things here, you need to put that in a hand truck." Since the boss spoke to him like an asshole. He says "ok, I got you." The only hand truck available in the company is one that has a wheel that's badly damaged. It makes a lot of noise when you roll it. This filing cabinet had to be moved from the call center to the back of the building. So my friend grabs the hand truck. Rolls this hand truck with practically one square wheel right through the call center. He then puts the filing cabinet on said hand truck and continues to roll the filing cabinet back through the call center. His boss got 35 emails that day about the noise complaint. Never been more proud of another person in my life. Love you brother. We'll see each other soon. ================================= {8558 points} You need to return the company car by 4pm. Sure thing boss I can do that. --------------------------------- This is not my story but my cousins who doesn't have Reddit so I am the lucky one to tell it to you guys. Also this story is about 5 years old and he doesn't work for them anymore. My cousin worked as driver for a big retail company. So he basically is the guy with the white van that transports merchandise between the Warehouse and the stores. Because of the needs of the job, each driver serves more than one shop, he routinely end up not finishing his route by home time which is supposed to be at 4 so all the driversget to get the vans at home so they don't have to take van back to base. This was normal and all drivers did this which saved a lot of time and money for the company. One of the drivers won the national lottery, several million euros, he resigned on the spot and told the boss that if the company wants the van they need to go by his house and pick it up! The CEO found out about this so in order for this not to happen he orders the drivers to have the vans to the Warehouse by 4 or face the consequences. Which basically meant lose your job. Drivers tried to argue but the big boss was relentless. All drivers angry to comply to the letter. So the next day my cousin does his rounds but in order to take the van back by 4 he doesn't have time to do the last store. Also he was late for the first delivery the day after as he had to pick the van from the base and do the delivery he didn't have time from the day before. Also on the day number 2 he didn't have time to deliver to two shops as he had to take the van back by 4. In two days all drivers were running late and store managers were extremely unhappy as they couldn't restock on time and complaints started to flood the management. Realising that for this to work he needed more drivers and more vans he quitlely retracted the order via the local management and things went back to normal. This saga lasted for 2(!) Whole days! I am on mobile so sorry for formatting and grammar. TL;DR. CEO of retail company orders drivers to return their vans to base by 4pm. Drivers comply to the full, can't deliver on time everybody complaints. CEO retracts order after 2 days. Edit: spelling ================================= {1423 points} Alright, I will cancel and re-order --------------------------------- This happened just now, I ordered furniture worth $3k from a local dealer. The store offers free delivery over 1k. Last week I ordered furniture(sofas) which costs just over 1k. I was looking for a matching set to go with my sofa, it took some time for me to find the rest of the furniture. Earlier today I called the store to order the additional furniture which costs just over 2k. The store rep added this furniture to my existing order instead of creating a new order. The item ordered last week is going to be delivered tomorrow. The item I ordered today is expected to be delivered in 2-3 weeks. Everything was looking fine but then I get a call from the store. Rep: Hi, our boss reviewed your order and you have a split delivery so you have to pay $99 for the items which arrive in about 2-3 weeks. Me: I was informed delivery is free over 1k. Rep: Yes, but our boss says this is a split delivery and it will cost the store more to deliver as there will be two visits instead of one. Me: Alright, this is not how it was explained to me. I would like to cancel my second order I placed today. Rep: Okay... Me: Can you take a new order for me, this costs over 2k, does it qualify for free delivery ? Rep: Yes, let me call you back. Rep calls back, you are good to go. We wont charge you $99 for delivery of your second order. Edit 1: Apologies, this post had formatting issues earlier. Edit 2: I did not cancel the orders because I had already paid 20% downpayment and the store had clearly informed that orders cannot be cancelled after 24 hours. We also liked the rest of the furniture and just went ahead with it. ================================= {6479 points} You want me to tell the truth? Fine --------------------------------- A little backstory before we get into the Malicious Compliance. This all happened about two years ago. My sister (who we'll call Kate) and her boyfriend (we'll say Adam) had been dating for about 6 months or so at this point. He and I don't have much in common but he's a nice guy and we get along fine. Her ex (Brad?) however, was a total shitbag who would punch her, push her down stairs, and throw tantrums when he didn't get his way. My relationship with my sister is complex, and, while I won't go far into the details there, I rarely ever see her and she really only calls me when she needs something from me. That is how this story begins. I was watching a movie with my roommate when Kate called me. I was a little miffed because the movie was just getting into the good stuff, but whatever, I answered. "Hey backwardsknees, Adam is mad at me right now because Brad messaged him on Facebook with screenshots of sexts that he's trying to say are from me, and he's also claiming that he came to my house and I sucked his dick. I know that you know about my relationship with Brad and that I would never do anything with him because of the abuse, and I also know that you don't give a fuck and will tell people how it is with stuff like this. Could you just be honest with Adam and try to calm him down a bit? He's very upset right now." What Kate wasn't aware of though, was that on the day that she allegedly played Brad's skin flute, I just so happened to drive by her house, where his truck was parked outside. In plain view of the road, I had seen her slobbin on his knob. Real classy. So, she handed the phone to Adam, who was clearly very upset, voice cracking, on the verge of tears. I have a decent amount of respect for this guy, considerably more than I did for Kate after realizing what she was trying to get me to do. So I told him exactly what I had seen, that I was unable to say if she had sexted him, but she had definitely been unfaithful to him on that one instance. Because Kate had assured him that I would be honest because of my reputation for bluntness on these kinds of things, he had absolutely no reason to disbelieve me. He thanked me for my honesty, and hung up. Kate proceeded to call me upwards of fifteen times over the next half hour. I answered none of them. Edit: fixed abbreviations TL;DR Sister called me to tell her boyfriend she wasn't cheating. She didn't know I saw her and I ratted her out ================================= {1722 points} Some bosses flag themselves as unfit. --------------------------------- Several years ago I was looking for a job and a friend suggested to me to work for the same company she worked for. It was one of those flagging companies you see holding up traffic for construction sites. She's telling me how great the job is, how awesome the co-workers are and how great the boss is. Sounded like an ok job really. At this point I have no other leads for jobs (I've applied to a bunch of places already, but haven't heard back from them and it's too soon to call them yet). So I decide to take her up on the offer. The pay is not bad (I don't recall exactly what it was, something like 16 an hour.) I go through the hiring course and get through easily. A few days later the boss then calls me and tells me that I work for her and that I'm to do as she says. Furthermore that only she has the authority to tell me when I work. With the "lovely" aspect that she will call me before 8pm to let me know if I'm working the next day and that if I don't hear from her then I'm not working. I say fair enough. She then tells me she wants me to meet so I can be given the requisite gear. Normally this wouldn't be a problem but at this point I've only just gotten my license and according to my local laws I can't drive between midnight and 5am yet. The boss, of course, wants me to meet her the next day at a job site at 4am. While there is a special permit new drivers can get... it takes a few days to actually get, fill out, be processed and accepted. So it wouldn't be possible to have it done for the next day. I told her that I wasn't going to break the law for her. And she got pissed but then eventually relented. Meet at 5:30 then... Which was doable for me. I end up working a shift that day as well. A couple weeks pass and I'm getting no shifts at all. Sitting by the phone a lot waiting for calls that aren't coming in. (I haven't given up the job search either though.) Until one night I do get a call... The next day I'm on site at a location and the manager there says for me to be back the next day at the same time. I tell him that I'm not allowed to follow that order, he'll have to speak to my boss and she'll determine who gets sent out. He says he understands and that he'll speak to her. I get off work and arrive home right around 7:45 pm. I check my voicemail and there's been no messages left. I check to see if the boss has called yet and she hasn't. 8pm comes and goes and I go to bed with a clear conscious. At 7:30 the following morning my phone rings. It's the boss calling. "Where are you? Why aren't you at ? Didn't speak to you?" At which point I respond with: "Yes, he did. But I told him to ask you. Remember what you said? To never take orders from anyone but you? That you would call the night before by 8pm to let me know if I worked the next day? I didn't get any phone calls last night. I did exactly what you asked." The boss didn't like that, she hung up the phone on me. I never bothered to try calling her back. The next day I turned in my logbook and quit the company before she could fire me. A few days later I got hired at another job, though the pay wasn't as good, the fact there were steady hours meant I was making a lot better money. ================================= {3754 points} Car Manufacturer policy change compliance. Man, that had to hurt. --------------------------------- I work I.T for a large car dealer. That said, there are lots of third party vendors I work with. Lot of moving parts to that business, but in this story were going to focus on the Service side of things. The Mechanics at this dealer all have a inspection license, along with a cable and software to connect their laptop to the cars to read the computer of said car. This provides them with error codes and things that maybe wrong with the car. This software is made by the car manufacturer. Normally this is a good thing. Massive company like that normally has the money to invest in a good final product so you dont really see any software issues, just hardware issues like bad cables and such. I say normally, but with this brand that is not the case. The software works, but isnt the least bit user friendly, wasting a lot of time. How would these guys know what to do with this info or even what half the computer jargon even means? So I would call tech support on their behalf because I know they would struggle and waste half the day trying to sort it out. Its an I.T issue, after all thats what Im here for. At the time of this story I had only been supporting this car manufacturer for a few months. When I called I had already identified the issue and what needed to be addressed. I received a ton of resistance from this manufacturer technical support team. They were used to working with people that barely can turn the thing on and would mindlessly follow what they said. Being told the issue I guess didnt sit well with them for whatever reason. I mentioned on every call that If I had access to these things I could knock out most of these common issues and Id rarely have to call, saving both time and money. That is after all my job, Im saving the manufacturer both time and money since I have the knowledge and can speak the language while others cannot. This went on a while, enough that I provided data on how much time was spent trouble shooting software issues that the engineering team should take a look at. My only goal here was to work with the manufacturer to provide the best and most cost effective support together. A response shortly after came via my next phone call for support for yet another software issue. The manufacturer made a new policy. That policy is you MUST have a inspection license to receive tech support. So I, and I.T professional could no longer perform technical support for a technical problem. Now, a mechanic would have to call themselves. I knew what came next. I had to malicious comply but it was not rewarding. I knew the fall out and just how much time and money would be wasted on this policy just at the dealer level. I have no idea if they made this a state or worldwide thing or not. At this point I only knew three things. One: Support is going to slow down because the mechanics are going to be on the phone all day trying to sort these things out. Two: the time it would take to receive support would grow extremely long. Three: I no longer have or can do a damn thing. **Fast forwarding: One year that policy change.** Any and all calls related to that system I would provide them the direct contact information to the support team at the manufacturer. Would repeat policy after being begged by several mechanics, service managers and GMs, etc. New employee? Sorry call them directly I cant install that software. Cable bad? Could be please call them directly. Many mechanics are on book time. Book time is a prorated cost. Example, if you need breaks a mechanic is paid .5 hours for the front, .5 for the back. Total 1 hour time to put those on. If it took less or more time, didnt matter thats the flat rate he will receive for that job. Thats book time. Every mechanic is there to make money, if you want them on the phone half the day for a task that would take me five minutes to sort, those mechanics expect to get paid for that half day. The manufacturer was forced to do just that. Why? No one would call, they arent paid to wait on hold an hour or so then have someone that isnt even there try to figure out the issue while a line of customers waiting for repairs. What customer is going to wait around all day? The Customer "Never go to brand X for service, they are slow!!!" etc. So now the manufacture had to cave and pay the mechanics book time to trouble shoot the software with them, again at least half the day. If you spotted the loop hole in this all ready, Ill admit you picked up on that faster than I did. Amazing how many people would abuse a system like that and claim they have an issue so they can be paid to sit down and relax to hold music or make more money if they are having a slow day. I bare witnessed it myself Mechanic: "Was that the last car?" Assistant Service Manager "Yes" Mechanic: "Well, what do you know, i'm having a issue with my software. I'll be busy the next two hours" Assistant Service Manager "Roger" The mechanic was letting the ASM know to direct the next customer to another mechanic on that team as he would be busy getting paid to sit there. Wait time used to be a minute, perhaps two before this change by the way. Now, hour or so. Because of this new policy, they have to pay through the nose for the amount of time it takes. Something I could have knocked out in about ten minutes. **Fast forward now 1.5 years after the policy change** A new policy change went in to effect Only the Master Mechanic may call on behalf of the other mechanics for technical support. In addition a lot of revisions and updates to the software. Of which many of the things I mentioned 1.5 years ago were addressed. **Fast forward 2.0 years after policy change** Software rarely has issues, its been two wonderful years since I last touched it. Its been at least a year since someone asked me for help on it because they all know better than to ask at this point. Having one last third party system to deal with has been wonderful and allowed me to focus on the things I have control of. Looking at the entire thing logically many different countries and things have different rules. This part of the U.S has a lot of requirements and perhaps this specific car manufacturer didnt want to have to deal with it at the time and decided to make this problem going away by getting rid of anyone that could identify the issue. In the end they paid through the nose for it and then some. Id really like to know the dollar amount over the last two years that was invested in that discussion to make it go away because they couldnt be bothered by U.S requirements. Least they got there at the end minus quite a few fleets of yachts. ================================= {7098 points} There's your caramel --------------------------------- So I work at Starbucks. Right across the street from us is a jewelry store in which the employees come in all the time (they are bitches). Anyway, one day, one of them comes in and orders her drinks: 2 mocha cookie crumbles with all the toppings and "hella caramel". That order haunts me. I make Exactly that. It's not to her liking. She says " I wanted HELLA caramel." Okay, you want hella caramel, I'll give you hella caramel. I grab her drinks and squirt caramel allllll over her cup and lid, hand it back to her and say "here ya go". She ended up getting a refund and I got yelled at by my boss but it was so worth it. I now work at a new location and the lady never fucked with me again. ================================= {9789 points} We close at 5:30 boss. --------------------------------- TLDR At bottom : This happened yesterday. Still kinda grinning about it. So I work for a staffing agency that runs its office from 7:30 am until 5:30 pm. Apparently we need to stay open and present in the office all those hours unless on lunch. According to the bosses , our clients contracts states they need to be able to contact us between those hours or its a breach of contract. They all call personally anyways so thats a whole other story. Basically we always leave 10-15 minutes early but make sure we can be contacted. Yesterday , our out of touch CEO calls for a random staffing meeting via Skype at 4:30. No regard for our actual day or appointments , just a hey we gotta meet. I have to mention this happens all the time and over half the time he doesnt even remember he set them up and we dont have a meeting. Sometimes its 2-3 weeks before we actually do. We say, like always , that we will be there. Well what do you know ? 4:45 strolls around and no answer, and no meeting. Him and his second in command (his family member) arent even in the corporate office. Well fuck its almost 5 already and we want to leave on time. I have a whole life outside of this office and so do my workers. Now, 5:20 rolls around and I decide enough is enough and I start to leave. Im in my car , waiting purposely to see if theyll call. At 5:25 I get a call from second in command that goes like this - Manager:Hey boss where are you we have a meeting Me: Im right outside the office getting ready to leave. Manager: How can you leave ? Its 5:25 and we dont close until 5:30. You know that I need you to hop on skype with your team now. Me: with all due respect I was ready for the time you guys set up. I have other responsibilities in my life. Manager : I dont care we close at 5:30. Me: oh so we close at 5:30 and you want to have a full staff meeting 5 minutes beforehand ? Manager : yes Me: ok I will make sure to respect the office hours and leave at 5:30 Manager: yes thank you I shouldnt have to repeat this but we close at 5:30 Boss (Yes he says boss like that over and over in a condescending tone) So I jump into the meeting , and see the ceo in gym attire. I was already pissed, but his clear lack of consideration for his employees life work balance pushed me over. I was only thinking of being maliciously compliant, but now I couldnt help myself. I seized the opportunity. Literally 5:31 rolls by and I stand up and start grabbing my things. CEO: Hey Man what ya doing we just got started ? ME: I understand sir, but Manager and I were just talking and made it very clear that I must stay in the office until business hours. He stated very clearly to me we close at 5:30. I have to respect the office policies and close up. CEO: manager is this true? Manager : (super red in the face now) uhh well I did remind him the office hours Me:( cut in before anyone else has a chance to speak ) yes and I am sincerely apologetic for preparing to leave at 5:25 , so I would like to make sure I follow the rules. We can meet again at 7:30 am tomorrow. ) CEO : Well you didnt mention we would need more time ? That was the last thing I heard from that meeting. No one called or complained to me and business is proceeding as usual. I just want to make clear I get texts and calls starting 3:30 am until 9-10 Pm everyday. I am a salary employee so I understand working extra some days. I do not stand for inconsiderate managers who cant manage their own time. TLDR: boss wants me to stay during office hours to attend meeting that bosses set up and missed. I comply by staying exactly during office hours. ================================= {4191 points} If you can drive it onto the lot I'll double the trade in value. --------------------------------- Not sure if this is exactly the right place for this story but I can't think of a better sun for it so here it is... Years ago when I was young and drove shitty cars, there was a used lot that was doing a push pull or drag trade in event. If you're not familiar with this it essentially means no matter how shitty your car is they will take it and give you a decent trade in value for one of their cars. I call and tell the guy my current truck is pretty rough shape, like it overheats after a quarter mile and isn't really drivable, and ask if they'll still do a trade in if I have to have it towed there. The guys says yeah we'll do a minimum of $1000 on anything even if it is towed there but if I can drive it onto the lot they'll give me $2500 minimum. Now keep in mind I had just bought this POS a few weeks prior for $800, so even the $1000 trade in is a win for me. But he gave me an idea, my insurance included limited roadside assistance. Including free towing for up to 50 miles. So, I call the tow truck and have the tow my truck and drop it off a block away from the car dealership, just out of sight from the lot. Once it was dropped it took a few tries to start it but it fired up and I limped that Piece of Garbage onto the lot and parked it right in the front row I knew they saw me drive it onto the lot. It literally died as it coasted into the parking spot. The dealer at first wanted to back out since the truck wouldn't start again and was going to have to be towed out of that spot, but I reminded him of our conversation and him saying if I can drive it onto the lot he would give me the $2500 trade in value. So I got $2500 worth of trade in value on a POS $800 truck that was literally undrivable because the dealer apparently forgot tow trucks can drop a car anywhere you want them to... ================================= {752 points} Choose your delivery window wisely --------------------------------- I was the victim of this malicious compliance, but it was funny enough. Years ago, when both internet delivery of consumer goods and large flat-screened televisions were fairly new, I bought an expensive plasma screen that had "white glove" delivery. The delivery company would bring the TV in, set it up, turn it on, and I'd sign off on it working properly before they left. When I bought it, the website said that I could choose a 2-hour delivery window. I called the delivery company and had the following conversation: Me: I have a TV being delivered. ** Delivery Co: Yes, your delivery window is 2-4pm on **. Me: I was told I could select the two hour delivery window. Delivery Co: Let me check on that. [comes back a bit later] Delivery Co: You may select your delivery window from the following available windows: 2-4pm on **, 2-4pm on **, 2-4pm on **, 2-4pm on... Me: Ok, ok, touch. ================================= ########r/TalesFromRetail######## {45 points} Weekly TFR Express Lane Checkout - Post your very short anecdotes and experiences here for quick service! --------------------------------- Welcome to /r/TalesFromRetail's Express Lane! Your weekly thread for small anecdotal stories, rants, and general retail nonsense that wouldn't fit elsewhere in this sub. Please remember all rules regarding anonymity and derogatory speech. *(All comments will be sorted by "new")* ================================= {1795 points} I thought about screaming help --------------------------------- So this happened yesterday right before closing time. I work at a hardware store, and had just came in from my lunch. I walked over towards the paint area and hear this lady screaming like someone was dying. C: EXCUSE ME DOES ANYONE WORK IN THE PAINT AREA?! Shes just screaming that....to no one just standing in the middle of the store. So I walk up and help her. Me: excuse maam do you need help? C: of course I do! I need x amount of paint. Me: alright give me about ten minutes for all this. She orders quite a bit of paint and some where in the mix I fucked up and gave her a gallon instead of a quart. My boss tells me to just discount it and let her take the whole thing. Thats fine with me shes gets out of here quicker and I dont have to be yelled at. She comes back and shes actually really nice and polite when I explain what happened. So I follow her up to the register and she actually starts telling the cashier what happened and saying it was her fault I messed up. While Im standing there waiting for her to finish checking out another gentleman ( other guy)comes up. OG: excuse me sir I have a question to ask you. I thought about just screaming help in the middle of the store but Im not an idiot. Then he just dead stares at the First Lady. It took all I had to not bust out laughing. I answered his question and the First Lady tucked tail and scurried out without saying anything else. ================================= {816 points} I actually have a positive post! --------------------------------- While ringing up a customer yesterday (I work at a grocery/department store) she told me she loves coming through my line because I'm always so efficient, helpful, etc. So I thanked her and told her that was really nice to hear. Then towards the end of my shift, the owner of a local sports bar and grill came through my line and said, "Hey, there's my favorite cashier!" I've rung him up many times over the years, but this is the first time he verbally told me that he likes it when I'm the one who rings him up. Gotta say, those two compliments probably helped me get through my day. I really do try to make it a point to get to know my regulars while still being friendly to those I haven't developed such rapports with yet. Therefore, it's always nice when someone sees the effort you put in to provide great service, and on top it that, tells you to your face how much they appreciate you. Comments/compliments like this helps sustain me after dealing with rude people, idiots, etc. Am definitely thankful for my friendly customers and regulars! ================================= {68 points} "I ran out of gas so can I have a refund?" --------------------------------- This is my first post ever on Reddit and I'm on mobile so forgive me for any errors. Just thought I'd share this crazy phone call I had today. So I work at gas station right outside of a grocery store in Mississippi. I work inside a small box with bullet proof glass to prevent robberies. I'm doing my usual routine, filling the cigarettes and waiting on customers when the work phone rings. I pick it up and a man answers. I'll be Me and the guy on the phone will be Idiot. Idiot: "I bought gas here earlier today and drove to Tennessee and now I'm out of gas. I want a refund." Me: "Well we don't give refunds on gas and you drove pretty far. You've probably just used it all." Idiot: "There must of been something wrong with the gas. I'm on the side of the road and my car is empty. What are you gonna do about it?" Me: "There's nothing I can do. If you want to argue then you can call the main store and see if they'll tell you something different." Idiot: "No I want to talk to you and work something out." This is when a very impatient customer showed up and did not want to wait for me to finish my phone call and proceeded to bang on the glass and yell that she wanted gas. I told the man to wait just a second for me to start the pump for this lady. When I picked up the phone again I noticed he had hung up. ================================= {229 points} How do you know if something is or is not a book? --------------------------------- The other day I had to really hold back my laughter when I overheard my coworker dealing with a nuisance customer. Last week there was a coupon in some newspapers that gave customers 5 off their transaction if they were spending 20 or over on books, stationary or greetings cards. The print on the coupon very clearly stated what it could NOT be used on. So in the afternoon I noticed a paper-craft magazine left behind the till, and my coworker tells me someone has rang up asking for it. About an hour later this person came in to buy it. I was putting stock out near the till, and this is what I heard: Customer: "Excuse me, I called earlier about a magazine? A craft magazine." Coworker: "Oh yes, is this the one you asked for?" Customer: "...is that the newest issue? It looks like the last issue." Coworker: "Let me just check on my scanner...yeah this issue came out two weeks ago but the next one isn't out until next week according to this." Customer: "Oh right...well I'll get it in case I haven't got it already. I have a coupon..." As she produced the coupon my coworker immediately noticed it was the 5 off 20 one, and told the customer it won't work on such a small transaction. Coworker: "Oh that coupon will only work if you're spending 20 or more, this magazine is only 9.99." Customer: "It says 5 off." Coworker: "Yeah 5 off any transaction over 20 of books, stationary or greetings cards. If you have a look around maybe there's something else you might like that will bring it up?" Customer: "What about a few of those books? Two or three of them is probably about 10 right?" Coworker: "These are all new books, this is the paperback chart. They range from 7.99 to 9.99." Customer: "What! 7.99 for a book? That's a bit much, especially for paperbacks!" I'm stood there thinking hold on, your magazine is more than that for less content...She decided to have a quick look around the shop for something else, but didn't get very far before my coworker suddenly realised! Magazines are excluded from the coupon! Whoops, better quickly tell the customer. Coworker: "Excuse me! Sorry, I've just double checked the coupon fine print, magazines aren't actually included in the offer. It's ONLY books, stationary and greetings card." Customer: "Well this is a book." Coworker: "It's a magazine." Customer: "Magazines are books though." Coworker: "I know what you mean but they are classed as different types of products." Customer: "Well that doesn't mean its not a book." Coworker: "But its a magazine. Its not classed as a book." Customer: "Well if its not a book what would YOU call it???" Coworker: "...a magazine." Customer: "Oh whatever I just want this stupid thing forget the coupon." So she bought her magaz-sorry, she bought her book and left. Hopefully she'll be back next week to buy some fountain pens with our 3 for 2 deal on pencils. ================================= {17 points} Couple travel far to store after misreading website, blames company when they realise --------------------------------- Hi guys! Thought I'd tell you about the most memorable customers I've had in the last couple years I've worked in retail. First, I need to give some context - it'll be important later. So I work in a urban sports store (skateboards, stunt scooters, etc) in a small town, so naturally our stock isn't anything compared to the other store in the franchise, which has a massive warehouse with all our stuff. Most sales come from the website the bigger store operates, so patrons come in thinking we have that particular item when we don't. We offer to order it in from the warehouse and have it delivered to us in a few days but as you'd expect, people aren't aware of this and are often pretty disappointed. To try and combat this, we asked head office to put a notice on our's store page on the website, to call ahead to check, and order it in if needed. Simple? Of course not. So it was around 5pm yesterday afternoon a couple walked in, and I had that gut feeling that they were gonna be pain in the ass. They walked around the small storefront (and I mean small, some living rooms are bigger than our store) mumbling to each other in confusion, until they walked over to the counter. Let's call him Richard (R) and myself (M): > M: Hi there! How can I help? > R: Hi, we came in to buy a pair of ice skates for my kid? > M: Oh sorry, we don't stock ice skates in this store unfortunately. However, we do have many on our website that you can have ordered to your house on one-day delivery. If you're local, we can order them in to get here in the next couple days. > R: Excuse me?! We've driven two hours, from [place that's quite far away] to get these skates because your store lied to us! This is not acceptable. We've had customers visit wanting ice skates before, specifically figure skating ones, however they were all local & few and far between. The nearest ice rink is miles away, and due to the low interest we don't stock them. However, I found it very fishy that they said they were lied to, so I probed further. > M: Oh wow, I'm really sorry to hear that! Who told you that we had them? > R: Your website! It says on the page on your store! I'm going to post all about this on social media! This is awful from [brand]. Awesome! A place to dig - maybe head office made messed up and said we stocked them. I head to the page and read the bio - nothing on ice skates. Even said to call us to check. Cool, they either misread or are lying to cover their back. But, they were already irate and I hadn't lost enough of the will to live to call them out on it. I eventually calmed them down (like, the littlest bit) and told them I'll talk to my manager later about this (I was the only one in at the time), and told them where the nearest skates could be bought; to be fair they were an hour away and would be closed by then. When they realised they weren't gonna get anything, they had a mini-storm out the store. After I had a small five minute "what the fuck just happened" break, I dm'd my manager what happened and I forgot about it. Earlier today, I came into work to support a stock delivery (no ice skates, unfortunately) and filled in my colleague (C) on what happened. After finishing, and waiting for a customer to come in - it was a Tuesday early afternoon after all - I notice a notification coming from the store slack account. I clicked to see what it was and the mad lad Richard left a comment on a post on the company's social media account. I won't put what he said, since it's quite identifiable but to paraphrase, it wasn't exactly PG-13. The pair of us had a good laugh, especially at the comments on the slack message (e.g "why did he not just call ahead" etc, etc). What I didn't notice was C saw the guys handle and looked through his profile. Dear god, I have never seen another human bitch and moan like this one did. I think at one point he complained the french fries at a supermarket cafeteria was burnt (they were crispy at best from the picture he posted). Oh yea, there was so much right-wing stuff it was insane. Later my manager got in contact with head office, and confirmed my end of the story. Afterwards, we found out later on google maps that there were two figure skate stores in the city he came from. Intelligence 100. I've had a few interesting customers in the last few years in retail, but holy hell was a heck of a saga. Hope you guys had a laugh as well. tl;dr - couple drove hours to store because they misread website, have a mini-meltdown, rants to social media page, laughed at. ================================= {29 points} It was my 21st birthday yesterday (positive post) --------------------------------- I had a shift from 6am-noon yesterday so I sucked it up and went to work. I walked in to work and when I went in to the back my fellow morning shifters and managers were waiting for me and surprised me with a birthday cake. I haven't had a birthday cake in maybe 10 years and I was so overwhelmed that I forgot to blow out the candles and holy crap it was the sweetest thing ever lmao. Usually we only have cakes when someone get promoted or is leaving the store but my coworkers went out of their way to celebrate my birthday I've been in retail for 5 years now and have never had such a healthy working environment, these people are actually like my family and every Karen and screaming kid that pees on the floor/ in the change room is totally worth it because I get to be with these people every day. ================================= {8 points} Grandmother aura --------------------------------- Hi, buckle up for a (n eventually) wholesome story. Also, sorry for bad English, mistakes pointing welcome. Had one customer, lady in her 50's. I admit I was kind of cranky because I slept badly lastnight, but she just compounded on the problem with kind of a nasty attitude (or maybe thats what it felt to me). On top of that, another lady 30 min before that was "super busy and in a hurry", that just left her things in the counter and took off, because we had the *audacity* of not taking care of her, ahead of people who arrived before. Well, then comes a third lady, around 20 min after the second one. You couldnt picture a more grandma- like person. She immediatly put me in a good mood with her grandmother aura skill, max level. She was asking for a product (a type of candy, going to assume for her grandchildren), but after a couple of minutes of describing and searching, she was getting the names mixed and it was another type of candy. We just laughed, and Im still kinda, hours later. Thats it. Thank the world for that woman. ================================= {67 points} How Dare You --------------------------------- So this happened a quite a few years ago. I was working at the Till on my own, quickly serving my customers while being polite and courteous to them. Then this older gentleman comes up to the till. I scan his purchases, ask would he like a bag letting him know we charge 1p per bag. He just nods his head, I bag up his magazines, and then the fun begins. So thats a total of X.XX I said clearly What? He replied looking confused. I quickly realise he might be hard of hearing, so I repeat myself but louder X.XX! What? Again I have to repeat myself, but louder and slower. Its X.XX!! At this point my manager sticks her head around a corner, wondering whats going on, sees me and the old man. She quickly puts two and two together, and seeing I have it handled goes back to doing her own work. Oh just take it from that he replied throwing a random amount of money in the counter, I quickly count up the required amount and put into the till. He then collects the rest of his money and his change and then walks off, back into the store. I am thinking oh he wants something else. Oh how wrong I was, he goes down the aisle where my manager was, then storms out about 3 minutes later in a huff. My colleague comes over and she looks like she can barely keep herself from laughing her head off You wont believe what that old man said to manager me being curious asks to which I get the story Well he came over and asked manager, if she was the manager. Then when she confirmed it, said How Dare You have someone with learning difficulties on the till! I couldnt understand a word he was saying! Manager flipped. One, he doesnt have learning difficulties, we heard him clearly from over here, YOU have hearing difficulties, either get a hearing aid, or turn it bloody on. Secondly it doesnt matter if someone has learning difficulties, as long as they can serve customers, and can do the job, thats good enough for us, now get out of my store both of us started laughing at this, me in shock, my colleague because of the wtf of it all. Never saw that gentlemen again, probably didnt like being told that he had hearing problems. Tell me what you think, and if you would like more stories, I have more ridiculous customer stories to share if anyone is interested. ================================= {16 points} Grand Theft Bicycle in the Auto Parts Store --------------------------------- From a few years back, world of auto parts. One day, the store owner gets approached by a company selling electric bicycles. He gets convinced to buy in and show them in his store, even though there are other bicycle shops in town already. These things are nice, but expensive (cheapest is over $1,000). Not exactly your regular auto parts store impulse purchase. Now, being an auto parts store, that already has shelves and racks, where do you put a bunch of electric powered bikes? The answer was along the top of the shelves. The owner bolted brackets to the tops of the shelves, such that the bikes sat along the 3" wide top that stretched down the aisles. They were were very visible, you could see them from outside, several brightly colored. We *did* sell a few, but like one every 4-5 months. Most just collected dust. With price tags over $1,000, they just did't fly off the shelves... Until one did. One morning I go into work to find the front doors smashed. One of the most expensive bikes, the very front displayed bike is gone. Review of the security video told the story... 3:32AM a man approaches the building, has been walking down the sidewalk with a flashlight. He turns off the flashlight as the approaches the parking lot. Wearing a hoodie, never see his face. He walks right up to the front doors, whips a pry bar out of his pants, and in seconds is through the front doors (glass double doors). A few seconds later, he has the locks off the bike. Then the bike and he are out the door. Total time from entry to exit with the bike, 42 seconds. Then he strapped the flashlight to the handlebars, powered up the bike, rode off into the night. Never evidence to speak of. Owner ate the loss and bikes were no longer on sale at the store shortly after. ================================= {26 points} Hope you like the wine... --------------------------------- This happened the other day. I work in a wine shop, and this softly spoken, well dressed, middle-aged man came in. He approached my young, female colleague (relevant info because I think he thought he was being edgy to impress her or something) and asked her to recommend a wine. She picked one out, described it and led him to the till. So far so normal. He pays, then blurts out, in the same soft spoken voice: I better like this wine or Ill come back and cut your throat. We just stood there in shock for a second before she nervously responded: I really hope you like it, so... Now, I have a dark sense of humour, but this guy was a new customer - hed never even met my colleague, so he certainly didnt have the kind of rapport youd need to say something like that. I just hope he was actually joking. ================================= {641 points} Let me ruin your rating because you were busy --------------------------------- A couple of days a go I assisted a woman with updating her plans. Gave her an hour of my time for something that made our store very little. At the end I asked if she could please complete the survey she receives in her email and that a 10 means I've done my job right. These surveys are grossly scaled. Anything below a 9 is a detractor and lowers your commissions at the end of the month. These surveys also refer to their {company name} experience" so people often rate the company not realising they're rating us. But this lady I specifically told it reflected on me. Yesterday she came back into the shop regarding an issue and my manager assisted her. I was with another customer but came to the front to grab them a charger. When there she said hi and I said hi and nodded back then left. This morning my manager opens their emails and boom she gave me a zero commenting "All they care about is getting your money. No after sales service!" This was my 12th survey of this month but because of scaling it caused me to drop 20/100 points. This potentially loses me hundreds of dollars in commision. So thank you cranky crone. Thank you for taking your frustration out on me and my minimum wage service. Update: Called her back to ask about how her connection went, she was really mad as its not working. Brought her back in-store and talked her through every step of getting her setup going. She was delighted but very pissed still about the previous day. She was mad at my manager for telling her to call up about the issue and mad at the person she got when she called up. Both gave her vague and unhelpful answers. When I asked if she had received a survey she stated yes and that she had said the initial transaction was fine but after sales was dreadful, mean in my manager. I assured her that regardless of intent, only the score reflects and it will solely be against me. She was very apologetic and has promised to try and remove it. I doubt she can but it does make me feel better knowing I was wrong thinking she did it against me out of spite. ================================= {1361 points} Customer Basically Calls Me Stupid --------------------------------- So I basically got called stupid by a customer. They gave me their cash and I waited a moment to see if they wanted to also use change. I put in the amount they gave me and the drawer opened, and then they go 'I have the change'. I tell them that company policy is that we are not allowed to accept any money after the drawer is open. They tried to argue and I repeated the policy. After I gave them their change they said 'Well your company must think you're stupid'. Before leaving with a huff. I then went and told my manager about it in an I can't believe this happened way and she got so upset on my behalf and told me that if something like that happens again to let her know and she will handle it. ================================= {184 points} Threatened by the toughest guy. --------------------------------- This is a long one. I work the overnight cashier shift at a grocery store. I have come to hate it with a passion. It's much quieter but if something does go wrong I have pretty much nothing in the way of backup, and due to recent issues overnights are running on a complete skeleton crew. This night was pretty normal, and so was this particular customer. At first. He got beer and when asked for ID pulled out his wallet without a fuss, which is always nice. He was having a lot of trouble, so I told him he didn't need to take it out as long as I could read the dates. I leaned forward slightly and then everything went wrong. He glared at me and said, "Do not look in my wallet." I apologized and explained that that hadn't been my intention. Not good enough. He repeats that I am not to look in his wallet and I am not his wife (???). I apologized again. He finally got his ID out and showed it to me, reading his birth date in an incredibly angry voice. He honestly didn't seem drunk, just horrible, so I put it in without a word and hoped he would just leave. He would. not. let. it. go. Kept saying I was not his wife (thank god!!) and that I had disrespected him. I was completely silent at this point. He was working himself into such a rage over my "disrespect" that I was actually starting to become afraid. Dude was over twice my size. A woman walked by and gave me a concerned look. Finally he said, "You do that again and you're going to get hurt." Aaaaand then I'd had enough. I whipped my head up and told him in a loud voice that he was not going to threaten me. Then I paged the crew chief while he screamed about how he didn't give a f\*\*\* who I called etc etc. Crew chief came before anything happened and tried to calm him down to no avail, but got him to agree to talk somewhere more private. But not before the guy turned to me with a look of utter hatred, said, "Keep this, you trashy b\*\*\*\*", and threw his receipt at my face. So while I stood there using all of my willpower to stay put and remain calm, the woman from before came up. Turns out she'd called the cops and she wanted to check up on me and tell me they might stop by. I thanked her because I REALLY needed a reminder of the existence of basic human kindness. Seriously, thank you lady. Crew chief came back and dismissed the guy as a drunk (let him have the beer though). He also let me know that the customer had said "something even worse" about me. I asked if it was the c-word and he said no and refused to tell me anything beyond that. He'd told the guy to have a good night and sent him on his way. Yep. I very nearly walked out of there forever. Too bad I need the money. ================================= {292 points} Customer won't let me take stock from the shop floor pt 3 --------------------------------- Hey guys, I know I said i'd give you an update about what happened to karen after my last encounter with her, but ive had no news and she's been allowed to shop in the center again, hence why this event is even taking place. OK, so this happened last week, when I was supposed to be off for the week. I got a call on the Monday from my manager asking if I could cover for her on the Tuesday, as she was having problem walking due to an injury in her knee. I reluctantly agreed, as it was my dads birthday and had made plans. I went in the following morning and did absolutely nothing other than turn the till on until it was time to open. As soon as the clock hit 9 I opened the store and began looking at the jobs that were left for me to get done. The main job was again to get recall off the shop floor. I went through the recall list to see what shoes needed to be removed from the shop floor and started to take off some dolly shoes that were placed near the door. As I was taking off the shoes I hear some one say "You're doing it again!" I turn slightly and notice Karen outside the shop, glaring at me. me:"Excuse me?" Karen: You're removing shoes! Me:Yes their going back to the warehouse, so they can be sent to another store. We're not selling enough of them. Karen: Well you won't sell them if you keep removing them. Put them back. We hadn't sold a pair of these shoes in nearly a month hence why they were going back. Me: I'm sorry this is part of my job, if you have a complaint, feel free to call customer services. At this point I got an order from a customer on the till, placed the shoes in a tub and went to collect the customers order from the shop floor. I turn to go back to till to make sure I have everything for the order and see karen taking the shoes from the bucket. I mean all of them. Me: Excuse me! can you please put those back in the tub Karen: No I am putting them back, which should be your job. She sees the shoes and bag in my arms. Karen: You're doing it again! How dare you remove more stuff! Me: Someone has already payed for these, I'm making sure they don't get accidently sold. Karen: I don't believe you, you don't have any proof. Me: I do have proof, but it contains customer details, so I am unable to show it to you, as it is against the law and company policy Karen: You're lying! Put those back right now! I was getting fed up, I was in a bad mood already due to being in work when I was meant to be off again, but she was pushing me to my limit. Me: No they belong to a customer and please can you put those shoes back in the bucket. Karen: No, they belong where they were. Now put those items back or are you deaf as well as stupid I ignored her accepted the order and put the items in a bag and stapled the receipt to bag. At this point I was torn whether to put the order in the back, or wait Karen out. Turns out I didn't have to do either. Karen dropped the shoes she was holding and tried to come behind the till. Me: Excuse me, you can't come back here. Karen: I'm just stopping you from removing stuff from the shop She reaches for the customers bag, but I step between her and the bag. Karen: Get out of my way! You can't even do you're job probably, that stuff belongs on the shelves! Me: No it doesn't, it's been paid for already. Karen: You're lying! She tries to push me aside, but there is not a lot of room so she fails miserably. Luckily a centre cleaner was walking past, saw the commotion and went to get the centre manager, who we'll call G. G came into the store and asked what was going on. Karen: She's removing stuff from the displays! G: She's well within her right to do that, if that's what she needs to do. Karen: She's even lying about it. She's saying customers have bought things and is trying to removing them I point to the bag on the floor, with the recipt clearly stapled to it. G, asked Karen to go with him to his office. I had to phone, my manager, area manager and notify customer services in case she phoned to complain. Which took all morning. Unfortunately the Police weren't called to this situation and she isn't banned from the center, but she is banned from the store. I hope it's over. ================================= {77 points} Stingy customer can't spare 2 cents --------------------------------- To give some background information, 1c and 2c coins are out of circulation in this country thus basically meaning that most shops don't accept them anymore/don't keep any change of them. I was serving a customer yesterday who's total came out to "something".98 and as usual I rounded it to the nearest 5c, which unfortunately for me meant rounding up. They looked at me weird and asked how I decide to round the prices. Sensing an argument, I apologised and said that 2c are out of circulation and gave them a 5c coin, which they took and exited the shop with a curt laugh. Well today, they came back to yell at my boss that it's his fault for letting this happen and that I'm an overall horrible person. I'd like to see which hole they shove those 2c up. ================================= {20 points} Don't You Love Pests? --------------------------------- I started my job today. While I was following the store manager on a tour of the store, HE STEPPED ON A FREAKIN BAT! Not a baseball bat, but a nocturnal flying bat! Normally that would have deterred me from working there, but considering I'm only working part time, I'm fine with having watched my manager squish a bat with his shoe. Basically, what happened was he was showing me the back of the store, just to familiarize me with it in case I need to go there. He said "I doubt you'll ever really need to head back here often or at all since you'll be working out at the front end, but-" crunch He stopped his stride and looked down at his shoe. A poor little bat just got smooshed. I swear I felt bad for the bat, despite it being a pest in a retail store. Not a pleasant way to go. He looked at me, saw my rather straight face at what I just saw and said "Well, you see something new every day." "No kidding... that the first time that's ever happened?" "Yeah. Never had a bat sneak in here before. Birds, sure. But not bats." I shrugged and recalled something I had said earlier to him when he was telling me I might not head to the back often. I had said that you never know what will happen or if you need to head to the back. "Always expect the unexpected." He smiled at that and laughed at the blunt remark. I mean... it was pretty apt given I wasn't expecting a BAT in the store or for it to just sit there and get stepped on. Plus side is he's put me on shift in a couple of days saying I'll fit right in with my outgoing attitude and responses. ================================= {64 points} No control over inventory --------------------------------- I sell cbd. Our inventory is what it is. If it isn't on the shelf, i don't have it right now. We are a super small business, working on building up. With a secondary location, in a city about ten minutes away by car. Boss and i are doing the best we can. But some weeks are much busier than others. So normal shipments either go super fast or super slow. The past two weeks, it's been super fast. And while she has been overnighting product to the store, shipments are smaller and more concentrated on specific product. Until we get things situated. So that brings me to today. Gentleman comes in and asks for a specific milligram and all i have is the higher dose. He cant afford the higher dose so he gets cranky. "I guess im gonna have to shop around. I thought i was doing good coming in here and finding this last month. I just dont wanna have to go up in dose and then next month when i need more try to come back down." All valid points. But he wasnt letting me get a word in edgewise about how he could just get the higher dosage and break the dose down in half. So he leaves. And then sits in his car. He found a coupon online and comes back in. Asks if ill honor it. I said sure. Like, if he had given me a chance the first time, i wouldve slapped on a military discount and called it a day. And the coupon he found was only slightly better than the military discount(by a dollar, i just checked). But why do people just steamroll you? Like bro, let me talk. I get it. Youre old. And anxious. But i have zero control over the inventory. I have zero control over the prices. But if youd give me ahcnace to say anything, ill always make it more affordable. If youre nice. And since he came back in, and wasnt rude or anything and let me explain what dosage he would need at this milligram, he got his coupon. No questions asked. ================================= {1618 points} Its a paper bag GET OVER IT! --------------------------------- So I work in a supermarket in Ireland that has self service tills. The other day I was on self service for the night and these two women came up to the self scan beside me. They were buying a couple of cakes and other bits of food. So bear in mind, my work sells clothes too and we are not allowed to give the paper clothes bags to customers that arent buying clothes, because we ran out of them completely a couple of months ago for a couple of weeks and our managers had a meeting and were informed not to hand them out unless its for clothing. **note: we sell 70c reusable plastic bags that customers usually purchase if they need one** Anyways one of the women asks me if theres any boxes so they can carry their stuff. I tell her if there is theyll be down at the end of checkouts. So she goes and walks down the whole way to check the ends of the checkouts for boxes and spots at the very end checkout the paper bags. She goes in behind the till and grabs a paper bag. And thats when I go up to her. Me: Sorry Im afraid the paper bags are only for clothing. Customer: (Looking shocked) So we cant take this paper bag for our stuff? Me: You werent buying any clothing so... no. Customer: (Looking even more annoyed) Are you serious? Me: Yep. Customer: (Giving me the paper bag back and answering back really viciously) Its a paper bag GET OVER IT! Customer storms off and eventually finds a box for her stuff. My manager saw this all happening and gave me a thumbs up and I was there with my blood boiling. TLDR; Customer snaps at me for not letting her have a paper clothing bag for her purchases when she wasnt buying any clothes and were not allowed to give them out ================================= {128 points} Lady implies she will pee on the floor if I dont let her use the employee restroom. --------------------------------- Okay, some background: I work in a pop-up shop. We buy out unused space for our seasonal store. Our current location used to have a customer bathroom. Its been empty for about a year. The plumbing is bad, and the entire mens bathroom is unusable. The womens has a single stall thats usable, and one functioning sink. In one phrase: not for customers. Today, an associate brought a distraught woman to me. The lady asked for a manager. The following ensues. Me: Hi, Im the manager, whats up? Lady: This worker says you dont have a bathroom. Me: Unfortunately, we dont. There is one nearby in [mall location]. Lady: Yeah, ya see, I know that. Theyre cleaning it. They say its for *my convenience* but I need it now. (At this point I assume its over) Me: Yeah, I had something similar happen. Sorry about that; I guess it just has to be cleaned some days. (Here, she puts an empty water bottle on our counter and looks visibly irritated.) Lady: Look, I just finished this whole thing, and I need a bathroom now. I know [old store] had one. Me: Im sorry, company policy says I cant let you into the back. Its not customer accessible. Lady: So if you wont let me, what would happen if I walked through there and you didnt tell me to do it? Me: Umm, I think you would personally get in trouble. We arent allowed to let anyone in the back. Lady: Well, if I dont get to use your bathroom, youre gonna have a mess to clean up. Me: Im sorry, theres really nothing I can do. From here my coworker (another manager) comes up. The woman goes through the whole ordeal again, saying we would have to clean her mess, and we called the nearby malls security to see if they would open the bathroom. Of course, they said no. Someone was cleaning the whole thing, and they needed it closed. This was about 30 mins before that mall closed today (Sunday is early), so I figured it would end up like this. At the end of it all, my coworker went against policy and escorted her to the restroom. I was a little upset he did it, because others could use her as a precedent (you let HER, now ME). I just cant understand why she wouldnt leave and use the bathroom anywhere else. We arent in the middle of nowhere. Also, who threatens to pee themself to prove a point? ================================= {165 points} Customer gets mad because I don't want to handle her spit-covered item --------------------------------- I work in a second hand tech shop. We buy in hardware and software from customers for cash. Woman came in with a load of PS3 games, all in pretty poor condition (scratched and generally not very clean). I was working my way through them and I came to a copy of GTA5 that was really gross. It was covered in who knows what, all gunky and crusty. I got a cloth to clean the disc to no avail. Told her I couldn't trade that game in because it was too dirty and handed it back to her. She took the disc, spat on her finger and rubbed some of the gunk off and tried to hand it back to me. She then got mad at me when I refused to trade it in because I didn't want to touch her phlegm covered disc! Man, I love retail. ================================= {114 points} Oh that was -insert amount here- --------------------------------- Now Im not sure about you but at the store I work at you cannot just enter a value and add that to someones total. This usually only happens when people are buying some clothes, theyll have an item that doesnt have its tag on it so I cannot scan it up. (Im aware of the UPC inside clothing but that doesnt work to type that in where I am). Generally the items of clothing will all be from the clearance section so theyll say Oh that was $1.00 like the others and its like, Ok while I do not doubt that, I still would need the tag in order to enter it into the computer so that it will basically say this item has been sold, we now need to order 1 more of this specific item to fill the stock I explain this to them and they generally understand and will either go or go send a family member to go and retrieve another of the item. This however was not the case. A lady came up to my register, not your typical Karen. And she had a whole bunch of clothes to purchase. And first off she wouldnt put them on the belt so that they wouldnt get dirty so she handed me an armfull of clothes for me to scan. I eventually get to the item without the tag. Me: Im sorry maam this item doesnt seem to have its ta- Lady: Sign said it was three dollars Me: I understand maam however, I would still need the tag in order to scan it, so that the computer can then - Lady: Im telling you it was only three dollars, so just add three dollars to my total. Me: I apologize maam but I cannot do that. Its not an option on the register and it wouldnt account for tax, if you would like I can hold your items here while you go and get another one that has a tag Lady: Whatever, just put it to the side, I dont want it I set the item to the side and finish ringing up her items, she pays, I hand her the receipt and tell her have a good one where she doesnt say anything in response and just heads to Customer Service and reports me. Also it would turn out the shirt she wanted, was not $3 but $16. ================================= {86 points} Read the room, lady. --------------------------------- This morning, my boss called a staff meeting to go over store policy with us as a result of a negative facebook review. (We're almost positive that the reviewer was lying, as she said the staff didn't say a word to her even after she tried to engage in conversation. I manage this place, and I know for a fact that we all greet the customers to a certain extent. We don't just stare at them. We also have to ask followup questions like "what size would you like?" "Do you want to add anything?" "Your total is X dollars and XX cents.") So while we're all sitting here, it's incredibly clear that we're closed. All of us are sitting listening to our boss, nobody is at the counter, lights are off, and we don't open for another hour. Our hours are listed directly to the left of the door. This woman, who has never been to the store, comes up and places her order. We're all staring at her. We end up having to prep everything on the fly, and she still doesn't take the hint that we aren't open yet. She complains about a long wait and it takes everything in me not to say "it's because we don't open until 10. It's 9." I couldn't have a negative interraction in front of my boss and the staff I manage/train, but I mean, the lights are off, a manager is giving instruction, and nobody else is there other than some people huddled to one side. There are also bagels and orange juice, as there usually is for staff meetings. We had two other people come in asking if we were open, and we said "not yet." She really couldn't get the hint that the lot was empty apart from my car, the owner's car, and the night manager's car. Nobody else in the shopping center was open yet, either, except for the bagel shop around the corner and the laundromat. Everyone else delays their sunday morning openings, too. She also said she doesn't come to this branch often, usually the one about 25 minutes away from ours. The hours in that store are identical to ours. I know customers are dumb, but I'd rather deal with them when we're actually open for business, and not when I'm exhausted and still pissed i had to give up my only off day which was preset 17 weeks in advance. I refuse to count today as an off day because I still went in for that meeting and I did do work, so this is day 8, and tomorrow is my last off day before going back to school. The wawa next door is open 24/7. Go there. ================================= {44 points} BULLCRAP --------------------------------- So I work in the back of my store, stocking and stuff like that. But a few weeks back I was forced to learn how to work a register as side help because our company's corporate insists on making the entire store work with a skeleton crew, so the front end needs help often. Today I was called up front at about 2 pm. A guy who I think was probably my third customer came through and everything was mostly okay until the end. At the beginning he commented on the lack of baggers, I agreed that it was ridiculous. Everything was good, while I was scanning his stuff there was an Xbox card mixed in which seemed strange because this guy was probably in his 60s, but it's not unheard of and maybe he was getting it for a grandkid or something. I set the gift card on top of the counter thing next to the credit card reader and continued. Due to the lack of baggers the man was bagging and mostly had everything done when it came time to pay. He paid with a card, so I hit the credit card payment button and as it was processing, I said : "oh by the way sir, your gift card is right here" *taps counter* His receipt printed off and I started to hand it to him at this time as well. Man: "what gift card?" Me: "this one here. It was with your stuff sir" Man: "WHAT? THAT'S NOT MINE. You didn't charge me for that did you?" Note: it was for $25, and his total was about $100 so it did bump up his total a decent portion but it's not like it was a $500 card. Me: "well it was with your things so yes I scanned it" Man: "WELL TAKE IT OFF" Me: "I'm sorry sir but it's too late, I can't take it off" (the receipt is in his hand now so very obviously the transaction is over) Man: "BULLCRAP" Me: "sir I'm very sorry, but it's too late for me to do anything now, you have to go over to the customer service desk and they'll take it off for you. I'm sorry" Man: "UNBELIEVABLE" Me: "I'm sorry but it was with your stuff so it looked like yours" Man: *walks off grumbling* Me after he left: "man, what a d*ck". Not the most professional comment to make but I was fuming inside about how someone could possibly get so upset about something so pointless, so it's probably lucky that's all I said. I honestly have no idea how the card got there if he didn't put it there but fact is, it was right in the middle of everything he had, on top of the rest of his stuff. There was no reason to believe it wasn't his. This man was also wearing a "US ARMY" hat so I had to mentally congratulate him on doing a fine job of representing our military. A true American hero, yelling at 24 year olds for things out of their control. That's the patriotic thing to do. Everyone after him was fairly nice, a woman farther back asked what his problem was, so at least everyone else was understanding. I had some very patient people luckily the rest of the way so the rest of my cashiering went more smoothly. ================================= {780 points} I yelled back at a customer --------------------------------- I'm an assistant manager at a dollar store. Our frozen food truck had come, and when they come they have to be received and processed immediately. I'm still not fully trained, and the new store manager told me to handle it on my own despite never having processed a frozen food truck. Luckily, the driver knew how to do everything and guided me through it, but it was time for one of the cashiers to go home. She was supposed to leave at 1:30, but at this point it was already 1:50 and the store manager hadn't taken her down, so I ran up to let her count her drawer down and go home. The other cashier was calling for a manager's assistance, but the sm wouldn't come up to help her. Our store has a very strict policy that non-managers are not allowed in the office alone, and under no circumstances can money be left unattended. I told her I would be as quick as I could, and the customer she was with said in a snarky voice that she would wait. By the time we were done counting the money, the cashier's line was insanely long. The customer she was with tells me I took too long and storms out. Then the cashier tells me her register is starting to freeze up and was taking too long to print receipts. The frozen food was still out so I was trying to run back to let the other manager know that I couldn't do it right then and that I needed to help the cashier. On my way to talk to the manager the woman at the back of the line says, "YOU need to open another lane right now!" I said back to her, "Yes ma'am I know, but I need to speak to someone really quick I'll be right back." She rolled her eyes at me. After I let the manager know what was happening, I ran back up and told everyone to move to another register since I was moving her. An older gentleman gave me a nasty look and immediately screamed, "WHY!?" "Sir, her register isn't working properly anymore and it's being slow." "WELL THEN YOU NEED TO OPEN UP ANOTHER REGISTER!" I have never yelled at a customer before, but my stress levels were through the rough and he was unnecessarily aggressive towards me and wasn't the first person to tell at me that day. So I yelled back, "You're going to HAVE to wait because I need to move her to another register FIRST, and THEN I will open up another lane and check you out!" Everything was silent until I started moving her drawer after she finished checking out another customer. Then the woman she had just checked out looked at the cashier and said, "Thank you so much for being so courteous and patient!" Then she looks at me and says, "And YOU need to learn to respect people!" I didn't even respond and just opened up another register. I was trying not to get upset, buy I could tell I was bright red and couldn't really hide the anger in my face. Luckily, the man didn't come to my lane and everyone who came to mine was extra polite and one even started telling me she can't believe people are so rude to customer service people. It felt good to finally have someone not antagonize me. It also felt really good to yell even though I probably shouldn't have. TLDR; stressed at work, couldn't help my cashier immediately, her register stops working and I need to move her, irate customer yells at me, I yell back. Edit: formatting ================================= {1809 points} lady thinks i dont know what a barcode is???? --------------------------------- this isnt a long or dramatic story, but it happened this morning at the tender time of 8 am n i cant stop thinking about it lmao. i was checking this lady out this morning n it was going pretty normal. towards the end of the transaction i tried to scan a bag of popcorn n the register beeped n flashed the ITEM NOT FOUND signal. no big deal, sometimes new items get missed when being put in the system before being put out for sale. sometimes chips n bagged popcorn will have the vendor sale price printed on the bag, but this brand didnt. i rly didnt feel like running down the aisles to look for the tag so i asked my coworker if she knew the price. before she could answer, the customer said its right there! i thought she meant the vendor price. but when i obviously didnt see what she was talking about she grabbed the bag, pointed at the barcode, n said you scan that! i was so confused. we just went through every other item. i scanned every item. like? also ive worked there n been a cashier for 4 years, she was a regular. she knows i know my job. i just said its not in the system? n went to get the price from the aisle. im still so confused. did she genuinely think i didnt know to scan the barcode???? ================================= {26 points} 60 cent return --------------------------------- Sorry this is my first post on both here and Reddit so sorry if I do it wrong. So I've worked in a local dollar store for 3 years as a cashier that never got a raise (unless you count the time when the state raised minimum wage) and often on weekends because I was in college. Sure enough summer comes around and I start working weekday mornings. It was a small town and often times older folk would come streaming in the morning. This particular morning my boss had a conference call, the truck had arrived the day before (which the stock room needed to be emptied ASAP), and we just received new labels for the shelf that needed be up ASAP. So as I'm frantically running around the store setting things up and working the cash register. So early in the morning, this older guy comes in and buys a drying dish rack, some candies, and the occasional miscellaneous items. No big deal. As the busy day goes by and I'm nearing the end of my shift, the same older man comes in with his just recently purchased dish drying rack. Seeing him ahead of time, I know he's making a return. "Can I help you," I ask as he places the dish drying rack on the counter in front of me. "Yes, I just checked my receipt and you over charged me for this," he says (not his exact words but something similar). "Is it broken," I ask. This is the first time I experienced someone wanting a cash back for being overcharged. He politely says no and just wants his money back that he was overcharged. Now at this point, I was the employee that had been working at this store the longest, knew my way around on how the store worked, and my manager trusted me. Not wanting to disturb my manager, for she was sitting in this claustrophobic room, and conference calls are the worst, I try to solve the problem. After seeing the product in the computer, which said the product was $3.60, and checking the label on the shelf, which said the product was $3.00, I would honor the price on the shelf. (I still hadn't put out the new labels so maybe it was there). To no avail, I couldn't figure out how to give this guy his 60 cents back without making my drawer look like it was short on money or that the store has had a product stolen. Hating to disturb my manager, but needing to anyway, I explain to her the problem while she's half listening to the conference call. It must have been a stressful conference or the 60 cents return kinda sounded ridiculous as it did to me because she just reaches into her pocket and gives me 60 cents to give the older man. I give the man his 60 cents and he leaves as one happy customer. I never did find the new label for the dish drying rack and had to make a label with the actual price and item number. ================================= {23 points} Rude Customer --------------------------------- So this is a fairly short story. It was my first day working in a local dollar store, even more so, it was my first job. I had little training and was given the task of running the cash register with only one hour of training on how it works. So I was stressed out. And just to add a little note, I don't smoke nor have I ever purchased cigarettes at this time. So this lady comes in asking for \*cigarette brand\* shorts. I've had several customers before her asking for cigarettes and they kindly point them out to me on what they want. I'm trying to figure out the kind of cigarette's she wants and kindly ask if she could point them out to me. She just stands there, giving me a "you're an idiot" look, and not answering. Thinking she didn't hear me but not wanting to ask again, I hold out the each \*cigarette brand\* type and ask her which one. She points out what she wanted, but not without a dramatic sigh and huffing, makes her purchase and leaves. Needless to say she was not my favorite customer and I later learned she was banned from the store for shop lifting. ================================= {132 points} Lady tries to get lower price on runner by lying --------------------------------- This actually happened last week but I am now just getting around to writing it. In the wonderful state of Michigan there are several anti-false advertising laws in place. Part of the law is that if the tag says $2.50 we have to sell it for $2.50 even if it meant $890 otherwise the customer can sue. The law however can be worked around because customers move things around constantly as all retail folk know all too well. So if it's one thing in the wrong spot that is in the guest not on us. At my store we sell cut to length floor runners, those runners have two ways of knowing the price; a 7"X11" sign that's attached to the strap that holds the sign and says the price, and a vintage to the left of the roll itself. A lady asked for my help so I went over to her, she immediately inquired to the price of a particular runner; one that had a sign attached to it, but I never look for those cause most of the time they're not even there. So I tell her the price on the bin tag. "4.49 a linear foot." "But this sign says it's 2.39 a foot." She retorts. I look at the sign and sure enough it says 2.39.. but it also says the name to a different runner down and to the left of the runner she wants. The sign was for a hard plastic runner that's used on hardwood floors so you do t cray how it as you walk across it, the runner she wanted looked like a commercial welcome may with a halfway Greek looking etched border. "Well that sign is for this runner." I pulled the sign off and put it on the right roll. "It's for a hard surface runner as it says on the sign, the right price is 4.49, as it says on the bin tag here." "Well the sign says 2.39 so you *have* to give it to me for this price." "Well since I'm here and have now told you that the price is 4.49, and shown you the bin tag no we don't." "But the sign said 2.39." "And I said 4.49" After a second of deliberation on her end she takes a 6 foot piece of runner and leaves. After my I told her firmly that it was 4.49 she thought about fighting more but decided not to. After I handed her off the rolled up remnant and she was on her way I went to take care of the runner and lo and behold I find the right sign thrown onto the floor nearish where the roll was. My bet is she took the sign off, found a price she thought looked better and replaced it with that sign. I cut nearly 15 runners that day, not a one was that Greekish runner until that lady, and there wasn't any signs on the floor until after helping that lady. Sometimes you just have to push back against pushy guests because they sometimes know they're in the wrong. Tl;dr Lady tries to get lower price on runner but I push back. ================================= {65 points} That's just the way the merchandise is made --------------------------------- I am new to retail. I was a barber for 9 years and my boyfriend and I moved halfway across the country to take over his mom's retail store in a tourist town out west. So I'm still new to "wtf questions." This happened today. One of our biggest sellers in the summer is cowboy hats. Some of them come with strings that go under your chin, some don't. That's just they way they come to us. A woman is debating between 2 hats. One with the string, one without. Woman: "Can you put a rodeo string on this one?" Me: "No, I can't do that for you." Woman: "Do you even know what I'm talking about?" Me: "Yes, but I still can't do that for you." Woman: "Why not?!" Me: "They just come like that." Woman: "But I want this hat with a string." I literally just stared at her. I had nothing left to say. Luckily her husband said he could put one on for her and she still bought the hat, so all is well. But, between that and at least one person a day asking me to change chains on a necklace for them, I'm going to have to put up a sign that I don't do crafts! ================================= ######r/talesfromtechsupport##### {1952 points} TFTS POSTING RULES (MOBILE USERS PLEASE READ!) --------------------------------- Hey, we can have two stickies now! --- So, something like 90% of the mod removals are posts that obviously don't belong here. When we ask if they checked the rules first, almost everyone says, "O sorry, I didn't read the sidebar." And when asked why they didn't read the sidebar, almost everyone says, "B-b-but I'm on mobile!" So this sticky is for __you__, dear non-sidebar-reading mobile users. --- First off, here's a link to the [TFTS Sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/about/sidebar) for your convenience and non-plausible-deniability. --- Second, here is a hot list of the rules of TFTS: __Rule 0__ - [YOUR POST MUST BE A STORY ABOUT TECH SUPPORT](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_rule_.2205_.3A_your_post_mu st_be_a_written_story_about_tech_support) - Just like it says. __Rule 1__ - [ANONYMIZE YOUR INFO](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_rule_1_.3A_anonymize_your_info) - Keep your personal and business names out of the story. __Rule 2__ - [KEEP YOUR POST SFW](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_rule_2_.3A_keep_your_posts_.26_comments_sfw) - People do browse TFTS on the job and we need to respect that. __Rule 3__ - [NO QUESTION POSTS](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_rule_3_.3A_no_posts_that_ask_a_question) - Post here AFTER you figure out what the problem was. __Rule 4__ - [NO IMAGE LINKS](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_rule_4_.3A_no_image_links) - Tell your story with words please, not graphics or memes. __Rule 5__ - [NO OTHER LINKS](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_rule_5_.3A_no_standalone_links) - Do not redirect us someplace else, even on Reddit. __Rule 6__ - [NO COMPLAINT POSTS](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_rule_6_.3A_no_customer_complaint_posts) - We don't want to hear about it. Really. __Rule 7__ - [NO PRANKING, HACKING, ETC.](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_rule_7_.3A_no_pranking_or_hacking_tales) - TFTS is about helping people, not messing with them. __Rule ∞__ - [DON'T BE A JERK.](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_rule_.221E_.3A_don.27t_be_a_jerk) - You know exactly what I'm talking 'bout, Willis. --- The [TFTS Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index) has more details on all of these rules and other notable TFTS info as well. For instance, you can review our list of [Officially Retired Topics](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_what_tales_have_jumped_the_shark.3F), or check out all of the [Best of TFTS Collections](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_the_compleat_best_of_tfts). Thanks for reading & welcome to /r/TalesFromTechSupport! --- _This post has been locked, comments will be auto-removed._ _Please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftalesfromtechsupport) if you have a question or a suggestion._ _(Remember you can hide this message once you have read it and never see it again!)_ _edit: fixed links for some mobile users._ ================================= {33 points} TFTS Top Tales - July 2019 --------------------------------- Hi Everybody! Here's another month of Top Tales for you to enjoy - thanks to everyone for posting & commenting! ~ magicB ~ ###TFTS TOP TALES - July 2019 ----- _7/1/19_ : [m] [I made a mistake.](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/c7nrpm/sysadmining_still_sysadmining_i_asked_for_a/) _by scoldog_ _7/2/19_ : [s] [Maybe I didnt. I dont know.](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/c8awvz/in_which_i_forget_the_first_rule_of_users_when/) _by mommyshark18_ _7/3/19_ : [s] [But we are already live...](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/c8ogxe/never_trust_the_user_nor_the_devs/) _by jyscwFirestarter_ _7/4/19_ : [l] [What do you seek?](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/c8upy7/the_quest_to_find_the_admin_with_the_power_of/) _by peach2play_ _7/5/19_ : [s] [I have faith in you.](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/c99s15/are_you_sure_its_plugged_in/) _by vespum_ _7/6/19_ : [l] [This is important!](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/c9u1mf/but_why_cant_i_have_my_managers_password_this_is/) _by Magentium_ _7/7/19_ : [s] [Please help me!](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/ca27pl/ancient_history_how_a_vt100_became_a_computer/) _by CypherAus_ _7/8/19_ : [l] [And then what?](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cari6r/tales_from_university_helpdesk_but_how_would_i/) _by LiamtheV_ _7/9/19_ : [s] [They better respond to me.](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cawze6/please_help_im_not_dead/) _by HoarsePJ_ _7/10/19_ : [m] [Its not working.](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cbdmi5/you_did_what_now/) _by dRaidon_ _7/11/19_ : [l] [Wait what?](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cbyeyx/how_a_favor_for_a_friend_ended_up_costing_a_small/) _by TheLightningCount1_ _7/12/19_ : [l] [Hold on...what the hell is this?!](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/ccfu4m/new_vp_improves_the_process_and_almost_gets_me/) _by jazzb54_ _7/13/19_ : [s] [Well how hard can it be?](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cchoju/ordered_to_learn_seo/) _by azisles02_ _7/14/19_ : [m] [That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cd7rtc/thats_not_how_credit_cards_work_lady/) _by UpsidownZ_ _7/15/19_ : [l] [It'll be fine.](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cdotva/the_boss_isnt_always_right_but_he_is_always_the/) _by NotYourNanny_ _7/16/19_ : [s] [I don't know what that means.](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cdxmdm/thats_not_how_anything_works_fired_employee/) _by CantaloupeCamper_ _7/17/19_ : [xl] [I've got good news, and I've got bad news...](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/ceb01m/encyclopdia_moronica_w_is_for_wins_from_zeroes/) _by Gambatte_ _7/18/19_ : [m] [See, I told you it wouldn't work...](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/ceswjy/i_dont_think_you_know_what_cancel_means/) _by LongIslandTrooper_ _7/19/19_ : [s] [This is unacceptable, how am I supposed to work??](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cf3h99/the_most_urgent_issue_of_all/) _by annemg_ _7/20/19_ : [m] [I have a request and it's your job to do it.](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cfkx2t/i_watched_a_user_commit_fraud/) _by farrell_987_ _7/21/19_ : [m] [Oh, I never read those things!](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cg5hph/but_why_did_you_click_that/) _by tunaman808_ _7/22/19_ : [m] [What gives?](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cgcm14/it_was_the_font_color/) _by Akuzimo_ _7/23/19_ : [l] [And do I have to do this now or later?](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cgzl5j/how_difficult_is_it_to_follow_simple_instructions/) _by willbeonekenobi_ _7/24/19_ : [m] [How do I set that up?](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/ch3zge/but_how_do_i_check_voicemail/) _by TheOtherID10T_ _7/25/19_ : [s] [Did you change it just now?](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/chm1ym/instructions_unclear/) _by gwent_shark_ _7/26/19_ : [m] [Oh I thought it'd still be ok...](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/ci4avj/our_whole_network_is_down_but_at_least_my_phone/) _by Animosus5_ _7/27/19_ : [s] [I thought you guys are IT...](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/ci8pbi/the_ups_driver_is_here_hes_an_it_guy/) _by ElToberino_ _7/28/19_ : [s] [That's what you do on mobile.](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cieuhn/password_confusion/) _by pukui7_ _7/29/19_ : [s] [But it works that way with my ipod!](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cjg0ta/deoverwrite_my_file/) _by CamossDarkfly_ _7/30/19_ : [s] [Let me try logging in.](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cjttoc/bad_at_computers/) _by snake1152_ _7/31/19_ : [s] [I don't have time to look, come fix it now!!!](http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/ck3zc9/concentration_of_lazy_people/) _by Cidjackaries_ ----- The full set of [TFTS Top Tales by month](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/wiki/index#wiki_the_compleat_best_of_tfts) can be found in our wiki. _^(All stories and quotes are copyright their original authors. No re-use without permission.)_ ================================= {613 points} Subject: EMAIL ISN'T WORKING!!!!!! --------------------------------- > As the only system administrator for a small programming firm, I usually have to deal with rather stupid requests and issues. We also still use Exchange 2010, and are in the process of migrating since I took over. However, everyone has been a bit hesitant to move, since they don't like the look of Outlook 2016. >One morning I walk in and everything is business as usual, but I receive a Gmail notification with the subject line in all caps "EMAIL ISN'T WORKING!!!!!!" As I begin walking to my office the VP of sales frantically signals for my attention, and knowing her habits as a user, I grimace and brace myself for her usual ineptitude. She immediately starts yelling at me. >VP: "The email server is down! I just sent you an email to let you know about it. I can't do any of my work without email. This is so frustrating that you guys don't react immediately to this. At my last company, those IT guys knew when the servers went down before anyone else noticed." >Me: "You sent me an email telling me the email server is down from your company mail account?" > VP: "Yes of course I did, how else could I tell you guys it isn't working? Why don't you take these things seriously?" she states while rolling her eyes and throwing her hands in the air for added effect. At this point I can feel my frustration in my face and try to compose myself. >Me: "You sent the email to my personal account. I received your email. Are you seeing any errors when sending emails?" > VP: "JUST FIX THE DAMN EMAIL SERVER!" At this point I was speaking through clenched teeth, and typed out a quick test email on my company account to send to her. > Me: " VP, I understand your frustration. But I can't fix a problem that doesn't exist. I just sent you an email on my company account. Did you receive it?" > VP: "OF COURSE IT WORKS IF YOU SEND IT, YOU'RE THE IT GUY! I'M GOING TO CALL THE CIO ABOUT THIS!" >I decided to just saunter over to my office and await the confused and frantic call of my CIO. Instead I receive an email from him stating, "Don't worry. I know it's working. Just ignore her, she blew a huge deal because she forgot to send an email and wanted to blame it on IT. I checked the mail server and didn't see anything stuck in the outbox. We're all clear." As I slowly chuckle to myself, she bursts into my office, which also happens to be the server room. > VP: " You need to set me up with webmail." >Me: "You're already set up with webmail. Everyone is. I've already sent out several email with instructions on how to access it. You literally replied back to me telling me you refused to use it because you didn't like how it looked." >VP: "Well I want access again in case the server goes down again and email doesn't work." >Me: "If the mail server goes down and email doesn't work, webmail won't work. It's the same thing. We're in the process of moving to a hybrid solution to prepare for situations like that, but for right now there's nothing we can do other than troubleshoot the issues that arise." > VP: "Then why does my Gmail and Yahoo mail work?! You don't know what you're talking about!" > Me: "We don't have a Gmail or Yahoo mail server. We don't even manage those. That's completely different from our email." >VP: "I'M GOING TO TELL CIO THAT IT IS UNABLE TO HELP ME!" > After she storms out, I go about my day, letting the soothing white noise of server fans and constant AC relax me. At the end of the day I receive a text from the CIO. It turns out she had sent too many emails to a potential client and had gotten blocked, but chose to delete the error messages she was receiving because she thought it was spam. > Unfortunately this was normal behavior, and since she is close to the CEO, I still have to deal with her on occasion. EDIT: To the mysterious gold benefactor, thank you for giving this plebe a chance to experience the elusive r/lounge. ================================= {1315 points} When someone takes your words to literally.... --------------------------------- Long time ago, somewhere in the 1990's I was the the guy in the family who you would call if you had any problem with your computer (I'm still now-a-days). Building my own computers, having a job at a helpdesk next to my studie. You get the point, the family-nerd. In those days, my father called me because he had to install a program and wasn't sure how to do it. So on the phone (I was living about 600 kilometers away from home in the city of my university), guiding him through the process. Get the plastic off, insert disk 1, "yes the disk with 1 at it and the written side up. Type cd a:, type install, now wait. Yes it is supposed to do the noise". System asks for disk 2? Insert disk 2 and press enter. Going pretty wel so far. System ask for disk 3? Well, insert disk 3 and 4. What do you mean, you can't insert disk 4? It won't fit??? The my father told, the second and third disk were already very hard to get in. Excuse me??? Then I got an idea. Asked him "did you take out disk one before you you entered disk 2?". The famous answer was "No, you didn't say I should, you only said to put in disk 2 (and 3 and 4)." Yes, it was in the time of the 5,25"-single-side disks. He managed to get 3 floppies in it. He was so nice to put the pc in his car and drove to my place (instead of letting me on a 2x all-day-train-trip on a weekend to fix it). Took me a few hours to get the disks out unharmed. I also installed the program for him as he was in my place. My father died long time ago (almost 20 years now) but the storie is still one of the favorite family stories at birthdays etc.. ================================= {118 points} Just do your job properly and fix it like you're meant to. --------------------------------- This story takes place in a mobile phone repair centre in the time shortly after the client in question was leaving us and taking their business elsewhere. As you'd expect there was a lot of upheaval. Friends and colleagues were being made redundant, temps were being let go of and generally it was not a fun time because of this. At the time, I worked in a senior role in 'no fault found' team. We'd deal with the customers where there was a simple enough troubleshooting fix for the complaint, but the clients retail store hadn't been able to fix the issue. And so it begins... **reported fault** STORE MANAGER ESCALATION!!! CUSTOMERS PHONE STILL HAS POOR BATTERY LIFE EVEN AFTER THE LAST "REPAIR". PLEASE JUST DO YOUR JOBS PROPELY THIS TIME AND FIX THE ISSUE LIKE YOU'RE MEANT TO! CUSTOMER VERY UNHAPPY. I took a look at the notes on the previous job. _reported fault of poor battery life verified. Cause of issue is [specific 3rd party app]. Removing app has resolved the issue. Attempted to contact customer, no answer so. Left voicemail advising to not reinstall this app as it will reintroduce the problem._ My blood was boiling. Not only has the store manager accused my team of not doing their job when we did everything correctly, but in fact it was him and his team not doing _their_ job correctly. This brings me onto phase one... **me:** hi, I'm calling about the phone you've sent for repair. **customer:** oh yeah! The one you didn't fix last time! **me:** about that... Its this specific app you've installed causing the issue. When you get it back, don't reinstall that and it'll be fine. **customer:** Well why didn't you tell me this last time instead of wasting my time? **me:** we tried to call but didn't get through so left a message, however the store have all the relevant troubleshooting guides to have fixed this within a few minutes of you walking into the shop, so really they could've sorted this in 5 minutes without you needing to send it off to us at all. We also left them some notes on the last job explaining what I've just told you. Did they go through any of that with you? **customer:** no, they just booked it in straight away both times. The customer did a complete 180 from being mad at my team to being furious at the store, and I'd made it clear that the store had all the resources there to sort this issue out, but for whatever reason, hadn't. The customer was very keen to discuss this in person with the store manager... Phase one complete, onto phase two. **me:** hi, I'm calling from your repair centre. Can I please speak to the store manager in relation to this job? **store manager:** ahh yeah, you guys didn't fix this customers problem the first time round so its back with you again. The customer is NOT happy. Have you got it working again now? **me:** I'm actually calling with regard to your notes claiming that we need to do our jobs properly. **store manager:** Well, yeah... It was still faulty after you sent it back. **me:** No. The customer reinstalled an app that we identified first time round to be causing the problem. _You_ didn't follow the troubleshooting guide on this, and the previous repair. You could've fixed this issue yourselves. You also didn't read my teams notes from the last repair which again could've resolved this customers issue. **store manager:** ahh right OK. Well hopefully the customer will be alrig- **me:** and I'd just like to point out, as you're aware, you're repair work is going else where, however despite this we're still providing you with fantastic service. What you're accusing us of in you're notes is incorrect and offensive to the technicians who've worked on your repairs with the same effort as always despite the threat of redundancies hanging over them. Everyone here has done their jobs correctly and the phone is on its way back. When it's returned, please do your job properly this time, OK? **store manager:** Well, er... Yeah ok, sorry about that. Just this customer was really mad. Hopefully he'll be OK when he comes to collect the phone and I'll tell him what he needs to do. **me:** don't worry, I've already told him what to do. He mentioned he has a few questions for you when he comes to collect the phone... ================================= {417 points} Did I Stutter --------------------------------- A long time ago in a land far, far away, your humble narrator served the University as supervisor of the Tier 1 HelpDesk. From my tiny office crammed with myself and as many as three student employees we answered the call to action from confused and anxious students, faculty, staff, and guests who were experiencing problems with technology on site. Cast: $ME: Your humble narrator, supervisor to team, and observer of the situation. $SE: My student employee, one of the good'uns, who takes care of her business with grace and skill. Hero of this story. $AP: Annoying professor and the antagonist of our narrative. Background: There was a specific phone line called the "Need Line" or the Red Phone which was our classroom emergency line. Professors called it when there were students in the seats and ~~whatever technological wonder they had planned~~ their PowerPoint wasn't working. Calling it would ensure an immediate escalation to tier 2 techs to ~~ride to the rescue~~ respond to solve the issue. What Went Down: The Red Phone rings and $SE answers the phone. I listen to her interacting w/ $AP (a professor who has a reputation for being a jackass to IT already). She gathers the pertinent details and repeats them back to $AP to make sure we are correct. $AP finds this clarification needless and says "DID I STUTTER?" in such a way that is clearly audible to those of us in the room. $SE looks like she has just been physically slapped in the face, but explains the clarification is necessary to make sure our techs respond to the right situation. $AP hangs up and the situation is escalated properly. $AP's reputation with the HelpDesk degrades to the point where any future tickets at normal priority are assigned the max 48 hour appointment even if there is something earlier. TL/DR: Professor is rude to the people trying to help him and develops a bad reputation among same. ================================= {298 points} That guy is a real jerk!!!! --------------------------------- Little bit of context, I work for an internal IT department. Most of (we try for all) our helpdesk ticket come in via the helpdesk ticketing system. We always try to respond via email (so there is a record) to fix the issues. When we can't we'll remote in or in the local cases go up to the physical device. And here begins our story... I got a helpdesk ticket that came in (don't even remember what for) and was emailing back and forth with the user to get it resolved. I kept asking him to do a task and he kept saying it was done but it hadn't fixed the problem (obviously he was doing it incorrectly or not doing it at all...shocker I know). I was starting to get a bit short with the user because it was a simple task and he just wasn't getting it. I said fine, I'm going to send "Bob" up (not real name). "Bob" was busy so I ended up going up there instead. I went to the users computer and said "Hi, I'm from IT" and he explained the problem. I did the few simple clicks to fix his problem and he was happy. He then said "I'm glad you didn't send Smohk1 up here...that guy is a real jerk!" I started laughing and his supervisor leaned over and told him who I was. Dude turned the best shade of red I've seen in a while. Even better, I got a great survey out of it! ================================= {270 points} "Group chats aren't working" - My sister, circa the past month to now. --------------------------------- For the past month my sister has been complaining that her group chats with at least one person with an Android aren't working, but it hasn't been too much of an issue as only one of her friends have an Android so she texts them separately. Today our dad asked us both to watch the puppy in a group chat, and as I have the only android in out household (a choice of my own, I prefer them) she doesn't get the text message. I then realized she's still having the same problem and decide to try and fix it. I look up "MMS messaging broken on iPhone" the first post I decide to look at was for the xr, but how different can they be in terms of software. I read it and try them when she lets me. The first one I remember doesn't work, so I actually open the article and start from step one turn on cellular data if it isn't already. I figured I'd check, and sure enough, for the past month, cellular data was off. I turn it on and *whoosh* - group message, voicemail, missed call, etc. I asked her how she's been doing stuff on her phone out of the house and found out it was optimum wifi hotspots, which I don't get because before I had an actual phone they were crap. No wonder she's had so little data usage this month. ================================= {1725 points} Woman doesn't know how serial numbers or databases work --------------------------------- Hello. I used to work at a company that produced PCs. I can't say the name because of an NDA with the company. Cast: Me: Me AW: Angry Woman So, it was a day like any other, when I got a phone call. I picked u the phone to someone with a mild Karen voice. Me: Hello, this is tech support. How may I help you? AW: Hello, \*proceeds to tell me the problem\* Me: OK, In order to fix this, I need you to tell me the serial number for the PC. AW: OK. \*gives me the serial number for the keyboard\* Me: I'm sorry, but this is the serial number for the keyboard. Would you mind telling me the SN for the PC? AW: I gave you the serial number for the PC! Me: But this is the keyboard SN. AW: NO IT'S NOT! Me: But it is... AW: If you insist... \*gives me the serial number for the monitor\* Me: Um... this is the serial for the monitor. AW: CAN'T YOU LOOK UP THE SERIAL NUMBER IN YOUR DATABASE!? Me: No, that's not how serial numbers work. AW: YES IT IS! I USED TO WORK AT YOUR COMPANY! Me: What's your name? AW: So-and-so Karen. \*I type that name into the database\* Me: I'm sorry, we don't have that name in our database. AW: WELL, YOUR DATABASE IS SHIT! \*AW hangs up\* So, apparently. I'm the idiot here, because she doesn't know how serial numbers work, and she lied about working at our company. ================================= {220 points} It helps if you can see color --------------------------------- This is from about five years ago, so forgive me if some of the events are a little out of order. I used to work as a tv/ appliance repair man for a furniture/ electronics/ appliances chain of stores, my day would start with me working on the computers and sound systems at the store then I would drive out to peoples houses to work on their televisions and appliances, I had a work truck and a portable printer, so I was able to do my own thing. One day, while I was checking on parts that I ordered, the store manager (who is not my boss, but sometimes you have to go along to get along) came up to me and asked if I could add one more stop to my drive, he sold someone a tv and the screen would only display black and white, so I asked him for the address and went ahead, I was going to make that my last stop for the day since it was on my way home. I get to the house and who I guess was the owner let me inside, upon walking in, there were four people just staring at me like at any moment, I would yell POLICE!! I shrugged this off and asked where the tv is. The owner never turned a single light on in the house, just took me to the tv that was sitting in the dark, the only light was the black and white screen displaying a scooby doo cartoon. Im not going to include why all of the lights were off but Im sure you can use your imaginations, I learned this when I pulled my mini lantern out of my work bag and thats when I see the problem, within five seconds, their tv is in color again. The owner thanked me and asked what I did, I told him that it was technical, trying to help him save face, but Im stared at by everyone yet again, so I had to tell the truth, I PUT THE YELLOW CORD IN THE YELLOW HOLE!!! I expected some embarrassment but no one there was ashamed at all, so I packed up and made a call to the store manager and I let him know what happened, he made a deep sigh and thanked me. TLDR: I went to fix a tv that was in black and white only to see people cant connect colored cables in the dark ================================= {10 points} It's Not Windows 10 that's the issue --------------------------------- Company is in the process of replacing older computers with new ones, so they are going from Windows 7 to 10. This is a short take from a call from someone who got a new Windows 10 computer. I needed to get her IP address so I could remote in, so was having her open the command prompt ​ $Me: Okay, so I just need you to click on the Start menu and type in "cm.. $Customer: Hold on, I just got this computer and not sure where the start menu is. God I hate Windows 10, I can never find anything. ​ Correct me if I'm wrong, but while the design of the start menu has changed, the position of it hasn't since Windows 95 (unless you count the disaster that was Windows 8.0). You can't blame Windows 10 for not knowing where the it is. ================================= {54 points} Fields are marked key-sensitive --------------------------------- Hello, first post on this sub and it's a fresh one right from the desk Me = $m | caller = $c $m: thank you for calling the help desk, how may I help you? $c: hello, I need my password reset for the trial website $m: No issue, let me sign in and locate you. Can you verify the username you're typing? $c says her username and confirms email. $m: alrighty so I set your temp password as Password1. $c: okay so its telling me it is invalid $m: alrighty, hmm I'll send over the link to make sure you're signing into the correct site and I'll reset it again to make sure I typed it correctly. $c: I'm still getting invalid when I try to sign in with the second password $m: okay, I'm going to have to escalate this up to the user support group, I just need to get some more information. $c: okay, one quick question though. Are the fields here key-sensitive? Like do I have to the capital letters in for it to work. Now some silence here $m: Yes Ma'am, you'll have to capitalize the the letters that call for it to work.. $c: oh, well I must've had a capital letter in my username as it's working now! $m: glad to hear, thanks for calling the help desk and have a great day. We've already verified that together that her username is all lowercase, her saying that just made me laugh a bit. Hope you all enjoyed this a much as I did on the call. ================================= {2 points} Business Owner will not own up to mistake --------------------------------- I work as tech support for a payment processor. A customer calls in today looking to void a transaction because it was the incorrect amount. After showing him how to void a transaction within our portal he begins questioning me as to why the customer was charged the incorrect amount to begin with. I pull up the transaction and see the initial amount was $42,337.00 the customers card was only authorized for a fourth of that amount because of insufficient funds. I ask him what was the customer supposed to be charged and he said $423.37 and so I calmly explain to him that it looks like he just forgot the decimal. He goes crazy. He begins talking about how millennials need to learn what their talking about and how he is gonna put millennials in their place. I reply (and I admit that this was unprofessional of me) Im a Gen Zer. He goes silent for a second and then starts talking about how Im an idiot because theres something wrong with our system that caused the customer to be overcharged. I explain to him that code doesnt change on its own, that he most likely just forgot a decimal. He is then afraid he will be charged for voiding a transaction. So I get him over to his Bank Processor who would have more information on fees. He has me explain the situation to the bank processor rep which is completely irrelevant since she is just answering the question about the fees. I explain the situation restating that he forgot a decimal and he says that what I said was uncalled for me to say its his fault. (Whatever thats supposed to mean since Ive been completely transparent about what the issue has been the whole time) Anyways he goes on a rant and eventually the rep gets a supervisor to speak to him and he thinks I hung up but Im still listening on the call. The first thing he tells the supervisor is that if he was on the other side of the phone line he would rip my motherfucking throat out. The call ends and he calls back an hour later with the same supervisor. He still thinks theres an issue on our end and wont accept that he messed up. I told him I would escalate it to Development and have them see if it truly is an issue on our end. So now I have a call scheduled again tomorrow to update him. But Im obviously not escalating this stupid nonissue to dev so I thankfully get to hear him yell again tomorrow when I tell him the same thing. ================================= {226 points} No, no it is not. You are hiding it from me! --------------------------------- Once upon a time I worked for a medium sized ISP. This is one of those times... After getting the needed information from the customer, we begin. Me: Thanks $sub for that info. What seems to be going on? Sub: I pay $80 a month for 350 mbps download and you assholes are hiding my internet. Me: Sorry, I don't understand. You can't connect? Sub: THE INTERNET IS MISSING FROM MY PC. WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND Me: I'm not understanding anything. Sub: THE BUTTON I CLICK TO GET MY GOOGLE MAILS IS NOT THERE. FIX IT OR SEND A TECHNICIAN. Me: I can help you locate your icon, sir. *attempts to help, sub is absolutely clueless* Sub: I GIVE UP, F YOU AND YOUR COMPANY FOR HIDING MY INTERNET. IM GOING TO CALL THE GUBERMENT (his words not mine) I ALSO WANT A $300 CREDIT. Me: Sir I -click- This was not a fun day as he calls back Sub: I fixed the issues, but you keep messing with my PC. Me: Sir, we cant access your PC. Sub: Check the modem logs, I bet you can see it. *proceeds to check logs* Me: I don't see anything indicating we accessed your PC, but I do see some MER issues and I'd like to have a tech out. The sub ended up being partly right, his speed were hiding. But it's due to him splicing the line 7 times after the fiber amp. Correct tl;dr sub lost his icon,found his icon still wants credit. ================================= {2264 points} "My camera system doesn't work during the night" --------------------------------- I work as tech support for a company that sells access control, alarm and video surveillance products. I'm on the phone all day, helping installers with any technical issue they could have with our products. I get a call from a technician that is his own boss, he's kind of a one man show. He has no employee and mostly does small business or residential camera system installations, so when he calls, it's never a real, unsolvable issue. He installs lower end cameras and DVRs that are pretty much plug and play. So he calls me, and he's at his customer's location, which is a small family owned business. His customer is right next to him. The problem is that "His camera system is not recording at night". Okay, I get calls like this every day. I'm 99% sure the problem is that he didn't set the schedule correctly. So I walk him through the menus, and he slowly makes his way to the Storage Schedule section. After having him tell me what he sees on the screen, we determined that the recording schedule for his storage is not the problem. There is another section in the menu where you can enable motion detection to work only at certain time, so I help him navigate to that section, but it was set for 24/7. So the issue wasn't in the DVR menu. At this point I'm thinking that he went into each individual camera's setting, and it's the camera themselves that doesn't have the right schedule. We can't browse the web interface of the camera when it's on the DVR, unless you have a laptop and some ipv4 knowledge. So I have the technician grab his laptop in his truck and I walk him through setting up his network card to the right IP. After about 30 minutes of back and forth, he finally gets to one of the camera's web interface, only to realize that the schedule was left by default, with the right settings. So that wasn't the issue either. At this point all my ideas were shot down. The technician kept on saying that the issue was with the product, but I knew it was almost impossible. I had a look at the time the videos would stop and start recording. It was never at the same time. Sometimes it would start at 6:30 am and stop at 9:20PM, sometimes it was 7 AM to 8PM. So the technician puts his customer on the phone. I ask him about what he does when he gets in the morning, what times does he leaves at night, and what he does before leaving. It turns out, the first thing the guy does when he gets to work in the morning is flick the light switch on and turn on his PC. Then when he goes home at night, he turns off the light before walking out of the building. I ask him to turn off the light right now. He does, and the DVR immediately shuts down. His DVR was plugged in on the same outlet as the lights, so it's only working when the lights are on. Needless to say, the technician was super embarassed. We were on the phone for about 50 minutes before we realize what's going on. I guess the moral of this story is that you can't assume that anything is properly installed, you and should start the troubleshooting process to the very basics, even if it seems stupid obvious. ================================= {1574 points} Not a flaw anymore, it's now a FEATURE! --------------------------------- I worked as a project manager for an engineering company for about 10 years or so. This is about one project where we built 10 custom control panels for a customer a month of basically 2 very similar design. The difference was whether it had a single or dual gauge pressure controls installed. One month they order the 10 of the single design and our shop accidentally laid out and built the dual design by mistake. They refuse the order and we shelve all the cases and back panels that were drilled for the extra gauge and regulators. This was not a good thing, but not the end of the world either. They haunted my shop foreman as he could see them on the shelf every day while he worked. Many months later we get a rush order for 10 of the single units. Unfortunately, these units were spec'd for Allen Bradley enclosures and at that time there were none to be had anywhere in the country. Customer is screaming they need these units ASAP!! I tell my shop guy to get the cases down and to put hole covers in the extra holes for the pressure regulator, layout and use the dual design on the back panels for the gauges. Now I call the customer and explain that I have made an engineering change for our finished product. It now comes in a dual control ready enclosure only. This will reduce the number of variants, inventory, and UL certification issues that we have to deal with. Now if they need to upgrade a panel from single to dual in the field it is a breeze. Add the gauge, the pressure controls a couple of terminal blocks and there you go! "Bob's your uncle!", as some say. I showed my boss the plan I had hatched and he laughed at me. Brilliant! So, you are telling me we can fill the order right away with parts on hand that they refused months ago? That is correct, sir. Just wanted to run it by you before I hit the customer with our new "Streamlined manufacturing process". The customer was all for it, thought it would be great for simplifying production and inventory management, also realized this was a real selling point for their salespeople as well! Best of all, I got to get rid of those panels staring down on us for so many months!! No bonus, no raise, but I did receive the gratitude of a certain shop guy..... Thanks, TB. ================================= {792 points} I set fire to the shredder --------------------------------- This is a self burn, these are rare, but I'll caveat this that I was IT, and I was the apprentice, they paid me pittance, and I had to accept that some days I was free labour. Anyway, working at a local council I was at we had a metric shitload of old dot matrix ribbon fed printers, these constantly chugged out reports from legacy systems. Gotta love government hey. Anyway, the law said this stuff needed to be archived for 7 years, and half of it (actually 99% of it) was garbage reports you read once (at the printer) and let fall into the box. So, here I am, 7 years later working there when heaps of this stuff comes up for "Permanent Archiving" (which was great, as a lot of it was in our IT Backroom) So the boss graciously volunteers me as tribute to get it done on the basis of it helping the IT Department get some room back. So here I am, doing what I'm shown, feeding a pile of papers into the shredder, tearing off about a dozen at a time and letting them run through. For the young ones, [here's a picture of the printer paper setup](https://encrypted- tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTCRNzlsXb8LSaDKJV-p35FwPtSRXKJRd_skhDbs8lV8yorIjkM) so that you understand what I'm about to say. Now, me being bright thought "fuck it, I'll get more done by running the whole sheets through" thinking the office lady that told me to do it manually was an idiot (I was 17, anyone I didn't agree with was an idiot) Anyway, I read the shredder "up to 8 sheets at a time" it says on the front. So I line up 8 boxes. I take the top sheet off every one and make it into a neatly stacked ribbon. I feed it into the shredder and admire my work. I'm getting 8 boxes done in the time it used to take me to do 1, half that. I'm going across the road for a coffee. Yeah, on my way back, coffee and ham, cheese, tomato croissant in hand, I see the fire alarm going off, people evacuating, and the fire brigade screaming up and running inside. I locate the IT Department and we all have a chuckle, and go down to get coffees, we'll, me to drink mine and them to get some. Midway through coffee my boss gets a call, I hear the "Really?" and "You sure?" and "That doesn't sound right" and "OK, I'll tell him" So he puts down the phone and explains to me that while yes, my idea was great, and he sees exactly where I was coming from, the shredder was never designed for continuous operation eating ribbons of paper. The duty cycle on the shredder was a whopping 45 seconds we found out when the Gilbarco guy came out, we estimated the shredder actually lasted 15 minutes. Props though, I was off the hook as when they pulled the shredder apart they found that it had a thermal overload to prevent this and that had failed. So really, the printer should have turned off before catching fire. I still had to clean it all out and throw all the burned stuff in the bin. ================================= {1277 points} "We just thought we'd some new phones..." --------------------------------- A client of my company had sent in a ticket complaining about one of their DECT phones shutting down when taken off the charging station for only a few minutes. This is usually a result of old chargeable batteries that just won't charge properly after a couple of months/years depending on the quality. We let them know that we suspected this was the problem and that we would order some of those batteries for them. The order would arrive next day and we had time to drive it out to them the day after that. The receptionist thanked us for this trivial service as she had no idea what kind of batteries the phone needed (chargeable AAA). The manager didn't agree though. But didn't let us know any of it. 2 days took way too long apparently. If he had decided to get some batteries himself that would fit and be chargeable there wouldn't even be any harm done. We needed new stock anyway. But instead of listening to us and checking the batteries, he'd decided he'd just buy a new set of phones with base station and everything. Keep in mind that this was for one out of three phones not working properly. Here's the kicker. They used VoIP, he bought a landline compatible DECT set (with only an rj11 socket). Meanwhile we hadn't heard anything after we'd spoken to the receptionist. So when the manager called us why his new phones wouldn't work we didn't really know how to respond. When we got there with the new batteries we saw what he'd done and for the life of him he couldn't understand how these new phones wouldn't work. He managed to get power to the base station without any other cable plugged in so the handsets got a signal from it but the line was dead of course. After putting in the replacement batteries the problematic handset worked fine and we switched everything back to how it used to be. I dont think you can get a refund on entirely unpacked hardware so that was tough for the manager. Communication wasn't his strong suit. I'll post another story later about him and his printer. Edit: [Here's the link to the other story](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/cuw6yy/the_fuser_that_fused/?utm_medium=android_app&utm _source=share) ================================= {248 points} The fuser that fused --------------------------------- This is the story of the printer in a small dental practise that I described in my [previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesf romtechsupport/comments/cusicj/we_just_thought_wed_some_new_phones/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) with a manager who doesn't really listen. I'm part of a small tech support company which supports all types of businesses. This practice naturally had a waiting area with a receptionist desk. Behind it were two PC's which had the dental software and a printer. The area behind the counter was rather small as in you had to scoot behind whoever was manning the desk by pressing yourself against the wall behind it. The printer itself was placed ontop of a small stool past the two receptionist against the far wall from where you entered. One fateful day the receptionist calls us because of a paper jam. They explained they tried to get it out, but only managed to rip off a few pieces. They are afraid to do anything else to prevent further damage which I give them credit for. Not that it mattered but you'll know why later. I make an appointment to come check it out asap as they need to be able to print and dont have another option. On my way I go with some basic tools and cleaning stuffs to prevent any further jams. When I get there and set up my tools in the cramped area I can see little bits of torn paper sticking out from where the paper usually comes out when printed. Usually you can solve such a jam by opening up some side panels, but there appears to be nothing there. Where is the paper stuck then? I soon come to the conclusion that I can't service this printer any further from that cramped location with the tools I had and ask if I can take the printer with me to the office for further inspection and maybe additional help. Receptionist is ok with it but in walks the manager. "You can't take that printer with you, I need to be able to print my forms." But... You can't print anyway... Going back and forth a bit and he finally agrees if I set up an old canon printer he had in storage or somewhere. I do the needful. When I take the printer back and pry it open I finally found how it was jammed. The fuser apparently got dirty due to cheap refilled ink/toner cartridges that leaked too much ink/toner to handle. (The fuser fuses the ink or toner to the paper using heat) We warned the practice the last time we had to clean it and we advised to get better quality so we don't have to come back for it another month as using refills is pretty much playing Russian roulette. Get a cartridge that's only refilled once you're in luck, get one refilled 6 times you're going to have trouble. Also your warranty is void when using these cartridges. Anyways, due to too much ink the paper sheets got stuck to the fuser roller one after another and after sheet 3 the printer ate the paper. Explains why I couldn't get to it through the side panels. We contact a hardware partner to see what we can do and they advise we just get a new printer because the fuser costs more than the printer (I know, doesn't make sense but it's true). We contact the manager and explain how and why and why there's no warranty. He isn't happy of course but knows we can't help it any further. We let him know we can order a new one for him and it will be there in 2 days. Sound familiar? (Reference previous post) That's the last time we heard anything from him untill about a week later. We need to setup his new printer because he can't... Why do you have a contract with us if you don't use it? We could've gotten it done in 2 days including setup... ================================= {121 points} "My emails seem to be coming in, thank you...." --------------------------------- A customer had came into chat/IM-style connection and was confused where all her emails were hiding. Confused by her unclear typing, I did my due diligence and got connected to her computer with her permission to do so. Looking into it revealed she just had one email from July, and I decided to send her a test one as well from my email. After verifying the email worked, she was still confused where the rest of her emails were at. As one would expect, I verified whether she has multiple emails to choose from (\[*c-email1**...*\], \[*c-email2**...*\]) which it turns out she does, and has two gmail accounts! So, of course, I advised that she would need to log into \[*c-email2*\] to see the emails she's expecting to see since she's currently logged into \[*c-email1*\]*.* Notes from a previous case indicated that she didn't know the password for \[*c-email2*\] and trying to reset the password was unsuccessful (or as unsuccessful as "We'll review and reach back out in 3-5 days." can be). Regardless of that though, we did the same thing again today, to the same end result. She decides she doesn't need further support, ends the session, and I go about my merry way. An hour later I get an email from her, as a response to my original test message. It says: To: \[*myEmail*\] From: \[*c-email1*\] "MY E-MAILS SEEM TO BE COMING IN, THANK YOU FROM: \[*c-email2\]"* I somewhat feel bad that she doesn't recognize she didn't send that from the email she thought she was sending it from. ================================= {2957 points} Why sliding computers is a bad idea --------------------------------- Way back in the day, when Compaq 286s and Mac SE 30s were top-of-the-line machines, I was the sole IT person in the company. Man, that's almost 30 years now. Time flies. Dialog is obviously paraphrased from what was actually said. We had two computer rooms, one for PCs and one for Macs. The consultants in the company would generally use the PCs to crunch their numbers (Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS if you can believe it) and the Macs to do word processing (good old MS Word 5.1 for Mac) and business slides (MacDraw) for presentations. Most of the Macs were 512K Macs with dual floppy drives, but we had just acquired an SE30 with a whopping 20 MB hard drive. This baby was smoking fast, and was the preferred machine to work on for most. One day, I get paged to the Mac room. I walk in and Bob is sitting there, looking fairly worried. "This error message is telling me that my file is corrupted. You need to recover it; it's vital for a presentation tomorrow!" "Okay, I'll try my best. Let me sit there and take a look." Now, Bob was known for being a bit of a contrarian. If you told him to do something, he'd find a way to not comply. So instead of getting up and letting me sit in the chair in front of the SE 30, he reached over, put his hand on the side of the SE 30 and slid it over to where I was standing next to him. If you aren't familiar with SE 30s (or any of the original all-in-one Mac bodies), they are fairly light and top heavy machines. While he didn't tip the SE 30 over, its narrow footprint and rubber "feet" made it very prone to "chattering" when being slid. And that's exactly what it did while I was shouting, "No, don't!", lunging forward to stop him. Too late. Instant sad Mac icon on the screen. "Well, you may have to postpone tomorrow's presentation." "Why? What happened?" "You toasted the hard drive." "What?" "That chattering or bumping when you slid it caused the read/write heads to literally crash into the hard drive platters and physically destroyed the hard drive." "No way. Well, you have to fix it and recover the data." "Not happening here. You'd need a clean-room and lots of time and money." "Find out how much and let me know how much. The client will pay for it." So, I went and spent about 2 hours investigating if there were any firms in the Boston area that would do this kind of HD recovery. There was one (still in business today!) and they were not cheap. If I recall, they quoted me a low 5-figure number and even then couldn't guarantee success. They said that it was usually government agencies that needed such measures taken. I relayed the price figure to Bob and he flipped out. He couldn't believe it would be that expensive, and started making noise about me making up the price, and generally hinting that he would try to get me in trouble for not just doing what he was demanding. I think he even offered to negotiate the price with the data recovery firm. "Okay, Bob. Let's go ask Dave." Luckily for me, Dave, the president of the company (my boss) was quite tech savvy, and he shut down Bob's harangue pretty quickly. He finally asked Bob what had been lost. "About 15 pages of a presentation." "Had you ever printed it out?" "..." "Bob?" "Yes, I have a printout from yesterday, but I had made a lot of edits." "Well, do them again. I'm not paying $10,000 for you to not have to redo edits you just made yesterday." ================================= {117 points} The Ballad of Sam, Part 2... "It doesn't work, it won't turn on" --------------------------------- Im gonna go ahead and write this one while its fresh. ​ CB = Me, Codebooker, Private Tech Guy Who Does IT Work RE = Sam (not her real name), the Restaurant Employee, a 30-something-year-old woman who has worked at this restaurant for many years RO = Bill (not his real name), the Restaurants Owner, a 40-something-year-old dude who has been running this place for many years Backstory: Earlier this week I upgraded this client from one POS terminal to two POS terminals so that the restaurant will be ready for the inevitable influx of customers thatll come Labor day weekend. The upgrade went fine, I only had to take their POS system out of service for one business hour while the software was upgraded, then they were able to use the main terminal again while I finalized the config on the second POS terminal. I managed to get everything rolling and both terminals fully functional, and everyone was happy with it. Picking up this evening, about an hour ago, which is months after the timeframe in which my last tales from tech support post referring to this client took place. Same restaurant employee as last time, except this time, shes been drinking (however I didnt know this until I arrived on-site) So she's even less tech-savvy than her normal level of tech- savviness which is rather low. This wonderful situation started with a text message from the RO ​ RO: U up? CB: (stupidly answering my phone this late at night) Yeah, whats wrong? RO: Computers locked up CB: Both? RO: Yes, and they wont reboot RO: Main register locked up good and now the bartender said she cant access tabs on the second register (The main register feeds the secondary register via an SMB share on a secure network, so if the main one screws up, the second one wont work either) RO: She said it wont let her do anything so I told her to pull the plug from the wall, then wait five minutes and plug it back in (At this point Im internally thinking, Shit! Thats not good That could cause other issues...) CB: Unplugging a running computer is never a good idea, ever. To force a computer off safely youre supposed to hold the power button for 5 10 seconds, but you should have called me before telling the bartender to do anything (I think he was trying to avoid paying an after-hours charge for me coming out) CB: Im on my way ​ So I get there and it was RE again, except this time shes a bit on the drunk side, I found out from a dude at the bar that shed been drinking lemon drop shots with one of her friends when that friend came in earlier. So, she was useless as a witness to the problem, other than to tell me that it doesnt work, it won't turn on. I plugged everything in and hit the power button and what do you know, the power button turned the thing on It came up just like it was supposed to. I logged in to the POS software, then went and restarted the software on the second terminal and then logged in there too. The restaurant was back up and running. I checked the error log on the software and on Windows Event Viewer and found nothing irregular, so I suspect it was operator error rather than a software problem. I told her to get up with me if the problem happens again. I also informed RO that his bartender was inebriated on the job and this was a potential cause of the 'problem', but if there is an issue again "please call me before telling the bartender to force off a running computer". tl;dr Drunk Bartender + POS Terminals = It doesnt work! It won't turn on! ================================= {244 points} *Please read THE ENTIRE INSTRUCTION LIST before attempting to follow it* --------------------------------- This is a disclaimer at the top of my VPN setup instruction page. In bold. In full, it reads: >**Please read and understand THE ENTIRE INSTRUCTION LIST at least once before attempting to follow it. It will save you a lot of headache instead of following it blindly!** We run Mac and Linux, so I have instructions for both, but there are shared instructions for the core parts - namely, generating a certificate pair on the intended machine and sending the CSR to me. A remote user who lives in another country visited for our summer party. He'd previously asked for VPN access to share screens with his colleagues. No problem, management approved, here's the link to the instructions. This person has a Ph. D. in computer science and is an extremely intelligent AI researcher. So naturally, they have no clue how to do simple tasks. Via Slack: >$user: hey $me, I followed the instructions and OpenVPN is telling me the config is invalid. > >$me: er, which instructions are you following? There are several steps preceding that which involve you talking to me first. > >$user: I renamed the OpenSSL config file to .ovpn Head, meet desk. Have a conversation. Respecting SSL best practises, I ask the users to generate the certificate pair because then the private key never leaves their machine. The instructions are (essentially): 1. Download this barebones OpenSSL config file (pre-filling most of the required values). 2. Using the config file, copy and paste this OpenSSL command, replacing $HOSTNAME with your computer's asset tag. 3. Find the .csr file and send it to me to sign. 4. I'll send you back a zip containing the config and all the necessary files (except your private key). 5. You add the private key and import the config file. >$me: so you didn't read the instructions? > >$user: I did nothing but read the instructions. > >$me: and yet you still did it wrong. > >$user: Having read the instructions, I remember that line! > >$me: apparently it's the only line you did. read Steps 2 & 3 again. > >$me: i also notice that you didn't ping me about the prerequisite step? The prerequisite step involves setting up an LDAP account; $user has been with the company longer than I have, before I built the domain. Ergo, his laptop has a local account, while my VPN has LDAP auth. The prerequisite instructions, which detail how to change his password from the default (asking me for the default) are highlighted multiple times. >$user: I didn't even get there yet. I thought using the OpenSSL with the GUI that asked for an OpenSSL config was part of 'getting' OpenVPN. > >$me: ... > >$me: Fortunately after the second prompting, he did go back and read the instruction list in full, and sent me the correct .csr. Everything went smoothly after that. I'm going to change the disclaimer slightly. **It will save $me a lot of headache!** And perhaps add a second disclaimer: >If you do not read these instructions and do it wrong, I reserve the right to quote your chat transcripts at length on social media to highlight your mistakes. ================================= {111 points} Oh the joys of Friday --------------------------------- Seems like my company was giving out brainless pills to everyone today, but this one takes the cake for week. ​ We have an independent site that we use for Job Postings for everyone in & out of the company and you aren't allowed to use a company email for it. Being this is an independently run site, we at the IT desk are not able to reset the passwords for it as it has a special group that handles that. I get a call from an employee trying to sign into it, but she sounded confused on what she was doing. Normally we don't mess with this site, but I was going to be nice and do a screen share to walk her through the process as best I could. ​ $Caller: I never got a password or any account for this. How do I sign in? $Me: If you never setup an account, then you would click on "New User" & enter the information *Clicks on it and asks to create a username and password as well as provide an email address* $Caller: What do I put in the username? $Me: Whatever you want your username in this to be? It's your call. \#Caller: I'm confused. Can you give me an example? $Me: (Regretting being so nice & stepping outside my bounds) Well you could your first initial & last name. $Caller: Does it have to be capitalized? $Me: (looking for something hard I can hit my head on, without being to loud when I hit it) Only if you want it to be. *Caller decides on a username, enters a password and her personal email address. To my surprise, she uses her personal email address & not her work one. Would've lost that bet.* *Now it says an account using her email address has all ready been created, so I know that I have to escalate this & I'm off the hook.* $Me: Okay, it looks like you all ready have an account setup on this. I'll go ahead and get this ticket escalated, so they can provide you with a new password. I just need to copy the email address into the ticket, so they can find the account. $Caller: So do I have to go to gmail to reset my password now? $Me: No, this is for the account for the job site. $Caller: But I never set one up. $Me: It's possible that HR created one for you on a past job. I'll have them reach out to do with the new password. ​ Quitting time can't get here soon enough. ================================= {185 points} My Docking Station Freezes Outlook --------------------------------- Salespeople never cease to amaze me. ​ User: Help no emails are sending out of my Outlook they're stuck! Me: Sure no problem if you can go to \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* we can remote in and get you up and running User: Too late I'm rebooting now Me: (internal facepalm) User: Ok now it's saying something about updates Me: Ok good. Don't touch anything. User: Too late I pressed the power button Me: There's a big warning on your screen that says not to do that. User: Why would I read that This is where I thank the higher powers every day. Shutdowns during updates break windows 10 much less than they did in the past. Cue 20 minutes later and the updates have completed User: Help it's still really slow Me: Sure no problem if you can go to \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* we can remote in and get you up and running User: Ope I just removed it from the docking station it's working better now you can close this ticket oh can you also send me a new docking station Me: ............................. ​ What's the point of calling if you don't listen ================================= {104 points} today I got a ticket --------------------------------- The ticket was about a mouse that is not working usually the mouse is unplugged or the cable is broken. But this time the mouse was gone just gone, so I asked the user when did you noticed that the mouse is missing. one hour ago. I said "and you called about 5 min ago". and the user said " I never work with a mouse" I asked but how do you start your programs I got the answer "i use my own mouse". but I said "that is the same mouse that we use in this company ". the user give me as answer "yeah but my mouse is shaped to my own hand". I walked away then reported to my boss, and my boss laughed hiss ass off and said "I will have a talk with him and you don't have to give him another mouse if there is a problem with his mouse we wont help him". I hope that his mouse breaks in two. ================================= {2545 points} Im so sick of the entire IT department! Shes too dumb to figure it out herself! --------------------------------- Im a college student and have been working at my university librarys tech support for a few years. We service all of the staff members in the whole library, most of which are very sweet librarians and the rest are awful human beings. In comes Staff Member (SM), a middle aged woman whom I havent dealt with too often. SMs printer keeps jamming so I bring it to the IT bench to inspect, searching for scraps of paper or any damage. I then get on Dell support for 1.5 hours and they determine it needs replacement rollers, so I tell SM that it will take 24 hours for them to send the rollers and for me to reinstall her printer. The next day (Friday) the replacement rollers dont fix the issue, so Dell sends a brand new printer that will arrive on Monday. I tell SM that I will setup her new printer once we receive it. On Monday, I plug in the new printer and test it and theres some new issues. My coworker and I spent over an hour trying to work on it, failed to realize that I needed to move over the imaging drums from the previous printer. So at the end of my shift I apologize to SM and tell her we needed to work on it more tomorrow and Ill bring it down first thing. So on Tuesday, I bring down her new printer. Its not networked so it connects directly to her PC. Well, when I connect it guess what happens? PC doesnt recognize it, so I tell her I need to play around with some settings. After 10 mins nothing is working so I tell her Im going to consult my supervisor about what to do and Ill come down as soon as I have a solution. Its worth noting that SM wasnt supposed to have a personal printer to begin with. She recently moved offices and the new one happened to have a printer in it so shes been using this only for the past couple of months, meanwhile there is a shared network printer literally 5 feet from her office that everyone else in the area uses and she has access to. Anyway, I go back upstairs and google what to do (like all good IT techs) and my coworker comes in, he says uhh, I was just downstairs helping [person] and I overhear SM going ballistic. She says I am so sick of this IT department. They hire the most incompetent students possible. I dont understand why its taken her 3 days to fix this f*cking printer. How hard can it possibly be?! I dont even think she got me an actual new printer. And of course she had to ask [supervisor] for help because SHE DOESNT KNOW SHIT ABOUT PRINTERS!!! Shes too dumb to figure it out herself! At this point Im speechless. Not only did I get her a brand new printer when I didnt have to, but I have been nothing but kind and apologetic to her. Yes, it wasnt a quick fix. But guess what?! NOT MY FAULT. We all know tech has a mind of its own and sometimes things just dont work out. So Im incredibly pissed off but I found a solution to the issue (thank god for IT forums) and I go downstairs and install the printer correctly, test print, everything is fine. I say Im so sorry this has taken so long, everything that couldve gone wrong did but its all working now! She says oh my, no apologies necessary at all. I know none of this is your fault. I really appreciate it. Fake b*tch but anyway, Im about to leave and her internet shuts off. Just completely stops working. I run the troubleshooter, try everything under my belt. I apologize again, tell her Ill grab her a new network cable and see if that helps. She says I know youll figure it out sooner or later ugh. Luckily my coworker dealt with this exact issue before and knew what to do, so I fix it and again apologize cause its taken time away from her work. She says seriously dont worry about it, the world isnt ending because my f*cking internet shut off. Youre fine. So that was the end to my painful encounter with this woman. I cannot possibly believe why someone would have so much hatred towards a student worker making $13/hour, and I literally catered to her by myself, spent over 2 hours on Dell support chat, was incredibly nice to her the entire process. Some people are just incredibly entitled and think IT requires no critical thinking. F*ck you, SM. ================================= {255 points} Its offline --------------------------------- I work IT for a financial business and in this line of work we often deal with an older age base for our end users (not that there is anything wrong with that, but some of them are very set in their ways.) This is one such tale of a woman very set in her ways about a printer. $ME: me $USER: user $ME: IT this is jody_boii $USER: yea I have a printer on my computer that isnt letting me print and I have some stuff I need to get done in an hour! $ME: okay I can take care of that for you, what location are you at? $USER: Im at (location that we often get a lot of tickets from) $ME: okay and is the printer giving an error or anything? $USER: yea it says offline $ME: okay, is the printer on? $USER: well I dont know, cant you check? $ME: well yes I can but Ill just see that its offline too if its not on $USER: ugh, fine Ill go look (goes to check the printer) $USER: uh, theres nothing on it $ME: like no lights or anything on the screen? $USER: yea $ME: okay then it is most likely off, will you unplug it and plug it back in? The cord is on the back. $USER: ugh, yea I guess (goes to plug in printer) $USER: okay now it just says idle so I dont think that worked $ME: well its idle because no one is actively printing anything so its just waiting for something to happen $USER: oh, well its never said that before $ME: would you like to try to print your stuff now? $USER: yea (prints just fine) it looks like it printed $ME: okay good. Is there anything else I can do for you? $USER: nope *click* ================================= {200 points} Hammers and Nails --------------------------------- So I work for a company that offers GPS/Logging solutions for commercial trucks. I work for the lowest, frontline tier of technical support, so we're basically the frontline. The technology we use is almost exclusively built and programmed in-house so we're constantly running into all sorts of weird issues that we only see once and we have nothing but hearsay and Slack to figure out what the hell arcane ritual the only other guy to get this issue used to fix it last time. This was not one of those issues. It was one of the most basic goddamn issues that any computer trying to securely exchange data could have. So I get an email from an administrator within a company wondering why the hell their Driver has working logs on their end but none of the logs are coming through and displaying on the admin's end. I see this and I know, "Thank god, an easy one. It's probably a certificate issue. So either we need to fix the time on his display or have him log in and log out to have the driver's login re-authenticate back up with the main system." So I tell them, in more professional terms, that the driver's display probably has the wrong time on it. Have the driver call in and we can probably walk them through sorting out the issue pretty quick. Apparently, this was not enough for the administrator on the other end. They took one look at my email, sent a long, ranting email over my head to their assigned customer manager about how incompetent I was and how this was clearly a communications issue with our servers and we needed to fix it. The CM forwarded me the scathing email and tacked on their own message, "Hello, please work as needed to provide a better explanation of this and how we can fix it. Back office needs to be able to see logs on their end." So I put on my biggest rage-induced smile and started typing up a second email to the admin. I'm not exactly versed in the exact terminology and technology in how certificates work, but I assume, basically, they're just there as a way for two distant systems to securely handshake, verify they are who they say they are, and trade information. So I typed up the most saccharine-sweet, detailed, and condescending email that opened with "per my previous email" on the workings of certificates(as much as I know), why they were important to information security, and slowly broke it down to why something as small as the time on the display might throw this off(as far as I could guess). I also included the three or four other less likely causes for the issue and broke down the why behind that and how those issues also would need to be fixed directly on the display. I wrapped it up with, "So per my previous email, it is most likely an issue with the time on the driver's display. Please have someone such as the driver or a technician with the display in front of them call in to troubleshoot the issue with us." More or less ending with what I said last time. It was satisfying to write from beginning to end, was dripping with condescension, and the best part is that it could also easily be interpreted as me just trying to be as helpful as possible as requested. I don't know about you guys, but about the only thing that makes my calm demeanor crack is when someone who knows absolutely nothing about how the technology works decides that I, who work with it for a living every day, somehow am incompetent and have no idea what I'm talking about. I mean, yeah, okay, I'm not a goddamn software or network engineer here. But at the basest level, I know which hammer works best when slammed against the various nails jutting out. **tl;dr:** Just me blowing off some steam about a customer who didn't think I knew what I was talking about, so they went over my head, the people over my head asked me to explain better, and I sent a ~~condescending~~ helpful email explaining in excruciating detail basically what I said last time. ================================= {103 points} What's that smell? --------------------------------- I used to work for an animation company with around 450 employees. Productions usually included anywhere from 50-100 artists, producers, directors etc all in the same area, and the workstations were set up on fold-able boardroom tables, with 4 workstations per table. We got a call one morning that one of the tables had mysteriously lost power, and they couldn't get any of the workstations running. So, I head over with another tech to investigate, and when we arrive, there is a smell of burnt plastic in the air. We both look at each other, and instantly dive under the table to see what was on fire.He was checking the PSUs on the workstations, while I focused on the surge protectors. What I saw next has perplexed me to this day. Apparently, some of the artists had brought in little space heaters and were running them off of the surge protectors we had earmarked for the workstations. This had overloaded the circuit, and caused the GFI to trip. So, they popped the switch, and carried on until it happened again. At which point, one of the TAPED THE SWITCH DOWN "because how am I supposed to work if it keeps switching off??" [Here is that surge protector, and also the very first pic I posted to Reddit](https://imgur.com/eo7rkEd) ================================= ######r/TalesFromTheCustomer##### {87 points} A REMINDER of the one rule that everyone overlooks --------------------------------- Please, for the love of all that is holy, read the rules. If you do not follow the rules you may get banned and your post/comment removed. The most important rule that we expect you to follow, anonymize your posts. Don't name companies in your posts. Edit: I am getting a lot of questions about the reasons for the rule. If someone names a small local store, it could lead to doxxing and harassment of the employees and owners. This rule is in place to protect small business owners from harassment. This rule was expanded to cover every company, big and small. No exceptions. ================================= {905 points} Cashier thought he said something under his breath but ended up saying it loudly --------------------------------- This happened last year and is the single worst experience I've had in awhile. I suffer from depression, and it has its ups and downs. I was in a down mood and had been for several weeks, so my ability to sleep was impaired. It was 3am, and I had no food in my apartment and decided I needed to do some shopping. A couple of the local grocery stores are open 24/7, so I decided to drag myself to one of those places while I still had the motivation. I got my groceries, which weren't many, and stood in line to check out. A few other people were also doing some late night shopping, and there was only one register open. Someone stocking decided to open another register to get the line down and motioned me over to check out with him. I loaded up my stuff on the conveyor belt and as I did, I said something just as a polite means of conversation. I don't remember what I said, but it was basically just a commentary on my shopping. I then looked over at the cashier, and he was rolling his eyes. "I don't caaaaaaaare." It was obviously meant to be said under his breath, but he ended up saying it loud enough for me to hear. He had headphones on, so I wonder if that messed up his sense of volume. Then he just sort of mumbled a response at normal volume. At that point I was seriously considering just walking away. I was pissed and hurt and wanted to burst into tears. My problem was that I was also exhausted and in the middle of a depressive episode, and I knew if I left without those groceries, I'd be without food for several weeks. I knew I wasn't going to be able to set foot in a grocery store for awhile after that. So, I finished the transaction and didn't say anything else to him. I waited until I got to my car and then cried. I cried all the way home and then for several hours after. I ended up sending the grocery store an email with a direct message meant for him, but I doubt he got it. The gist of it was, "Fuck you." I got a couple calls from them and a voicemail, but I ignored them all. It took several weeks to recover. ================================= {1201 points} I got repeatedly scolded by a delivery company rep. --------------------------------- I ordered a large item (300lbs!) back in mid-June. Its being delivered to my home address. Unbeknownst to me, despite having ordered it personally, it was somehow catalogued by them as going to a business because I had ordered it with a card I used once before when ordering with my business name. Thats kind of important later. The item was backordered with an 8 week lead time, so Ive been waiting really excitedly. Finally, at work today I got the call: theyre ready to set up a delivery appointment! Because I was working in the office I didnt have a chance to call them until I left - it was 4:45pm and if I had waited until I got home they would be closed. So I turned on my Bluetooth, dialed their number and asked for the extension of the guy who had called me. He was unavailable, so they ended up putting me o hold. I figured I might as well start the drive home, being Bluetooth and all, so I pulled out of the parking lot and got on the highway. About five minutes later a woman (W from here on out) came on the line and asked me for my tracking number. The guy who had called knew my name, address, etc. so I told her (verbatim, this just happened an hour ago) Me: Im so sorry! I didnt know I needed that, and Im on Bluetooth while I drive. Is there another way to look this up? W: well, its hard without the number. Me: ok... soooo.... no? W: (she audibly sighed!!) whats your name? Me: _19. W: its not coming up. Whats your first name. Me: Meow. W: yeah, see? Nothing. I have nothing. This is exactly why I told you that I need your tracking number. (I cant replicate the tone she took, but it was aggressively scolding in nature). What other name might it be under. Me: um... I dont think it would be under a different name... Im sorry... how about we try the address. W: I cant do that. I dont have that. Me: (I paused, trying to see if there was somewhere I could pull over and just look up the number after all) W: (another loud sigh) fine, what city. Me: so the address works? W: your city, please? Me: um... MidSizeCity, USA. W: we dont have any deliveries that are scheduled to go there. I TOLD YOU - you should have called with your tracking number. Me: ok, hang on Ill try...(was going to say to pull over) W: (interrupts me) well who sent it to you? Whats the company? Me: oh! yeah - its from (Acme Ltd.) W: FINALLY! I see something from them... ok, but this is to Meow Company. Me: thats me! Yes! Sorry, it shouldve been under my personal name, thats a mistake. W: I TOLD you the tracking number was best - and I asked if there would be other names! Uhg, this is so Me: (finally interrupting) I know; I apologize for making your job so incredibly difficult (I was completely over her scolding at this point and I said that pretty sarcastically). She paused at this point and her tone literally changed to southern sweetness, and she read off my full name (as Id given it to her) and my address, including the city Id told her, and scheduled the delivery. I think she finally realized that she had been repeatedly scolding a customer when I snapped at her. Reading it back it looks short, but this call, and her scolding, took my entire 15 minute drive on the highway before I got off to go into my neighborhood. I ended up calling the company back and complaining to a manager. I tried to be as un-Karen as possible - I started out by telling them that I shouldve had the number ready, but Inhadnt known that. I also repeatedly told them I didnt want her to get in trouble but if they continued to get complaints about her service that they might consider giving her some training on how to be kind to others. I didnt tell them this part, because I didnt want it to be a big deal, but Ive struggled with anxiety and depression in the past, and if I had been in one of my episodes the way she was talking down to me (she seriously sounded angry until I talked back to her at the end) I would have spiraled for a few days after a phone call like that. Anyway - this isnt as exciting as some of the stories here, but I was pretty annoyed that I had called to schedule a delivery and hung up having been made to feel like a total idiot. (Edits: some spelling errors) ================================= {57 points} A small encounter that aggravated me --------------------------------- I was at a gas station yesterday. Pumped my gas and went in to buy a Pepsi. I appreciate friendly talk from cashiers but talking like this just aggravates me so much. Maybe I'm being petty. I don't know. Me (walks in store) Cashier: Hi! How are you? Me: Great! How are you today? Cashier: Pretty good. (No problem so far. I grab a Pepsi and go to the register) Me: I'm glad to see Vanilla Pepsi is being sold again. Cashier: If I could you'd get it for free. Me: You'd probably lose your job. Cashier: No. I buy drinks for beautiful women when I can. Me: Well thank you. (Pays and leaves.) Maybe I'm being petty about this situation but I can't stand unprofessional talk like this. No I didn't ask for a manager or get all crazy. I just left. It's actually rare that a worker does this. I can see being friendly but this, to me anyway, goes from friendly to creepy. I am a 44 year old grandmother. I look like a 44 year old grandmother. Do cashiers think because a woman is older that we like to hear that crap? I just want my gas and Pepsi! Rant over. ================================= {7 points} Cheese Lady doesnt think we can afford a $9 piece of cheese --------------------------------- Me and my boyfriend love to buy cheese from local farmers at the weekly market near our place, but we missed the last one so decided to check the market near his parents instead and were happy to find a cheese stand with yummy looking cheeses. The seller starts giving us a couple samples, the tiniest pieces of cheese ever and even gave me a look when I grabbed two pieces with a toothpick instead of one (or else I could barely taste it). There was no big explanation on whats in the cheese and how theyre made (whereas at the market we go to they literally tell us about the whole process) but thats fine. When we finally picked the cheese we wanted to get she makes a O with her mouth and starts going on about how the cheese is ethically made, how buffalo cheese is less common and therefore more expensive, and how it goes for x amount of money per kilo and blah blah blah. Keep in mind that we just said we wanted to get that one. We didnt ask for the price, we werent too concerned about it but at this point I thought that were gonna be asked for 80 bucks per piece or something crazy like that. I had to interrupt her to ask how much it was going to be and she finally puts a piece in front of us and says this is the smallest one I have and goes for 9 dollars. Then I have this one for 12 dollars but I understand if its not a purchase for today. We ended up going for the $12 piece and she weirdly laughed while saying why not, right? The cheese was amazing though ================================= {6 points} When are you due? --------------------------------- This happened yesterday at the red bullseye store. My fianc and I were checking out when the cashier glances at her stomach and asks Oh! Whens your baby due?. The thing is, she isnt pregnant! My fianc replied I am just fat.. The cashier asks Omg are you sure?, then starts to profusely apologize to her. Fianc was in a bad mood the rest of the day. Thanks a lot! ================================= {490 points} I just wanted an anime poster --------------------------------- Today me and my fam go out to a fair and brought a few friends with us. It has the usaully rides, food vendors, animal show case and shopping area. This is important later on, but I was wearing an anime t shirt. (If anyone is curious it had krul from seraph of the end on it). Now its been a while since I have gone to this fair, like a few years. Although I remembered there always being an anime booth that sold merch. That's the main reason I wanted to go so maybe I could get my hands on something that was harder to find online at a good price. We spent a long time looking for this place, although me and a friend with me at the time found it eventually. I start going threw a pile of posters to see if there was any that I liked. For reference they were almost the size of printer paper, although different dimensions and made out of quality material. Now I wasn't treating them badly, just casually looking like any other person would. The person running the booth snapped at me for "bending the posters" and saying "don't you know their paper". Of course I wasn't meaning to hurt them, I was looking to buy one. I said I was sorry and assumed maybe I was being a klutz and wasn't realizing I was hurting one of them. Being talked to that way still upset me but it wasn't going to stop me from looking more. I started to look at another part of the booth and there was another poster pile. I'm still thinking about buying a new poster seemed like a nice idea so I started looking threw them. This time I made sure to put them in a pile next to me and grab them one at a time. This way they wouldn't bend. Me and my friend start talking about some of the anime on the posters and such. We get at the end of the pile and I put them back, thinking hey may be I should get one of them nearest to the top. Before I could make up my mind the both runner yelled "hey put those back in order!" They said it in the rudest way possible and it wasn't like the posters had a specific order to begin with. I neated up the stack and me and my friend left. At that point I didn't really feel like buying something from someone who was rude. We saw him be nice to other costumers and little kids messing with the merch. All this time I was the target demographic of his booth and it wasn't even hard to tell cause of my shirt and the fact that Me and my friend were talking in earshot about anime the whole time we were there. I don't know if actually wanted us to buy anything cause he was possessive of those damn posters that only cost 5 dollars. Also I'm on mobile. Sorry for any mistakes. ================================= {2005 points} "We're cancelling your order because we don't have a chef." --------------------------------- Friday evening my fianc and I had just gotten home from a day at the hospital with his grandfather who was passing and we were exhausted and emotionally fried out. We had not eaten all day, I was late on important medications by eight hours, and we were in pain from sitting on the floor after his entire family had filled up the hospice room and ran out of chairs. We decided to order in pizza so we could eat and then sleep right away. Where we live there are only two options for delivery pizza after 10 pm, both major pizza shops, so we ordered online from the one we prefer. Our order totaled to about $63.00, including the tip which we added online. After placing the order within a minute we recieved a phone call from a number in our area code. We assumed it was the pizza place and that they may have been out of something we ordered, so my fianc answered. Cast: E: pizza employee F: my fianc CCE: call center employee *fianc answers phone* E: "Hi this is [pizza store] we are cancelling your order." F: "What? Why?" E: "We don't have a chef." *employee hangs up on my fianc before he can respond* *fianc calls number back to figure out what is going on, keep in mind this number is a local area code* F: "Hi, can I speak to your manager please?" E: "Manager? Sir, this is a corporate number." F: "What? No, we just spoke to you, this is the [pizza store] in [town], right?" E: "No sir, you called [pizza store] corporate. What do you need?" F: "You cancelled our order because you don't have a chef. Why are you even open if you don't have a chef? We want verification that we will be refunded." E: "Sorry, there's nothing we can do about your store not having a chef, have a nice night." *employee again hangs up on my fianc, so we google the 24/7 customer service corporate number and speak with someone there.* F: "We ordered food and were told the shop has no chef, our order was cancelled, and now they are claiming THEY are corporate." CCE: "What number did they call from?" F: "[local number]" CCE: "No, that's definitely not corporate, corporate will never be at that area code. I have no idea what is going on, it sounds like they just didn't want to cook your order." - The call center employee told us he will look into the store first thing and email us once they know more of what is going on and how they can make this situation right, and guaranteed a refund of our payment. I'm just blown away with how this all turned out. We ended up ordering from the only other open pizza joint in the area and received our food in only 20 minutes with no issues. Hopefully they can figure out what is going on with these employees, but I just had to share with *someone* how wild this experience was. Edit: Spelling fix. - Note: I didn't expect this to get as much traction as it did, so I'm not going to be able to respond to everyone.. for the frequent questions, here are your answers. We ordered a large supreme pizza, an order of breadsticks, a cookie brownie, two bottles of soda, and an order of hot wings. We also had already added on the $8 tip to the driver, and we live in Illinois in a town with a 7.85% sales tax rate. The pizza itself was $20 something. We ordered *more than we needed* because we knew we'd benefit from an easy meal the next day because we'd likely be heading back to the hospital and I can't keep missing my meds as much as I have this week. The issue wasn't really even about the money or the cancellation. Yes we were upset with that, but the real reason we were upset is the sheer rudeness, lying, and lack of professionalism. To hang up on us, lie to us and claim to be corporate, it's not ok to act like that. I used to work in a restaurant so I know people sometimes walk out and I know how easy it is to get flustered, but there is no excuse for how this employee treated us. A simple "I'm sorry, our cook walked out and we have to cancel orders until we are able to get another employee in" would have been plenty. Even if it was a lie, we wouldn't have pushed. There's just no excuse to lie and be so rude. ================================= {96 points} Burger monarch breakdown --------------------------------- My 7 year old and I were out running errands yesterday and stopped into the burger monarch to grab a quick dinner. I usually do drive thru because its faster, but he wanted to go inside and I figured, why not? The guy who took my order was obviously new and shouldnt have been left on his own, he kept having to get help for simple items. Then the wait. They were pretty busy, so I was patient about it until I realized that they had called order number three and I was number one. So I went up to the counter. There was a line of people there, looking stormy, and my order was not visible on the screen. I called someone over and showed them my receipt and they made my order, apologizing. Apparently I wasnt the only one whose order was removed from the screen before getting it. They also tried to give me a chocolate milk that the cashier had pulled out of the fridge right when we ordered and put next to the hot bar, twenty minutes before we finally got our food. I asked for a fresh one because I figured my son would prefer cold milk. Went and sat down with my son and realized that my burger was a single and I ordered a double. So I told him to start eating and went back. Took me a couple minutes to get their attention and then they made two other orders before replacing my burger. I never got my receipt back, she threw it away so I couldnt do the survey on the back. But another customer was on the phone complaining to corporate about the situation. A few minutes later, a different customer got in a screaming argument with one of the employees when she said, Its not my fault about everything taking so long. I decided I was done, my son didnt need to hear that kind of language, and we still had errands to run. On the way out, I warned a couple of people in the super backed up drive thru that they may want to try somewhere else. Ive been to that location several times before and never had any issues. They didnt seem understaffed, but they were having some serious issues. Edit: I forgot one of the funniest sequences of the whole affair, I ordered mozzarella sticks to try them out because thats one of my favorite things and they forgot the sauce, so I asked the cashier for some. He gave me some sort of weird white sauce with horseradish instead of the marinara sauce, and when I asked for marinara instead, he brought me packets of mayonnaise. I finally got the right sauce in the end, but Im sure my face when he brought the packets of mayo was priceless. I hate mayonnaise and the very thought of putting it on my mozzarella sticks was grossing me out. ================================= {20 points} Crazy experience --------------------------------- Maybe not crazy, but I feel the need to share anyway. I am on mobile so apologies for any formatting errors. Dining out at a sit down restaurant, a more casual Italian place. They have a promotion going on where you can get a free pasta to take home if you order an entree. My boyfriend and I both did this, and when we put in our initial order we were asked what kind of pasta we'd like to take home. Picked one, all was good. The meal was okay but the server was good, checked on us and refilled our drinks. But we paid and the server walked away, and said goodnight, and we didn't get the pasta. No big deal, we called her over and let her know. One of the take-home pastas had an add on and it hadn't gotten added to the original bill. She recalled it and went to the back to put the order in. The manager then came over and told us that we had to pay for the add on. That's alright, I'd still like it so I'll pay for it. And then after a 5 minute wait, they bring over a container of just the add on! Still no pasta. The manager had sent the server home, and offered to finish taking care of our table. He brought the pasta over, and then did not interact with us for the rest of the time we were there (while finishing dessert). I thought the service up to that point was so great, but the entire rest of the meal was just... weird. ================================= {23 points} It's not always mistaken identity --------------------------------- I work for a hardware store. Our signature color is red, and we all (used to) wear vests in that color. The store I started at, for my current employer, was next door to a grocery store, whose signature color was also red. Buying lunch was always an adventure, because I was too lazy to take off my vest. (I stopped buying lunch there when I found out that our rat problem - some of them were the size of small dogs, literally - consisted of the ones too small and weak to survive in the grocery store.) I knew the store as well as most of the employees anyway. But the real adventure was the day we needed some lumber of a type we didn't sell. So, being the trusted assistant manager on duty, I was sent down the street to the home center that we affectionately think of as The Orange Suck. This is because their signature color is Orange (and they also wear vests). So, I'm walking through the aisles, heading to the lumber area, acting like I know where I'm heading, because I do. Their stores are all laid out identically, and if you've been in one, you've been in them all. Wearing my *red* vest, with the company logo on the shoulder, and very large one on the back. And not one, but several people ask me where to find something. Mostly, I suppose, they noted I was wearing a vest, and were too dim to tell the difference between Red and Orange. But there was at least one guy who clearly *knew* I didn't work there (he said so), but expected that I'd be more help than the employees would (because of where I did work - customer service is our "thing."). And he was right. In each case, I pointed them directly at what they were looking for, without hesitation. ================================= {25 points} I just wanted an omelet! --------------------------------- There's a house near me. It's open 24 hours, and they're known for serving waffles. It's also known for being a great hangover recovery joint, so I, being hungover one morning, decided to go. I ordered a 4 egg omelet, hashbrowns, and bacon. Shortly after the server called out the order, the cook walks over to me. He says, > Hey man the omelet machine is broken, you gotta order something else. Now... I've seen them cook. There is an immersion blender attached to a wall, and that's how they whisk up their eggs for an omelet. But I've also cooked plenty of omelets myself to know that in lieu of an immersion blender, a whisk or a fork will work just fine. So I say to the guy: can't you just use a fork, or something? He smirks and says, > Nah, bruh. Can't make an omelet without the omelet machine. ... I was hungover and hungry, so I just said screw it and ordered scrambled eggs. Which is even more confusing: if you can make scrambled eggs, can't you make an omelet? ================================= {231 points} "You're not Greek, but it's okay." --------------------------------- I had a long day at work and decided I would pick up some food on the way home. I went to a popular pizza place and ordered a panzerotti to go. It was fairly busy, so I sat down at one of the empty tables to wait. A few minutes later an old man (I'm thinking mid 80s) walks in and places an order. He then comes over to me (25F). OGG = Old Greek Guy OGG: "You waiting for food?" Me: "Yes, I just ordered." I was tired from work and I'm not particularly fond of speaking with strangers, so I kept my answers short. He seemed like a harmless old man though so I didn't want to be rude and ignore him or make it clear that I wasn't interested in talking. I just hoped he would be able to tell by my short answers. OGG: "I'm waiting too. Is okay if I sit here?" All the other tables were full, so I let him and continued browsing Reddit. OGG: "Johnny." He puts his hand out for me to shake it. I do, politely. Me: "Serendipitous14." OGG: "Johanna." Me: "No, Serendipitous14." (My name sounds *nothing* like Johanna. It starts with an 'N'. OGG: "Nice to meet you, Johanna." Kay, whatever. I'm Johanna. "Where you working?" I work at a new, small restaurant and I like to promote it to the locals in the area so I told him. Me: "I work over at (restaurant name)." OGG: "Ah, I know this place. Are you married?" Me: "No." OGG: "Ah! Single!" Me: "No, I have a boyfriend." OGG: "My wife left me. We move from Greece, buy big house and then she run off with Canadian man." Me: "I'm sorry to hear that." OGG: "Ah, is okay. Now I'm looking for nice girl. I'm lonely in my big house." Me: "Well, good luck with that." OGG: "You're not Greek, but is okay." Me: "..." OGG: "You want to go to the Exhibition with me?" For anyone who doesn't know, it's a big summer thing in Toronto. Lot's of deep fried food and shopping and scary deathtrap rides. Me: "No, thank you. My boyfriend wouldn't like that." OGG: "You not married, is okay." Me: "Well, the answer is still no." OGG: "Okay, okay. I come visit you at (restaurant name)." Fuck. I realized that I had told him before he turned out to be a creep. He then asked me about my days and hours but I sidestepped everything and told him no information on when I work. My food was finally ready at that point, so I got the hell out of there before he could see which way I went. I was afraid he would try to offer me a ride home (which I would never accept). I just didn't want to deal with that. When I got my food from the staff they gave me a sympathetic look because they heard the whole thing, and I'm pretty sure a few of them were chuckling about it. I don't blame them, it is pretty funny. TL;DR Old Greek man hit on me while waiting for my food, and told me that he's looking for a nice woman and that it's okay that I'm not Greek. ================================= {21 points} Literal binder full of women --------------------------------- I was at my local dollar store the other day. Its downtown and frequented by many homeless, drug addicts and unsavory characters. As I was entering the line, a rough looking man in his sixties cut in front of a young woman with a cart full of stuff . She made a comment on his rude behaviour, to which he rebutted that since he only had to items he assumed she let him cut in front of her if he asked. He then purchased two cartons of orange juice with change from his backpack and made a comment that since she had a full cart it was not necessary to ask to cut in line. "Its basic decency to ask," she stated. Now normally, your average asshole would leave in this situation. After all he got what he wanted at the expense of others. Unfortunately for us, he was very mentally ill and decided to lecture the young woman that offended him by being offended. The following is paraphrased, but pretty accurate: "Now listen,"he said as she was cashing out. "I have a Russian girlfriend and she says, in your country men are controlled by women, and they like it! In my country women are controlled by men. That's the way it should be". I really didn't believe he had a girlfriend. His handle bar mustache, dirty baseball hat and dollar store sunglasses told me that he was likely single and a future failure to cope patient in the hospital. At best he had a barfly girlfriend with dry leather skin and stooped posture to match his. "Now I'm going to show you something," he said placing his backpack on the ground next to his orange juice. Withdrawing a white binder he placed it on the counter for his adversary to see. "These are my girlfriends. Beautiful Russian, Ukrainian, Polish women. They're not models, but they could be. They agree with me so tell me, tell me why should I listen to you the way you look when I already listen to them?" The binder was full of beautiful European women. Each posed photograph, printed in colour with its own plastic page protector. He flipped through 4-5 before the woman ahead of me said, "wow, you think those women actually talk to you or that they're actually women?" He voice had a condescending tone which infuriated him. He proceeded to become agitated and raise his voice. By this time a second cashier had reentered the store and was threatening to call the cops. He tried to call their bluff and told them he'd call the cops on them. Arguing that he had never been so disrespected in all of his life. Even as a truck driver! The situation was devolving so I decided to help. "Buddy, shut the fuck up. Just get out of here," I shouted. He shouted back a broken sentence, too agitated by now to express himself coherently. "Just get your shit and go," I shouted again. He continued with his broken argument and it took a number of us (cashiers and customers) shouting get out for him to clumsily pack his orange juice and leave the store. Defeated, he picked up his rusted bicycle and stormed off down the street. Its a small world, we'll meet again. I'm generally curious if he rotates the women in his binder. Suppose I could ask him next time. ================================= {961 points} Why are you buying cilantro? It tastes like soap! --------------------------------- Short: Title is TLDR I was at the grocery store picking up ingredients to make my moms home made salsa recipe and was sorting through the cilantro when this older woman provides her opinion to me. Lady: Why are you buying that? It tastes like soap? Me: I like the taste of Cilantro but I know some people dont. Lady: Your wrong, you shouldnt buy it. Me: umm Lady: Just go buy store made, that doesnt taste like soap. She followed me out of the produce section still complaining that I didnt put it back and it tastes like soap. ================================= {13 points} Hardware store customers are "weekend warriors" and "have no idea what they're doing." --------------------------------- Overheard two big-box hardware store employees talking. One, sounding totally exasperated, was telling the other that "people on the weekend have no idea what they're doing!" I thought she meant weekend-only workers at first. Probably because after fruitlessly searching the whole store for [item], I asked an employee, who (very nicely) told me where he thought it probably was. It wasn't. So I was on my second exhaustive search of the store. Nope. Customers on the weekends are just "weekend warriors". Apparently we're not as good as customers during the week, who can find things themselves. Sheesh. As a side note, the store's website usually gives you the aisle number for in-stock items, but the feature wasn't available for that location. Sure, I don't really care what some random person thinks, but ooooh it was adding insult to injury after driving so far and spending so much time looking. ================================= {49 points} But I'm speaking your language... --------------------------------- (Everything I said was in Japanese; everything "Tanaka-kun" [generic Japanese name] said was in his best English.) I was at a used goods store to buy a Nintendo Switch and the person at the counter took one look at me (I'm whiter than rice on a paper plate in a snowstorm) and said, "Get Tanaka-kun, he speaks English." I said, "I want that one," pointing at one that had all the bits and no scratches. He said, "Okay," got all the bits, and said, "This way, please," gesturing to the duty-free counter. I told him that I can't do duty-free because I live in Japan, but he gestured harder, so I just follow him. We get to the duty-free counter and he tells the clerk there to ring up my stuff. Clerk 2 asks for my passport, and I tell him I can't do duty-free because I live in Japan. Clerk 2 very politely asks why Tanaka-kun brought me to him when I live in Japan and said so very clearly in Japanese. Tanaka-kun apologized and went to find something else to do. I asked Clerk 2 if he could understand my Japanese, and he said, "Yeah, no problem." I shurgged, paid, and left. I understand that Tanaka-kun might not have expected to be put on the spot like that, but that shouldn't turn off the part of his brain that understands his mother tongue... ================================= {7 points} I'll Take Your Shopping Cart --------------------------------- I went shopping at the local big box store known for blue vests yesterday and I had a WTF moment. My shopping went normal as I only needed to pick up two items, one item was a big heavy item, so I needed a shopping cart. After checking out the self-checkout and having the greeter at the door checking my receipt (annoying as other customers got to pass without being checked), I went straight to my car and unloaded my shopping cart. I was just starting my trip to the corral to return my cart when a random woman walks up to me and then asks if she could take my cart. So I just gave it to her without giving it a second thought. She takes the cart and a few steps later, she angerly leaves the cart in the middle of the parking lot. I'm like WTF did I do wrong? I let her have the shopping cart, was very polite and did not give her any attitude and I just went on my way. She left the cart in an area where it was not going to block me from getting out. I figured she had the cart last, so it was no longer my responsibility to take the cart back to the corral. So I just left the store parking lot. ================================= {20 points} Italian place can't spell Italian dishes --------------------------------- I just suffered through a group outing at an Italian place that I sincerely wish I had evaded. My wife says, hey, my friend is having a few people out for her birthday, want to go? I say sure. The group of 8 has a reservation at 8 and this restaurant doesn't even have a place for us. They manage to wrangle some tables together in a corner so most of us at least have a seat and a portion of a table top. Also, the seat is so low that I could almost rest my chin on the tiny piece of table I could call my own. We had been sitting for roughly 10 minutes when the hostess finally noticed we needed menus. Folks order a couple appetizers as we put in our drink orders. When I received my tea I had to request sweetener. My tea was refilled exactly once more in the hour the party was there. My entree, a grilled chicken "caprese," tasted only of balsamic vinegar. Drizzle, you say? As for the title of the post, their menu misspelled bruschetta, lasagna, and fettuccine. I actually quit reading after spotting those three so who knows how bad it truly is. P. S. I'm still hungry. Going to find something to eat in my own kitchen. Thanks for nothing, little Italian restaurant. ================================= {313 points} Airline goes above and beyond --------------------------------- This happened to my neighbour, and i'm posting this because it's a truly amazing story. We live in SE Asia, and about 6 weeks ago, she flew home to Europe with a major international airline, to visit family. She had a stopover at a major hub, had a coffee, and purchased a book for that flight, and the next. On board, she settled into her seat, took her book, glasses etc out of her handbag, and realised her purse wasn't there. She'd obviously left it at the book shop (which apparently is one huge superstore- type shop). She frantically talked to the flight attendants who took her to the front of the plane, and they talked to the gate staff about the possibility of finding it. They empathisd with her and did all they could to locate the store, but they could not find her purse. They held the plane up for 20 minutes trying to help. Naturally, my friend was very upset - she had over 1000 cash, some USD, and various credit/debit cards in it. They told her the staff would continue the search. The attendants were very sweet to her, visiting with her often, and helping her stay calm. Then, the head attendant presented her with an envelope. Inside was several hundred Euro, USD and a few other currencies. ALL of the flight attendants had contributed to give her enough cash to help her get home! She was absolutely overwhelmed at their generosity. They had gone above and beyond to help a stranded passenger in need. She was so grateful. On arrival at her next stopover, she was told they had in fact found her purse, and it was being sent to that airport where she could collect it in her return trip. Again she was overwhelmed with the kindness and attention they had shown her. On the return trip, she got her purse, and everything was there. Cash, cards. All of it. She had taken all their names and email addresses so she could send her praise of them to the airline, and she's determined to give them their money back. Somehow! I shared this because we often complain about bad service from airlines, but this was amazing service and deserves to be rewarded and applauded. ================================= {1010 points} Bank calls at 7 am on the dot for a week, asking for someone I dont even know --------------------------------- First time in this sub so forgive any weirdness but heres the tale of when I Karen-ed out and freaked out a poor phone agent. So, for the past week Ive been having calls on the land line looking for Debt Debbie from an international banking institution. The first two times it happened I just told them I didnt know her and this wasnt her number, thank you, goodbye, click. The third and fourth time it started getting annoying to have my currently unemployed ass routinely woken up at 7 on the dot so I asked them if they could get my number off their system since I didnt know Debbie, to the point that when I tried repeating her name back to them minutes after, I wasnt completely sure Id gotten it right. Both agents told me theyd input a report in the system. Fifth agent got the gold. Straight out the bat I asked if he had a supervisor, I didnt want to get anyone in trouble and I didnt even have their names to do so, just wanted someone to resolve this shit once and for all. I could hear in his oh how his heart dropped to the floor between his legs and it wasnt until then that I realized I had become one of them. I was a Karen. Understandably I tacked on real quick that I just wanted to stop getting calls and explained my problem to him. He told me the same thing about the report but either 3 times is the charm in their system or I just got the one agent who actually reported it cause theres been no more calls. Heres to not jinxing this peaceful streak. ================================= {161 points} Kroger does it again --------------------------------- I got to say my local Kroger grocery store is usually always busy, frantic even with the Friday/Saturday only sales but they work their asses off. Today I noticed milk prices were up. $2.79/gallon. As someone who always has to watch my budget I look for good deals, check the discount racks etc But today milk was up, except 1/2 gallons were still $1. So of course I go that route. 2 half gallons. Except they were all gone. I've never seen the milk case so empty. Me and some older ladies were standing there pondering what to do when a young man who was busting butt trying to stock shelves comes over to our little impromptu gathering. We ask him if he can look in the back for any half gallons. Sure thing. Everyone wanted something different. This poor guy was searching crate after crate, moving, hustling things around all so I could have whole milk and this grandma could have 2%. He slid them out to us and all with a genuine smile. I thanked him, asked his name and let the manager know what a great job he was doing. This store was packed he was trying to keep shelves stocked with an item that was going fast, and appeared to bounce around whenever someone needed something, all while trying to stay out of the way of crazy raging shoppers and he genuinely seemed to want to help his customers. My local store is currently under construction to be a much bigger Kroger and honestly I really hope the service doesn't change bc it will be fancy soon. All you Kroger workers that bust your butts and still make the customer feel like they should always shop there, I see you and appreciate you. ================================= {721 points} Grumpy hairstylist --------------------------------- Sitting in a really great salon right now and I thought of an interaction I had years ago at a different salon. I was new to town and needed a haircut/style but didnt know a good place to go. So I just picked a place near me and walked in. I was greeted by the receptionist and I told her I needed a cut. She was nice and said that Sarah (not her real name) was free and could help me out. I look over at Sarah and see her sitting grumpy reading a magazine or something and ignoring us. The receptionist speaks a little louder calling Sarah to come over. Sarah gets up with an attitude and walks over to the receptionist and starts complaining about something. She never once looks at me or says hello. The receptionist is clearly uncomfortable and asks Sarah to please take me back and get started. So Sarah heads towards her chair/station, still not even acknowledging me at all. But before she gets there she stops at another stylists station and starts complaining about something. That poor stylist looks at me and I can tell she feels bad and just wants Sarah to get to work. I stand there for not even a minute before I turn around and head back to the receptionist. I tell her that clearly Sarah is in a bad mood and I care about my hair too much to let her cut my hair in that mood, especially when she cant be bothered to even say hello to me. I tell her maybe Ill come back when Sarah is happier. And I walk out. I dont bother looking at Sarah, and of course I never go back to see if Sarah ever gets happier. ================================= {23 points} How Old Do You Think I Am? --------------------------------- Apologies for mistakes. On computer, English 1st language, but it's 3am and I'm on day 4 of an insomnia bender. So, a few years ago I worked for an insurance agency. I promise this is a customer tale, not a work tale. Just adding some context. So we were pretty much trained to harass low income people for every last cent we could squeeze out. For example, we couldn't take no for an answer in person, and over the phone we just had to keep talking over them until they agreed. I hated all of this. It felt so wrong. I left. Now for the tale! So a few weeks ago my phone rings. I don't recognize the number, but it's our area code and I was expecting some important calls that day. Low and behold: it's my former boss. Now he immediately talks over me trying to sell me some family insurance. I told him he's got the wrong person because I never signed up with them. He then talks louder and starts asking personal questions, eventually switching to a guilt trip about how I'm putting my children at risk. Now, there are some important things to know about me. He knew all of these things, in fact we'd discussed it at length before. 1. I don't have children 2. I can never have children 3. I'm nowhere near old enough to have grandkids I realized that he probably hadn't even checked the name on his lead, or we wouldn't be having this conversation. I firmly, but politely, informed him that I had no children. This prompted him to guilt trip me about my supposed grandchildren and how I'm putting their lives at risk. I had enough and went from polite to southern belle "polite." Not sure why that got through to him that I had no younglings running around of any sort, but he got severely flustered and hung up with a murmured apology. ================================= {595 points} A discount without me asking for it? Don't mind if I do! --------------------------------- I work at a bank that is across the street from the mall. During my lunch breaks, I go to the mall to get lunch or just a snack. On many occasions, I had people asking me if I work in the mall and I say that I don't. Yesterday, I gotten a yogurt and a pretzel from two different places. Both places applied a discount on my orders and I sure as hell wasn't gonna question it! I spoke with a coworker about this after I got back from break and she tells me that a lot of the eateries in the mall will give out discounts to their customers if said customer works in the mall. I assume that because I'm always in a dress shirt and pants and tie, people probably believe I'm a manager from one of the storese or an employee at one of the banks in the mall. Welp, I'll enjoy the discounts as they come! ================================= {29 points} Can I Check Out this Book Please --------------------------------- Okay, so for context me and my older brother are huge dorks. We LOVE going to the library (last year we found a big library in our town and he was flipping out in his excitement for getting a new library card for the first time in five years.) Yeah, we're those type of people. And we try to head out to the big library at least every other week to read and hang out. At this big library right when you walk into the entrance they have a small cafe where you can sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and some breakfast. There are security sensors near the front entrance of the library and they also have one close to a back exit that leads into the parking lot. My brother had shown up earlier then expected to pick me up to head to the library and I wanted some coffee. We headed over there and on the way my brother noticed a new book by Haruki Murakami that had just come out. He pointed it out to me and was talking about how much he loved it. I wanted to be a good sibling so I picked up the book and put it in my tote bag to check out for later. Anyways, we get our coffee and some breakfast and sit down to start chowing down. Across from us are two library employees (they had the library's logo and name on their name tags) who were talking in low voices. Now, where me and my brother were sitting we were right beside the security sensors for the parking lot. I got up to go throw my trash anyway and accidentally set the sensors off. I muttered an oops, threw my trash away, and turned around to head back into the main library area to go find more books. One of the employees at this time noticed the sensors goes off and got up to block my path. Employee 1: "Ma'am, do you have any books with you?" Me: "Yeah, I got to close to the door by accident. We're going to get more books." I opened my tote bag, showed the man the book, and figuring that was that stepped to the side to head back into the library from the cafe area. Employee 1: "Ma'am you HAVE to check out that book." Me: -getting annoyed at this point- "I KNOW. I haven't checked it out yet." Older Brother: -slowly getting pissed off now- "We wanted to get some more books before we checked out." Employee 1: -more urgently now- "You HAVE CHECK OUT THE BOOK FIRST." Me and my older brother: "WE KNOW!!" At this point me and my brother are both clearly pissed off. We're clearly not attempting to leave the building and make off with a library book. But we're being blocked from going into the library by this one employee who keeps sidestepping me from trying to head back in from the cafe. Finally, Employee 2 who'd been standing to the side watching all of this with wide eyes steps forward and says something to his co-worker. Employee 1 clearly doesn't want to leave, but finally starts to walk away to the back exit. He keeps looking back at us and my older steps in front of me and glares the guy down. Employee 1 sees my brother isn't going to be dealing with any of his shit, he scurries away. I still don't know WHY the employee would prevent us from trying to get back into the library. We were nowhere near the self-checkout area and all the scanners were behind the employee. Even if we'd wanted the check out the book right then and there, we wouldn't be able too because this idiot kept blocking us from going towards them. I guess me and my bookworm older brother look like thieves. ================================= {32 points} Delivering to a Strange house number --------------------------------- I have packages delivered, grubhub, and I'm on Google maps at the exact location I'm supposed to be. But some people are so thick they mentally blue-screen when things aren't the norm for them. For starters, I live in a Duplex. A detached building that is separate from the main house. Anyone with half a brain can look at the front of this house and see it's not like any other on the block. Carport[X], Two Buildings visible from Front [X], Two Mailboxes side by side with two different addresses clearly visible [X]. The only thing I dont have is the painted number on the side of the curb. (City zoning thing. Owner took it to court even and request was denied). Normally I have no problems with deliveries. Except the night earlier this year during a horrendous rainstorm. Worst downpour in years and the Mrs and I were feeling lazy. I ordered pizza from the hut and 30 minutes later I cracked my door open to make sure to spot the delivery guy. Minutes later we are seeing a pickup cruising up and down the street. For 4 complete rotations he circles our street and passing by my place. I didnt see the usual lighted sign on top (pouring rain and all) but we figured it was him. Up and down he is cruising at a fast pace for someone both in the rain and looking for a house. The Mrs and I open the door wide with a lighted backdrop, attempt to wave at the guy. Doesn't stop. He parks far up the street and we watch him go up to a house and knock. Ohh! Wrong pizza guy we thought. Sure enough, we watch him go to the next house and the next and the next. I grab my phone and all the store. Telling him for the driver to look for open doors house down the street. It's now going on 10 minutes from when we first saw his vehicle move up and down the street. The rain is relentless. Coming down in sheets and this poor guy is soaked to the bone. I put on pants, a thick coat, Heavy boots and get out the umbrella and meet the guy 3 houses up from our place. He wants to hand me the pizza right then and there... in the street and with all the rain. Hell no! I make the guy follow me back to our carport and we conduct the transaction rain free. The guy is obviously pissed. Totally understandable. But when he tried to take it out on us, I wasnt having any of it. He first tried to say how this house is not real, how it's not on Google maps, etc. Why we didnt come out to his pickup and flag him down, etc. I'm done with this guy at this stage. I point out the lighted numbers on the side of the house. The backlit numbers on the carport. The double mailbox. The mrs comes out after hearing all this and shows on her phone our address on Google maps. Literally where we were on the street compared to GPS location. I had paid via credit card with tip already included but this delivery guy was an asshole. The guy stormed off from my carport and had to walk nearly two blocks in the rain back to his truck. I called the store and retold the story from a calm and cool head. Told the manager everything and how this asshole driver claimed he was a professional driver, blah blah. We didn't ask for anything, just reporting our horrible experience so the employee could be corrected and taught properly. We got refunded the full amount, store credit for the same amount we purchased and told he would take care of it. Just a note for future drivers. If you come upon a housing track that has a pattern with the numbers. Like (814, 804, 794, 784, 774, 764, etc) and you have the address 788. The house you're delivering too is a duplex or triplex. Go to house 784 and look for the Mailboxes. Do not rely on the curb numbers as many counties and cities don't recognize those addresses on the zoning regulations. Google Maps, Numbers on the houses and Mailboxes are far more reliable. ================================= {22 points} Frustrating Doctor's Visit --------------------------------- I've had migraines for my entire life, I'm 25 now. When I was 21 I decided to get on medications as I was getting them every day for months and I was starting professional school (pharmacy school). I've been to three total doctor's for them due to my family moving around a lot. Two months ago, my doctor took me off of an expensive medication to see if I could stop it or change to something cheaper. One month in and my migraines were getting out of control, I was taking my abortive medication (Rizatriptan) every day or other day, causing rebound migraines. I called them in a panic to see if I could get a steroid to help with the clusters. They stated that they sent some over to my pharmacy. Few days without any notifications from my pharmacy and I call, they say they've never received any Rx from my doctor. I called my doctor's office again and they said they'll resend it. Days later and they still didn't send any medications over, so I sucked it up for a week. The 23rd was supposed to be my appointment but when I arrived, they said my appointment was on the 21st. I said I was never told that the date changed and I have the original paper to prove my appointment was on the 23rd. They refused to see it and I had to pay the late fee for not showing up. I rescheduled for next week, but I am livid. I know that the front desk worker and the scheduler from today are not in the wrong, but whoever made my appointment schedule initially had messed up and I had to pay for it. TL;DR - My doctor's office never ordered necessary medication and incorrectly entered my appointment date, causing me to pay a late fee, even though I have the original scheduled paper, proving that I did not miss my appointment. ================================= {1333 points} Phone Company Doesn't Care --------------------------------- My grandmother is 88 years old. A few months ago, I tried to call her and just got dead air. Well, anytime I can't get my grandma on the phone, I go straight to her place. Invariably, she's doing laundry or talking on the other line (she doesn't know how to use call waiting), but I'd rather be sure. She's perfectly healthy, but she's not exactly a spring chicken anymore. So, I get there, and her phone is down. She finds me an old bill to get me the number. I find out that she's paying almost $60 a month just for phone service! No cable or internet - just a basic landline. Wtf! Anyway, I call them and tell them her phone isn't working. They say they can't get a tech to her for 5 business days. I explain that she's elderly and lives alone and that she needs a phone. What if she falls or gets sick or needs help? I check on her frequently, but I'm obviously not there every minute. They refuse to classify it as an emergency situation. As it turns out, she had a contract with them, but it was set to run out in 3 days. I cancel the service and they *graciously* offer to waive the early termination fee. *insert massive eyeroll* I then call the provider we use. They schedule an install for the next morning. The bill is less than $30 a month. Grandma said they showed up bright and early at 8am. The story should end here, right? No! The first company then sends my grandmother a bill for over $200 for terminating her contract early! Excuse me? I'm not ashamed to admit that I went full Karen when I called them again. They canceled the bill. I feel like that company was taking advantage of my grandmother because she's older. Horrible company. I tell everyone we know to stay away from them. ================================= {139 points} Halfnhalf --------------------------------- Im a server at a fine dining restaurant in a hotel that has other restaurants and a couple coffee shops. Before one of my shifts, I went to one of the coffee shops to get a zip fizz before I started working. I asked for my peach zip fizz and the barista asks if I want regular water or soda water. I replied half and half please. A couple minutes minutes later, this poor girl bring me a 24 oz cup of HALF N HALF THE CREAM. I immediately started laughing hysterically and she just looked and me and said this isnt what you wanted is it. I tried very hard to keep it together and tell her no, I did not in fact want a peach zipfizz mixed with an entire cup of cream. Edit: changed tap to soda water because Im an idiot =================================